Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, June 15, 1883, Page 9, Image 9

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The Christian-Evangelist says,
“ Employing preachers by the year
has no support either in reason or
revelation. It is time we had
abandoned it.” Amen and amen.
When our preachers cease to bo
tools for the churches, quit preach-
___ ing trial sermons and do not ponder
to their depraved’tastes, the" annual
“ call and answer,” the modern
church abomination willscease.
Pres. Loos denounces the actions think (and I have talked with some
of certuhi Irish American agitators.* of the brethren'there in regard to it)
Minutes were read and stood ap-<
who protect themselves by our will be Oakgrove, on the swail five* proved. The President appointed
laws, and wage a clandestine and a lia'f miles east of Oakland. a committee of three as a finance
dynamite war against England. 1 would further suggest that breth­ committee, consisting of A. C.
Their actions* are highly blame ren and friends that can come with Chrisman, W. W. Richardson and
worthy. Speedy steps should be 'their wagons prepare to take care A. G. Marshal.
taken bythe authorities tn silence of- themselves. that the neighbors ...Than fallnwad
them. We are of Irish extraction, may l ave a better chance to take Bro. G. W. Whitney upon the sub­
but have no sympathy with the care of those that cannot, and that ject “ The church the highest exe­
dynamite jcopspiiatora. The Irish the meeting hold over two Lord’s cutive authority on earth.”
sulf« r, truly ; but they are laigMy days at least. Now brethren and
The first of April J. W. Foster to blame. Their blind devotion to sisters, we will be glad to hear what
The house was called to order by
entered the field as evangelist, for Catholicism and drunkenness ciusc you think of this meeting, as to the
Bro. J. W. Propst.
Owen nounty. Hie—fi rst m eet i ng j th e m wwi o-swifuri ng-tban h n4hn*4--- -pfcrcc;trrrr’; etc.—Bro. HhcHy-sayir
On motion, proceeded to theTelec-
are the causes of I I he will assist in preaching and find
was at Morgadone, where he had ism. The three
tion of officers. S. P. Goodman of
26 confessions and organized a their poverty anti, suffering.
me other brother that will help, Mt. Pleasant was elected President;
church. His next meeting was at
ind it may be that A. D. Goodwin, R. F. Ashby of Scio Secretary ; and
That Promise.
Sparta. No confessions, but some
a relative of mine, will be there. I J. W. Propst of Central Treasurer,
evil practices, such as members
.What, prom he is referred to in ice from the 11 i : i : ai . i > that he is ex­ for the ensuing year.
tippling—were corrected, and thirty
On motion, all visiting members
the above? It is pft.-n said the pected in June. Now brethren, let
dollars in pledges secured for county
permitted were requested to take
word of a < ''id. I,, oi
mission work. His next meeting
part in the deliberation of the hour.
binding as I ismfh, an4 l;nirr.i. '
was with us.
i t gular preaching. May the God
Treasurer’s report read and re­
fui even men of the world are mot
j and Father of our Lord Jesus ceived. The address of Bro. Bruce
to perjure themselves. When a|
There still remains traces of sec
up to the Waiver ton was read, by the .Secre­
man-puts bùi signatura ha
) I Christ' help - us Tj-- to ; come
tarian views in certain quarters.
work in the full assurance of faith. tary, after which the subject was’
subscription, to whom is that prom­
Not long ago one of “ our
Yours in the the hope of immor­ discussed at some length.
ise or oath made ? Is it simply ter
preachers ” sent a sectarian preach­
talité, '
; I
The next question for discussion
the «-person taking raid paper, or
er word that lie was invited
:— A. L. T ihid . — was-the -Laying mv-of hands ne—.... -
to one of our meetings.He
cessary for full ordination as church
the great Judge of th.- universe Just
replied that he did not want to he
as you do when you hold np j^ur i
swallowed up by a Camphellite.
On .motion, the chair appointed
hand and say before the gi eat Judge, i
Our preacher sent him word, not to
J. W. Richardson, S. Slater and J.
so help God ?
SHo, O r ., June 4, 1883.
be alarmed; for nothing common
W. Propst as a committee to desig­
Now, as an officer of tile Board ui
The delegates representing, the
or unclean had at any time entered
Trusties of Christian College, I Hud churches of Christ extant in Linn nate the place to hold the next
his mouth.
a large number of notes and sub­ county convened at the appointed meeting.
On motion, it was recommended
scriptions unpaid, and parties gone hour. The meeting was opened by
We* visit many |>oor Sunday- off into unknown parts wftfy that
that the,manuscript address of Bro.
loading and prayer by Bro. D. M.
schools that want papers and les­ promise unredeemed. Now, breth­
Doty. In the absence of the Presi- Bruce Wolverton be published in
sons, etc., but are not able to sup­ ren, J want you to call to mind if
dent Bro. J. W. Propst was called the H erald .
ply them with “ our papers.” Our you are the one that that promise
On motion, Bro. G. M. Whitney’s
.to the chair.
brethren publish, we believe, about refers to, and if you are too poor to
address was ordered to be published
On motion the reading of the
three series of S. S. papers. If pay just now write to us and tell us
in the C hristian H erald .
they published only one, they where vou are. Wu can’t see the minutes was postponed until we
On motion, the proceedings of
would be cheap enough for many propriety,--^-simply because your had a more full representation pre­ this meeting was recommended to
schools that caunot now afford whereabouts are unknown, that you sent.
be published..
Afterward a general report in re­
them. We recommend the broth­ are rleased from That Promise.
erhood to demand one series of S. S.
The Board has demaSVtls again-1 sisting of Bros. John Shore, A. G. gard to the numerical strength and
financial condition of the several
papers, otherwise many of our it, and to relieve itself Pres. T. F.
churches situated in Linn county
schools will have to do without pa- Campbell took promises by note
was then made by the delegates
pers, or patronize David C. Cook.
and subscription and I can’t see
o’clock P. M.
and reported in fair working order.
that time, nr space relieves that
afternoon session .
On motion, the following resolu­
The good old apostk», whose promise. Wtite a card and lit us
Committee on credentials re­ tion was adopted :
teachings we profess to follow, know where you are.
That we raise one hundred dol­
ported the following named persons
says something about “ accusers of
A. W. Li t as ,
of the brethren.” We suggest that
entitled to act as delegates from lars for general missionary work in
Secretary Trustees of Christian Colle
. —....... —--------------------------- _
11 iTF diff' • rent ch u rches r* Central— Linn county, and thé following
ail of our editors and scribes study
this passage. Not that all are
A. G. Marshal and J. W. Propst. named persons were appointed of
E lkhead , O k ., June 3, 1883.
Those that are guilty,
Scio—J. B. Coffey, W. W. Richard­ each congregation to solicit contri­
study it to learn better, and those Pro. Floyd:
son and Sister J. C. Johnson. Al­ butions for this work and forward
who are not guilty, study it in
I wish to suggest through the bany—Sister Barker and S. Slater. the same to the Treasurer (J. W.
order to avoid future wrong doing. HERALD to the brotherhood the Mt. Pleasant—S. P. Goodman, W. Propst) of the Linn County Board :
We would prefer heresy to that 'propriety of holding a county meet G. Montgomery and Father Crab­ Central church, A. G. Marshal ;
Albany, Sisters J. Barker and Miss
faultfinding brother accusing spirit ing for Douglas county as soon as I tree.
that knows no words but maledic­ harvest and threshing is over,, say
Address of J. W. Spriggs in the Clara Cowan; Mt. Pleasant, A. C.
tions. We are glad that the num­ Friday before the second Lord’s ■ evening,
Chrisman and B. F. ,Darby ; Scio,
ber of such writers are smaj^ and day in September next. Tire place
C. Johnson and Sister M. C. Gill,
On motion, adjourned to meet at
their influence likewise.
most central and convenient, 1 1 half-past nine A. M. next morning. and the churches that are not here
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