son, the man who recently died at the pest house in Walla Walla. Monmouth anil Vicinity. fiftesn is the number known to have Please remember the entertainment been killed in the Tehachipi disaster, and on further investigation the list in- in the college chapel to-night. twin 1 fl san tears are entertained of Bro. A. W. Lucas TwlitWneTTrom Ex-Governor Downey and the recovery Kbs Angeles, Cal., where he had gone seeking health. He called on us, and of Stephen Coffyn, of Santa Ana. Hènry G. Langly, one of the oldest reports his health greatly improved. pioneers and veteran compiler of Pacific He also brought some money for the Coast directories, died on thé 29th in H erald . t San Francisco. Tuition Reduced. An old teamster named Jerry Lewis was drowned on the 27th in the creek The rates of (including Janitor'sfee) Tuition in the Normal school and in beyond Fifteen Mile, in Wasoo county. Christian College will be reduced $1,00 Mr. Lewis got off the wagon and at p >r term and will here after be as fol tempted to cut the horses loose, when it lows : Normal or Collegiate $10 ; Sub- is supposed one of thçm kicked him in Normal or Preparatory 7.50.------ the head, knocking him senseless, and he fell into the water^hd"VSs^f owned. D. T. S tanlet . The Salem mills were shut down on President. Monday on account of high waler. It is expected that the new mills at Sa Pacific Coast. On the 24th it was 29 degrees below lem will be ready in about two months. As the East bound train was pulling zero at Baker city. out of the depot at Los Angeles Cal., on The O. R. A N. Co., has a force of the 29th Henry Campbell fell from the — men at work in Pyles canyon. A gang of Chinamen have been put cars across the track and was instantly to work on the Oregon Pacific railroad, ki’led. His body was cutin two and There were 169 scholars in attendance his right arm cut off. He was about 45 the past term at the Layfayette publie years of age and by occupation a laborer. Mumps and diphtheria are prevalent School.' — Olympia. . ...... Ten families are expected to arrive in Bellers are refusing 8o cents for wheat Jackson county ffom Texas in a few at Walla Walla. weeks. The steamship Tacoma, of the Pacific The want of more bouses is experienc Coast Improvement company, arrived ed at Salem, and property has an up at Tacoma last Tuesday. She is the ward tendency. The Germans near Cornelius have largest steamer that ever entered the just completed a fine church, and on Sound. I Henry Rupp, a boy twelve years old, Sunday, Jan, 21st, they dedicated the while playing in the brewery at Steila- ....... .saxuft., Lewis. D"'.Patrick” “sVnTf^"èaïïw^ |ea®m a few days ago. was caught in the the Tacoma New, died at that place machinery and crushed to death. Efforts are being made to divide Un last Wednesday. Wm. Pratt, employed at a sawmill ion county, giving Wallowa valley a Dear Corvallis, was seriously injured separate county by itself. A Mrs. J. T. Sullivan died suddenly last Wednesday by being struck on the at The Dalles, from the over indulgence head by a block. Wheat is 93 to 94 cents per bushel at in whisky. The father and mother of Chas. F. Eugene <’ity. Greer, who was drowned in Three Mile Real estate at Old Tacoma is being creek, Wasco county, while skating last held at a high figure. The car Bhops at New Tacoma are Sunday, reside in San Romon, Califor making on the average of one car a day. nia. The high water in December destroy They are immediately sent East of the- ed about six miles of the old Blalock mountains. E. A. Estes, of Drain station, broke Flume, now the property of the Oregon bis right arm last week while attempt Improvement Company. On the 29th, Frank Dodge, a house ing to jump off the freight train. Track laying on the Baker City mover residing at the corner of Eighth branch is progressing rapidly on ac and Mission streets, San Francisco was killed instantly at Hathaway’s wharf. count of thé mild weather. Wheat is reported to be worth $1 per He was engaged in moving a boiler from the Review point warehouse to the bushel at Pataha City, W. T. The railroad company is preparing to barge Champion, when one of the lev ers broke and the boiler fell on his build auother large wharf at Seattle. Bricks are in demand on the Sound breast crushing him to death. . .................. i i, . —» and are said to be worth §18 per thou • Easteru. sand. Hon. James Patrick, Sr., the oldest Mrs. H. C. Brown, of Dayton, W. T., is said to have fallen heir to $20,000 by journalist in Ohio, died on the 26th, at New Philadelphia, aged 91. the death of a relation. * Seven thousand men are now at work All the towns on the Sound are boom on the British Columbia division of the ing, and property is advancing. Olym pia, which has long been on a stand, C. P. R. R. Theextrexaecold haaproduced wide has takeff a start. —--------- — Two cases of smallpox broke oat in spread destitution among the poor Weston, Oregon. They have been re aronhd Lynchburg, Va., especially moved to an isolated house. Both were among the negroes, One hundred and fifty families at Co strangers in the city. The parties af lumbus, 0., are in destitute circumstan- flicted came up ou the train with Thomp- NEWS OF THE WEEK. ces, owing to the closing down of the caped serious injury The worst storm of the season set in Columbus mill lust Christmas. It is now known that among the pas at St. Panl, Minn., ou the 30th. Fur- sengers of the lost steamer Cimbria was ther west the storm did not prevail. It Miss Dora Bennings, known to the lyric seems to have come from north of the stage as Mills. Dorina, who was return- British line, sweepiug diagonally to the Ir.un q fngtn* jfiooming ■ trains arrived during the di course of musical studies in Europe. All the business houses of Milwaukee few were "sent out. were closed on the occasion of the obse * Foreign. quies over the charred remains of the Violent storms raged in Hungary, forty-six victims of the Newhall house Friday, in the district of Oraniza, and calamity. The body of A. Lagard, a workman, bouses were destroyed. was found in th^lTOTdrimarRnnmhamr _ A heavy gale prevailed on the 26th Mass., on the 25th, frozen stiff. Both particularly at South Park and L1YSF- feet were tied with a rope to a sapling. pool, causing much damage to shipping Under the oorpse was found a revolver. also to bouses. A schooner was lost A collision of freight trains on the with all bands at Yormonth. At Old ¥eruaont>GantraL^Qn the 27th, exploded ham two persons were killed and six in* a cargo of kerosene oil, burning adja Admiral Jaureguaberry, Minister of cent storehousees and 'many loaded Murine, has resigned. freight cars. The loss is over §200,0(XT. • The Kingston, Jamaica, fire relief At Nashville, Ill., on the 23d, a fire de stroyed a block of business houses and fund, sends thanks to the United States the court house. The records were for contributions. A secret revolutionary press has been saved. discovered in Odessa. Several Nihilists J. A. McVeagh, the comedian, fell from the top of thèiSÍñPaF~lftí ,,i‘en -•*T®*ted. The steamer wrecked near Swansea, dence in New York on the 23d, receiv Wales, was the Ay neg Jack, from Sardi ing injuries from which he died. nia, with lead. Witnesses of the disas The liabilities of the grocery house of Boris, -Fay ConkfiX*. °J Chicago, ter saw the erew of twelve men swept ’ i from a most. The steamer was out of affl placed at $900,000.------------- --------- - The weather was terribly cold in the the reach of rocket* and naapproacha- Eastern States on the 23d, extending hle by boats. All hands perished, in cluding the Captain. from Texas to New York. Two leading Nihilists prisoners, a In tearing up the floor of a mail oar man and a woman, confined in the fort at Wilmington, Deleware, thirty-Beven ress of Peter and Panl have become in letters were found, posted in 1871. On the 23d, at Brainard, Minn , the sane. The British bark Royal Tar, from Northern Pacific hospital and Old Col . Philadelphia for Liverpool, has been ony Reception house were burned. ama.. ..f •• „ « ’ I driven into Penarth road with decks Thirty six patienu, matíy i i i ___ _____ ridden, were removed, two Of them in a swept and other damage done. The heaviest floods in the British dying condition lake districts fur twenty years, now pre The Marquis of Lome yras dined by vail. Lakes Derwentwater and Bas- the President on the 27th. Mrs. Blecker, of the Tom Thumb senthwaite now join, and a portion of Company, died of her injuries, received Kiswiok is submerged. Ten bodies were washed ashore near in the Newhall disaster. Henry T. Morgan, the well known Fenarth from an unknown steamer sup banker and broker, died at New York posed to have foundered with all hands, on the 27th in a carriage, while return twenty in number, near Port Hawi Hensel. ing from Wall street to his home. The British steamer Black Watch has The ooroner of Milwaukee is investi sunk off Mumble’s Head and twenty .six gating the Newhall disaster. No evi persons are drowned. dence of importance has been given so An Imperial concession has been far. granted to a firm of English contractors, The first mail steamer for Brazil left for a railway by which all Vienna rail New York on the 27tb. ways will be united by branch lines and On the 23d a fire at Washington, Ark., a circular railway. A ministerial an destroyed $50,000 worth of property. nouncement says these words are ren A bill has been introduced to give a dered necessary both by public conven pension to the widow of DeLoDg of $150 ience and the state of the labor market. per month. " ---- 1————---- | BusineNM I xm ’ s N. Grand Father Roessly, aged 93, born in 'Germany, died on the 25th in Fair- If you want to get a picture copied or field county, Ohio. He fought under enlarged or a lot of fine views of Oregon Bonaparte at Waterloo. and Columbia river scenery, or a dozen A smallpox panic prevails at Brainerd first o I hsh photographs any size, go to and Aiken, Minn., because of a rush of I. G. Davidson, the busiest and most successful photographer in Portland. frightened lumbermen to these towns. N ew M u « ic .—Send stamp to Wiley B. Both cities have placed armed guards Allen, most popular music dealer, Port on the thoroughfares. land, Or., for complete catalogue and A terrific wind storm at Denver, Col., sample copy •• Musical Pastime.” All destroyed a number of houses on the orders by mail filled promptly. ----------- ----------- a -—------ _ The Household Sewip£ Machine took The'river steamers Suiac and Grace the first premium at the great "Min (England) Exposition for th collided in a fog on the 30tb. The lat Chester I • family ‘ ~................ .. best Sewing Machine. ter sunk. R. 8. Ward, a passenger was Garrison, Garrison general agent, J67 3rd, ot. drowned. AU the other passenger« M- Portland, Oregon. »r . 4B« iltv TUUg'lj IMU VUUlUUiaU , ■- ion