w?? > . ’,‘V 1 l.l I Urtinnr-n A £ s . • ■ ■- I ER A I . 1 >. ■ —■■ ■—a—— NATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY VOL. XIII. C hristian H erald . "“7 We have received the Christian Worker published at Jbfeaford, On- ——---- Jr F. FLOYD, — Tario, and edited by Bro. H. B. Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. Sherman. The Woi her is a bright folio monthly, and is well filled Subscription Price I Cne Copy, one year............................. 42 <»0 with good things. We take pleas- . One Copy, six months........,. ............. 1 00 __ ure as pm request in putting it on ADVERTISEMENTS. our exchange list. Price# will be given on application. -i Na 6. MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1883. .................. „7, ■ , , ■ -------------- [ Entered at the Post-office at Monmonth, second class mail matter. | m Please Notice. We are not responsible fcr the opinions and expressed by our contributors, but for our own writing alono Hence om readers nust judge for themselves. We intend to give apace for the free expression of opinion, within the limits of sound uiscre- ion, and the good of the cause; bnt not be held as indorsing what others may write. mu timenu jects, such as “ Names for God’s Children,” “What is Baptism. “ Ila, sign of Baptism,” “ Errors of the Anxious Seat,” etc. They are free to those unable to buy and 50 cts per hundred to those who are aide, aml are designed for free distribution among those unac quainted with our distinctive prin­ ciples. We think they are calcula­ ted to do much good, and we hope they will be freely circulated among the people. Bro. H. M. Waller preaches at Amity on Lord’s day. We have a pressing invitation to visit these good brethen, which we expect to do in the near future, when.we can Bro. F. M. Davis of Farmington, see an opening. We have, how­ W. T., wishes us to state through ever, one or two promises to fill be­ fore this one. Be patient with us, the H erald where on this coast the Christian Hymnal can be had at breth.r.eiL... ... wAa. . .. _A1L..matter ..iatauded-I^pwHtwrtinn in ttrtr —pmr should bdwritteni » 1 dp /I trtvn I»X lVt* le-FWVWF oF v v IV11 kJ W vl Hrt 11V Bro. J. M. Osborn writes us un­ one on the coast who now keeps on der date of Jan. 30th, that the hand a supply of these books for church in Seattle, W. T., had just sale. This affords us an oppor­ been organized and that they would 1 tunity of making a.remark here to begin the building of their new which we desire to call special at house of worship the next week. tent ion. It is a fact that the broth­ He also says there, is a fine opening erhood of the Pacific Slope are too EDITORIAL NOTES therefor a good preacher.- • Who far a way froui our Eastern publish­ ing houses to reap the full benefit Sister M. R. Lemert gives us a will help them ? of their influence, and hence we | good article this week on Heavenly The West Shore, a very credita­ need a regular publishing house at Recognition. ble illustrated monthly paper pub­ home. When we want books, we We learn through Bro. Burnett, lished at Portland, comes to us are compelled to sent East for them of Bethel that the church there is again containing some good illustra­ and wait near a month for them to Our Sunday school tions and much wholesome reading reach us. in a prosperous condition. papers most always reach us at matter. In its February number We learn from a private letter it promises to begin a series of ar­ least a week too late, and many of that the small-pox has broken out ticles and illustrations descriptive them fail to reach us at all 7 : while a , in our former home, * El Dorado > of the scenery along the Northern the weekly lesson leaf and papers Kansas. Of course we feel some Pacific railroad. Success to it ! for the children arc of but little interest in this because our parents benefit, lieing only a few days lai- We announce two more names ' live there. hind time. With these facts before this week as the H erald ’ s agents us we have determined to make ar­ Bro. F. M. Rains, of Leavenworth, and correspondents : Brethren T. J. rangements as soon as possible to Kan, gives us a good article this Hawkins, Dallas, Texas, and C. J. keep on hand a good assortment of ’ week. We are also glad to know McKinney, Neodesha, Kan. They books for sale at publishers prices- from his report that his work in the are both good men and ablu preach­ This will require some time for us city is moving off so well. We shall ers. and we know our many readers to make the necessary arrange­ look for good reports from Leaven­ will be glad to hear from them by ments with our Eastern publishers. worth from time to time. and by And now is the time fo,r In order to further supply this de­ our coast preachers to show their ficiency we have in view the es­ From present indications, the ability. Let us hear from you, tablishment of a publishing house brethren of this coast will have a brethren. sufficient in all respects to meet the greater supply of preachers from demand of the brethren on the ' ‘ i We have received 100 card tracts the Eastern States inside of ^bis coast, and we hope that this day is It takes time to do all things^ k from Bro. J. W. Higbee, Trustee of year. - not very far in the future. But the " Christian Sower Tract Fund, ” Let the brethren be patient and we the first thing we wish -to make a wift du the^best'We can fu iri^ung Madisonville, Ry., These tracts fixture and place it on a paying preachers to come and fill their pul­ are printed on cards and contain a basis is the C hristian H erald ; brief dissussion of different sub- and if th« brethren will only put pits. b • ♦ 1. On one side of the sheet only. 2. In a plain legible hand. 3. Let die re be plenty of space lietwoeu the lines. „ 4. Write with a jien instead of a pencil, ao that it maj not be defaced in transit. 6. Write brief articles. 8. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or queries not accompanied by your name. their shoulders to the enterprise, a —'ll Ij . to do this. When we shall have reached this end, we will be ready to turn our attention more directly to the publishing house. Brethren, what think you of the pliwi F W ill you assist us In this undertaking ? We would be glad to have your opinion on the subject. For the present we will take pleasure in ordering books of any kind for those who wish them and will send in the money? We wifi furnish them free of charge on our part and at publishers prices. It will require some time for them to j_ reach their destination. __ ._________■ ». The Northeastern Iowa Chris­ tian Convention not only proposes to send out evangelists to preach the gospel, but it also “proposes to care for the churches by supplying them with competent instructors and overseers.” In other words the Convention proposes to take-the oversight of the churches and con­ trol them by supplying them with competent teachers from the Elders of the local congregations up to the self constituted-“ Pastor.” If this is not ecclesiastieism at home w£ ■ would be pleased to know where to go to find it. Yet we are told that there can no possible harm grow out of Conventions. These gath­ erings. like »11 other expedients for the spread <>f the gositel, are capa­ ble of being greatly absurd, and on this account should be constantly looked after by the older and more experienced brethren. We suppose that those churches and preachers in the given district who do not feel justified in going into this kind of conventional work will be regard­ ed as opposed to cooperation and unsound in the faith. This is the spirit of sectarianism, the very thing these good brethren profess to oppose. A Convention has no power to legislate nor to inter­ fere with the work and discipline of the local churches, but it is sim­ ply their business to consult and advise as to the bsst means of preaching the gospel to the people. Like the t’Ariafian Standard, we exceedingly jegret that such a ineve * should be made by Our brethren just as the cooperative spirit is tak­ ing hold of the brethren throughout the country. »I j ■< *■ j ¿it* • ¿ •S; ■ £ 4 ■ W ■■