*• r 8 CETRISTT-A-TT HERALD ■»—:----------------- good. • The cause of my writing eight hundred had been sent on Sabbath to the Christian Sunday, this is in order to draw out more former occasions, and having proved the present custom being very in­ S eattle , W. T., thought that we may be better es­ acceptable more were desired. New convenient for business purposes. May 10, 1883. tablished on that subject. Would Zealand is composed of three islands Sixty-six persons were baptized ____ lie pleased. tu baye: your views. • lying in the South Pacific ocean, 9 too ■ from the on a recent Sunday, in the Baptist We have the pleasure of report­ Fraternally, ing one more member added to our - coast of Soiith America, and so far ' W. B. H enderson . little band since our last report. [If some one will mail us Bro. W. south that it is far beyond the Rev. C. E. Hiscox, pastor. Bro. W. W. Watson was with us on T. Moore’s pamphlet on “ Wo­ tropic of Capricorn. Its climate is The Presbyterian Board has pur­ the fifth Sunday and preached for man’s Work in the Church” we very fine being neither very hot or chased a large and valuable build­ .. us. _Bro. Watson is a zealous will pay it our respects in the cold. All of its native trees and worker in the Master’s vineyard, H erald . W5 have read this | .Shrubs are evergreens, It belongs ing In San Francisco at a cost of $22,500, for a Chinese mission. and our prayers for him are that he pamphlet and think we Remem­ to England arid a large per cent, of may be successful wherever his lot ber that it contains somo fallaci­ tho people speak this language. The Archdeacon of Westminister, may be cast in bringing souls to The principles of the Reformation ous reasoning.—El).] who died on the 6th ult., at the age have gained some footing there, but of eighty-five years, had held his nnuí Bro. C. Sharp, of Portland, ■hr nT>nn> T do not yet know . upwards of fifty years. preached for us on last Sunday and Episcopalianism, Presbyterianism He was the sole surviving clergy"-'“'“ S alem , O r ., May 19,1883. returned home on Monday. We and Roman Catholicism predomi­ man who officiated at the corona­ Bro. J. F. Floyd : invite Bro. S. back again. Thus we see that there as in i nate. Please say in the next i.ssue of tion of Queen. Victoria in 1838. It The cause is prospering as well every other land where Christs’ as could be expected. We will soon the H erald that the Marion County name is honored sectarianism has is reported that Canon Farrar will have our new church done, and Annual Cooperation Meeting will fastened its fangs in the body of be his successor. then we will feel as though we had commence at the camp-ground at Christ. I have had some correspon­ Tlie_Episco[)al Church of Scotland a home. We have no preaching Turner, Marion county, on Friday dence with A. B. Maston, one of our has 70747 mem tiers and adherents ; before the third Lord’s day in June, only as the brethren drop in. We preachers who lives there. He the average salaries of pastors, in­ at 2 1*. M. Preaching brethren Ro- hope to be able soon to .employ. . a wrote January 27th : “I could do a cluding the parsonage, is about bert«rSpriggs and others will be preacher all his time. There is a great wor-k with tracts if I only had ■§l,l(H14..4ContlLVutions to missions present. All invited. big field of labor here, and if some thorn. I wish that some good last year about $18,000. The gain , Very truly yours, good preacher would locate here I brother’s heart jnight be opened to­ in members and adherents for the H. A. J ohnson . think there would be no trouble wards these foreign lands. This is ---------------------- ♦ ------------------------------ - year was 3,264.x about his getting his support. not an ignorant land, but a people Co-Operation Meeting. ———— .M* Our city is building up very fast of the brightest intelligence.” The Universalist denomination We have now a population of about H illsboro , O r ., After receiving a quantity of the reports for 1883,.twenty-three State 8000, and is destined to be the May IV, 1883. Christian Sower Tract Fund’s card Conventions, 939 parishes, 719 largest city on the Sound. Rents Floyd:. tracts, he wrote March 24th : “ I churches, 36,238 members, 633 Sun- and real estate are very high, and D ear B ro ., Please announce don’t think you could send your day-schools, and ol,793 scholars. so is labor of all kind. Educational through the H erald that the An­ tiacts^o a better place than Well­ There are 780 church edifices, worth advantages can not be excelled nual Meeting , of the Christian ington. It is a city of 25,000 in­ $6.443,000, and 613 ministers. In anywhere. Our new school house church for Washington county will habitants, the capitol of this coun­ these colleges and seminaries are 99 is just completed at the cost of commence at Harris’ Bridge, on try, and a great shipping- center teachers and 1,026 scholars. The §24,000. We have eight school Friday before the second Lord’s day These tracts are just what I want value of their school property is houses and 10 churches. in June, to continue over two Sun­ to help me in my work. All are $2,200,500. J. W. O sborn . days. Preaching brethren G. W. appropriate, but the one on the Richardson, P. R. Burnett, J. P. Anxious Seat.” So it appears that The Bishop of Gibraltar, in a let­ Who is Right ? Easter, of Kansas, and probably A. in some respects they are superior ter to The London Time«, states H elix , O r , May 18, 1883. D. Goodwin, of Kansas, will be in to us not having that modern re­ that “ the moral condition of Monte Bro. Floyd: attendance and conduct the preach­ ligious abomination the anxidus Carlo, containing as it does the very In the H erald of April 27th ing services. Brethren, pray that seat. I am anxious to furnish Bro. scum of ail Europe, is so bad ” tLat there was an article on “ Shall God may strengthen the church Maston all the tracts he can use. he declines to give his sanction to a . Women Speak in the Church ” from and give us a rich harvest of souls He is able to bear part of the ex­ scheme for the erection of an Eng­ the pen of Bro. McGarvey. The for his kingdom. pense but not all. Who will help lish church there. A queer bishop, brethren at this place took the sub­ By request of Bro. J. A. Camp­ in this good work ? Brethren, you truly ! How would it do to estab­ ject under advisement at the fol­ bell your list of subscribers at hand have the means ; act at once. If lish a Church of Christ there ? lowing prayer meeting. A goodly ne ' anti » will be attended to — at ~— an — early — ■<- jou do not wish to work through portion of it was read and some me send him tract’, dire ctinrrvia Tians have been tiled for the new comments made thereon. The date. I send you a list of my lands, San Francisco. I hope to have church building to be erected on the tenor of all the remarks made ap­ thinking that you may be of some more to say on this New Zealand north side of Fifty-sixth street, peared to differ somewhat from use to me in that. matter ere long. New York, west of Eighth avenue, Bro. McGarvey. Bro. C. * M. Ely J. W. H igbee . • Yours in Christ, for the Church of the Disciples of read extracts from a sermon by W. Madisunville, Ky. W. H. R ucker . Christ. The building will be 100 T. Moore on “ Woman’s Work in Current Religious News. by GO feet, constructed of brick, or­ the Church,”' delivered in Cincin­ Tracts for New Zealand. namented with sandstone and nati, Sept. 11,1870, and published The’Church of St. Elizabeth, at The tracts for Turkey were limestone, and it is estimated that it by unanimous vote of the congre­ Marburg, a famous Gothic cathe­ gation. This is an excellent dis­ hardly out of sight before I received dral, is 600 years old. Jubilee will cost §55,000. course on that subject and seems to a letter (the third) from Welling services are soon to be held in it. I at once The Presbyterians of the Pacific be Scripturally handled, and so far ton, New Zealand. Many of the Jews in Germany Coast have resolved to establish-a as I have heard from the brethren started one thousand card tracts 1 are in favor of transferring their ! college which, " while it is unsecta- here, they think his views are for this far» away land. About Report from Seattle.