vitiitHTiA.jsr hkhald , 13 « arren Truitt. THE CHRISTIAN HERALD C. A. Johns. < TRUITT & JOHNS, ROBERTS, MODERN DANCING I. . • * SUCCESSOR TO 'PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FROM Horneys arid -Councelors at Lav^ FISHEL & ROBERTS, MÔNMOÜT1I, OREGON. Corner Firat and Alder 8ia., 4 P O R T L A N D:. DALLAS, OREGON. lice—North of Court House, on Mill Street. 13-14-3m , HI«. J. W. & MARY T. COLE, murawiANS a erRQF.r)^ ver Polk County, Oregon SPECIALTIES : lr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women. r. J. W. Colo, Chronic Diseases, bnsnltetion free. L Lee, M. D. 12-l-tf, J. E. Davidson, M. D. rpiIE HERALD IS THE ONLY WEEKLY JL on the Pacific coast published by Disciples of Christ, and is of special interest to all who desire a paper devoted to pure, primitive Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or traditions. As successor to the Pacific C'hris- lianj^ssenaer it is in its ......... .......... THE LEADING EXAMINED THIRTEENTH VOLUME, Is on a permanent basis, with good building, power presses and steam power, an abundance of good material for running such a paper. The H erald contains each week sixteen four-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as to turn like the leaves of a book, with only a limited amount of advertising, and that of the most select kind. All advertising not trust worthy is refused. As now published it is one ■nFiffi r"" - — —-—- ........ —1 1 ■ OF VIEW, BOOTS & SHOES. PROTZMAN & CeFRANGE. By J. F. FLOYD, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, kseaaea of women a specialty. bv onr brethren. It is conducted by a strong editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of the best writers among us on this coast. We feel safe in saying it is one of Author of “ What Must I do to be OUR BEST PAPERS. Saved ?” |THF STRONGEST, SIMPLEST, AND MOST DURABLE lug,Machine in the market. Sold on easy kllments, or a liberal discount fur cash. The Singer Manufacturing Co. PILLIS B. FRY, Manager, 93 Harrison St., Portland.— Every Disciple on this coast should take it Every one iu the East who desfres to knew all that takes place of general iutercat ou this coast. It contains FOUR DEPARTMENTS, Devoted to such matters as will make it indis- jiensable in every Christian faffiily. First comes the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT tf FREE GIFT. Of great interest and value to parents and teachers. Next comes the TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, r-Dl-v ^aToMJftjdxaiicingJKOmEcSwaa «t Tew: a very large outlay we ’liave 'EaiT is’sueiT’ a perance, representing the thoughts of the FINE ENGRAVING IN COLORS, (size greatest workers of this important field. The 0 inches, nearly 2% feet wide and over RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT let long,) representing **An Australian Is the central thought of the paper and em to,” and their manner of traveling iu that braces Editorials, and cont-ibutions from our best writers. The Spirit of the Religious Press Itry, with OSTRICHES as a motor. representing the various religions bodies, and tat you may see how (his picture is appre- church news from all the States in the Union. id l>y those to whom it has been sent, we • . .♦ The ix a few of the voluntary commendations SECULAR DEPARTMENT kv« received: Includes Editorials on the important secular M ahomet P- O., Ill., Nov. 22, 1882, Ktr Sirs : Your lithograph received and topics of the day, and news from all parts of ks to you.__ 1 will have it framed and hung the world. It is, in short, lust the paper for eveiy family, and especially every Christian D my shop, Yours truly, family. Subscription R. B olton . P omona , Kan , Nov.25, 1882. received your beautiful picture to-day. . My Hv think it is splendid. I am mucn Red for the beautiful scene. I shall ro ller your firm hereafter, and do you - all I R. M. G raham . C incinnati , O., Nov. 23,1882. pr Sirs : Your favor of the 21st inst., png me the lithograph, received. Am Qi pleased with it, also very thankful to you pe same. Please accept my thanks. Wish- rou success iu business, I remain Yours very truly, . G eo . A S teelz . P avlina la., Nov. 27,1882. bnh : The engraving sent for by us is re nd. I am very much pleased with it. I I it will be the means of selling one or more pur buggies. Yours, Ac., W. P. D avis . C hambf - rsbitro , Pa., Nov. 22, 1882. fnliemen ; Lithograph received. It is very active. Respectfully yours, Prie« $'4.00 Per Year In advance. Address THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, M onmouth , O b . J. 8. SUESSF.NOTT. / fe desire to become better known to the pie, and onr proposition in, to such as will I OB 18 cents in postage stamps, we will fur- 1 this fine piece of Art by mail, which hut is requiredlo pay Hie expeiise of pvflt- [packing, and cost of advertising tho pic- i> Address COLUMBUS BUGGY CO.. Columbus, Ohio, po at Kansas Citv, Indianapolis and Cin- toti. pnuDcturors of strictly first-class Vehicles |. 13-11-131 Fk|*PA'ei now grnsp a fortune. Out. LN I Nktit worth 410 free. AddressE. O. LIT I WRIDE0UT 4 CO ,10 Barclay 8t.,l( Y AAIJD VJlLAJÏXkJlJ. Heat In the world. Get. the genuine. F very f»«« L tige Tilts onr rm-rtc-mw-rlr amt la mai kril Frazier’s. Sol<l everywhere. 12-49-ly ! MENEELYBELL FOUNDRY Favorably known to the public sincr ISM Church,'*’hape).School, Fire Alan, anil other bolls- also Chimes end Peets. Meneely & Co., West Troy, N.Y. ■BaaaavaFFii. article *. -4k DD U U BENTS. WANTED for tho Bost and Fast est-selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. m reduced 33 per cent. N ational P vb - ng Co., Puila., Pa. 13-‘J-13t B iwllU7.rak,Rî«o7rk‘M.:H™i: a week In your own town. Terms and |5 outfit tree. Address JI. JU luet 4 Co.. Portland, Me. • C *n Con per day at home. Samples worth tSfres. vv IU Address S ti . nson 4 Co., Portland. Me. ns ■ Bn B3 H-«>k. .ii "ii.‘ —a t-. stamp. for poO.<e -nd 35 K. and Alder Street», PORTLAND,OREGON The Largest Detail Boot and Shoe House in REVISED AND ENLARGED. This is a tract of 35 pages neatly printed and well bound in paper covers, and has been highly com- mended by the press generally. “TTis divided Trito six chapters,’ As .follows : 1. Definition and Old Testament usage of the term. 2. New Testament usage of the term and Scriptural Inductions. 3. Scriptural Inductions con tinued. 4. Dancing Condemned by the New Testament. 5. A direct Scripture argument against Dancing. THE CHRISTIAN SOWER G. Dancing by Alien. TRACT FUND. Price, 10 cts. per copy; $1.00 —to-— rilHI8 18 THE PIONEER FUND FOR THE I free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied per dozen. with tracts on the elements of the Gospel. New kinds will follow soon. These tracts-are free to Address those who are not abla to buy them, and fifty cents per hundred to those who are able. CHRISTIAN HERALD, Every cent received will be used to print tracts. Weak churches will find these tracts useful. Evangelists should go well supplied. Address J. W. HIGBEE, Trustee, 12-35-tf Madisonville, Ky. X — FROM A SCRIPTURAL POINT LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED “ SIN GEÎU’ EWINC MACHINES. — Guarantees tojsell the very best Clothing for less money than any other house iu the State. 12-12-tf 4YSICIANS & SURGEONS irenoriptions filled at the ofiico. Clothier, Merchant Tailor and Hatter M onmouth , O regon . FREE 1 CARDS & CHROMOS. We will send free by mail a »ample set of our large German, French and American, Chromo Cards, on tinted and gold grounds, with a price list of over 200 different designs, on re ceipt of a stamp for fsmtage. We will also send irea by mail as samples, ten of our beautiful Chromos, on receipt of ten cents to pay for udpriX Ust cdour large Oil^hromos. ’ _ ¡ente wanted. Address F. G leason & Co., 46 Sum mer St., Boston, Mai*. 16-4t m m q ■ ■ B S SÈ N ÌJ *2 ■? 4 M Lowest price» ever Inowi •n Itrewli-Coadera, v Kev olvera. I _ 11 ¡y '% OUB $15 SHOT-GUN R 3» Bi E m fi Im nt greatljTTeducedprfee. «L/4 sraJJ la IB Stamp for our New Catalogue, 1NU-6X P. POWELL * ---- ‘o-vClNNATI, O OPIUM HABIT EASILY CUKEIFwith DOUBLB CHLOKIDF of GOLD. Esaav Free. L^aRT.iF. a Ths Morphine ITser; 200 pp. 51.0th £>..DwiaHT.lLu. K nown to M en of F ame and S cience for R emoving ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Acknowledged t Grand, Plewaat, ud Mclont Curt for CONSTIPATION, ?0M,M..b,re-,,’ RVQPFPQIA kn ow n h r i rreg ula r -ap pe-— and tenderness aj pit of stomach, despondency. LIVER Complaint, Bill«tune»«. Malaria, Chill» »nd Fever, causing' eoreneM in hark and «ide, also bottom of riba; weariness, irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sen- sations.eyes dull,dry coneh,stifled and obstruct ed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APRPI FYY KptlfpBy-FaFnl.vRiw.dim Far v* » ,sjght snund jnears giddiness, confusion in Hbad, nervousness, flashes of light before eves, I om of memory. Diseases of Bladder and KIDNEYS urine dark or light,red deposit; r*IM1 burning, stinging, bearing down •enaction», frequent desire tn urinate, uneasiness, inflamed ayes, dark cirdoa. thirst. Dlaeaaee or I4F ART severe pains, fluttering or weight near tlLHn I , heart, more so on moving quickly and when lying on left side; out of breath on exertion. UPAnApup dnU or sharp futlna in temples, FlLAUnUriL. eTM or bead ; faintness, nausea. Dropsy is caused by watery fluid. RlirUrna- biaoae, *r„ by nrie acid in blood. Bosel Dis orders by corrupt matter. Worms, by the nesta withia. «'olds by choking of the secretions. NWAYNF'M HILI-M, by gentle action, removes the esnse, making a permanent cure. Sent by mail far 25 cent« box of 3U Pilla: 5 boxes. SI.DO. (In noatag^ stamps.) Address, DR. KWAYNF. A SON, Fhllatdel|>hlas, Pa. Sold by Drugguts. THE BEAUTIFUL DINGEE EVER-BLOOMING & CONAM CD’S ROSES THE BE8T IN THE WORLD. Onr GreAt Specialty Is ffrowno and (iistribvtlrij these Beautiful Hoses. We deliver Strong I’ct Plants, suitable for immediate bloom, safely by mail at all post-offices. 5 Splendid Varieties, your choice, all labeled, fbr 31 1 1» for 3*4 j 19 for 33 j ‘46 for 34» 35 for 33, T5 for 310 j 100 for S13. 4^-Send for our New Guide to Rose Culture — 60 pages elegantly Illustrated—and choose from ovev Five Hundred Finest Sorts. Address THE DINGEE <fc CONARD CO., Rose Gmwen, West Grove, Chester Co., Fas