Gtrftis’r'iÀii tìKftAtb lô -r 4 as to the man of men. And if any doubt remain as to the effect of CONDUCTED BY J. W. CALDWELL. such doctrine, I appeal to the relig- All matter intended for thia department ious state of the great German com should be sent to J. W. Caldwell, West Union, munity—to their Sabbaths, to their Owen Co., Kentucky. KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT June 19th, 20tli and 21st. There were present E. L. Powell, G. E Flower, J. C. Creel, J. H. Roulhac, R. A. Cook, T. D Moore, W. L. Butler, Editor Apostolic Church, J. We wish to correspond with every preacher in Kentucky jn reference tn thfl Waddell, Miss Eugene Parham, W. eral indifference as to revivals of M. Weatherford, J. W. Gont, W. A. religion, such as produce and foster Gibson, B. C. Dwees and J. W. The Spread of Infidelity. warm hearted piety.” Crenshaw. The church at Paducah The conflict now in this country “ To the same state, or one much extended a hearty invitation. —i n r e gai d to t he integrity ancTinspi- like if, \musTicc also come ere long, ration of the writers of the Old unless tills tide (‘¡ill k-11 vc-rhiJ Kuttiaa.., Testament and New, had boon- us. On the present.generation in $800,000,000 for alcohol.“ The Bond for terms. wealth and numbers far surpass the railroad owners. There is then no excuse for farmers’ complaints. Let them unitedly counteract the grasping efforts of these roads and * within reasonable bounds. The working men are the..power; they have the nujnbers a nJ wcj^th. Then fellow workmen, quit your complaining, unite together, and control our country to the good jof ... mi.1—------- ~ waged for fifty years and more in our country, it rests to decide the value of property in round num We have received the following Germany, when Prof. Stuart and question whether we shall follow in bers is $50,000,000,000. In 62j invitation to attend the closing ex Dr. Edward Robison began their. the footsteps of Germany.—Ar. Y. years our people drink up the entire "Taiue of oui* property. Thus day regret that it is out of our power to the Scriptures. They made their by day our guzzlers arc worse than attend. We are proud of the stand pupils and many general readers wasting our abundance. Better ing of eminence, and congratulate Notes and Comments familiar with the prevalent methods j Pres. Giltner on his success: "You Bro. F. G Allen has some “ indi- "Of" German rationalism, and also <• fire. Chicago was rebuilt; but a are respectfully invited to attend with the profoundest and most cations of improvement.” man burned up with alcohol can the closing exercises of Eminence powerful defences of the divine in- never be rebuilt. If he goes to a College, beginning June— 4, 1883. spiration of the whole. Ril.U... ..Bui The Çburch Fu lt o a. K-.Y -, want drunkard’s grave the Book of books Oral examination of classes Monday I ** •»-*»««-**» «V. .. A JI....__ 1 £~1 1 -i they foresaw the wave of infidelity a preacher. Address Ed. Sparks at says, “ No drunkard can enter the and Tuesday, the 4th and 5th. The that place. that would roll fast over England, kingdom of heaven.” The churches Philomathean Society will give an and then, with accumulated depth. kilUVTTh cr tjnsjimoftuTtoJUftiTi fihniiM .... by covering the hard glue with a wave of the Atlantic, would break, cetic j^cid. popularized across the new fifty- million minded, free-thinking, all ........... Icrrowiiig ferfnfeflttng rephlilm^f .¿hi». “time, is" a poultice made of soft United States. —r— soap and flax or corn meal. In 1852 an article was published by Prof. Stuart, Bibliotheca* Sacra, Life' is full of useful lessons. We in which he wrote down, with in- can not see or hear the most trivial « and prophetic warnings as to the Spirit of Scepticism, which he per ceived so rapidly increasing in this country ; the in-rushing tide of the unbelieving, unsanctified erudition of Germany. He went so far as to propose a plan for establishment in America of “B ible C olleges , S acred W est P oints ,” “ where officers will be trained up, who are able and willing to defend, to the last extremity, and triumphantly, that holy citadel of Christianity,” the S criptures given by inspira tion of G od . “ If the ground is once abandon ed, which Paul has taken,” said Prof. Stuart, namelv, “ that all ------ PTc rVFTNTY TNSTTHAfib N OF G od , then every one is left, wholly and without any checks, to be. case ; how much of the Bible is consocant with his own reason and subjective feel ings,, and how much is not, and the feelings are, of course, the high court■"Of‘appeafr^Y7Tia'i now lias be The Woman’s Christian Temper ance Union gave a dinner to the News and Messenger boys in New Orleans, and about 100 signed a pledge not to drink or gamble^ *■ An exchange 'recommends one ounce of salt to every 10 or 20 of butter. We know of a number of butter makers who will not believe that; but would accept the reverse. stop its manufacture and sale Address at 11 o’clock by Hon. Ben I hey have it in their power, and S. Robbins. Commencement exer- are responsible if they d > not use itrfewes in the afternoon. Literary and Musfcarperformance at night; Thursday morning, the 7th, Annual Address by Eld. George Darsie. — Afternoon, Entertainment by the Music Class. Exercises will be Not long ago we were plowing a piece of “new ground.” There were several stumps which inter fered with the.. work; but we’ did not Stop on f-ln-ir nrrniinLj urn Vajpfc ■hold at Hr4rrr.. night, plow ing and were soon above them. Levee at the College Grounds.—W. (We were plowing on a side hill.) S. Giltner, President. £>ucli is life. Men (?) sometimes get in our way. Unprincipled, self The following have been selected seeking creatures; who care not for as a committee on Library for Sun others. What shall you do about day-schools by the General Chris------ it, stop your work and grapple with tian S. S. Association, organized at them ? Would you “ scuffle ” with Island Park, Indy Atlgust, 1882 : a stump ? No ! work on and you S. P. Lucy, chairman, Midway, Ky.; will soon be above them ; and in F. M. Green, Cor. Sec., Kent. O.; your diligence to do good, will soon J. II. Hardin, Hannibal, Mo.; L. Torget them.» They may denounce L. Carpenter, Wabash, Ind.; C. C. you, hound you, or what not, you Cline, . Louisville, Ky.; N. S. are above them and their words Haynes, Decatur, Ill.; E. Sias, of opposition die away in the dis Cascade, Mich.; George Darsie, tance and harm you not. You can Frankfort, Ky.; J. W. Montjoy, only pity and pray for them. Columbia, Mo.; F. D. Power, The Christian liecord comes much improved. It Jis now printed at Indianapolis, Ind., by A. O. Goodwin, to whom all business letters should be addressed. Bro. . Mr. Mulhall furnishes us with the TOTKes^"office is still at Bedford followin'; statistics of the U. S.: Ind. Railway«......... . .$ 5,020,000,000 Farmers............ .......... . 9,615,000,000 . 1,820,000,000 This morning (May 23) the snow Cattle................. ... Manufacture«.............. . 6,665,000,000 fell here (40 south of Cincinnati) Home«........................ . 18,000,000,000 Furniture................... 5,220,0i »0,000 1 inch deep. Com, potatoes, peas, Forests, Mines, Canals 2.793,000,000 Bullion...................... 720,000,000 beans, cabbage, tomatoes and sweet Shipping.................... 515,000,000 5,252,000,000 potatoes are about hand high. So Public Works.............. 'I bis is taken from the census of far as we have examined no damage is <lone. , . _ . 1880. It will be seen that whilst come of the Book of God, true; many coinplaints are made against authoritative, decisive of all duty The South Kentucky Christian railroad monopolies, that they are ~ ’.'dSr Association will ~..... I — — and all matters of faith .2 . G o , n ey- Missiona r y 'S -------- . not so formidable as we think. absolutely gone, irretrievably gone, held its last session at Paducah, j The farmers of this country in Washington, D. C.; L. R. Gault, Dayton, O.; A. I. Hobbs, Louisville, Ky.; O. C. Atwater,’ Randolph, O. , We have need of such a movement as this for some time. While the undertaking is difficult, the com mittee is equal to it. Of course there will be some unbrotherly criticisms by those who oppose Sunday schools. But let “ the heathen rage.”- We suggest that the brethren generally express their sentiments and confer with the committee about the selections, as we are all interested, I