4 OtlïlîSTlAlsr ,HËËAtfi. / B. Single copy, 30 cents. “ I have examined the new edition of Popular Hymns with music, and I regard it as the l>est collection of songs and music for the Sunday-school that I have seen. It is also as well adapt- ed to use in the Church as its limited range of church hymns will alloiy. h :O: In the adaptation of music to words, it excels all of our hymnals.”_ J. IK. McGarvey, Lexington, Ky. ... As we are determined to double our subscription list to the 8. M odern D ancing A mong C iiurch M embers , E xamined from a C hristian H erald during the next six or twelve months, and as we S criptural P oint of V iew . By J. F. Floyd. Five copies, 10 cents per do not wish to ask any thing of our subscribers without giving them jn a hwi ilwnr theriSmgfcU-yf-1 Wtl ' ll ~feUfrh~a f ai r^eqt h VAlent'™wT p'ro j^e li-ying the premhini list I or a short vice in the production of this tract.' It is well written and full of the time. 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Including a trip to New Zealand, Tasmania and Australia; premium; but as they have been very faithful we shall not complain if w ith some account of the Christian Church there, and their work and they should be the fortunate ones. Let all our readers make a strong success; togetherwith facts concerning the natives; missionaries, their effort at once for this proposition is liable to lie withdrawn on any day. w ork, perils and success; with much interesting information, gleaned from the best sources, on the natural historv.religion. social and materia.!— PLEASE REMEMBER 1. That the premiums are offered to none but subscribers and for progress of these countries. Illustrated. A charming book of travel replete with illustrations and incidents of foreign life and lands. Price none but new subscribers. $1 50. ___ .................. . ..... “2 2. That the sum $2.00 must accompany every subscriber for one 2. O n the R ock ; Or, Truth Stranger than Fiction. By D. R. year. 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This makes an appropriate termination to this re­ Christian Woman’s responsibility in the religious education of the markable exegesis of Scripture-texts, containing a critical analysis of more than 800 separate passages from the Old and New Testaments. Young,” by Mrs. O. A. Carr. 144 pages; price 50 cents. 3. M oody ’ s T heology E xamined . By J. T. Walsh. This is a Price $1 00. 7. C ommentary on A cts . By J. W. McGarvey. Price $1 50. kind but searching inquiry into Mr. Moody’s teachings concerning the for three new subscribers with $6 00. terms of Salvation, designed to show that said teaching is imperfect and contradictory. Full credit is given to Mr. Moody for teaching much 1. P roblem of H uman L ife . By A. W. Hall. The author reviews gospel truth with great plainness and power, but when tried by the Darwin, Huxley and Haeckel, in the boldest and most searching and teaching of Christ and his Apostles, his teaching is seen to be seriously : trenchant assault upon the modem theory of Evolution that we have defective. It is good reading—good in its aim, good in its spirit, and seen. He also has given a searching review of the w-ave-theory of good in its freshness and piquancy. Altogether, it is a pamphlet that sound, as taught by its best exponents—Tyndall, Helmholtz and Mayer. ought to sell, and should be extensively circulated. 106 pages; price * * * We do not see that there is any escape from a revolution 50 cents. among scientists upon this subject. * * ♦ The author has made 4. P rohibition vs . P ersonal L iberty . By A. M. Collins. It dis­ some mortal thrusts at the w’ave-theory; and its advocates are put on cusses the following points: Introduction—The Liquor Traffic. 1. 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Bound cription of Palestine, with letters of Travel in Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor in boards 50 cents. and Greece, by Prof. J. W. McGarvey. Price, bound in cloth $3 0o. 6. T he N ew C hristian H ymn and T une B ook . Compiled by Cl4thC°2M()0NTARY °N MaTTHEW AND Mark- By W. McGarvey. Prof. James II. Fillmore, assisted by L. H. Jameson, J. H. Rosecrans, J. P. Powell, J. R. Murray, E. S. Lorenz, T. C. O’Kane and Fred Fillmore. 5. C ommentary on L uke . By J. S. Lamar. Cloth $2 00. The book is divided into two parts. Part I, containing the old standard 6. C ommentary on H ebrews . By R. Milligan. Cloth $2 00. hymns and tunes. Part II contains the popular "hymns of the Gospel 7. C ommentary on P aul ’ s L etter to the R omans ; by M. E. songs variety, and is specially adapted for use in Prayer Meetings, Sun . Laid , with a revised Greek text, compiled from the best recent authors, day-schools and Protracted Meetings. The book is full of sacred songs and a new translation. The author’s well-known ability as a biblical selected from the vast treasure-house of Christiau psalmody. It is scholar and critic, is fully sustained in this, his life work. It has re­ meeting with the hearty approval of those who desire pure, fervent con­ ceived the unqualified indorsement of the Disciples of Christ every­ gregational worship. Word and Tune Edition. Bound in boards (wire where. The press is unanimous in its praise. Printed on the finest ptitched), single copy, by mail, 35 cents. — white wood-cut book paper. One volume, octavo, 485 pages. Cloth $2.00. 7. P opular H ymns , R evised . Note Edition; bound in boards. Address CHRISTIAN HERALD, Monmouth. Oregon, OUR PREMIUM LIST.