rrmtsTtAbt 14 hkr ald . w K? * • ■ J. THE CHRISTIAN HERALD EAR« FOE THE MILLION. MONMOUTH, OREGON u UI HE HRltALD is THE ONLY WEEKLY bh the’ Pacific coast published by Disciples Of Christ, and is of special interest to all who LL Foo Choo’s Bal««M* of Shark’s Oil f Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species o email White Shark, caught iu the Yellow Soa, known as Carcharodon Rondeletii. Every 1 CniHCf Of 1LIFHINE. PUBLISHED EVERY FBIDAY FROM T «as. rffstura nw of-ftwcriffg-wufis tflscu vetm 1 tqrr Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures traditions. As successor to the Pacific Chris- were so numerous arid many so seemingly mir­ ■ tian Messenger it is in its aculous, that the remedy was officially piXh.._ prr *!S claimed over the entire Empire. Its ubo be­ THIRTEENTH VOLUME, came so universal that for over 800 years no Deafness has existed amor g the Chinese people. Is on a permanent basis, with good building, Kent, charges prepaid, to any address at $1.00 power presses and steam power, an abundance per bottle. of good material for running such a paper. The 11 ebald contains each week sixteen Hear What the Deaf Say I fotfr-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as to turn. llLft limiteuamoc ------ -- ------ , It has performed a miracle in my case. most select kind. All advertising not trust­ 1 have no unearthly noises in my head and worthy is refused. As now published it is ono hear much better. of the I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal—think an­ LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED other bottle will cure me. • My hearing is much benefited. by our brethren. It iB conducted by a strong i han? received wnbeld benefit. wlttoriai corps, wswrted by Us» «♦^tUibuUomt.of My healing is4m proving. the best writers among us on thia coast. We It is giving good saiufaction. feel safe in saying it is one of Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. OX( SU.VIR PLATH» BUTTER KWIFK, O.VS 8U.VEB-PLATKU MIX 811.VER STEEL-PEATEB tea spoon* ■ackodlu aural box, all chant*» prepaid. riedl tlv »ort!» »nd are »old for mon» than Iwira »bn iru»-ripuua prire, »ml It no* ■arfvetix a»tla(«orere b*i returned, and wa will refund AM famaa re eaaa. Oar only object In making thia offal io you la to place tn your ban.lv the beat ami moat popularweekly Utory paper In the United Staten, believing you will alw»ya rw- Maiu aeubecrlber after one« re*dln< some of its laarhiating Ito ’ “ )en number» yon will rvceiye JgLHx» B0U*ioiBFN£K7^riA^^^ theaeetnrlea wiien bound in tn »ok iorm aeil for GOLDEN ARCOS V *• moat rlrgaal W«*rklF pnp^ir 'rui!tatinn by mail. Vif’ia- blaTreatlae Free. Certificatesfmm Doc­ tors, Law.ers, IWirJstors, Business-min. A JJr Lev. T. P.CiBLOS. Troy. Ohio. Dallas....... Damasous. Drain’s Station Dufur.......... Elk Head... ■ fcTT? I Is selling by tetis of thousands. It fs the most universally useful Isiok ever published. It tells completely HOW TO DO EVERYTHING in tho Iwst wav, How to be Your Own Lawyer, How to Do Boniness* Correctly and Huccoas- fnlly, How to act in Society and everywhere. A gold mine of varied information to all classes for constant reference. AGKN'I' h WANTKI) for all or spare time. To know why this lxsik of REAL value and attractions rellB better than any otlier, apply for terms to ,1. DEWING . .J. H. Hawley F. M. Gabliert ... J. W. Cowls ........J, L. Wide .Miss Jennie Wright ................ E. Ground ,... Joseph Robnett ^.T.V:"Knykendii]I ........IE. A Ch ile G, W Handaaker ... J. P. Frizzell ( F. Hannah. Jr ’ I N. J. Gerking ... Drury Davis . . . L W. Cbk A. F. Campbell .... r.D. tl<»«ck.„ T B. Davidson Mrs. S. Giltner ... F. C. Darby . John Shore H. A. Johnson T. N Faulconer Miss Rebecca Watkins ;............ :...Wm Scott 4 .........G. W. Hardwick. ....... .... O. Mosier ... Mrs. D. V. Alvey ........ K. H. Wimply ._______ 8. C. Harris ............E. A. I .allow ... Wm. Huntington ______ J. M. Baker ............. W. T. Barnes ______R. Dakhiel ........... Mrs. E. Himes ............. F. M. Davis ..............Janies Butler ..............P. E. Fisher ........ W. H. McClure ................... F. L. Bell Dr. Chas. Spinning ............ Ranson Long ............ James Butler ........ W. A. Kandern ................... 8. Bonney ............. J. W. Osborn ............. 8. C. Harris ..............W. P. Bruce Mrs. A. H. Reynolds Aiderton....... Alpha ................ Brush Prairie.. Cedar Creek.... Castle Rock.... Coin................... Dixie................ Davtou............... Elma.................. Farmington.... Pine City.......... Lone Pine...... Lincoln.............. Palouse............. Puyallup....... Pomeroy....... Pine City... Spangle.............. Sumner........ Seattle.......... Vancouver......... Waitsburg.......... Walla Walla.... CALIFORNIA. College City.. Elnui-.A-.-u.l... Monticello.... Napa City.... Saratoga.......... Sacramento... Santa Rosa..., Kan Francisco Kan Luis Iley. Vacaville........ Visalia... ..., Watsonville.. Woodland..... ........................Prof. J. Durham .J. M.lajer' ............................. J. L. Smit tie ........ Mrs. 8. E Inman ........................ William Pollard ............... Mrs. E. E. Hembree . ...'..................G. O. Burnett Mrs.H.H.I.use lib^sexSt ...................... Minnie J. Borden ............................ W. W. Smith ...................... Lewis.Van Tassel ........................... 11...D. Connell .................. .Mrs. Sue E. Grant MISCELLANEOUS. Moscow, I. T.. /................... Four Mile, I. T......... ...” Sumac, Tenn............... Wicklow P. O., Ont., Caii Fairfield, Iowa............. .. Leavenworth, Kansas..... Lawn noebnrg, Indiana... Neodesha, Kansas............. Dallas Texas............. ». r I Jas. Harlan ..I*. P. Underwood .............. A. L. Todd . ..,R. G. Callison r;. ;Ch»ri»«Bnrtth Mm. Belle P. Walket WASHINGTON TRFRITORY. FROSTED FEET In advance. . Address , THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, M onmouth , O b 1*87 Hroidway, Cor. Reade St., 12-i>0-lyr New York. SAW Amity..... Brownsville. Bellevue.... Cress well... Crawfordsville. Corvallis .... Cottage Grove Carlton... T’cuWvfflta SORE THROAT, SECULAR DEPARTMENT ’ ! GUIDE g SUCCESS Is the cAenpesi and brut. boy sixteen years old _ can a* I oct A»( and soar? p Smt on tori trial . Ben* postal for Illn*tr»t.«i Cntalog-i** containing testtmon falx and full particular». AfiKXTB WANTED. Monarch Lightning Saw Ca., 163 Randolph St.,Chicago. Mrs. T. J. Stites Elizabeth. J. .Barker ’ F. Ç. WllliÀffiìi D. H. Futman Miss E. Davis ..J. T. Gdfry .. E. P. Large ,N. P. Briggs 8. B. Knox RHEUMATISM. HE CHRISTIAN QUAR1ERLY REVIEW has completed its first volume, and on tho AMO first day of January, 1883, the first No. of Vol. tense pains are subdued almost instantly. II will be issued’ It is the purpose of its ACHE3. Give it a trial. Bslief guaranteed or money Editor to Reep it up to the liigliojit standard of refund«!. No Pr»p»r«tiaratively trifling outlay of SOC bmts , and every tion. paper, and each No. will contain ICO pages of sue suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of $1 a Box. fi Boxes for $». Its claims. nucnon ia KLBVEM LANfiraUBS. original matter from our liest writers, and Re­ 8ent free by mail on receipt of money. views. I would 1« glad to receive the names of 8818 IT All OaUGOISTS ANS DIALERS IN MEOIClNt. subscribers as ttfxin mf possible, so as to determ­ ____ ___ , Ask your Prwgt>h( «»p«« patrone«« f»r »ar kroBV. V you will •«■Ud ui &O eta., which la 111« piicv of a Wius uinntlu’ aubaertpUoa, we wIM forward you ___ OUR BEST PAPERS. ? Agents foi* The Christian Hernlfl: .. ,G. W. l’aula y . .T. L. Childers ........ J. C. Roller Deavenport Caul . . . 8. H. Hedrix ....... F. M. Pains . .J. W. Caldwell .0. J. McKinney . .J. T. Hawkins . 4