Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, February 16, 1883, Page 10, Image 10

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    OHtniSTiAK MËRAÎ.1)
showed that he stood ninth in a
class of fifteen for scholarship, but
-ftrot for etftiduel.—He w i w mortified
at his rank as a scholar^» On see­
ing the card, his mother expressed
Why do you like it ?” he asked.
“ Because,” she replied, “ I see
that you are first for conduct.” And
she went on to say ; “It is proba­
ble that the other boys are brighter
than you are, and were so made by
God. That is a thing you cannot
help. But you can be a good boy,
and that is all I expect of you,”
, lie was, however, a bright boy.
In time, he came to stand ainons
the first scholars of a class of Har­
vard College. He has written
many books which have been read
over the world. But he says;
" I never cared a straw for any
other honor compared with taking
a high grade for conduct.” ‘
Family Circle.
Don't stop my paper, printer,
Don’t strike my name off yet;
Yon know the times are stringent’
And dollars hard to get ;
But tag a little harder
Is what I mean to do,
And scrape the dimes together,
Enough for me and yon.
I can’t afford to drop it ;
I find it doesn’t pay
. •
To do without a paper,
However others may.
I hate to ask my neighbors
To give me theirs on loan ;
HThey don’t just say—but mean it—
“ Why don’t you have your own?”
You can’t tell how we miss it,
If it, by any fate,
Should happen not to reach us,
Or come a little late.
Then all is in a hubbub,
And things go all awry,
And, printer if you’re married,
.■-You know the reason why. ___-------
The children want their stories,
And wife i^mxious too,
At first to glance it over,
And then to read it through ;
And I to read the leaders,
And can the book reviews,
And scan the correspondence,
And every scrap of news.
riyglnfHfPul lint'
every one aim at high attainments
in learning. But conduct and char­
acter are of greater importance;
find in gaining them one may be
excited to noble endeavors for scho­
larship.— Golden days.
I cannot do without it ;
It is no use to try ;
The other people take it
And, printer so must I.
I, too, must keep me posted
And know what’s going on,
Or fees and be accounted
A fogy simpleton
A Sunshiny Woman.
Then take it kindly, printer
If pay is somewhat slow
For cash is not so plenty,
And wants not few, you know ;
But I must have the paper,
— Cost what it may to me ;
I’d rather dock my sugar,
And do without my tea.
So, printer, don’t you stop it,
Unless you want my frown,
For here’s the year’s subscription.
And credit it right down,
And send the paper promptly
And regularly on,
And let it bring ns weekly
--------------- » e ».................. ..
Conduct More than Scholar­
What a blessing ,to a household
is a merry, cheerful woman—one
whose spirits are not affected by
w^t days, or little dissappointments,
or whose ceaseless kindness does
not sour in the sunshine of prosper­
ity. Such a woman in the darkest
hours brightens the house like a
piece of sunshiny weather. The
magnetism of her. smiles and the
electrical brightness of her looks
and movements infect every one.
The children go to school with a
sense of something great to be
achieved; her husband goes into
the world in a conqueror’s ’spirit.
No matter how people annoy and
worry him all day, far off her pre-
s en e e -ehifiee; -and-ho " wh i s por s --to-
bimself, " At home I shall find rest.”
So day by day she literally renews
his strength and energy ; and if you
know a man with a beaming face,
a kind heart and a prosperous busi
ness, in nine cases ont of ten you
will find he has a wife of this kind.
—Paecagoicl Star.
~------ --- —
Two of them were born in the sev­ strong man waits a moment to clasp
enth story of an immense iron build­ his treasure and is gone; and all
prwt-^nder the roof,
4 day the wonders at the peace in his
tnem to my certain knowledge has heart; at the nerve with which he
never been down in the street at all. meets business losses, or bears bu­
That’s a fact. It will l>e down some siness crosses. The wife’s kiss did
day. It was born only las( week, it, the baby’s kiss did it; and he
Where do you think the children’s’ realizes that it is not wealth or po­
play7 ground is ? It is the roof, and sition or luck that makes our happi­
a rare, good yard it is, too, with ness, but the influence we bear with
flowers growing on it, and every­ us from the presence of those we
thing just like a goOd paced yard.-— love.— Ex.
There is a large ledge around the
Waiter Girls in Germany.
four sides so there is no danger of
the youngsters falling off’. And
Nasby writes thus of Germany:
there are clothes-lines there, and It is astonishing how alike- every­
tubs standing about, and clothes­ thing is the world over. In these
pins lying on the ground—every­ beer halls the waiter girls who have
thing so natural you might easily plump, shapely arms wear short
imagine yourself in somebody’s sleeves, while those whose arms are
backyard. Those children seldom see. very thin and not at all shapely
anything of the world down below; wear long sleeves, holding that short
and their mother hardly ever does sleeves are immodest.
for she has her hands full taking
This conversation probably oc-
O f tllB
There in a ■ww betwe en the giila of-the t wo- ~
nice secluded life for you, with no types, the plump and the reraggy.
“ You are entirely right, Bertha
danger of annoyance from prying
neighbors. There is something at­ darling : short sleeves may be im­
tractive about it, too. Just think modest. On such arms as yours,
of the janitor, at dark, shutting up my love, they would positively be
the big iron doors with himself in­ indecent.”
side. There he is with his family
And then they wouldn’t kiss
about him, and all the world secure­ each other, and move off as on a
ly locked but? TtlS as good as liv­ campaign against coming - thirst.
ing in a castle with the bridge But, Pauline, the plump, would
drawn up and the mote full of wa­ laugh a saucy laugh, and Bertha,
ter. But even when the outer doors the skinny, would assume a very
are locked the janitor’s are not al­ saucy look. Likewise those who
ways shut in from the outer world. are too plain to attract the atten­
-—There is a block of buildings in tion of customers are very severe
one of the principal business centers upon flirting, It makes but little
of the city all about the same difference in what country people
height. Each building has its jan­ are born they are the sons and
itor, and each janitor has his fami­ daughters of Adam and Eve, and
ly. When the outer doors are shut Adam and Eve-runs through them
and locked no outsider can by any all. Ex.
possibility make his way in the
The Dear Aged Mother.
janitors’ families begin to visit.
The roofs form their avenues and
Honor-the dear, aged Another.
boulevards, their grand promenade, Time has scattered the snowy flakes
there is something slightly curious on her brow, plowed deep furrows
about the way of living, isn’t there; in bei chq^ks, but is she not sweet
having your neighbor dropping in and beautiful now? Tie lips are
through the roof instead of coming thin and shrunken, but those are'
through the door ? It is something the lips which have kissed many a
like the way of the old cave-dwell hot tear from the childish cheek,
ers in the southwest N. Y. Times. and they are the sweetest lips in
the world. The eye is dim, yet it
Ki sa Me Good-bye, Dear.
glows with the Soft radiance of holy
That is the phrase heard in the Icve which can never fade. Ah,
hall-way of many’a Lome as the yes, she is a dear, old mother 1 The —
mah of the. house is hurrying away sands,
of her life have nearly run
to exchange daily labor for daily out; but feeble as she is, she will
bread in the mart of commerce. go further and reach down lower
Sometimes it is the wife who says for you than any other upon earth.
it, sometimes infantjlips prattle the You cannot walk into a midi
carressing word, holding a sweet where she can not see you ; ycK
flower face for the kiss that is its not enter a prison whose btrs
■ t
That every boy and girl should
aim at high rank in scholarship is
important; but it is more impor­
tant for them to wish to stand high
in character and in conduct. If the
choice must be made between the
right and the learning, it is better
to do right than -to be learned.
A distinguished author was late­
ly asked what had first aroused his
desire to live a pure and noble life.
He replied that the first monthly
What do you think of the queer
lives led by janitor’s families ? I
know a janitor who has charge of
a huge building down Broadway
who has four little tots of children,
and they don’t get down into the
report Tie ewiied home from schoo
street more than once a week or so. warm sunshine of life, and the keep her out ; you cannoV*mount w .
* ■
Highlife in New York