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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1883)
3 > God; therefore, when Paul finds faith, for it is evident that he al- “ Blessed Bible liow I love it. How it doth my bosom cheer ; the jailor at Philip! without faith ready believed that Jesus was the What hath earth like this to covet, or in unbelief, he says to him (in Christ, when he said, “ Lord, what Oh what stores of wealth are here ; answer to his question, What shall wilt thou have me to do ?” Second. Man was lost and doomed to sorrow. I do ?) “ Believe on the Lord Jesus He did not need a change of heart, Not one ray of light or bliss Conld he from eftith’s treasures borrow, Christ and thou shalt be saved.” for he had been doing the bidding of Till his way was cheered by this.'* Acts 16 : 31. But in perusing the the Pharisees, and now his will is And as we march down the history of the case Paul does not changed, and he desires to do the "?tornlnaniT Tuin“ to pray to God to will of J esus, Ananias lëïïs h! f ft"W give him faith, but teaches him the “arise and be baptized and wash tian’s race, we still need this beacon word of the Lord. This agrees away thy sins, calling on the name light, this guiding compass to direct with the command of Jesus, “Go of the Lord? Here we find an en us to the haven of the soul; then teach all nations.” Again we hear tire change of state or condition, let us sing as we go Jesus proclaim to the multitude, where he had been obeying the “ Yes, sweet Bible, I will hide thee, Hide thee richly in this heart ; -Ebuxptyou.-r^ Thon through all my life will guide me. likewise perish ;” and when Peter now he is to have another King And in death we will not part. on the day of Pentecost, speaking and do all things in his name,' or Part in death, no never, never, as the spirit gave him utterance, calling oh the name of the Lord Through death’s vail I’ll lean on thee, Then in worlds above forever prayed to those Jews, and told them Jesus. btiUUiy truth.,shall be.,”^-.^ thatthey had witlr wicked^hands' . §o we see iiTlhe Gospel of Clirist . — Bcio, Or. crucified and slain him; they were a beautiful adaptation to man as it convinced by the overwhelming finds him; when it finds us in un Sixth Edition of Tracts Re evidence, and faith in them, was belief it says to us. “ Believe on the ceived. the result of Peter’s argument, and Lord Jesus Christ,” and then goes The fifth edition of card tracts they cried out, “ Men and brethren, on to> teach us other duties. It what shall we do?” Peter replied, does not teach him to pray for any containing-16,00(hdid not last long. “ Repent and be baptized every one other faith, but commands himTo About one-hnIF were givena way to ofryou in the name of Jesus Christ, repent, and when we have believed destitute fields. No cry for a gift of for the remission of sins;” here on the Lord Jesus and turned away tracts is unheeded. The prime again we find Peter carries out the from our sinful practices it com- object of The Christian Sower command¿ST" Jesus. ’ He does' not' mands us to be baptized in the ask them to come to the mourners name of the Lord Jesus Christ for new edition of 14,000 has just boon bench, and by a long series of the remission of our past sins, as received. Still another lot of prayers and mourning, obtain some in the case of Saul when he was 14,000 has been ordered“ to meet miraculous change, or tell a long fasting and praying. the rapidly increasing demand. Christian exj>erience, but, seeing There is no money on hand'to pay O,.how beautiful is the promise for this seventh edition. Who will their hearts were purified by faith, he went on teaching them the com that God made to Abraham, ful help? You cannot make a better mands of the Great Head of the filled in the Gospel of Christ. In investment of Gospel money. Think Church, saying, “Repent and be all conditions mid circumstance*-of of the good that isbeing done baptized” Their hearts being life it comes to each individual to 20,000 have been put to work changed by faith in Jesus Christ, it lift him up higher and bless him during the last 30 days. Many is necessary that their life be and lead him each step nearer to testimonials have been received * changed by forsaking their evil God and heaven until we come into certifying to the value of these ways, in order that they may come Christ. Then he tells, “if you sin tracts. Much more could be. done into Christ and be saved from their you have an advocate with the if I had the means. We very much Father;” Jesus then becomes our need such a Fund, and then to in past sins. Great High Priest and advocate. crease it till it can give away One more case is in point while And here again we find beautiful thousands of dollars worth of we are on this subject. After Saul adaptation to our needs; we are tracts every year. had seen Jesu.4 while on his way admonished to add to our faith Some think this Fund is con from Jerusalem to Damascus, we courage, knowledge, temperance, trolled by the South Kentucky find him in Damascus blind, fasting patience, godliness, brotherly kind Missionary Association. This is a and praying, and one Ananias com ness and love, and we are told if mistake. It is an effort of my own ing in to him, saying, “ Why tar- we do these things we shall never to try to arouse a deeper interest riest thou, arise and be baptized fall; but if we observe them an in tract work and make an effort and wash away thy*sins.” Here abundant entrance will be minis to supply destitute fields. I am again we find the necessity of tered unto us into the' everlasting .self appointed, Trustee, President, teaching before intell igentjobedL. _ “kingdom of our~tbrd Josu.< Christ. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer ence. Jesus had said to him (in 2 Peter 1: 5-11. and Executive Committee, and call answer to his question, Lord, what O, when God has spread out be upon all to help me by contributing wilt thou have me to do ?) “ Go fore us in such glorious grandeur to the work. into Damascus, and there "it shall his will, so graciously adapted to Tracts free to those unable to be told thee.” We think if some of our modern teachers should find i all our wants to bring the spiritual buy, and 50 cents per hundred to such a case they would say: “ Pray man back to himself, and clothe those who are able. The Fund on, Bro. Saul, God in his own good 1 him with righteousness and im-' now owns^evep kinds. Evangel time will give you faith, and I mortality, it should inspire each one ists should go well supplied. A change your heart,” when the facts of < us to adopt the sentiments of the dollar bill may be trusted in a well directed envelope. Smaller sums in the case are, he did not need poet, and break out in singing c U bîp »».. «'awm wnawtmuffiinRKnamattWBSJMOTwv» ..... .. in postage stamps. “Awake thou that sleepest.” Address J. W. H igcee , Madisonville, Ky. 4 ........ -■— Happiness. Make it a rule, and pray to God to help you to keep it, never, if ■¡Sftïë, to lie down at nigKt”wTth- out being at least a little wiser, or a little better this day.” You will find it easier than you think, and pleasanter. Easier, because if you wish to do God’s work, God will aurdy...find you work_lQ do; and pleasanter, because in return for the little trouble it may cost you, or the little choking of foolish, vulgar pride it may cost you, you TW have a peace of mind, a quiet of temper, a cheerfulness and hope fulness about yourself and all around you, such as you never felt before ; and over and above that, if you look for a reward in the life to come, recollect this: What we have to~hupe for in the iife’to come iK to enter into the joy of our Lord. And how did he fulfill that joy, but by humbling himself^ and. taking tfieTorm of a slave, and coining, not to be ministered to, but to minis ter, and to give his whole life, even to the death upon the cross, a ran som for many. Be sure that unless you take up his cross you will never share his crown ; be sure that unless you follow in his footsteps you will never reach the place where he is. If you wish to enter into the joy of your Lord, be sure that his joy is now, as it was in Judea of old, over every sinner that repenteth, every mourner that is comforted, every hungry mouth that is fed, every poor soul, sick or in prison, who is visited.— Ex. Christ’s Witnesses. 4 Infinitely the most important fact in the world’« history, perhaps also the most important in the his tory of all worlds, was the life on earth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which took place some nine teen centuries ago. But a fact such as this, obviously needs to be con firmed by the most certain and completest testimony. And just that we have. The apostles were his witnesses. And their “Acts” —which they have empowered to do in founding the church, against which “ the gates of hell can not prevail,” and which now, age after age, is constantly taking deeper, wider hold on the life of the world —make sure to us the truth of all their teaching.— Congregationalist,