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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1883)
CHRISTIAN TTIÏRAtD. f The negotiations between Prussia and the Vatican have been broken off and pronounced a failure. Dr. “Pierce’sGolden Medical Discov ery ” baa become so thoroughly estab lished in publio favor that were itnot for thelorgetfnines« oT people'll woulif npt be necessary to call attention to its power to care consumption, which is scrofula of the lungs, and other blood diseases, as eruptions, blotches, pimples, ulcers, and “ liver complaint/* • •• MIHV, V Ik. ■■■JP ita t« >3*» M At Rosnoff, Russia, the unfortu- nate'Jews, Eave again been made the victims of the brutality .of the Russian populace. f 4 ij| It, I Oil! Lal Forte: 23. Graxl Orrin 1> nec 8 tup; iff'i Jus < irpvi is a 1 -turnnh ».f th” < i - - __________ _____ - rut, Drofusely m,lamented v.ilh rvjpg and Toneeix « Ti Aia’0*1 * btu-itln ul dési'rncxtant. It is deserving oí a placo in the mid»tinnire s parlor, aud would oí i».unent the boudoir oí a nrínpe‘jc^ x-’A-vx: a. L st -» KLiPJDe.-n,u o b.^2^»p. rvf^v^-.zs!^yjnrotuüc<: theG,,í, rdl; It contain* Iho swec i voli CE- ti ” f • ninna French Torn Solo < on:b¡P«tí< n. New Grand organ lX:.;tr nd Li ft J» ìd e te carin i the f *d|roi •ot.‘«»tj by tbu Km-e. if neces- J*1 •IJlKJ.itH Í idluws: a set of powerful t’ih Pars Recete; m t of 3 Ottave*! of VOI X < £LLòTE;«‘ne m «( <>f FfiKNUH HORN l.iaM and 2 ¡J Urtai ves e.ich of regular (¿t/t.bEN Tt >NG4 12 REELS Residua HI ibis, it b< LLlcd *:p with ?? OC ;A\E<’ul Fl.làl» wbiHi dou l»l«'s the power of 11 1 • ™r‘ ’ «»"H . P.uJa.J ..... . Fnfent htop Arttow. r M-» Bounding R< .»reíd, <* e, Jt uas K blidìng L»d unci conveniently armrured J anali » for movi ir. Tic FkilvAa, which arc of |be upright pattern. are modo iruDi the best ^u. *1ty of'rubber c»otb. are 4>f réti power, end are fitted up v. ith st»-. 1 wp: iiu-.i aud the U ; t <;<*aHty of-*| *da| birapn. The Pedate. instead ut »•* *n»i covered v.i'h carpot, urc poi^hed l . c L x 1 of peat úcsigu,and never tret °”f‘ - repair or w:.n. • _ CP. CIÎL IIS-DJi OFffil 10 RSatOStf Christian Herald. Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an offer by which iou can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at your ome. Men. Women, Boys, or Girls can Jo it. H. C. WILKINSON & Co. , 195 and 197 Fulton Street,.New York. H van will remit me S49.TS »nd Ilin annexed Connoti within 10 dnya from the <!..te ten of, twill tUxuri sino¡outl-uQnsui, with < irgjjj Jienclu Hook. etc.. . • Toû >hmîïit «Mèr^nn.ediat^r^iniT^Î casj Litci than lü < •■m year’s test ù in I given and a full warrantee for six »-•¿ft»,., J“** LIVEN L N DEH MY UAhll A.SJ REAL ft .. ran vrw., JULY 7th, ' The great popular fete at Moscow was very successful. It is said >1,000,000 persons were present dur ing the day. 1333 Wells’ “ Rough on Corns.” Ask for Wells’ “ Rough on Corns.” 15c. Quick, complete, permaneutcure, Corns, warts, bunions. tt ilidut.-eiixi n» ior you, IprovwbM you ---------- , . ------------ -------------- lay*’ arm« to prepay freight on the above rour nearest railroad frei :ht station any point east of the Mississippi hat far on any .goinK wist of it. This isa rare opportunity to placo i instrument, oakwere, at your very door, all fix ight prepaid,___________ tur< i ' h wholcMilr prlccM. Order now; ik Uhlnx hub rd uv curreapondenee. HOW TO u DFR. Enclosed find *4for Organ. I have read your rz statement in this advertisement end I order one on condition that it must gs prove exactly ax rcpv**Hited In'thix adverti ^enitut. or I xliall return it at tho te- end of one year’s use and demand the return of my money, with interest from fe the very moment I forwarded it. at six t»er cent., according to your offer, g K’lle very parth itlar la give Same* I’owt Other, County, State. Freight Station, and on v. hat Iftollrvad. CiFRe sure to remit by Bank Draft, HO. Money Order. Registered letter, Expftms prei*aid, or by Bank Check. You hiav accept by teletfruph <>n last day and remit by mail on that day. which will secure this special offer. I desire this magnificent Instrument introduced with- . out delay, h* nec this s|»ecial price, /Vwtdoiy order is given iHimedlatelff. The current of German opinion appear»-to be unfavorable to the French operation in Cochin China. « - ; _ r » ___ - --m«Miiii ■ *Qf“Twenty-four beautiful colors of the Diamond Dyes, for Silk, Wool, Cot ton, Ao., 10 eta. A child can use with perfect success. F. BEATTY, Washington» New Jersey. Decline of Mau. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impo- tenoe, Sexual Debility, cured by “ Wells* Health Ren ewer,”. $1. It is reported Bismarck contem plates a radical remodelling of the entire canstitution of the Empire. C. C. CLINE & CO., PUBLIBHEK8 AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY 'SCHOOL SUPPLIES, L O r 1 S V 1 L I. E , K Y . terms : Word and Work, one year 50 cts., six months 30 eta., throe months 15 cts. Good Words, 10 or more copies, one *year, 45 cents per copy ; Files and Bugs. six months, 23 cents; three months. 12 ceu s. Eittle Pearls, lO vr more copies, one year, 30 Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, cents per copy ; six months, 15 cents; three Et»ce, gophers, chipmnnks, cleared out months, 8 cents. by “ Rough on Rats.” 15c. 1 Year Les. Monthly 3 Months (> Months .70 1.30 2.40 10 oopies, 5. 0 3.60 25 „ 1 40 Diplomatic relations between 0.50 5.00 2 00 50 „ 18.00 Great Britain and Mexico are to be 1U0 ,, *J.50 5.00 immediately renewed. 1 Year Les. Gnide, 3 Months (i Months Aik 1 .Z»’ ••50 •t)O 10 copies, 2.50 1.30 .70 25 e llow Woman Would Vote. 2.50 5.00 1.30 50 9.00 5 00 2 50 100 „ Were women allowed to vote, every No Subscriptions received for lesa than Ten one in the land who has wed Dr. Pierce’s Copies of tiie J.essiiii Monthly and Lesson Guide. Address “ Favorite Prtscription ” would vote it C.C. CLINE .t CO., No. 310 W. Main St., Louiiville, Ky. to be an unfailing remedy for the dis 13 3- tf eases peculiar to her sex. By drnggists. Professor Gabriel Gustave Valen tine, the noted German physiologist is dead. What Physicians Say. San Leandro, Cal. Dr. R. V.’Pieroe, Btiffolo, NY. : Dear Sir—I have employed your “ Plexsant Purgative Pellets ” in my practice for the last four years. I now uAe no other alterative or carthsrtic medicines in all ohronio derangements of the stomach, livpr, and bowels. I know of nothing that oquals them.—J. A. Miller, M. D. | THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. F bank G. A llex , G. W orth Y ancey , THE WORKER. Editen. EDITORIAL EDITORS. C. L- Loos, J. W. M c G arvey , H obt . G raham I. B. G rubbs . rpiHS IB A LARGE EIGHT-PACE WEEKLY J devoted to the advocacy and defence of Apostolic teaching and practice. ** Ask for the Old-Paths, and walk therein ” is its motto, its practice and its teaching. Its matter is pure, safe, fresh and sparkliug. Its make up is order ly, neat, attractive and on excellent papur. A specimen copy will satisfy all of the above, and will cost you but the tim« and postal card on which the request is made. Address the Pub lishers. See “Our Principles,” and “Our Rules.” OUR TERMS. FCR THE PEHWAAOT CURE OF • Ö k o No other dleeeie u bo pre valont. in this coun □ CONSTIPATION. try »3 Cuntilipjtlon, and nj remedy has over ■C ® rqnallcd tho celebrated Kidney-Wort as a c cure. Whatever the ontwe, however ohetluato « a. the oaee, this remedy will overcome it. DEI Tin3 dtstrossin< cow- <u > “IB-XIw. plaint la very apt to be □ cmnplioated wtthoonatipnt.ion. Kidhey-Wort atreu<t’ieua tho wcakeuod parte and quickly cures all kind» of Pile, even when phyaxeixnn and medicines have before failed. <A IWXf youhaveeitherof the.«o trouble« o PRICI SI. I USE | âËdàui Oruggiat« Sell Vured In 10 ay until Cured. Lebanon. Ohio. Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00 ; Six Months, $i 00 ; Three Months, 50 cts. CLUB BATES. To any one sending a club of Fife and $10 00 cash, an extra copy. T he O ld -P ath G uide ($2 00) and T he W ord and T he W ork (50 cts) $2 25. P acific C hurch N ews ($1 00) $2 50. T he C hristian H erald ($2 00) $3 00. Address for ipecimens, C. C. C line A Co., General Publishers of Qiurcli and Sunday tchuol Supplies, 310 West Main St., Louisville, Ky. 13 3-tr fiDIIBM CUKEIFwithDOUBIÆ MBIT EASILY OPIUM FOR PROHIBITION. E*3ialSfi fi V |f| CHLORIDE of GOLD. E h y Free. The Morphine Veer; 200 pp. »1.0» E k EL ir K. KEELEÍ; M. D., D WIGHT, ILL. B. R. NEAL, E ditor , LOUISVILLE, KY. SUBSCRIPTION, Per Annum.............. ;................... Fifty Cents CONTRIBUTORS. W. K. Azbill.......................... Kingston, Jamaica. Thomas Munnell...................... Mt. Sterling, Ky. T. 'N/Arnold................................... Frankfort, Ky. Dr. A. M. Collins............................Marion, Iowa. J. W. Caldwell. ........ «........ Collingswood, Cnt. •fas. W. Lowber..................................... Lancaster, Ky. J. R. Reeves..................................... Simpsonville, Ky. Hon. P. H. Duncan............................... .Corinth, Ky. Hon. J. D. White. .. .. .......... Washington, D. C, A 24-Column Paper, neatly printed and red- hot for Family, Chnrch, State, National and World-Wido Prohibition. Address all contributions, subscriptions and business communications to the Editor, Ixmis- ville, Ky. lJ3tf To any sunering witn Catarrh or Bron chiti» who earnestly desire relief, I can furnish a means o< Permanent and Pos itive Cure. A Home Treatment. No charge for consiiHMIm by mall. Va’ua- Me Treatise Free. Certificates from Doc tors. Lawyers. Ministers. Puriness-men Addres» Re». I. P CHILDS; Troy. Ohio.