Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, March 02, 1883, Page 9, Image 9

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monopoly of the liquor business 'in
one of the suburbs of this city, was
supposed to have laid up a compe­
tence for himself and family. In
early life he had seen the ill effects
of the'traffic in his father’s family
in E ngt an d.hntthis tfuTnot dctFf
him from engaging in the same
business when he had reached the
âgé of manhood. He made money,
and his stout constitution endured
the strain. By and by his wife
died from the tremens, and he for a
time abandoned the business, but
subsequently re-entered itandadded
to his establishment year by year.
The other day he was carried to the
poor house, a wreck in the prime
of life, his strong frame transformed
to hideousness. His property has
been all dissipated, and his ^ittle
ones have been taken care of by
families from whom he would a few
years ago have scorned to reCeiVe a
This seems to be one of the sad­
dest aspects of the liquor evil.
There is a double loss, an absolute
waaUng of resources. If the money
which the man takes from his fam
ily to spend in drink were to be be­
stowed upon the family of the sel-
1er of the drink, the tragedy would
be less appalling ; in a certain way
good would come out of evil in that
case, and the produce of a genera­
tion’s labor would be preserved.
But . this double degradation—the
ruining of buyer and seller and the
families of both—with what may
we compare it ? It is defeat with­
out corresponding victory, loss
without gain ; it is murder and
suicide at a single stroke.— Ex.
A Rumseller’s Story.
A man named Stacy, the owner
of a splendid drinking saloon in
New York, aiuned the pledge lately
and closed his house. Hearing that
a party of lads had formed them
selves into a temperance society, he
went to them and gave them his
experience as a rumseller. We re­
peat some of his recollections for
our larger audience:
“1 sold liquor,” said Mr. Stacy,
“ for eleven years—long enough for
me to see the beginning and end of
its effects. I have seen a man take
his first glass of liquor in my place,
and afterward 611 the grave of a
suicide. I have seen man after
man, wealthy and educated, come
into my saloon who cannot now
buy his dinner. I can recall twenty
customers, worth from one hundred
thousand to five hundred thousand
dollars, who aro now without
_ .
_ .
money place or friends.”
He warned boys against entering
saloons on any pretext. He stated
that he had seen many a young
fellow, member of a temperance
society, come in with a friend and
"wait white lie (frank. “ No, no,* ffe’
would say, “ I never touch it.
Thanks alt the same.” Presently,
rather than seem churlish, he would
take a glass of cider or harmless
lemonade. “ The lemonade was
nothing/ said the rumseller, “ but
I knew how it would end. The
only safely, boys, for any man, no
matter how strong his resolution, is
outside the door of the saloon.”—
Ex. 1
the man who had counted on him,
and going up to the ballot-box with
the vote his little daughter gave
him, while she held one hand, and
the lame boy hobbled on the other
side as guardians. Not an eye that
looked uporT the group could see
it clearly because of tears, “ A touch
of nature makes the whole world
Truly “a little child shall lead
them.” - Truly that little child is
“the fortress of the future,” away
out on the frontier of time. Let us
furnish the fortress with provisions,
weapons, ammunition, and eager
hearts shall “ hold the fort ” when
we grow weary. God bless
Stop Now.
“ The little soldier newly mastered in.”
What Rum Will Do.
Why not? If it is best to stop
at all, put on the brakes at once.
Some years ago, in one of the
Why ? Because you are on a down
counties of New York, a worthy
grade, and the longer the delay the
man was tempted to drink until
greater the momentum ; hence if
drunk. In the delirium of drunk­
you ever succeed in stopping, it
enness, he went home and murder­
will be increasing difficult. “But
ed his wife in the most brutal man­
why should J stop ?” Because you
ner. He was carried to jail while
have a habit that is Wrong, or at
drunk, and kept there through the
best inexpedient. It may seem to
night. Awakening in the morning
your unwilling scrutiny only an in­
and looking around upon the bare
dulgence that roots back into the
walls, and seeing the bars upon the
old .life of selfishness and carnality. I
windows, he exclaimed:
It is not safe to link your spiritual
“ Is this a jail ?”
ity in yoke fellowship so question­
“.Yes, you are in jail,” answered
able. The spiritual mind never
some one.
breathes the air of true gospel free­
“ What am I here for ?” was the
dom while the shackles of old sel-
earnest inquiry.
fisnness are upon it.
“ For merder,” was the answer.
Therefore, stop now ! Smoke no
“ Does my wife know it ?”
more; chew no more; drink no
“ Your wife know it ?” said some
more; swear no more; cheat no
one. “ Why, it was your wife you
more; be gluttonous no longer.
Kill lustfulness. Let the royal
On this announcement he dropped
spirit of crowned manhood be sover-
suddenly, as if he had been struck
eign over «elL Stop-now ! If you can
dead. Lot it be remembered that
not do it unaided, aS very probably
the constable who carried him to
you can not, then call on God for
jail sold the liquor which caused
help. He loves to help the helpless,
his drunkenness ; the justice who
and give victory to the ofttimes de­
issued the warrant was one of those
feated, and deliverance to the capt­
who signed his license; the sheriff
ive to-day. Stop now !— Sei.
who hung also him also sold liquor,
and kept a ten-pin alley.— Sei.
The Children’s Part.
Inone of the river towns of Iowa
the' mayor brought in a bloated
German beer drinker to veto the
"whisky ticket,” when the Ger­
man’s children, fresh from the Band
of Hope procession, hurried for­
ward, the liyle girl throwing her
'hrms around her father’s neck, and
saying with tears, “ Papa, please
vote for us at home;” and the boy
who was a clippie, taking him by
the hand with the same plea.
“ Ach, dis vas too much !” exclaimed
the German, breaking away from
- The whisky question is simply a
question of fact. If the saloons of
a city do more good than they do
injury; if they build up more
houses than they curse; if they
make more honest voters than cor­
rupt ones; if they make more hon­
est men than criminals; more
wealthy men than paupers, then
the man is not honest, nor fair, nor
manly, nor worthy to be a voter, if
he refuses to continue the saloons.
Ha saloon is a blessing, a man is
an enemy to the commonwealth and
civilization if he opposes it or “votes
to destroy it. But if the reverse is
true—if the saloon is an enemy to
society; if it corrupts voters ; if it
fills prisons; if it crowds poor-
houses ; if it breaks warm hearts ;
if it beggars children, how can we
vote for such a curse. A vote to
place men in an office, or keep those
in office who wink at the existence
of saloons is simply a vote against
law, against good order, and against
morals. The whole question is— .
only this and nothing more.— Ex.
It is not often that the inscrip­
tion is worth more than the gift.
A Detroit tobacco manufacturing
company gave a special prize last
week to a promising boy ex­
hibited at, the baby show in Grand
Rapids. It was a sealed box of to­
bacco on which was inscribed the
first-class advice, “Never use to­
bacco until your mother breaks this
seal.” A striking feature of this
sage council, given by parties who
knew what they were talking about
is more than disinterestedness: If
boys would let tobacco alone until
their mothers opened the package
the business would certainly perish.
—Michigan Christian Herald.
“ Fathersmothers ! we appeal to
your reason and common senso
when we ask you if you desire your
children to become habitual wine,
beer or whisky-drinkers ? Suppose
you are fond of your beer, do you
want your children to cultivate an
early taste for it ? If not, will you
not help keep saloons out of your
town ?”
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DAVID C. COOK,«« Adams St., Chica^.