CHRISTIAN HERALD No man ^as ever so much deciev- ed by another, as by himself.— Lord Greville. A NOTED BÜT UNTITLED WOMAN. [From the Boston Giube.} Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an offer by which Jon can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at your ome. Men, Women, Boys, or Girls can do it. H. 0. WILKINSON & Co., TWHHSrFBJT I'uHiiu Blrwl, New Yorkr ~ tern in throe months. Any person who will take ONE WLL to «oniid health, if such a thing is possible. il. Physicians use them in their practice. Sold everywhere, or st. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston. Maas. It is easy to see, hard to foresee.— Franklin. — Consumption in its early stages is readily cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s ” Golden Medical Discovery,” though, if the Jlungs^ are^affected no medicine will effect a cure. No known remedy posseses such soothing and healing in­ fluence over all sorofulous, tuberculous and pulmonary affections as the “ Discovery.” John Willis, of Elyria, Ohio, writes: “The ‘Gohlen Medical Discovery ’ does positively cure con sumption, as, af er frying every othor medicine in vain, this succeeded.” Mr Z. T. Phelps, .of Cuthbert, Ga., writes : “ The ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ’ has cured my wife of bronchitis and iucipi- tent consumption. S >ld by druggists. What the impulse of genius is to the great, the instinct of vocation is to the mediocre; in every man there is a magnet—in that thing, which the man can behiefo,Tlheie is a load­ stone. Wells* “ Rough ou Corus.” Ask for Wells’ “ Rough on Corns.” 15c. Quick, complete, pernnment cure, Corns, warts, bunions. The asylum for the insane is fur­ ther from the plow than it is from the rich man’s gold or the honered man’s fame. —-----------------» ■ ________ . . Flies and Bugs. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bags, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared oat by “ Rough on Rats.” 15c. Cares are often more diflicult to throw off than sorrows; the latter die with time, the former grow up­ on it. M^Faat, brilliant and fashionable are the Diamond Dye colors. One package colors 1 to 4 tbs of goods. 10 cents for any color. It is a superior book in the following seven particulars: Jfeeere. Editore >— The above is a good llkenma of Mr«. Lydia E. Pink­ ham, of Lynn, Mass., who above ail othor human being« may be truthfully called the ‘'Dear Friend of Woman,” aasome of her correepondcnt» love to call her. She L« sealoualy devoted to her work, which la the outcome of a life-study,. and la obliged to keep six lady assistants, to help her answer the large correspondence which daily pours in upon her, each bearing its special burden of suffering, or joy at release from it. Tier Vegetable Compound is a medicine for good and not evil purposes. I have personally Investigated It and am satisfied of the truth of this. On account of its proven merits, it Is recommended and-prescribed by thebest physicians in the country. One saysi “It works like a charm and saves much pain. It will cure entirely the worst form' of falling of tho uterus, Leucorrhcsa, irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Viceration, Floodings, all Displacements apd the con­ sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life.” It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new Ute and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak­ ness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplcsmess, Depression and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by its uso. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law - that governs the fwtasystem. —..... - —-------- -------- ■ — It costs only fl. pwwttre ? T rtv fWT’'. »nd BustTrfy druggists. Any advice required as to special eases, and the names of many who have been restored to perfect, health by the uso of the Vegetable Compound, can be obtained by addressing Mrs. with stamp for reply, at her home in Lynn, Mass. For kidney Complaint of etfker sex this compound is unsurpaasett as abundant testimonials show. “Mrs. Pinkham's Liver Pills,” says one writer, “are the beet in the world for tho cure of Constipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood .«• Purifier works wonders in its special line and bids fair to equal the Compound in its popularity. 4111 must respect her as an Angel Of Mercy whoss sole ambition is to do good to others. <• Philadelphia, Pa. (2) Mrs. A. M. D. PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, LOUISVILLE, KY. terms : Word and Work, cue year 50 cts., six month« 30 eta., three months 15 eta. Good Word«, 10 or more copie.«, one year, 45 cents per copy ; six months, 23 cents ; three months. 12 cen s. Eittle Pearls, li> or moi e copies, one year, 30 cents per copy ; six months, 15 cents; three months, 8 cents. Lea. Monthly 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year .70 10 copies, - 1.30 2.40 25 „ 1.40 • 2.60 5.‘0 50 „ 2 00 5.00 9.50 5.00 100 „ 9.50 18.00 Les. Guide, 3 Months 6 Months 1 Yoar 10 copies, .35 •65 1.21' .70 25 „ 1.30 2.50 1.30 50 „ 2.50 5.00 100 „ 2 50 5.00 9.00 No Subscrip tions received for less than Ten Copies of th o Lesson Monthly and Lesson Guide. Address C C. CLINE A CO.. _No,. 310 W, Main SL^Louiavilla, Ky. Ammen’s Cough Syfup cares colds, i3-3-tf coughs, bronchitis and consumption. One connut always be a hero, but one can always be a man.— Goethe. — Hittnplv copy in cloth mnitert for wi cents. - Nnmpte copy iir boards-: nmWTWfTlS fentu. * Descriptive circulars, enlarging oTTThc above seven points, free, It is better, however, to get a sample copy anil circular. Address, FILLMORE BROS., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. C. C., CLINE & CO., He that hath tasted of the bitter­ ness of sin will fear to commit it; and he that hath felt the sweetness of mercy will fear to offend it.— Charnock. It is the providence of ministers to do good, therefore we think every minister should inform himself iu regard to Am­ mon’s Cough Byrup, and after being satisfied that it is all that is claimed for it, recommend it ; thus lives can be saved and then taught liow to save their souls. We are told that the proprietor is always willing to give a bottle free to any minister of family who wishes it to ___ 1. Excellence and Completeness of Hymns. 4. Protracted Meeting« and Oospel Songs. 2. Simplicity and Beauty of Music. 6. Editionsand Prices. 3. Arrangement of Analytical Index. _ ______________ O. Paper, Printing and Binding. 7. Cheapest Book in the Market considering the Number of Hymns and Tunes in it. 18 A SURE CURE for nil diseases of the Kidneys and ------ LIVER — It has specLflo action on thia moat important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and inaction, stimulating tho healthy eecretion of the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free condition, efifect ing its regular discharge. KU £1 In risk If you are suffering from IW1 d I -’ ’ ’1 Ma,lon’ ly, noit, attrac attractive papir. A specimen and wV....................... Collingswood, Cnt. move, | , V'v 4»' • copy ¿ . will — - satisfy -V. - — J — all —- of —“ the — - -- al>ove, --------- — , — — — —* ! will vnn imt. will niait cost you but Um the tinm time an<1 and nnatal [>ostal card card nn on 1 Jas. W. Lowber......... . ............ ... Lancaster, Ky. which the request is made. Address the Pub­ I J. R. Reeves.............................. Simpsonville,«Ky. lishers. See “Our Principles,” and “Our Hon. P. H. Duncan........................ Corinth. Ky. lion. J. D. White................... Washington, D. C. Rules.” A 24-Column Paper, neatly printed and red- OUR TERMS. hot for Family, Church, State, National and Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00; Six World-Wide Prohibition. Months, $' 00 ; Three Months, 50 eta. Address all contributions, suuscriptions and I business communications to the Editor, I.ouis- CLUB BATES. ville, Ky. 133-tf To any one sending a club of Fire and $10 00 cash, an extra copy. T he O ld -P ath G uide ($2 00) and T he W obd and T he W ork (50 eta) $2 25. P acific C hurch N ews ($1 00) $2 50. - T he C mbistian H erald ($2 00) $8 00. rhttls who eirnesry cadre relic’. I can Address for specimens, furnish a means o’ Permanent anu Pos­ C. C. C uke A Co., itive Cure. A Home Treatment. Ho charge for consultation by mail. Valua­ General Publishers of Church and Sunday 13-3-tf ble Treatise Free. Certificates from Doc­ tors, Lawyers, Ministers. Rusiness-men Address Rev. T. P CHILDS. Troy. Ohio.