Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, February 23, 1883, Page 12, Image 12

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    u You can get a good deal of work
out of a horse,” remarked a plain
farmer, “ if you only take good care
--xtf-bim?’ Th e sa m e o h a aryt i nn
might be made of the brain, for
apart from natural endowment and
long, severe training, physical con­
ditions, now, perhaps, in our power,
will wonderfully affect, sooner or
later,, both intellectual vigor and
achievement in the world. When
the lamented Garfield had become
weakened in body, how quickly the
mind lost its energy and even be­
came clouded '
It is very important, therefore,
that -brain-workers early learn the
influences which they may bring to
bear with happy results upon their
mental energies—influences which
are as certain in effects as is a re­
duction of the temperature to the
freezingof water. Such knowledge
faithfully used, would remove much
suffering from the literary class and
' “ " prevent a diminution in power of
useful lives, which is, alad ! so often
For good mental work the body
must be in vigorous health. A
strong digestion is the citadel of
physical strength. It “ holds the
fort” against many enemies. A
Georgian recently remarked, con­
cerning Gov. Stephens, 7rKe~has
'withered limbs, but a good diges­
tion.” Here is the secret of his ac­
tive career as statesman and writer.
The water turns the mill, and good
blood carries repair to the tired
brain. Hence, all the circumstances
of perfect digestion, as wholesome
food—proper quantity—thorough
mastication, exercise in the fresh
, air, abstinence from the use of in-
toxIFating drink«’ (uuay we not add
of tobacco also,) should receive
careful attention,
Many with good health leave an
active pursuit, like farming, and be­
gin a course of study with no ap­
prehension of the laws by which
lrealtb had previously (although un­
Hence these laws are now sadly
violated, and soon cherished plans
of life may be thwarted. An able
divine remarked in our hearing,
that, when he began his studies, a
physician, a friend of the family,
gave him good advice. He follow­
ed it, and always maintained excel-
l nt health. Blessed are the young
possessed of such friends or of faith­
ful teachers who will erect the dan­
ger signal in the right place.
Thought is healthful, and vigor of
body and activity of mind nay run
parallel through a joyous, useful
life. He whose expenditures are
more than his income, will reach
bankruptcy sooner or later; but he
-TeeouFees -and ex peases,
properly may avoid disaster. So
let repair succeed thtt \vaste of
brain-energy, and the later organ
will maintain its vigor,-and there
will be ever a good quantity of re­
served nerve-strength, so conven­
ient to possess in this bilsy life of
ours. Happy is he who hears every
call of duty joyfully, and whose
pleasure is in mental activity, and
who, yet, is so fortunately balanced
that the quiet voice of nature cal­
ling for rest or for recreation is
quickly heard and instinctively re-
sponded to. Such a soul must be free
from ¿he clangor of ambition and of
other unholy passions. Grace—as
well as knowledge—is needed to
save us from perils and make life
rich in joy and in usefulness to
men.— Ex.~y
T he L argest T elescope .— The
largest telescope in existence will
soon be completed for the Russian
Government by the firrn of Alvin
Clark & Sons, of Cambridge Mass.
This largest of all glasses is for the
Russian Observatory, at Polkovo,
which was founded in 1839 by Czar
Nicholas.__ In 1878 the Government
authorized the astronomer, Otto
Struve, to draw npon the treasury
for whatever sum might be requir­
ed. The grinding of the new lens
who could hot b6 received. It n
proposed to enlarge the accomoda
tions during the year to admit all Suver Polk County, Oregon
these, and also to introduce a sys-t
r >. FT
f - ’ «
tem of. technical instruction to teach
Dr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women.
hnys useful trades.—
.Dr, J, W. Cole. Chronic Diseased
ConsuJUtion Tree.
The intellectual training in our
fc. Bàvidaon, M. D,
schools and the ci vibration that T. J. Lea, M. D’
would come to stay, that would
make itself permanent, must com­ PHYSICIANS & SURCEONS
mence by a realization of the idea
of women a upocial
that intellectual developement must
Prwerfptioiw tilled al ih*
be full-sided, must be honest; that
acquisitiveness is an unblest evil
whenever and wherever it leads a
people to pursue possession by any
means that are not as thoroughly
honest, true, ahd right toward one 1 McGarvey. Wilkes, Hoption, Lard and Gra-/
ham. It is still holding forth the doctrine ot
man or all men, as deeply binding Chriit and the Apoatlea. Sample copies sent
price $2.00 a vear. Address
in obligation to humanity, as ever froe. Subscription
were the ideas of duty to God. The
business side of intellectual devel­
opment must be elevated to a de­
gree that will make it scorn a dis-
hpnqst penny.— E jc .
... ’Mrs.’ Rebecca Vsnw; wife of -W,.. T,
Vann, died at htt mother’s residence
near Salem, Oregon, Feb. 2, of Con­
sumption, aged 33 years, 7 months and
11 days. M rs. Vann was the daughter of
K. 8. aud Delilah Osborn. Sbo leaves
a hasband and five children an aged
mother, two brothers aud two sisters
and many friends to mourn. May God
bless the dear little children thus left—
withoaLa mother’s ore. _______
Embraces every desirable novell
Whkh far 1HH8. contains PBTER HENDERSON’S
"Revised ftt TfructivMt un VifttiaMf
ture," making it a condensed Gardening Book, having
all the latest information known to the author of M Gar­
dening for I’ruflt.” Mailed free on application.
l»t ti. k.if paper you iaw thir).
Peter Henderson & Co.,
35 & 37 Cortlandt j>t., New York.
Ctune up higher said the Master
I have need of thee
From that world of parting and disaster
-Faithful spirit thou art free.
Died, Feb. 10, 1883, at his house in
Linn county ; Mr. Isaac Bievens, aged
81 years and 27 days.
Father tJhmjps was born in MoeguD
county, TenDeH8ee, Ttr~T7WJ,—When a
few years of age, his parents moved to
Kentucky. He was married Sept. 1833,
to Miss Eliza Maupin.' He went from
-Kentucky, tn Missouri iu 1840 and in
1850 came to Oregon and settled on the
claim iu Linu county, where he died.
Though a believer in the truths of the
Bible, he never made a public profession
of bis faith till about four years since,
when under the simple, yet powerful
preaching of Bro. J. B. McCorkle, he
submitted to take Christ’s yoke upou
him and by the assistance of Bro. .J, E
Roberts was “ buried by baptism into
death," and haB since indeed woiked a
new life of faith iu the Son of God.
He had the respect and confidence of
those wbe knew him. His family (four
sous) had years since gone from beneath
the parental roof, and are honorable and
respected citizens iu the communities in
which they reside. His aged consort is
left to mourn bin loss. May the conso­
lation of him who said “ I will go to
prepare a place for yon” support her in
these declpiing years and comfort tho.e
bereaVed ones-jn the boas of a husband,
father and friend.
B ruck WoLvnnoN.
B. B. NEA.L,r E dito «,
Per Annum................. . ..........
W. K. Azbill.. ................... Kingston, Jamaica.
IhoiuaH Monnell.................... Mt. Sterling, Kv.
N; Arnold. ............................... Frankfort, Ky.
I/1--A. M. Colling.........................Marion, Iowa.
, "• paklwell..................... Colling h wood, Cut.
Jan. VS. Lowber................... ........ Lancaster, Ky.
J. K. Itecven....................... Simpsonville, Ky.
Hon, p, h , Dmicaii ................... ..Corinth, Ky.
Hui" J. D. White............. ...Washington, D. C.
A 21-Coliniin Paper, neatly printed and red-
hot for Family, Church, State, National and
World-Wide Prohibition.
Ad.lrea» all contributions, subscriptions and
buHineas communications to die Editor, Ixuiis-
ville, Ky. '
13 a tf
S 5 tfl S»7fi peritay at home. Sample« worth Wfw.
Addre»« «nano» A Co.. Hortlaud. Me.