(’nnisTiAN HÉítAhb Married MRS. J. W. A MART T. COLE, We appreciate no pleasures unless PHYSICIANS^? SURGK9NP, At tlie residence of the bride’s grand we are occasionally deprived of father, W. A. Childers, in Sums valley, them. Restraint is the golden rule Suver Polk County, Oregon. Jackson county, Oregon, by Martfn of enjoyment. Sewing Machine Store Peterson, at 3 o’clock Feb. 14, 1883, Mr. Francis M. Carter to Miss Lizzie M. Craddock. JOHN B. GARRISON, Proprietor. CARRISOP’S « DTiituary 167, 3rd St., PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIALTIES : Skinny Men, Dr. M. T. Cele, Disease of Women. Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases.. Consultation free. “Wells’ Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cores Dyspepsia, Im- potepoe, ex nril tmnt h t y. — 12-1-tL General dealer in all kinds of Sewing MfibHHbir*"AtWffiBHlW. T. J. Lee, M. D. J. E. Davidson, M. D. You cannot dream yourself into Sister Addie Snelling died at Mc DAVIDSON & LEE, character ; you must hammer and Minnville, Or., Feb. 27, 1883, after an PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS illness of otfly four days. Had she forge yourself one. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. "gi«: Sewing Machines repaired and warranted. ’ If you want to bny a good Hewing Machine call or send for information. Illustrated catalogues sent when desired. - 12-3-tf J lived to the first day of March she “Rough on Rata.’ would have been 21 years of age. Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flie., ___ Addie had lived many years the life anis, bed t>ugs, siuinks, ’’cli'i^unka* of a Christian, and was a member of the gophers. 15e. Druggists. f churoh at McMinnville. She always* took a great interest in all the services of the church, being ever faithful in I attendance at the prayer meeting, the -Snnday-school and the Lord’s day meetings, aud giving lier aid always in every way she could, especially in the service of song with which she was v peculiarly gifted. ___ , - While we mourn the loss of a lov< d one, and while she will be greatly missed by all who knew her in the . . prayer, meetingr in the Sunday-school, in the church and in the community where the charm of her presence was felt, yet we can rejoice that A ddie has gone borne to Go], and now lives in a ■FOR PROHIBITION. ' TrrijgbBt better'world. ‘ " KIDNEY-WORT ” When the earthly sky is fading, ~ » Is the time of going home ; Should wo fear when scenes are changing ? It is only going borne. Jesus went the way before ns, We are only going home ; Soon we’H meet the friends that love us, We are only going home.” - P. R. B. — ■» ----------------- ------------------------------ ----- Per Annum............................... Fifty Cents. CONTRIBUTORS. An Extraordinary Offer. ■ ■ iUû* THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor and Hatter OF OREGON, Guarantees to’sell the very best Clothing for less money than any other house in the State. 12-12-tf THE CHRISTIAN SOWER TRACT FUND. —:o:— his ih - the fu - m > for we free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied with tracts on the elements of the Gospel. New kinds will follow soon. These tracts are free to those who are not abl» to buy them, ard fifty cents per hundred to those who are aule. Every cent receive«' Weak ehurebes wi Evangelists should ________ • rv Add 1111 ■ s rwifi i is -------- ------- __________ __________________________________ _ _____ J. W. HIGBEE, Trustee, T 12-35-tf Madisonville, liy. T COLLECTION OF SEEDS.’PLANTS for all diseases of the Kidnays and * I —-LIVER—- Jt has epeciflo actiou on this mcBt important organ, eimbllng it to throw off V>ujldit.y end inaction, aUxnulatinir tho UcalUiy Bccrction ol' tho Bile, and by keeping the bowel» in free condition, effecting itu regular disc'narge. BA n I «Ctrl's ITyouareeufferlng from 1*1 C«1 Cl I IO ■ malaria, have the cl til la, are bilioua, dyapeptic, or oonatipated, Kidnoy- Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure. in the Spring tocleanao tho System, tvcry one should take a thorough course of it. 41- SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Price «F. ¿KIDNEY-WORT- C. C. CUNÉ & OO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, L O r I S V I L L F. , GARDEN MSI Readings and Recitation»«: NOW READY. Tit is nuntb^r I f nnlhtrm w th tliu SvrUs. anti ron- tain« .another h » ndrfd Mph*fnljd !><»<*- IrtHiHtlnn« »vd Reading«. rwlilnbr Nentl- tn.iit.Orat.rj, Pail«». Ilumor, »'«n. 1‘ . Price, boy 3O«*t«u. nuiib'd frw. Sold by P««>k».llm<. Every I who speak« nieces. every niemlxT of a l.vcetim who vanta M<kMteíhin# New to rwit»*. «b<»nhl jret lhe Club ratea and hill list l ». i content» free. p. GARRETTÄ CO., 7^CUestnut Philadelphia, Pa. K Y . TO ALL WANTING KMPI4IYMKST. If thp Agent, after a thirty day’s trial, fails to make “• least $IOO clear above expen- m «, we will take back all goods unsold and re turn the money paid us. Our circulars to Agents show that S‘»oo has been made in a single month. We give excluaivs territory. There caw l>e no. competition. Business is honorable, pleasant, anrt profitable. An Agent wanted in every County. County right sent free with first order. Everv Agent, or those wishing employment, should write us at once, as Coumies are being taken fast, and no other firm in er btjfore -offered term« to Send 3 on¢ stanijw for large descriptive circulars, containing thia offer, to the KENEH MANUFACTURING CO., 110 Smithfield 8t. Pittsburgh, Pa. 13A6t »< u SOUTH AND WEST,” ONlfk 50 CENTS A YEAR. CK tn $20 Pe.ri,“y at >”">*■ Samples worth llfrse. Y V ** 4<Mrw 81WWK * C q ., ForUand, g«, $ **ta. 12-35-tf IS A SURE CURE It is a first-class Agricutural paper, published semi-monthly. All who send us their subscrip tion with 50 cents, between now and December 1st, we will send them 'be paper until January Farmers and others desiring a genteel, 1, 1841. Sample Copies, containing Pra lucrative agency business, by which $5 nk lu in 1.1st sent free tin application. “ SOUTH AND WEST,” to $20 a day can be earned, send address Address 320 N - 3d St., St. Louis, M[o. at once, on-postal, to IL C. W ilkinson k Co., 195 and 197 Fulton street. New ïwk» 13 X-ttaa The Singer Manafarturlng C o. WILLIS B. FIIY, Manager, 94 Morrison St., Portland. SUBgCHlPriON, ..Kingston, Jamaica. W. K. Azbill.......... , . ... Mt. Sterling, Ky. 3 bornas Munnell...' ....Frankfort, Ky. T. N. Arnold............. ....... ...Marion, Iowa. A lady writing from Racine, Wis., Dr. A. M. Collins... .. Collingswood, Cnt. J. W. Caldwell...... m®kes thin gratifying report: “Wo Jas. W. Lowbei\.... ........... Lancaster, Ky. .... Simpsonville, Ky. finished taking our second supply of J. R. Reeves............. ........... . .Corinth, Ky. lion. P. II. Duncan Compound Oxygen last month ; it lias Hon. J. t>. White... ... Washington, I). C. A 24-(!olnmn Paper, neatly printed and red- worked wonders far my mother. When hot for Family, Church, Htatb, National and she began treating with the Oxygen she World-Wide Prohibition. Address all contributions, subscriptions and was extremely low and prostrate in. her business communications to the Editor, Ixniis- bed wittwi variaty of complaints. I had ville, Ky. 18 3-tf A MACHINES, THF STRONGEST, SIMPLEST, AND MOST DURABLE Sewing Afftchine in the market.-B-rM cm Bm installments, er a liberal discount fur cash. B. R. NEAL, E ditob , LOUISVILLE, BYT* » ------- Good temper ia like a sunny day; it sheds a brightness over every thing ; it is the sweetener of toil, and the soother of disquietude. “ sojGosrt’’ SEWING m THE WORKER It Has Worked Wonilers. no hope of her recovery. She is now able to go about the house and do many pieces of work, and is a continual testi mony before me of the wonderful power of Compound Oxygen.” Our treatise 1 on Compound Oxygen, containing large > reports of eases and full information, sent free. Address D rs . S tarkey & P alen , 1109 and 1111 Girard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to H. E. M*theWfJ. J9G. Moutfi:omery Street, Sku Francisco, will be filled on the same terms as if sent directly to us in Phila delphia. Diseases of women a specialty. Prescriptions filled at the office. .. - - ------ - -- -------------- ■ --■ T K B M s: Word and Work, one year 50 cts., six months 30 eta., three months 15 cts. Good Words, 10 or more copies, one year, 45 cents per copy ; six months, 23 cents ; three months. 12 oeirs. Eittle Pearls, 10 or more espies, one year, 30 cents per copy ; six months, 15 cents; three months, 8 cents. 1 Year Les. Monthly 3 Months 6 Months 2.40 .70 1.30 10 copies, 5/0 1.40 ?.60 25 „ 2 60 5.00 9.50 50 ,y- AM a-M) lfcLOO , 100--- ww- 1 Year Lea. Guide, il Months 6 1ion th .65 .35 1.20 10 copies, 2.50 .71) 1.30 25 y, 1.30 2.5<) 5.00 50 y> 5.00 9.00 250 100 >> No Subscriptions received for less than Ten Copies of the Lesson Monthly and Lesson Guide. Address C. C. CLINE A CO., No. 310 W. Main bl., Louisville, Ky. 13-3- tf BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY. B |MB| ■ PHI.of Pure Copper a>»3 Tin for Churche«. ■O t -«H ^School», Fir- Alarms,Partus, etc. FVLLY " AhliAA rr 1’. Catalogue sent Free VANDUZEN & TIFT, Cincinnati, O <70 A WEEK, 111 a day at borne ranily made. Costly ▼< • Qutdt Be«..A<1<U cm T»va 4 Co., Augusta, Us. CATARRH ! a (0 O “BORY.N*«* RUKH <TRK<>n no - .at.lt. Cntty." but in thun.lcr tone« speak. thns'-p Its eenty thousand certificate« of Cure« to the su.ferer fr..tn Catarrh, Neuralg'e and Nervous Hsadaohe. We say cuplmikally u«e“Dob7n«’ S irs Cure," and if not sat iated with result, we will refund your money. We can't sav mow * My wifi, used Yaur “Snr« Cure *’ for neuralgia. J" J ;* *cted bk« a cnarrn. My son and daughter na I Catarrh of eight an I nine years stsnlnng. It »as cured them. I am reennuneudiner it every where. (Elder)Joel T. Helmsee,Greenfield.Mo We ' jL have 70.000 others of the same kit kind. Only aJe_Z°*22° ONE DOLLAR Per BOX. FOX. H youf or pregisi, atf _ Xtmgguu a.Vlra., oí sir atidrcfi. .irdars to - at * Dobyns & Mitchell, THE DINGEE & CONARD GO’S BKAUTIFUL BVKR.RLOOF.Kd ROSE TH TH« ------------ BEST 4 ... IN THE _____________ WORLD. Our Great Specialty Is ,roving and «Ld.'ibU'fo? these Hese«. Nrtóaffvrr Strong l’oc __ , Beautiful . . ___ ___ S. We tlenver Strong Plants, suitable for inorz^.-': inoneiiwlt bloom, tafehi ij mwil at all post-offiees. <- - - -- - Vari -- - - .‘-a, >• ■. r post-ofUcee. 5 Splendid chouje, all labeled, for Of cAruoe, Si 1 1*4 l*i for S'4 S‘4 1 *" to for ' 'l fo for 04» 35 for $3» T» for «10 > 10U .for $ CF’Send for our Ji»w Guide to Rose Oils ar 60 pages, elegantly illustrated—and from t Five Hundred Fines« Sorts. Address THE DINGEE do CONAHli CO., Aose Grower»! West UrevsjCtacaU^ CoMl*n,