■MQQHKS 4.-Í ... ■■, ■ r l Ì 4 f i I L ■ II I , ...................... IS......... .. ............................. ■■■ ........................................... —" ■■ DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY 1 MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1883. VOL. XIII.. * C hristian * H erald . J. F. FLOYD, Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. Subscription Price i Ono Copy, one year...................... .$2 00 Ono Copy, six months...................... 1 00 ADVFBTI3KMENTS. Prices will be givpn on application. [Entered at the Post-office at Monmonth, as seoond class mail matter. ] Please Natice. x wzimiaJnt» ¿xin^Mpd^by oar contriCntorB/ for onr own writing «lone. Henoe oui resdeni TttiHt judge for tliemselwi. We intend to give space for the free expression, of opinion, within the limits of sound diseredoa, and the good of the cause; but not be bold as indorsing whaj ♦ others may write. All matter intended far publication in this paper should be written : only: 1. On one side of the sheet nt 9. In a plain legible hand. 8. Let there be plenty of space between the line«. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it maj not toe defaced in transit. 8. Write brief articles. 6. no attention to arttelee, notices, dr queries not accompanied by your name. EDITORIAL NOTES- We are truly glad to learn that ’ the brethren are doing so noHy in Seattle. Read Bro. Osborn’s letter. Bro. Moses Downing, one of our preaching brethren from Iowa, is in Portland seeking health. He will proliably remain there several days. Bro. Bruce Wolverton writes us that he has quite a lot of books on hand which he has removed from Portland to Corvallis, his present home. He has especially the Com­ mentary on Acts by Prof. J. W. | McGarvey, and Analysis of the Gospels and Acts by Pres. R. Milli gan, which he offers for sale at cost plus postage These are the very best books published by our breth­ ren ; and as the Sunday-school lesson is in the Acts, now is a.good time to buy them. Address Bruce Wolverton, Corvallis, Oregon. 5 Bro P. R. Burnett, has recently held a meeting at forest Grove under the auspices of the State Board. He reports a good meeting, with one confession"'and three re­ stored. He found about 20 breth­ ren there, and thinks the prospects - - ---------- - ------ *----------T good for soon organizing a flour­ ishing church. They are arranging for preaching at least once per month. Bro. B. will preach there again on the fourth Lord’s day in this month, and on Saturday even; ing preceding. our homes and tempted loved ones from the ravages of the drink habit and the liquor traffic ? It is hoped that young women - may be especially enlisted to at­ tend these meetings. Bro. O. A. Carr is collecting Evening meetings will also be material for a Biographical Sketch held open to the public free, at of Bro. J. K. Rogers, and for Hisr which collections will be taken for Mr. Moody is still in England tory of Christian College, Colum­ the payment of current expenses. Miss Wiliard leaves lucrative en­ holding his revival meetings. He bia, Mo. He urges those who gagements to make this trip, and is having fine success’"among the possess facts and incidents in the makes no demand whatever upon Oxford students, something quite life and work of Bro. Rogers and us, but we desire to meet the cost unexpected to most people. He those former pupils of the college of her trip. Let any pastor, tem­ told them one evening that die who can give names and addresses perance worker, lady, or friend of •m-nanisg, wha • ffguure - wanted to get back to '• apostolic of qradtuitea of Christian College the personal aid of Miss Willard, simplicity,”. and then in a few to send their contributions at once address Mrs. H. H. Haven, Blake minutes set out three mourners to O. A. Carr, Columbia, Mo. House, Oakland, Cal., before March 1st. benches and had them filled with We have received a number of Now as it is a settled fact that students to be prayed for. This tracts entitled, “ Word Gladly Re may lie Moody’s idea of simplicity, ceived. Sinners’ Relief. The re­ Miss Willard is to come to this coast in the near future, the ques­ I flit it is a long way from Apostolic sult of the first gospel Sermon; tion arises, What are the temper­ the meaning of Acts 2 : 38; what Bro. 1), T. Stanley and the H er - ance people of Oregon going to do Sunday-school papers say; what ALD editor have been appointed del­ in view of her visit ? So far, we critics say. A help for teachers egates by the Monmonth church to have learned of no move in the and learners.” By O. A. Carr. the State Temperance Alliance State to secure her services. In all These tracts are intended for free which convenes in Albany on the probability this is the only oppor­ distribution, and can be had by ad­ 2lst of this month. It is our pur­ tunity the people of Oregon will dressing the Publisher, John Bums, pose to attend this meeting, and to ever have of seeing and hearing St. Louis, Mo. preach some for the brethren there this great temperance worker, and Miss W illard ’ s V isit .—The they should make haste to extend before returning to our office work. The protracted meeting in all pro­ Womans Christian Temperance her an invitation to spend some bability will l>egin there on Satur­ Union of California has just issued time among us. Without doubt, day evening the 25 inst, at which the following circular which fully Miss Willard is one of the most time we hope to be present. We explains itself : gifted, able and eloquent temper­ learn that a church house has been To the Christian Temperance Peo­ ance lecturers in the field. Having ple of California, Oregon and secured and that the brethren are had the pleasure of listening to her the Territories. anxious for the meeting. We can a few months since, we know D ear F riends : It isour pleas­ only remain a few days, and more ant duty to inform you that by in­ whereof we affirm. Besides, she is definite arrangements will probably vitation of the Woman’s Christian none of your “ Woman’s Rights ” be ipade during the sitting of the Temperance Union of California masculine females, neither is she Alliance. , we are soon to have a visit from unreasonable or fanatical in the Miss Frances E.‘ Willard of Chica­ work ; byt she is simply an earn­ Bro. Henry Shadle, of Portland, go, President of the National W. est, conscientious temperance advo­ has been compelled to suspend re C. T. U., and her private secretary, cate, realizing that she has the gular preaching for awhile on ac­ Miss Anna Gordon of Boston. These ladies have travled, organ­ truth to present to the people, and count of throat trouble.- He took ized and spoken in every State east that she does it in such a way that the steamer on Tuesday evening last the Rocky mountains, having it can neither be scoffed at or gain- for California hoping to overcome made three trips to the Southern sayed. She is handsome, modest, his trouble in that climate, so that States. Everywhere they have unassuming,- courteous to all, re­ in course of two or three months he been received with the utmost kind­ ness by pastors and people, and spectful to those who differ from can return to Tortland and resume -treated with courtesy.and consider- , her, and commands, the .respect and his work in the pulpit.* We are tion by the press. They aim to the attention of both friends and sorry that Bro. Shadle has to give reach the leading towns in Califor­ foes, and wields a powerful moral up his work there even for a day, nia and Oregon, also in all the Ter­ influence for the the cause of tem­ but perhaps, under the circum­ ritories and Nevada. Misses Wil­ lard and Gordon desire especially perance wherever she goes. - Let stances, it is best. This will not to meet the Christian women for the principal towns of Oregon by .stop the good yvorkin Portland, in prayer and conference on the ques­ all means take steps at once to se­ asmuch as the brethren are mak- tion. What can we do to protect cure her services. * ______ &'.***•.* NO. 7 J_________ y _________ _ _ _ ; ing arrangements to have their pul­ pit filled daring his absence. The Lord willing we will preach there on next Lord’s day. ... ■