Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, February 23, 1883, Page 11, Image 11

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rightened at this remarkable ex­
hibition of intelligence on the part
f a dumb animal.— From the Roch-
3ter Union.
Faithful Unto Death.
I treasure a small drawing by
1 illias. It is the figure of a woman
found fast to a pillar far within
ide-mark. The sea is curling its
ides about her feet; a ship is
lassing in full sail, but not heeding
er or her doom; birds of prey are
lovering about her, but she heeds
tot the birds, or, the
ea; her eyes, look right on, and
her feet stand firm, and you see
that she is looking directly into
heaven, and telling her soul how
the sufferings of this present time
are not worthy to be compared
with the glory that shall be re­
vealed ; and under the picture is
Jiiadegend, copied from the stone
jet up to her memory in an old
Scottish kiikyard :
• Murdered for owning Christ supreme,
Head of His Cnurch, and no more
Aut for not owning Prelacy,
And not abjuring Presbytery,
Within the sea, tied to a stake,
She suffered for Christ Jesus’ sake.”
I treasure it, because when 1
look at it, it seems a type of a great
host of women who watch and
wait, tied fast to their fate, while
the tide creeps up about them, but
who rise as the waves rise, and on
the crest of the last and loftiest are
borne into the quiet haven, and
hear the—“ Well done !”• Robert
cul? f st r AN tiiSRAL»
jg. “Give me only a piece of
read,” said the boy. The girl an-
wered that they were out of bread,
nd that she was baking at the
Meanwhile the dog was
aomentarily misled, but quickly
etumed bearing in her mouth a
«^pf8wSf1»a.rthat T.».T;|,<.en
ireviously thrown to her to eat.
She went directly up to the boy,
xtended her paws with the bread
n her mouth, and offered it to him
3 intelligently as any mute being
T hf . I ndependent needs only to be better
known to add to its already large list of friends.
It has been published for thirty-five, years and
has acquired a tforld-wide reputation as the
religious and literary newspaper.
T he I ndependent is not denominational.
and extend Evangelical religion and to defend
it against the attacks of Materialism, Atheism,
and unbelief. It is free to approve or criticise
in any of the denominations whether it Ixdieves
is designed to advance or hinder the progress of
the Gos)>el of Christ.
In civil and political affairs T he I ndepen ­
dent will contend for sound ideas and princi­
ples. It fought against slavery and the iniqui­
tous system of the Oneida Community. It is
JMlwJlkbtil Ig ugainaL Mtumoniam,..- I t b e li e vo e
ill the fefoFffi'o'Ttfie civil service and tariff, in
tho purification of politics and in cheaper post­
age, and will maintain tnose principles which
the highest ethics aad best intelligence require.
T he I ndependent is ¿»signed to suit all
tastes and wants. We provide weekly stories
by tho beat magazine writers, poems by the
Professor Mental and Moral Sciences, English and Biblical Literature.
and for others, who look especially for instruc­
tion, whether in religious, literary, educational,
philosophical, of scientific articles, we furnish
what no other periodical does or can. Wp pay
large prices to obtain the most eminent writers.
Besides the editorials, there are twenty-two
distinct departments, edited by twenty-two
specialists, which include Biblical Research,
bauitary, Legal Fine Arts, Music, Science, Peb­
bles, Personalities Ministerial Register, Hymn
Notes, School andCollege, Literature, Religious
Intelligence, Missions, Sunday-school, News of
the Week, Finance, Commerce, Insurance,
Puzzles, Selections, and Agriculiure. «M Pages
in all.
We will re]>ort in full Rev. Joseph Cook's
celebrate 1 Boston Monday Lectures, which
will begin in January, Mr. Cook ha* just m.
flirmnlTrom a two years’ trip round the wmjd,
irtei1 w iff a rti tn Fgrcater
attention than over; '
W. E. YATES, A. M.,
Professor Greek, Latin and German Languages.
J. M. PO WELL, A. M.,
Professor Mathematics and Physical Sciences.
M rs . M. B. STANLEY^____ ____ ______
Principal Primary Department.
Teacher of Instrumental Mu^ic.
Miss E. M c FADDEN,
1'eacher of French.
W. E. YATES, A. M,
Secretary of the Faculty.
Such Assistants as are needed will be engaged as the session advances.
Monmouth, the neat orOIiriHtian College, is a village of about 400 inhabitants, noted for
their morality and devotion to the cause of education. The Oregonian Railway passes through
Ilie middle of the town, giving daily connection with Portland, and affording the means for easy
travel and rapid freight«, lu addition to a passenger depot in the middle of town, the O AC
R. R. passes through Independence, two miles awav, and the steamers plying the Willamette
land there also ¡ making Monmouth ofte of the most easy,to w ns of a cce ss w Utv H t a U 1. Pa re ti ts-----
who desiie to place then- children under good educational
wl.^rn rhgy nhtrtt hff -'
fium IbB l^lHjriiaiJTO'IIOTTOiiffdPairCy'pTeValeii*
m the lvger
will find!
in Monmouth
aruTmmoramy prevalent in
larger towns,
just what they desire in these respects, ft is a school town, built up tor this purpose andall
other interests center in this one. Henco its superiority for educational purposes.
Oar Sew Term* for 1NH3.
One subscription oneyoar. .................. .. .$3 00
The Faculty is the most important element to the successful working of any institution of
For (J months, $1.50 ; for 3 mouths........ 0 75 learning. The Bjard of Trustees have sought put in the various chairs of Christian College
One Subscription two years...................... 5 00 men of marked ability, of established success in their respective departments, and who are just
in the maturity of life. At the hands of these men they expect to see Christian College among
One subscription fivo years........ . ......... 10 00
tbe most honored institutions of the land.
These reduced prices ($2 per annum in
B uilding .—Only one wing of the new brick "College building has been completed, and this
club* of five or more) arc very much lower is being
remodeled and greatly improved this year. It contains three working stories of large
than any of the standard religious weeklies.
airy and well lighted rooms, used for study and recitation. The old College building adjoining •
has been thoroughly overhauled and converted into a pleasant and commodious chapel.
Apparatus sufficient for ordinary purposes of illustration, is now provided, and additions will
be made from time to time. The Library contains a few volumes ol .interest, and nrrr mlrrrrrn^---- -
In order that one may read a few conseculiYfl- nf-ralne-witt-bewdd®ras
fast asTKe'meins at our command wijl allow.
Wiigheff of T he 1 I nde p enden T.-wnrl thus learn
its value, we offer a mbnth’s subscription, as a
" Trial Trip,” for 30 cents, which can be remit­
College to which we especially invite attention, as distinctive of our
ted by postags stamps. Payment of $2.70 in
addition will secure t^o balance of a year's work aro as follows:
C hristian M orality .—Tho Bible is read every day and lectures calculated to impress its
Send postal card for free specimen copy and morality are given, and with tho Bible as a basis, the effort to impress the highest Christian
morality as the guiding principle in the lives of our students. Dogmatism and Sectarianism are
judge for yourself. Address
carefully avoided. We ignore all religions or political divisions, and onconrage great freedom of
thought, and aim to stand on that high plane where Protestant or Catholic, Democrat or Re­
H51 Biomlway, Ne.w York.
publican, can meet on one common level.
P ractical E ducation .—The great demand of the times is for men of action. An imHitntien
of learning to moot tho noadJf OF the people, should not only im[art instruction, but along with
THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. tho knowledge gained, give students the power to use it to advantage for themselves and others.
The idea of Christian College is, that the finest mental culture and the greatest benefit may
bo obtained by the study of those things that will fit young men and women to at once enter
F. G. A llen , Editor, G. W. Y ancey ,Associate. some
pursuitor business, and carry it forward siK-cescihilly. Instead of those branches that are
ornamental, we prefer those that are useful, and we iuvite comparison and criticism on
his is a large eight - page weekly simply
work. Our aim is to graduate young men and women so that they may at once enter upon
devoted to the advocacy and defeitce of our
__ :____
Apostolic teaching and practice. “ Ask for the the pursuits of life.
Ord-Paths, and walk therein “■ iff its' «¡VW, ’ fta ---------------------------------------- D E1» A KTM E S T' s T:
practice and its teaching. Its matter is puro,
M athematics .—The Conrso of Study in this depar I mem is very full. The various branches
safe, fresh and sparkling. Its make up is order­
ly, neat, attractive and on excellent paper. A are taught from a practical standpoint, with a view to the application of each principal to such
specimen copy will satisfy all of the al»ove, and affairs as people meet with in life and desire to understand.
E nglish L anguage and L iterature .—A ready command of our own tongne, with an ac­
will cost yon hut tho time and postal card on
which the request is made. Address the Pub­ curate knowledge of its history and authors, is one of the most important acquisitions. No other
lishers. Seo “Our Principles,” and "Our accomplishment can supply the want of this. It can only be acquired by a thorough study of
English. In Christian College the course of English extends through four years and we consider
this one of our most valuable features.
S ciences . -The rapid advance made in the various departments of Science and the rapid
Single Subscription, One Yoar, $2 00 ; Six succession of discoveries of new principles and applications, constitute one of the wonders of the
Months, $1 00 ; Three Mouths, 50 etti.
ae. No man can clainpto be educated who is not conversant with the present advanced stage
Science. Very thorough work is made of all these, assisted by the use of the apparatus at our
Sufficient time Is allowed for a Comprehensive understanding of the great principles
To any one sending a club of Fivo anil $10 00 of each science.
cash, an extra copy.
A ncient L anguages .— By pursuing the best methods, the progress in acquiring a knowledge
T he O ld -P at
jide ($2 00) and
of the Gleeek and Latin languages, is rapid. We have dropped several authors that are frequent­
i W ork (50cts) $2 25.
T he W ord and
ly read in Colleges, with a view to doing better work iu those that are read, and to give more
$1 00) $2 50.
P acific C hurch N H
time for the pursuit of tlie course in English and the Sciences. Experience has demonstrated
T he C hristian H era ¡$2 00/ $3 00.
that lx»th better linguists anti scientists result from this course.
.Address for tpecimens,
B iblical L iterature and E xegesis .—This department was organized in Christian College
C. C. C line A Co.,
for the first time with tho opening of the present session. The object is to study the Sacred
General Publishers of Church and Sunday Scriptures analytically and critically, with contemporaneous profano history, and evidences of
School Supplies, 310 West Main St.,
Christianity. Methods of sermonizing, pulpit oratory, methods in revival m'eetiugs and the care
Louisville, Ky.
of churches, are all carefully investigated. It is this department that the Christian brotherhood,
as a body, are particularly interested in. The interest of the church is carefully considered in
this, while all ether departments are wholly free from any religiffilk discussions, except the uni­
formly recognized principles of Christian morality. — —.... “
There is now a substance which is
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dorsed and oonoerning which, Mr. J. B.
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Every facility is here afforded lor fitting young persons to'successfully carry on anv kind of
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time, and has' never been found to fail
ltist In the world. Gel the genuine, made as will insure thoroughness on tbe part of the student.
n^“Fur~Ctnirw or Study and other information, send for Catalogue. ’ Address
la (narked Frasier’s« Sola everywhere«
D. T. STANLEY, A. M... P resident ,
(III.) Bullion}
' I