Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, February 23, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    éÜíiísTlAN Í í KR a LÍ).
wretched, spreading the gospel far
with a tide of filth.
The lawyer after a while bowed and wide. (Tse your wealth, which
his head in utter shame, as he re­ in your hand is as easily .moved as
flected that he was identified with the' pen which gives yòur signature
this spawn of hell. It is true that to keep that family in their home
he was an infidel on far other and and not eject them.
What a field you have to glorify
higher grounds, resting his skeptic-
— km oaa JatellesiaaLaml JSWDHfifi, J12d>in.r j«Atj^erâ jfì±~Jtom>
objections to the Bible ; but he re­ have nothing, use your tools for
membered that the arguments and him. He can glorify himself with
witticisms of his class of thinkers them as easily as he could with a
dribbled down through the various shepherd’s stick, an ox-goad, a
strata of the community, becoming sling, or two mites, A poor. girl
dirtier and more offensive at each who had nothing but a sewing ma­
successive descent, until they reap­ chine, used it to aida feeble church.
peared, at the bottom in the dis­ All her earnings above her needs
gusting shape that faced him from were given toward building a house
the wa<?on of the infidel orator. He of worship, and in a year she had
walked away chagrined and morti­ paid more than others a hundred
fied, and without attending one of times richer .than she. So you can
the revival meetings, without hear­ do if you will. Think of the widow
ing a sermon, he renounced infideli­ with her two mites, the woman with
ty, and became a Christian, and de­ the alabaster box, and Dorcas with
termined to devote the remainder her garments. You can do as much
of his days to the defense of the and have a great reward.— Free
cause he had sought to destroy.— Church Record.
, Golden Censer.
; - *——
C. W. B. M.
What is in Thine Hand ?
Western Mission«.
Omaha and the same to Chatta­
nooga. There are Some who still
believe that ours is a foreigp mis­
sionary society, Let me say again,
as I have often said before, that
this is not true, The object of our
organization, as expressed in our
the antagonist of the false teachings
of those ages, and in the end the
victor over them all.— Stuart Ro­
ibaAbonnding. Nnw hnw ta.4
has been made), is “ to cultivate a
missionary spirit; to encourage
missionary efforts in our churches;
to disseminate missionary intelli­
gence, and to secure systematic
contributions for missionary pur­
poses.” The end of all being to
help in spreading the Gospel wher­
ever we can—far or near, at home
or abroad. We can have no pre­
ference, except as circumstances,
opportunity or greater comparative
need decide us. Chance or Pro­
vidence directed us to Jamaica first;
for years she has needed nearly all
our means. But the Lord has
blessed us, and we are able to un­
dertake something more. As we
realize this, we will add to our
work, whatever in the exercise of
careful and deliberate judgment,
we think we can sustain. The
erection of “a home side to our
missionary box” is the enterprise
we are contemplating now.—M aria
J ameson ,- in Christian Standard.
be made ? In the first place, by
service. We must remember God’s
commandments to do them. That
word “ do ’’ is a very little one, and
is often left out, but it is very im­
portant. There are some Christians
who never do anything. They
stand on the outskirts of every good
work and find fault with it. Eaith
is a howling wilderness to them,
and they do all the howling them­
selves. The way to be happy is to
work ; therefore serve God actively,
in order that your joy may be
abounding. Christ did that. Imi­
tate him. He was always happy
in doing good. But, again, abound­
ing joy must be .obtained by the
study of God’s word. That method
can not fail. The book is full of
blessings.^ Get a concordance and
search all the promisee. You-will
find yourself overwhelmed with the
joys which God has in store for you.
—(7. H. Spurgeon.
So, the true source of our joy is
to be in Christ. But this joy is to
What-is.lü.thinç han<l. Shamgar ? .„It I k probable that .some .-¡uxpr.Lc.
An ox-goad, with which I urge my and much disappointment have
lazy beasts. Use it for God, and been felt, among the women inter­
Shamgar’s ox'-goad defeats the ested, that no evangelist has yet
Philistines. What is in thine hand, been sent out to the West by the
David ? My sling, with which I Christian Woi^pn’s- Board of Mis­
(Under thi« head we will be pleaded to give
keep the wolves from the sheep. sions. A resolution was passed to
T he B ible .—The Bible alone, of editorial
review» of all book« ana tract« of inter­
Yet with that sling he slew Goliath, that effect more than a year ago, all -books in the world, insteal of est that may be »ent to thia office. |
P oints of D ifference B etween the
whom an army dare not meet. and it has been continually Wore uttering the opinions of the suc­
and M yself , by D. M. Broak-
What is in thine hand, disciple ? our minds ever since. About six cessive ages that produced it, has
er. Thia is a very interesting tract of
Nothing but five barley loaves and months ago Montana was selected lieen the antagonist of these 28 pages, and its nature and purpose is
two small fishes. Bring them to as the point, and sufficient money opinions, ami victor over them all. fully indicated by the title. Bro.
me—give them to God, and the was appropriated tp warrant, to­ It maintained the unity of God Breaker was formerly a Baptist preacher,
multitude is fed. Only two mites. gether with that pledged by the amid all the darkness of the West­ and has recently accepted our plea on
Give them to God, and behold I the Montana brethren, a liberal sup ern polytheism; the vivid per­ the Bible alone. In this little book he
fame of your riches fills the world. port. We have been untiring in sonality of God against Eastern not only brings ont the points of differ­
ence, bnt also gives his reasons for
What hast thou, weeping woman ? our efforts since that time to secure pantheism ; the ineffable purity and leaving the Baptists. The tract should
An alabaster box of ointment. a suitable man for this field, and holiness of God against the obsceni­ be widely circulated among those but
Give it to God; break it and pour begin a work so much desired by ties of Egyptian anti Canaanitish little acquainted with our teaching.
it upon the Saviour’s head, ami its our brethren as well as ourselves. idolatry; the omnipresence of God Addr. ss Standard Publishing Company.
sweet perfume is a fragrance to the But the great distance, involving a against the heathep theories of I Cincinnati, O. Price, 10 eta per copy.
church till now. What
hast thou, long, expensive journey, not all of gods many and lords many ; teach­ Jons W. L ovell C o ., have arranged
Dorcas ? My needle. Use it for which can be made by rail, to­ ing salvation by- grace without with the Rev. R. Heber Nekton, to pub­
God, and these coats and garments gether with the high standard of works just when anti where the lish in their popular ’* Lovell’s Libra­
keep multitudes, and are clothing qualifications required, and the fact great schools of the world’s philoso­ ry,” the sermons now in the course of
delivery on “The Right and Wrong
the naked still. You are a manu­ that work nearer home is so abun­ phy were glorying in their schemes Uses of the Bible.” The whole series
facturer, or a merchant, or a me­ dant and pre.ssing that our preach­ of human regeneration; teaching of sermons, seven in all, will be issued
chanic, or a man of leisure, a lady ing brethren who have the ne­ the resurrection of the body, and in one volume, printed from large type
of fortune, or a student, or a sew­ cessary force, experience and de­ that this mortal must put on im­ in neat 12mo form, paper covers, for 20
ing-woman. God wants each of votion are rarely unemployed, have mortality, just when and where
you to serve him where you are. prevented the accomplishment of Socrates ami Plato, on the one
A F avorite P aper .—For judicious ed­
You have your business, use it for our purpose. But we have not yet hand, had theorized for man an iting, seleot and popular contributors,
God. Order it in a godly manner. abandoned it, nor relaxed our efforts immortality that excluded the and sprightly and entertaining reading,
Do not allow any wickedness in it. in the least, and sincerely hope to mortal body, and Epicurus and his the Youth's Companion, of Boston, has
no superior among the family papers.
Give goodly wages, preach Jesus to announce a consummation of them swinish herd, on the other, were It has nearly thrte hundred thousand
your clerks, not by a long face, but within a few weeks, which will teaching their practical atheism of, subscribers, and unquestionably merits
by being like him—doing good. give general satisfaction. Mean- the destruction of both soul and its great success.
Use your profits for God, feeding While, as an initiatory step toward body together. In all these things
Greater than men is man, and he
the hungry, clothing the naked, regular organized home work, we the Bible was in advance of the is the greatest of men who most
visiting the sick, comforting the have sent one hundred dollars • to, ages in which it was written, and faithfully lives for m&u.