• j J. J C itii i s T1A R ii e ii A r. r affold too high for her to reach, hat she may kitjs and bless you in vidence of her deathless love. Vhen the world shall despise and forsake you, when it leaves you to die by the wayside unnoticed, the iear old mother will gather you in er feeble arms and carry you.home nd tell you of all your virtues un- il you almost forget that your soul 8 disfigured by vices. Love her enderly, and cheer her declining ears with holv devotion.— • » .................... Forever. A little girl, whom we know, me in her night clothes very ear- to her mother one morning, say- g; “ Which is worst, mamma, to tell lie, or steal ?” The mother, taken by surprise, plied that both were so bad she uldn’t tell, which was the worst. - WV-sHntttre- tittle onK~Tve~ en thinking’s good deal about it, dTve concluded it’s worse to lie an to steal Jf you steal a t>hing u.ca'n take it back, ’less you’ve ten it; and if you’ve eaten it you n pay for it. But”—and there as a look of awe in the little face “ a lie is forever,”— Ex. Be Cautious. Don’t judge a man by the clothes ’he wears. God made one and the 'bailor the other. Don’t judge him by his family ■relations, for Cain belonged to a ■good family. •) Don’t judge a man by his speech, ■for a parrot talks, but the tongue is jput an instrument of sound. Don’t judge a man by his failure in life, for many a man fails because he is too honest to succeed. Don’t judge a man by the house he lives in, for the lizard and the rat often inhabit the grandest struct­ ures. ... WijHinrinan dies; they who suf- five him ask what property he has eft behind. Thy angel who bends ver the dying man asks what good eed« he has sent before him.— Ex. The Chinese have a peculiar and bominable practice with which hey mark the beginning of the new ear. The devout follower Of Con­ fucius pays his debts, if possible, act that season. There have been some attempts made to introduce the ustom here, but being a pagan practice it is, of course, abhorred by Christians, and is-but seldom ob- wrved.—*Vew York Herald. Young Man, Hold On. _ *1 Hold on. to your tongue when Monmoutu, Oregon you are just ready to take God’s name in vain. Hold on to your tongue when it FACULTY: is about to place that to your lips D. T. STANLEY, A. M, P resident ,. which brings misery and death. Professor Mental and Moral Sciences, English and Biblical Literature. Hold on to your feet when they W. E. YATES, A. M, are about to take you into the place Professor Greek, Latin and German Languages. of sin. J. M. POWELL, A. M., Hold on to your heart when evil Professor Mathematics and Physical Sciences. associates seek your company and „ M rs . M. B. STANLEY, invite you to join their, revelry. Principal Primary Department. Hold on to your good mine, for Miss RETTA RASH, it is of more value than gold. Teacher of Instrumental Music. ’ Hold on to truth, for it will serve <-- Miss E. McFADDEN, you well in time and eternity. Teacher of Painting and Draining. Hold on to virtue. It is above Miss CASSIE STUMP, B. S., i all price to you,at all times and Teacher of French. places. W. E. YATES, A. M., Hold on to your good character, Secretary of the Faculty. for it is and ever will b9 yoir best Such Assistants as are needed will be engaged as the session advances, wealth. j K c * I -- ---------------- T—— THE INDEPENDENT. :o T he I ndependent needs only to be bettor known to add to its already large list of friends. It lia« been published for thirty-live years and has acquired a world-wide reputation as the religious and literary newspaper. T he I ndependent is not denominational. Ils crood and field are broader than any sect. As a Christian journal, its aim is to strengthen and extend Evangelical religion and to defend it against the attacks of Materialism, Atheism, and nntelief. It ia free to approve or criticise in any of ihe denominations whether it believes is designed to advance or hinder the progress of the Gospel of Christ. In civil and political affairs T he I ndepen ­ dent will contend for sound ideas and princi­ ples. It fought against slavery and the iniqui­ tous system of the Oneida Community. It is now fighting against Mormonism, It believes in the reform of the civil service and tariff, in the purification of politics and in cheaper post­ age, and will maintain those principles which the highest ethics and best intelligence require. T hr .I ndependent is designed to suit all tastes and wants. We provide weekly stories by the best magazine writers, poems by the leading poets of America and England (we first published in America Tennyson’s last poem), and for others, who 100k especially for instruc­ tion, whether in religious, literary,educational, philosophical, or scientific articles, we furnish what no other periodical does or can. We pay large prices to obtain the most eminent writers. Besides the editorials, there are twenty-two distinct departments, edited by twenty-two specialists, which include Biblical Research, Sauitary, Legal Fine Arts, Music, Science, Peb­ bles, Personalities Ministerial Register, Ilymn Notes, School and College, Literature, Religious Intelligence, Missions, Sunday-school, News of the Week, Finance, Commerce, Insurance, Puzzles, Selections, and Agriculiure. 34 Pnges In nil. - We'wnr reix’irFin lull Bev. JoeepH Cook’s celebrated Boston Monday Lectures, which will liegin in January. Mr. Cook has just re­ turned from a two years’ trip round the world, and hie lectures this Winter will attract greater attention than ever. Our Vrw Term« for ISA.'!. One subscription one year..........................S3 00 For 6 months, $1.50 ; ior 3 months.............. 0 75 One subscription two years........................ 5 00 One subscription five years.................. ... 10 00 These reduced prjees ($2 per annum in clubs of five or more) are very much lower •• TRIAL TRIP.” ----------------- Monmouth, the seat of Christian College, is a village of about 400 inhabitants, noted tor their morality and devotion to the cause of education. The Oregonian Railway pass®« through the middle of the town, giving daily connection with Portland, and affording the means tor uasv i travel and rapid freights. In addition to a passenger depot in*the middle of town, the O. A C. R. R. passes through Independence, two mi.es away, and the steamers plying the Willamette land there also ; making Monmouth one of the most easy‘towns of access in the Btah . 1 arent's who desire to placfftheir children under good educational advantages, where they shall be free from the intetni>eianco and ir.moiTlity p evulent :u the larger towns, will find in Monmouth just what they desire in the s made of all these, assisted by the use of the apparatus at our command. Sufficient time is allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the great principles of each science. A ncient L anguages .—By pursuing the best methods, the progress in a-quiring a knowledge of the Geeek and Latin languages, is'rapid. We have dropped several authors that are frequent­ ly read in Colleges, with a view to doing better work in those that are read, and to give more time for the pursuit of the course in English and . the Sciences, Experience has demonstrated that both better linguists and scientists result from UiiR course. B iblical L iterature and E xeoespl .—Thia department wag org anised in ChrisUen l-oBegw „ ....ricvT?.. ...•..._ fbr r^*™'*~* the flmt ffiarwiib Hie opening of the present session The object is to study the Sacred Scriptures analytically and critically, with contemporaneous profane history', and evidences of CHnstiamty. Methods of sermonizing, pulpit oratory, methods in revival meetings and the caro of churches, are all carefully investigated. It is this department that the Christian brotherhood, as a body, are particularly interested in. The interest of the church is carefully considered in this, while all other departments are wholly free from any religious discussions, except the uni­ formly recognized principles of Christian morality. In order that one mar read a few consecutive nflmliers of T he I ndependent , and thus learn its value. we offer a month’s subscription, as a “’Trial Trip,”1 for 30 cents, which can be remit­ ted by postage stamps. Payment of >2.70 in COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. addition will secure the balance ot a year’s subscription. Every facility is here afforded for fitting young persons to successfully, carry on auv kind of Heud postal card for free specimen copy and business. The best authorsare studied ^on the various-subjects, and such practical tests” a re judge for yourself. Address made as will insure thoroughness on the part of the student. Qy*For Course oi --quay and other information, send for Catalogue. Address THE INDEPENDENT, «31 Broadway, Xtw York. * D. T. STANLEY, A. M-, P resident . i % -