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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1883)
-• 'V through with this catalogue he tard the true temperance work and opportunity. One goes through Selections and Comments. ....... — would not only be a fanatical Epis to defeat the very end they have college in three years, another in six. One Christian sought for par G iven U p .—In the Christian copalian, but he would be a proper in view than two thirds of the com don a month, or a year, and another subject for the Lunatic Asylum; bined liquor dealers of the country, obtained it in a day, or an hour. Index, a Baptist paper published and as this is a parallel of what we for even their own extravagant It is lietter to seek for Christian at Atlanta, Gai,"we find the follow said, according to the Rescue, it fol language, fallacious positions and perfection any length of time than ing comment on Acts 2 : 13, in the lows that before any one can enter unreasonable and bitter attacks on to be self-deceiveu concerning it, or S. S. Department J hurried ihto a false profession. V. 38. “ For the remission of the temperance fight he must neces Christian and temperance people Remember, the seeking is ours, the sins. ” 'these wotds ate connected sarily don all the blue, red afid yel who happen to differ from them work is God’s. He can cut it short with both verbs, “ repent and be low ribbons of the day, join all the about the mere method of temper in righteousness in a moment, and baptized,” and signify that they temperance organizations that are ance work, is only calculated to dis save us. We advance toward it should do these thing» in order that set on foot, and lastly become a gust and drive sensible people from rapidly or slowly, but it is done in their sins might be remitted. Re stantaneously. When Peter bade fanatical prohibitionist! Has the their ranks and is of itself a living the lame man to “ rise up and pentance first, then baptism. “In Ac Rescue passed through all this or witness of a good degree bf intem walk,” ho arose immediately. We the name of Jesus Christ.” knowledging him as Savior and deal ? If so, we are not astonished perance on ine part of those em need not wait, if we believe now king. “ The gift of the Holy at his fanaticism, If not, then he ploying such implements of war Thomas waited a whole week under Ghost,” as their comfoiter and has only cut off his bWh head. Is fare. dt is high time that this the detestible resolution, “I will guide. not believe,” but when he saw At the head of these notes we it possible that no one can engage whole temperance cause should be Jesus, his unbelief vanished and he in the great temperance fight of the wrested from the hands of that class exclaimed, “ My Lord and iriy God !” find the following: “ Prepared day without belonging to all of of unreasonable and reckless advo If the work of conversion belongs specially for the Index by Rev. S. these ? Can no one be a temperance cates and placed on a more digni to God alone and is done instanta H. Mirick, of Washington, D. C.” Worker without being fanatical? fied and solid foundation. The neously, then we suppose the A dvo- Of course we are to understand that The truth is a man can be a Chris man who does not recognize the cate would have us understand that S. H. Mirick is a Baptist preacher tian without joining any of the fact that there are great problems conversion is miraculous also. and writer, otherwise he would not uite., involved in the temperance work Hence in every conversion we have be employed to prepare the S. S. enough to belong simply to the and that these should he Investigat a miracle’ That" thfeiirthe Adw- Lessons for siicti a radical Baptist Church of Christ. Ih like manner ed in a free and manly way in Ol cate's meaning" would seem further paper as the Index. Here then W8 may a mah be a true temperance der to arrive at the ground facts evident from his allusion to the have a clear admission of the cor . man and work in the temperance and principles of the real issue is a healing of the lame man which he rectness of our interpretation of cause without necessarily belong traitor to the cause and a dead knows was not only clearly miracu this much controverted verse com ing to any of the formally organized weight to its success. We need lous, but had no connection what ing from a Baptist preacher and a temperance societies of the day. less fanaticism and more true and ever with conversion, being only a Baptist paper. But it makes but Dogs the Rescue now understand ? searching investigation. case of healing. If this is not his little difference whether or not it The Rescue will please remember meaning, then we would like to comes from a Baptist source inas We never said that thfcfg is fanat icism in being a thorough prohibi that we are not opposed to fighting know what is meant by instan much as we have contended for tionist, any more than in» being a King Alcohol, neither are we at taneous conversion, and what thia only plain and natural con thorough church member; this is tacking prohibition or temperance means God uses in producing it struction of thia passage for more only what the Rescue put into our societies ; but it is this fanaticism outside of a miracle. Again, If the. than thirty years against almost mouth. But we do say that there wherever found that we Are after; sinner seeks earnestly for a month the whole united religious world. are fanatics connected with both; and until' it shall concede to all or a year and goes away without We are truly glad to know that and as such are always a positive temperance people the right to finding pardon, whose fault is it ? Scripture light and knowledge are hindrance to any good cause, the think and write for themselves, and If the work of conversion belongs gaining ground. Will our Baptist sooner this class become silent shall pursue a more consistent to God only, and the sinner can do brethren please make note ? w. spectators in the church and in the course than the sample we give nothing but seek and he is willing temperance fight the better it will above, we will be compelled to -set to -be saved and continues to seek The Publishers, C. C. Cline A Co., be for both causes. If a Christian it down at the head of our fanati for years, why is it that he does not Louisville, Ky., have kindly laidon or temperance man can not fight cal list. If the Rescue knew as find sooner, and that some do not our table specimen copies of some the devil nor engage in the destruc much about Pres. Loos and his tem fimi at all ? Is God partial ? Docs of their S. School publications. tion of the liquor traffic without perance sentiments in the language he delight in withholding salvation Among these we find the Word and necessarily being a thorough pro referred to which we heard with from those who earnestly desire it the Work. The Lesson Monthly. hibitionist, what will our friend do our own ears and which we hearti and arc seeking it ? Now will the Good Words and Little Pearls. with the hundreds of conscientious ly indorsed, it would doubtless be Advocate be so kind as to give us Also the Combined Record for self-sacrificing Christian men and ashamed of itself for putting him one passage of Scripture in proof of Superintendents and Secretaries, We expect his theory of conversion ? Just one by C. C. Cline, Class Book for the women all over the. country who in such company. something better from Miss Willard will be satisfactory. In answer to S. S. Teacher, and contribution are working hard day and night to his question, “ How long must one envelope on which the teacher can wipe this accursed traffic from our when she reaches this coast. seek without finding,” we answer : also make out hris report to the ----------- , ♦ ♦ ♦---------------- - fair land and who do not believe As faith comes by, hearing the Secretary. We like the arrange that constitutional prohibition, for Instantaneous Conversion. word of God, it just requires suffi ment of these books; and we re the present at least, is the most ef In an editorial the California cient time for one to hear the Gàs- gard Bro. Cline’s series of S. S. fectual means of accomplishing this work ? A fine tribute of respect Christian Advocate gives üs the pel preached, believe in Jesus Paper among the very best pub - — *to a, host of as good, intelligent and following statement in reference to Christ with his whole heart on the lished by our brethren. We would true temperance workers ascan I rt instanLanooun oonversinn to Christ : evidence submitted, repent of his be glad to see them in our Sunday- How long must one seek without sins, confess Ins fallTi ìn thè Son of schootsatt over this eeast—«A- found in the world ! This is the finding ? When will the Lord an God, be hurried with his Lord in vertisement elsewhere in this paper, kind of logic(?)employed by a class swer us and bless us ? baptism and arise to walkzfn new and send for sample copies. of temperance(?)advocates ; and we The attainment of any point in say plainly, without the fear of suc- human advancement is conditioned ness of life. This is the Apostolic Long suffrance is one path to . cessful contradiction, that they are upon various facts, such as our order and method, and with it we heaven.— Walter Scott. unconsciously doing more to re- temperament, knowledge, faith, ot are perfectly satisfied.