DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY MONMOUTH, OBEGON ; FBIDAY, MABCH 9, 1883. VOL. XIII. C hristian H ebald . J. F. FLOYD, Editor and Publisher, Momnouth, Or. Subscription Price t a One Copy, one year.......... . . ............... $2 00 One Copy, six months......... ........ 1 00 ADVERTISEMENTS. Prices will be given on npplientioH. We are” glad to Teirn through private letter that Bro. F. M. Rains is in a fair way to build up a good strong church in Leavenworth, Kan. We ought to have had such a church in that city long ago • We will give the Catholic Senti­ but if any one can do that work, nel some assistance next week. As we apprehend that Bro. Rains is we have been from home, our the man friend has been having a big con Wonder what our brother Editors troversy all by himself for the last of “ the States ’’ would think should two weeks.. we tell them of that large basket of Bro. K. B. Wyatt, a young Chris­ delicious pears to which we had tian preacher in Texas, wishes to access while holding our meeting locate in Oregon, provided he can in Albany. We can almost see give his whole time to preaching at their mouths water as they read a living salary. Address him at tins note. Brethren, just think of Palestine, Texas. eating pears in March !, Kansas just secured a State Evangelist in the person of Bro. Hayden, of Atchison. Let the .chuxx:lwanowwUndby.hiui.anilpiiy him and he will do a good work. 1 [Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as second clam mail matter. ] flease Nelice. We are not responsible for the opinions and sentiments expressed by onr contributors, but for our own writing alone. Henoe out readers nust judge for themselves. We intend to give space for the free expression of opinion, witbin the limits of sound discredon, and the good of thecanso; but not be held as indorsing what others mjy write. » ■——— All matter intended for putltcation in this paper should be written : 1. On one side of tbe sheet only. S. In a pain legible hand. "~~ 5. Let there be plenty of spare lietween the lines. 9 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it inaj not be defaced in transit. 5. Write brief articles. 8. Expect uo attention to articles, notices, or queries not accompanied by yonr name. EDITORIAL NOTES Quite a number of l>ooks and letters have been received during our absence which will lie attended to in due time. Bro. J. B. Harris, our agent at Harrisburg, moves to Eugene City, and Bro. A. C. Vernon takes his place as our agent. To “ join the church,” is to join Jesus Christ; and to join Christ is to do exactly what he' commanded in order to be saved. We again call attention to our tracts on “ Modern Dancing Among Church Members,” which can be had at this office at 10 cts. per copy. Portland is to have a new hotel on the old Central School site at a cost when furnished of $500,000. This will be quite an addition to that city. Our good brother of the Apostolic Times has just discovered that we are editing the H erald . You see spring is opening out, the warm sun is cracking tiie shells and the heads of some of our editors are just beginning to peep out 1 But thunks, all the ¡iarne. We would be glad to Eave all re­ new for the H erald without fur­ ther delay, for we wish to close up ulori of