Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, March 09, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    C hristian H erald ,
that these Christian unionists have
in view. Let us then endeavor to
find the “golden mean” that this
important question may be pre­
sented and understood in its true
Christian Union
nominations are Christians; and to’
apply the prayer of Christ to such
a union is a plain perversion of his
language. If the denominations
were united as such it would not
be a Christian union, neither would
lFbe a uh'on requncd by iliu wiml
of God; and we candidly think
that those who spend their time in
writing about such unions could
use their paper and ink to much
better advantage in another direc­
tion__ Then we conclude that the
wild, unreasonable and obnoxious
over the matter.
There are
fanatics connected with almost
every cause that needs to lie ad­
vocated, in religion as well as else­
where; and especially is this true
«Lthe cause of temperance. This
can not l»e denied. But we are
glad to know that the fanatical
element is comparatively few in
Oregon, and that our temperance
cause is not likely to suffer on this
account. But as fanaticism is al-
as a hindrance instead of a benefit,
temperance men and women should
seek to fully control what little manifested among them in
should believe on him through the their meetings. Zeal and earnest­
words of the apostles. 2. Because ness are not fanaticism, and are ne­
Paul rebuked the division among cessary to the work.
the Corinthian Christians and
2. Temperance, workers should
taught them that they should te not lose sight of the main issue.
perfectly united in their work. • 3. There is nothing in which the
Because envying, strife and division enemy of truth and temperance
among brethren shows carnality, takes greater delight than in rais­
ami those who engage in these ing a false issue and thus drawing
things walk as men and not as his opponent ofT the main question
God, Tn our next we hopeto-show into a discussion of irrelevant mat­
how all Christians are to te united ters. The main issue should be
and what should be the nature of well defined and then "kept promi­
this union.
nently before the people. Now if
we understand this issue as set
The Temperance Gause m
forth by the temperance people
themselves it is this^ The sup­
and ultimate destruction
In the advocacy ami defense of
every_good cause there are certain of all intoxicating liquors as a
No temperance man
fatal mistakes that must te avoided beverage.
on the one hand ami a true and who fully understands himself and
consistent course that must te pur­ the work which he represents will
sued on the other in order to stop to object to the manufacture
ultimate success. The temperance and sale of liquor for strictly
work in Oregon as well as else­ medical, scientific and mechanical
where, is no exception to this rule. purposes. While physicians may
We presume there is not a Christian differ as to the medicinal properties
man nor woman in the State who of alcohol, some preferring to use it
does not desire to see this cause in their practice while others do
carried forward till a grand victory not; and while the medical pro­
for temperance, right and freedom fession may agree that it can be
from the curse shall have teen dispensed with altogether, yet that
gained. Temperance is a Bible it has been used to advantage in
principle and hence a work that many cases and may still be so
cannot be neglected by Christian used will hardly admit of a doubt,
people. Let us then briefly see and no one feels that any groat
what we should avoid and what we harm is likely to grow out of such
sb on Iddo
make i t a final -sue-, a use of it an the part of judicious
cess; for we must all admit that medical men. AndtEe same“Ts
this is a legitimate subject for in­ true of its use for scientific and
vestigation and one that demands mechanical purposes. Now we are
attention at the hands of thought­ willing to grant its use for these
ful people.
purposes, and hence the question as
1. Temperance workers should to whether or not It should be used
avoid fanaticism. Because intem­ as a medicine and its effect upon
perance is a great curse to our the human system when so used,
country and the use of alcohol is should form no part of the real
annually sending thousands to a issue. It is not as a medicine, but
drunkard’s grave and making as as a Leverage tluit we propose to
many widows and orphans is no destroy the manufacture and sale
good wu why we should become of alcohol. Neither should the
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