■ . ■■HI The Albany Meeting. hearty Christian thanks for the use — For a number of years the atten- of their house and other courtesies tention of the brotherhood of Ore­ shown our people duriiig this meet­ gon has been directed to Albany, as ing. We filled in our time as. best not only a commercial city of some we could, and our success was far importance, but one in which a beyond our expectation. Our con­ strong church of Christ should l>e gregations were large and the inter­ permanently planted ; bnt 11 i th erto est good throughout. We were no united effodT/^elSelmveiias lieen told that the congregations were made to secure that end. But the larger and order better than per 1 brethren, believing that the time haps was ever known in the city on had fully come, were determined to such an occasion. The last evening test the probability of success in we spoke many went away for lack the meeting which is now in pro- of sufficient room in the house. Several leading bus iness lyen in the ------ pe ople ami the the legislation of men. We do not this work should be commenced and city not connected pith any relig­ believe that any evil will ever re­ carried forward to completion it ious body expressed themselves sult from the use of fermented wine was thought that cooperation on highly pleased with the work, and in the administration of the Lords the part of all concerned was neces- as being in sympathy with it. It was never our pleasure to speak " SuppTI^and* wr "there-'wre thowf who «prefer using it, we have no the Linn county cooperation was to for a people who seemed more wil objection to their doing so. We furnish two ministers and the State ling to receive the whole truth, and believe that the churches should be Board two, and that these four rep to be anxious to learn more of our left perfectly free to exercise their resenting the two Boards, should distinctive plea. Jn fact*the people liberty in this matter; and hence conduct a series of meetings for at of Albany are growing tired of sec­ we are positively opposed to any least two weeks, and as much Ion tarianism and divisions among legislation that would have a ten­ ger as the common interest should God’s children and wish to be made dency to curtail their privileges in demand. The former selected Bros: free with) the liberty which is in . this respect. It is the use of wine D. M. Doty, of Scio and G. M. Whit­ Christ Jesus, and to unite upon a aS a beverage that we wish to pro- ney, Eugene City, and the latter broader and firmer platform Bible. _ alone_ as theii "“hibit, aïi’T hoi îts presence at the Bro. J."W. Spriggs;- of Salem ami the practice. Lord’s table. In our estimation-! the Editor of theTTERALD. It was rule of faith and the devil could wield no more , further agreed that we in connec­ We held two meetings each day effective weapon in defeating the tion with Bros. Doty and W hitney for most of the time, and visited cause of temperance than to drag should begin the meeting on Satur­ from house to house as opportunity , this communion question into the day evening following the sitting afforded. The result was, that, on fight. Just here is where Kansas of the Temperance Alliance and Lord’s day, March 4th, we organ­ made a mistake. Whisky men continue over the first Lord s ’lay ized a church of ¿6 charter mem­ stood up in the legislative halls in March at which time Bro. Spriggs bers. All of these hail formerly and declared it their purpose to should take our place, and he and been members of the church oi hunt wine out of the churches Of the other brethren should close the Christ, and a few had taken mem­ Kansas. The whisky element saw meeting. The object of this meet­ bership with the different churches plainly that the only way to defeat ing was two fold. Birst, to collect of the city in order to *• have a the amendment was to take hold of together those in and around the home ” till an organization could be the matter themsolves and make a city who had formerly been mem effected. The congregation then law so rigid and unreasonable that bers of the church of Christ and appointed a committee of two breth­ it would be objectionable and odious organize them into a church. » . Sec 1 ren to act as financial agents and to those whose will and sentiment ond, to convert and save those who look after the general interests of ------ it was designed to embody. The were out of Christ. As we had no the church till regular officers could temperance people allowed them­ house of worship in Albany, the be ordained to the work. The selves to be hoodwinked while their first thing was to secure one. The church through her representatives ' opponents passed a law whose let-» Baptist church which had been in connection with the two Boards ter prohibits fermented wine in the kindly granted us, in consequence will now have charge of the work Lord’s house. Such a law is now of a crack in the brick wall caused and will see to locating a regular spread upon their statute books; by the thaw was thought unsafe to preacher there just as soon as possi and while it is thought that the occupy. At least uiid man 111 the ble. It is the full purpose of all spirit of the law is more liberal, a M. E. Church, South, refused to let concerned to make this a permanent tesL.ca.se Jia-M.. never been brought | lli have their house, which led us to work. Bro. Spriggs arrived on before the Supreme court of the think that either he or they were a Moiiday Recording *to promise—4o- State for decision. This point 1 e-e-t 1-e South of Christ in that take our place in the meeting, and should be closely watched. It is respect. So we commenced the we feel satisfied that a grand work just as easy to make express pro­ meeting in the court house and con is- yet to l>e done before its close. visions for the communion as for tinued over Lord’s day with tine Theie were several whose names medical, scientific and mechanical had been taken lie fore we left with purposes ; and this we think should audiences, good order and profound be done in ail cases. Hence we say attention. On Monday we secured the view of taking membership, and to the people of Oregon, Keep the the North Methodist house, the others promised us that they would Communion question out of the minister kindly giving way to us make confession before the meeting . . . 0 light. We have just introduced on the following Lord’s day. The closes. / The meeting is now in able this question, but must stop» for members of this church have our handsand we expect to have another this time. wine question now agitating some of the preachers and churches be brought into the issue. It may be a question as to whether Christ used fermented or unfermented wine when he instituted the Sup­ per, or whether or not the primi­ tive’churches used fermented wine, 'and as to whethëFôt not wc shonld* follow their example in the exact kind of wine used; but these are matters which are to be settled by the word of God and the copscien tious convictions of Christian /■ encouraging report from the breth­ ren in a few days. Brethren Whit­ ney and Doty deserve much credit for the part they so faithfully per­ formed, and the good sisters and brethren and .the people of Albany generally will not soon be forgotten by the Editor of the H erald . Bro. ami Sister L. C. Marshall with whom we made our home, ha’te odF special thanks. May the Lord abun- dently bless this church and firmly establish it in the faith. Selections and Comments. The Religious H ouseholds . Herald says : The little Baptist church at Farmville, Va., has . seventeen lipusel ivl d hapti si tins n s in it—baptized on a profession of their faith. And yet there are some who insist that Sister Lydia must have had an in­ fant department in her mercantile establishment. Now if these households would be like that of Sister Lydia in more than one respect they would be satisfied to belong simply to the church of Christ. T hat D ay .—The following card speaks for itself; OFFICE OF ZION’S WATCH TOWER 101 FIFTH AVESUK, P ittsburgh ,' P a ., Feb. 8,1883. Dear Sir and Bro. Editor: Please cite ns to the text w’herein Jesus says the Father does not know when he will come again. We are in little sympathy with the “ Signs of our Times,” but deeply so with the Bible. We hope you wil^not only correct your misque* tation but give us your undei* standing of the passage as it reads. Does it mean that at that time Jesus knew leas of the matter than since, as expressed in Revelaticn 1: 1-3 ? Our brother Editor ougliLto know that in our quotation tl 0 word “ Father ” was put in through mistake for “ Son,” and was coi- rected in the very next issue of our paper. As to the meaning of the text, we accept the ordinary mean­ ing of “ knoweth,” and suppose that the language has reference to the human side of our Savior’s nature. What Jesus knew about this matter after bis glorification we are not toH; Intt so far as we ca« aee, lm>-__ _ JL has said nothing in the passage re­ ferred to that contradicts this idea. He was speaking of a certain epec- ified day and hour, and not of signs and seasons that should point to his second coming in a general *'■ way. If this is not satisfactory to our brother, we will be glad to have the indications from tho Tover of the Second Advent. 1