Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, June 22, 1883, Image 1

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_____ ;_____ _______ :--------- —V_..... ....... ............
Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or.
Sahacrlptlon Price i
One Copy, one year.......................... .52 00
Oiie Copy, nix months.............. 1 00
President Julius H. Seelye is to
discuss “ Dynamite as a Factor in
Civilization,” in the July number
of .th a North A üier iM w, -
The Review is a splendid magazine
and always receives our special at­
Prices will be give^uon application.-
[ Entered at tlie Post-office at Monmonth, as
second c 1 mh mail matter.]
Flense Notice.
We aro not responsible for the opinions and
sentiments expressed by our contributors, bnt
for our own writing alone. Hence oui readers
~nnst judge for themselves. We intend to give
space for the free expression of opinion, within
the limits of sound discreaon, anti the good of
the cause ; but not be hold as indorsing what
others may write.
AU matter intended fur publication in this
paper should lie written :
1. On one side of the sheet only.
. ... 2. Iii a plain legible bai|<L _
I j C i liWTf*'Trt?
rtptlCC nPrWPtm the
4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil," so
that it may uotds> <lefaced in transit.
5. Write brief articles.
6. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or
queries not arc.-mpatwed bj yMH
— A German brother in Mo. pro­
poses to publish a small weekly
German paper in the interest of the
cause of Christ among the German
people of this country. The paper
is to he caUed rthe Bible Herald.
We would be glad to see something
of Um kind, if it can be made a
financial success.
The hot weather is, approaching
and. large numbers of people are pre­
paring for a few week’s vacation.
Whether we seek a pleasant retreat
at the ocean bench or on the
uierirttain’s height, let ns not forget
our religion. If we havtf the spirit
and light of Christ, it will shine*
wherever we go.
The brethren at Helix have sent
us a pamphlet to review in our
We presume dly this time the
columns which will receive our at- temperance people of Oregon are
tention soon.
beginning to feel that our predic­
tion that Miss WillardWOuld ac­
The commencement exercises of complish a vast amount of good for
Christian College are going on this the temperance cause on this coast
week with a reasonably good at- was not wide of the mark. Her
. tendance. A fuller report will be reception at Portland was grand,
made at the close.
and the people were very enthusi
The Christian at Work says, astic over her lectures. From all
“ Infant baptism increased in the points in the State where she has
Methodist Episcopal been we hear glowing re|K>rts of
church from 14 739 in I860, to 27,- her work. It is hoped that her
205 in 1882.” Does that prove its brief visit and lasting influence in
educating public sentiment will go
divine authority ?
far to finally root up this liquor
The church at Pueblo, Colorado, traffic on this coast. Let the good
has issued a call for help t^ build work go on.
The English Presbyterians in
a house of worship in that city.
rtikr-TOCSt oT
That is an important -point and we their
hope the faithful brethren there the other denominations', have been
will succeed in this enterprise.
considering the revision of their
creed. It has been contended all
We learn that the idea of hold­ along we believe that creeds contain
ing an annual camp meeting at nothing but the simple teaching of
Dallas this summer has been aban­ the Bible in a condensed form.
doned. It seems to us that we Then why ull this revision of the
should have some kind of a county creeds ? Is not the Bible doctrine
meeting- for preaching the gospel the same to-day that it was fifty or
/ and laying
for ohe hundred years ago ? If the
creeds contained nothing but Scrip-
s *
' '
NO. 25.
ture teaching then, it seems to us
that there would be little use for a
revision now. Better throw all
Bro. W. E. Richardson has re-
I iiwwwb ■ wee»!» » a way-~aml tak e th e tuvnod fron>" California. ———
Bible alone, and save all this trou­
ble and vexation of spirit.
Some of our Monmouth people
have been going to hear Miss
The, Catholoc Sentinel quotes our Willard, and were highly pleased.
words in wlucK we contend for but
one true Church of Christ in oppo­
. We see from the Christian
sition , to denominationalism and
Standard that Bro. Timothy Coop;
callsit a “ remarkable acknowledge­
of England, is on our shores again.
ment.” We fail to see any kind of
an acknowledgement much less a
Bro. I. G. Davidson, our agent at
remarkable one in this statement,
inasmuch as we have always con­ Portland, gave us a pleasant eall
tended for the one, Church of Christ last Saturday. He remained over
as expressly tought in the New Lord’s day.
The Sentinel then
LartLord’s-day was thy timg for
p rocXu la to a s k th e follow i ng two
questions: “ After confessing this brethren Doty and Spriggs to com­
much/will not our friend enlighten mence a protracted effort at Tur­
. I •
, ..
. X, . ,
or not Christ ned. We look for a good report.
established a Church when on
We ¿re .sorry to learn by private
earth ? If Christ did establish a
Church, has that Church had an letter that Bro. G. M. Whitney met
unbroken existence up to the pres­ with the somewhat serious accident
ent time, and which is that of upsetting a bucket of scalding
water on his feet. He writes us
('hurch ?” We answer :
1. Christ prepared the material from his bed that his feet were on
for his one Church while on earth, his pillow where his head ought to
and ten days after his ascension to be. We hope he will soon “ be on
Heaven, he established it through foot ” again.
his inspired Apostles on the day of
2. In one.sense it has an “ unbro­
ken existence ” to the present time,
because Daniel says it shall never
be destroyed, and Christ says the
gates of hell shall not prevail
against it.
3. The Church that goes back of
all Popes, Archbishops, Archdea­
cons, Priests, Confessionals, Ecclesi-
astecisms, creeds, confessions of
faith and the traditions of the
,r FdlTers and plants llselt among
the local churches established by
the inspired apostles and adopts
tlieir faith in all its purity ami
their practice without change, is
the Church that Christ established.
In other words, all those local con­
gregations of Christian people who
are fashioned ¡trail things essential
after the apostolic chufchgs, are
the congregations of Christ. Does
the Catholic Church fill the bill Z
Bro. W. K. Azbill, our mission­
ary in Jamaica, has visited Central
America in the* interest of a Panama
Mission. We have a letter from
him which we will print next week.
When we see so many open doors
for the pure gospel of Christ, we
should all l>ecome more liberal and
zealous in sustaining our missions
and missionaries.
The church at Portland has called
Bro. F. M. Rains of Leaven worth,
Kansas, to preach for" them. Bro.
Rains is an earnest, able and suc­
cessful young preacher.- He was a
college class-mate of ours, and a
special friend, and is one of our con­
tributors to the H erald . Whether
or not he will be able to accept the
call we have not learned. Should
he come to Portland we predict he
will do a good work in building up
the church in that city. We hope
he will come at ou«e.