Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, February 23, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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We will have to suppose then that
ihatroubladathey.didnoLUad them
Jbsus lit the hrfi place',
jdl then it spoils the theory when
we remember that Mr. Spurgeon is
not much of a Baptist after all.
ing extract from “ Uhlhorn’s Con
#ict qf-ClhirtiahibvWiUiJbkailten-
ism .
Queries and Answers.
..........- -......... - - .....
C astle Rotk, W. T„
Feb. 16, 1883.
Bro. Floyd :
Will you please answer through
the H erald the following ques­
tions :
1. Suppose a brother and I have
a misunderstanding, is it my duty
to go to.him if he is in the fault? _
2. {Suppose I commit a crime by
dancing, swearing, getting drunk
and stealing, is it the duty of any
brother to come tq talk .to me be­
fore the chinch takes it ih hand ?
As I understand there are two
crimes, one public and the other
private, please let us hear from
you in full. I remain yours in
E lisha J ackson .
A nswer .
the Elders of the church to visit
edge ahd forsake their sih, it is also
right and eminently proper for any
one to visit them and talk with
them w fio feels and khoWii. that
good can be accomplished by so -
doing. We do not believe in bring­
ing troubles into the church as long
as they can be Scripturally settled
outside of it. Let the church be
the last rMort. Ftibfie sills h(rWj
ever should usually be confessed iri
the public assembly, that all may
be mutually benefitted.
Aot merely at church, but at
home also, in their vocations and on
the street. Christians desired io ap-
fw/r $ CKrtetlaiiA Tbi# guarded
with the greatest care against any
A H ard Q uestion .—Bro. R. B. connection with heathenism; they
Neal is our authority .for the follow­ avoided with the utmost conscien­
tiousness everything which could in
ing :
any waV lie construed as a denial of
"..An old brother caifié home gribii- ifieit JaiiH. Difficult; indeed; liihsl
bHrig after lieatilig one of oür young nave beeh their task, for their en
LteXington preachers, that he “didn't tire life was compassed by a net
feel like goihg to churcH to .hear wqrk.of heathen customs wljich a
Bro.. P. preacli Bro. McGarvey's Christian ititisi every inobiont rend
His son said: “ Pa, if he would remain true to his God.
hadn’t you better pay him his little
Many special relations of life
Editor Herald:
salary to preach Bro. McG’s ser­ brought the Christians into still
A dispute having arisen about
mons than to pay Bro. Me. a bi^ more difficult situations. A master
salary to come and preach them ?” would order a Christian slave to do
the manner in which Absalom met
The old gentleman has not replied something wholly Unobjectionable
his death, “ by the hair,” “ by the
to the question yet, ahd this hitó ffbffi ,a iieftthbn pbihi bf VifJWj hut
head,” “ by the chin,” please state
sinful according io a (Christian
Beeh some tinie ago. 4
in. the H erald .
Better preach Bro. McGarvey’s standard, and yet the slave was,
A F ríen a
completely in, the powfer of Ilia mas-
wriaóns than -prqmb ho
tbf, whd could have hilii, if dlsobe- ---- frr flhowld the misqnderatandmg-
ohe is determined to preach ; but if dient, tortured, * and even killed. be of the nature of a trespass
The first verse of the passage
he depends on this kind of prepara­ How should the Christian wife, who against you, then you should evi­
tion we have serious doubts about had a heathen husband, fulfill her dently go to your brother for the reads as follows: “ Ahd Absalorrt
the Scripturalness of his call ,to Christian obligations, attend divine purpose of, showihg him his wrong met the servants of David. And
preach. If a preacher eAn not hh worship, Visit the sick, efitortalil and setting him aright in a private Absalom rode upon a mule, and the
himself ih this respect, he had bet­ strangers, distribute alms, without way. This whole matter is made mule went under the thick boughs
offending her husband ? How could
ter be nothing. There is entirely the officer or the soldier perform his plain in Matt 18: 15-17; Should of a great oak, and his head caught
too much plagiorizing going on duties without denying his faith 1 this misunderstanding be of a more hold of the oak, and he was takfen
For long the two callings were
up between the heaven and the
. nowadays. —..... -...................
deemed incompatible,, ahd th? officer trivial nature, we think it the duty earthy and the mule that was
prehirild to resign his position, the df each to seek afi interview with undiriHiW went «Way.” 2 Samuel
D ecay of O rthodoxy .—The soldier to leave the ranks, rather the other at the first possible op
than give up his profession. Those portunity for the purpose of adjust­ 18: 9-17.
Presbyterian Banner says-:
who could not do this were often
Adam Clark say’s: " It has been
It has became the custom not on­ obliged to purchase fidelity to their ing the matter in a Christian spirit.
ly for infidels, but especially those Lord with their blood. Many a This we think is both sensible and supposed that Absalom was caught
who, professedly adhering to Chris­ person alsh; in order to beeoftie and Scriptural. From the very fact it by the hair, but no such tiling is
tianity, have abandoned its founda­ remain a Christian, must have re­ is regarded as a “ misunderstand­ intimated in the text. Probably
tions and adopted in its stead “ an­ linquished the trade or employment ing” shows that it can be easily his neck was caught in the fork
other gospel which is not another,” which brought him a livelihood
a strong bough, and he was nearly
to write and declaim about the dy­ All who had obtained a support by settled by talking it over in the
ing out of the old faith, and especi­ the heathen cultus, servants, and spirit of brotherly love. No true dead when Joab found him ; for it
ally of decay of theology. Some of laborers in the temples, idol-makers, Christian can desire to live under a is said, verse 14, lie was yet alive,
those most forward in putting forth sellers of incense, as well as actors, misunderstanding with his brother, an expression which intimates he
these declarations wonld find it dif­ fencing-masters in the gladitorial and as long as he regards it as such, was nearly dead."
ficult to tell what is meant by the schools, etc., were admitted by the
Our own opinion is that, owing
faith or the theology which, accord­ church to liaptism only on condition duty will prompt him to seek a full
ing to them, has become so weaken­ that they should abandon their oc­ and free explanation of the difficul to his extraordinary head of hair
ed as to be ready to die. A little cupations, and whoever as a Chris­ ty in private rather than allow such and the length of time he was
examination will prove that with tian engaged in such employments a thing to find its way into the hanging there alive, being thrust
them the wish is father to the was excluded from fellowship.
church. We are satisfied that if through the heart with darts before
thought; they desire the decline
There is a significant lesson in this this course should be pursued by he died, his hair becoming en­
and utter extinction of evangelical
and orthodox doctrine and try to for Christians of the present day. brethren under such circumstances, tangled in the thick boughs was the
pursuade themselves and others There should be a broad line of dis­ about nine tenths of our troubles principal cause leading to his
that such a result is actually taking tinction drawn between the world could be amicably settled without death. The word “ head ” in the
place.— Presbyterian Banner.
and the church ; and just so long as even the knowledge of the church. passage would come nearer stand­
This is another proof of what we the children of God mix up with There is often entirely too much ing for the hair of his head, than
had to say about creeds last week. those of the wicked one and engage malice and mulish stubborness shut for his “ neck ” according to Clark,
Not all those who are abandoning in party politics and other things of up in the hearts of some Christian
- • • •—--------
the creeds of the day are coming questionable propriety to such an people. We need more freedom on
Bro. J. Z. Tyler, of Richmond,
over to apostolic Christianity. They extent that you can not tell the one the part of such in talking over Va., has prepared a book of ser-'
first break loose from creeds and from the other, just in the same 1 their misunderstandings among* mons for publication. This book
then give up the Bible. Abandon­ proportion will the church be the themselves
instead of avoiding all will contain his best sermons
ing creedB with them means liber­ sufferer. -
1 allusion to them and even shun- preached in the Seventh street
alism,, liberalism means to think
ning the company of one another. Christian church. The book is now
, and act as one pleases.
The power of a man’s virtue
2r Any one. guilty of the sins in press, and Bro. John Burns, of
should not be measured by his named, has committed an offence St. Louis, is the Publisher. We
O beying G od rather than M en . special efforts, but by his ordinary against the church and against God ; will give further notice when re-
and while it is the special duty of ceived at this office.
—An exchange gives us the follow- doing.— Pascal.