Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, February 16, 1883, Page 12, Image 12

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Educational Department.
■ l'|i|l l 8»l*i»I Ull Xlll H R R i a . Y- v A- ít :'-.1
Family Libraries.
Every family should be supplied
with books, and each household
should, as far as their ability will
allow, procure a family library.
There is no estimating the value! of
a few well-selected books. Chil­
dren should be induced to begin
early to improve their minds, and
nothing draws them more to study
than good, sound periodical litera­
ture, and well-selected books—
books adapted to their age and pro­
gress and their education. Money
‘ cannot be better expended. Instead
of toys and perishable gifts, pur­
chase books (or your children.
Every few months add something
new to the library, and be sure to
preserve the old works. Let there
be in the house a book-case, shelves
some place where~ffie books’ISH!“
papers are deposited; have them
carefully preserved and soon a little
handful will swell into armfuls, and
the minds of the children will ex­
pand with the increase of the li­
brary until a good store will be
found in the house, and much
knowledge will bo gained by the
growing children.
Good books, a taste for reading,
will keep the children at home and
make them happy in the family
circle, when otherwise thev will be
straying off, hunting society, look­
ing for something to engage the
mind and satisfy the cravings of a
hungry intellect. Games and
worldly amusements are substituted
for books and intellectual culture,
where there is no library at Eome,
no food found for the inquiring
mind. Let parents think of these
things. Mucb, very much depends
on the early training of the child
in regard to study, as well as other
thing <— E jc .
Manual Labor with Schools.
.Some Eastern papers arc advo­
cating the plan of devoting a little
of school time to manual training.
The Springfield Republican says
that in the Dwight Grammar
School, of Boston, last winter, boys
were given lessons of two hours
each day in the practical use of
carpenter’s tools, and that the plan
showed marked success. All the
boys shgived great interest in the
work, also? retaining the required
standard rn their lessons. The
change .from the schodLiotttn was
decidedly beneficial. The expenses
of this instruction were paid by an
associatioh seeking to promote this
form of education( An industrial SEWINC MACHINESi
school is flourishing at St. Louis,
also in Worcester and Boston, Mass.
Sewing Machine in the market. Sold on easy
In Sweden basket making is installments, or a liberal discount fur cash.
The Singer Mannfact«lrinf[ CA.
(aught in schools, and in Switzer­ WILLIS
B. FRY, M*nn|5er,
Morrison St., Port 11*nd.
land wood carving ia encouraged in
all the schools. It is better for the
best development of children that
their fingers as well as their minds,
be employed while growing up.
Most American parents think that
177 Or 77)
A can)
CAN ith I . sketch
every child must go through a cer­
nf K.
you LKM»N.
a model
of yonr
fn venllrHi'io
tain routine of schooling, lasting tan. ». C., To and
a Preliminary Kxamiuallon
Will be made of all United States patentsof thesanje
till maturity, and embracing those class of inventions and you will De advised whether
or not a patent can be obtai ned.
earlier and best years of youth, FOR THIS PRELIMINARY EXAMINA­
when the hands ought to be educat­
ed into skillful manipulation. The If you are advised that yonr invention Is patent­
to pAy Government application fee
young mind is active, and the sur­ able,
of ♦Ifi.and «5 for the drawings required by the
Government. Thia Is payahle when application is
plus life and energy will be spent in made, and ia all of the expense unless a patent is al­
lowed. When allowed, the attorney’s fee < »W'»nd
final Government fee (SSO; is payable. Thus
mischief if not led off into better the
vou know beforehand, for Mtktnf. whether you are
to get a patenfor not, and no attorney's tee
things’. Children are not apt to be I* charged
unless you do get a Patent. A n attorney
whose fee depends on his snccess in obtaining a Pat­
lazy. It is only after years of idle ent will a not advise you that your Invention is
patentable, unless It really is patentable, so lar as
lodgment can aid In determining the question ;
school-room life that they begin to bls
hence, you can rely on the advise given after a
im lnM^a»*wataaXiao.l&fitu^Jtt«.’-.*£■» * "-«J".«»
shirk labor. ~T)Tsefvatioh has'1 «wrl
and the BaclatrtaOon wf Lwbria. TMW H RF
and Me I—ws secured, l aveal) prepared and
filed. Applications in revi vor of Rejerte*, Aban­
shown us tliat very many boys who don*«!.
<>r For fe I led Caaea made. Very often
Inventions are saved in these classes of
have had schooling till early man­ I valuable
Cases. If youdtave undertaken to secure your own
patent and failed, a skillful handling of the case
hood begin to look! upon a trade as may lead to suce<«ta. Hend me a written request tul-
dressed to the Commissioner of Patents lliat he
G nonoic E. I.«MOW, of Washington, P. ( ..
a letting down in the social scale, recognise
as yonr attorney In the case, giving the title of
the invention and about I he date of tiling your
and then prepares himself for some application. An examination and report will cost
you nothing. Searches made for title to Inventions,
profession, making out in the end a In fact any information relating to Patents promptly
furnished. Copies of Patents mailed at the regular
rates, (S5e. each.) Hemember this
good trade. There is every induce­ Government
office has been in successful operation since IM»,
you therefore reap lhe benefits of experience,
ment to learn trades now, for there and
besides reference can be given to actual clients in
almost every ennnty In the U. 8, Pamphlet re­
seems to be a demand for skilled la­ lating to Patents_free upon request.
bor of all kinds at high wages.
615 15th St., WASHINGTON, D. C.
This matter of industrial education Attorney-nt-Lavr and Solicitor of Ameri­
can and Foreign Patents.
is an important one, and there is an
interest being taken by manu­ «6 75 FOB A $100 S. S. LIBRARY.
WW* Jor 1» TJw»**ll 1«) VO'«»«« ohoto*.« fl to 1150 «.«.
facturers in New England that pro­ Library
book», put op In pampblA rormr»«*l xo>«r«, wtr»
•Uub»4, ll(bt »u< fleilblr : will |x>«lllrrly o»tl»at m>>«t ripen*.
r**dy o»t*1o*ue4 *o4 numbered ; delivered fr**.
mises good results. It is said that the Over IkrMmllllo»
Ito hook* l«.u*d—whole 1*1 forflllM.
M took«.
M. Bampl* took and pnrtleulnra, 10*.
girls in an Eastern school are desi­
Ten tonka, Ineludin* Bible Dictionary, Commentary,
rous of having the advantage of M>Xa
t'**p*ndlum of Teaching, etc., tooka worth Tie. to fl 50 aaoh :
wtolataa fl.10; ain«ly, Ito. **eh : Sr* Ubrarleaf I each. poeip'A
this manual training also. It is Rp PER YEAR ■ onthlt 8,8, miag
when bought in lota often er
difficult, we will concede now for a tec aMMMMRiwM
more. Papera also of the ordinary. Out immenM
weekly •» 10» »er year
: on* primary weekly’ a« So. per year.
youth to find an opportunity where
Rcholars’ Lesson Helps, with musio, patent oil
there are trades unions, whose’aims
•nd new tune combination, to sing at sight»
■ Teachers' Helps IM. to 34«. per year. Samples from
The c«ani
are to keep wages up and lessen, as> si 30 TEACHERS’ BIBLE. bra
ted 0»
— I Kncvelo-
ford with (’oncordence, Bible Dictionary,
far as they can, the number of arti­ pediB, tab lea, map», ete . nj<»M oomplet« teacher» Bible ‘extant;
find pages, gilt edge», arrong binding, for |1.B0. Best
“ :: hid
zan«. These organizations are not ftexlblo, protection edge«, ailk aewed, ate., for |J 30, poatptid.
so much in force here in Oregon as REWARD
eent peek* tor Me. ten pack*. *0e. Sample pack, a.aortei, 16*.
they are in Eastern States. Many
A t
71«l anthema; »bleat writers ; eleven editions sold.
-yuung men ■liL. iliwm^el ves tbeoreti-
Price |< per dog. ; postage extra 5 ceiitaeaeh.
cally for a business college fairly
Seven stops, lour full octave», four awt$ of reeds (nf
nla*sed). large volume, rich and power*
well, and yet when put to real eat improvements, I <5. Bend tor particulars.
~ 8<H44: oorreet to latest enrvev
Old Tea»a went
work could not keep a set of books
A T3C! Paleatine, KawTeatameut Palestine, aud Trav-
of «St. Paul
On clo<h, $l ¿lOeaoh ; on cloth
and mounted. I? »»i-’h
without blunders and errors. ■ msmmmmm
CtATTfL 13AAV For church and Rundav-aohooi!
bC WVJWw XeUUXhi« 83 pieces word* and nmMc old
School and work ought to go hand ’■'’^•andnew tunea, strong binding, |5 p<r hundred; po.-taga
•ftra, l^eti Catalogue free.
in hand.— Farmer.
DAVID C. COOK, 46 Adam« St., Chicago.
What will a Patent Cost?
« WUi
He who asks in a true confidence,
and with a sincere delf-denial of
himself, will obtain whatever he
Of all fruitless errands, sending a
tear to look after a day that is
gone, is the most fruitless.— Dcckens.
The hidden way is generally
made known but to God’s intimate
friends, that they may be willingly
stripped from ail false supports.
* t - o »
“OOBYSIX* UtHF. CURE •>» no "<*<<*-
Cnny." but in thunder tone* speak., through Its
veuty thousand certificate» of Cure*, to
the auiterer fr..m OatuiTh, Nr uralclc »nd
Nerviu* Headache.
We »ay emphatically
um " Dobyne’ Sure Cure,”.«nd if not eat-
lafiod with reeult, we will refund your
money. We can’t say more.
" My wife used your "Sure Cure ” for neuralgia,
•nd it Acted litre a charm. My son «nd
had Catarrh of eight and nine years sunning. It
h«s cured them. I am recommending it everv-
whose. (Elder) Joel T. Hol maee, Green Held. Mo.
We have 70,000 others of the same kind. Only
, •
Foo Choo’«
of Shark’« Oil
Positively Rextores the Hearing, and ia the
Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known.
Thia OU la abstracted from peculiar species o
•mail White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea,
known as Carcharodon Rondeletii.
Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a
restorative of bearing were discovered by a
Buddhist I’iiest abqut tlie year 1410. Its cures
were so numerous and many rfo seemingly mir­
aculous, that the remedy was officially pro­
claimed over the entire Empire. Its use be­
came so universal that for over 300 year« nd
Deafness has existed amoi g the Chinese people;
Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at $1.00
per bottle.
Hear Whst the Deaf Bay!
It has performed a miracle in my case.
I have no unearthly noises in my head add
hear much better.
I have been greatly benefited.
•My deafness Helped a great deal—think an­
other bottle will cure me.
My hearing is much benefited.
I have received untold benefit.
My hearing is improving.
It is giving good satisfaction.
Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced
that I saw the notice of it.
** Its virtues are unquestionable and its
curative character absolute, as the writer can
personally testify, both from experience and
observation. Write at once to Haylock A Jen-
ney, 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing »1 .00,
ail'd vou will rece i-ive
’ return a remedy that
Mill enable yon hHjear Hlte anybody
whose curative effect» will be )>ernianent. You
will never regret iloiug no.”—Editor of Jftroan*
ti/e llerieui.
(U*To avoid loss iu the mail«, please send
money by Registered letter.
Only Imported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY,
T Dey St., N. Y.
Sole Agent« for America.
■ A < oinwion-3vnw K<nirdy.
No DV»re l!li< uiu»lUiii,Goul or Neuralgia.
Iininedlale Relief Waivanlctl.
Permanent Cure Guaranteed.
Five yearn eatabliabod and never known to
fail in a single cane, acute or chronic. Beier to
all prominent pbyxician» and druggists fur the
xtandiug of Salicjlici.
Til# only dissolver of the poisonous uric acid
which exists in the blood of rheumatic and
gouty patients.
Mn i ley I lea i» known as a cornion-nense
remedy, because it strike« directly at the cause
of Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, while so
many so-called rpecificn and supposed panaceas
only treat ldcallv the effect«.
It has been conceded by eminent scientist«
that outward applications, nuch as rubbing with
oils, liniments, and soothing lotions will not
eradiate these dixeaces which are the result of
the poisoning*«# the blood with Uric Acid.
Mulleylicu twerks with marvelous effect on
tliix acid and so removes 'lie disorder. It ir now
exclusively used by all cetebrated physicians of
America and Europe- Highest Medical Acade­
my of Paris reports 95 per eent cures in throe
that Swlkyllew jg a certain cure for Rheum*-
tixni. Gout and Neuralgia. The moat in­
tense pains are subdued almost instantly.
Give it a trial. Relief guaranteed or money
Thoiixantls of testimonials sent on applica­
$1 n Itox. 6 Boxes for $5.
Sent free by mail on receipt of money.
A»k your Druggist for It,
But do not be deluded into taking imitations or
substitutes, or something recommended m
“ just as g<xxKl" Insist on the genuine with the
name W»«hi»«*rna A Co., on each box, which
is guaranteed chemically pure under our signa­
ture, an indispensible requisite to insure suecesa
in the t realm out. Take no other, or send to us.
Washburn«- A Co.. Proprietors.
’4M7' Broadway, Cor. Rv«*«le St.,
New York.
4 o
Th* New Improvs«
1» the cheaput »nd teat.
A boy alxteen year* old
Ask your Druggist, or address all orders to
Dobyns & Mitchell,«^'
tor IllwitrouM l^atomr co^n^troUmon-