Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, February 02, 1883, Page 9, Image 9

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they go, they are, if properly en­
forced by temperance people,, a
great blessing and are a step to
something tetter. A' strict “ li-
away. Having done their business faint; and nearly drowned in the
they walked about to see the place laughter of the crowd.
and met a fellow-townsman, who
I was mortified and ashamed, and
have been relieved could I
proposed to return with them, aud
tmvirpaff ktbrrwgh -thwpfetfonnoufc
one step forward in temperance ed­
ucation and made a vantage ground
for something better.
Bui the
temperance reformer who abuses
such a law, on the ground that it is
a compromise with sin, that it li-
censes sin, does not understand the
meaning of the word.— The Inde­
A man once said to me, “ Do you
believe there is more strength in a
glass of water than in a mug of ale?”
“Stop a bit,” I answered, “that’s
not a fair comparison. You pay
- five cents for your-mug of ale—1
g^t my glass of water for nothing
Besides, when 1 drink my glass of
water, I am satisfied with it; but
if* you drink 'a glais^ of ■ alp;
directly you must. send down
another to keep it company. Sup
pose now you get a quart and pay
twelve cents for it, and I take the
same amount of money and pay
six cents for steak, and two cents
for potatoes, two cents for bread,
two cents for apples and have a
—gT&ss br Tresh water for nothing?
Which is the best ? I eat my din­
ner and am satisfied with it, and go
back to my work and earn more
money. Yo go ba'ck to the saloon
to get more ale, to spend more
money, and waste your time.”
If the beer drinker will abstain
long enough to get rid of the effects
of his beer, he will find himself able
to do much more work than when
he drinks. One of the greatest
champions of our day, when he is
training for a contest, says there is
nothing like cold water and the
There is no greater mistake than
to suppose that l»eer and spirits
strengthen a men. They only stir
him up and use up his strength. I
drove twenty-four miles the other
day. When I got within a mile or
so of home my horse flagged. 1
gave him a sharp cut with my
whip and he went faster, but I did
not say, “ Pre strengthened mg
horse V
If that’s the way to
strengthen him, why not let him
live on whip cord ? Alcohol is a
whip to him thaf.ciri'nk.s it, and fie
is a great fool that whips himself.
Some years ago two men took an
early start and walked over to a
neighboring town twenty miles
a strengthening drink. “ No,” said
they, ’• we are teetolars, and we
have had our lunch.” But he
could not go without a priming of
ale. At last they were off, and for a
while they all kept ev.n step, till
after some miles, the beer „man
began to Hag, and, at the-way house
he must'have a bracer. After three
miles more he wanted another, and
this time it was whisky. Finally
ritfifteen miles he gave out entirely
and stopped fur the night, wnefe he
was laid up for a day.or two, while
they walked on home, and die next
day were fresh for business.
Oh, no friend-*, all nature works
water, and we brlicve- that God
meant man shoul 1 do the same.
Take the wa*cr friends, and all the
good things that go with it. God’s
-bl essing r-rm-r t.--- ■ A’r.'— =c
John B. Gough relates the fol­
The only instance of embarrass­
ment I could not overcome occurred
many years ago. It was my own
fault and proved a sharp lesson lo
me. 1 was engaged to address a
TSrge numBeFof children Irr’iTieTaT'
ter noon, the meeting to be held on
the lawn back of the Baptist church
in providence, R. 1. In the after­
noon a friend met me and said :
“ I have first rate cigars, will you
take a few ?”
“ No, thank you.”
“ Do take half-a-dozen.”
“ I have nowhere to put thorn.”
“ You can put half-a-dozen in
your cap.
I wore a cap in those days. 1
put the cigars into it, and at the
appointed time 1 went to the meet­
ing. 1 ascended the platform and
faced an audience of more than tw-o
thousand children. As it was out
of doors I kept my cap on, for fear
of taking cold, and I forgot all
about the cigars.
Towards the close of my speech
I became much in earnest, and after
warning the boy against bad com­
pany, bad habits and the saloon, I
said :
“ Now, buys, let us give three
rousing cheers for temperance and
for cold water. Now, then, three
cheers Hurrah anti taking off
my cap I waved it most vigorously,
when away went the cigars right
into the middle of the audience.
The remaining cheers were very
of sight. My feelings were* stilt
more aggravated by a boy coming
upthe-steps of the -platform with
one of those dreadful cigars, saying:
“Here’s one of your cigars, Mr.
Though I never afterwards put
cigars in my cap or hat, when go­
ing to a meeting, I an ashamed to
say it was sometime after that be­
fore I gave up cigars altogether.—
A . . . .
nation, that must bring success, are
striving for Constitutional Prohibi-
tion. The responsibility for the
“ mixing ” rests upon the drunkard
____ jWKsriShey -•fears
with the issues clearly defined in a
free man’s land where God is hon,-
ored and country loved.— Worker.
B. B. NEAL, E pitob ,
.. Fifty Cents.
Per Annum.......... .....
Why We Are Prohibitionists.
Tho PVgrim Press, edited by
Rev. Dr. J. E. Rankin, of Washing­
ton, D. 0., publishes the following
temperance creed
1. It is the only tenable position.
The traffic is a sin against God, and
a crime against man. To legalize
fa a sin and a crime.
W. K. Aübill... ..................... Kingston, Jamaica.
'Ihonias Munnell.................... Mt. Sterling, Ky.
T. N. Arnold................................... Frankfort, Ky.
Dr. A. M. Colli*.................. ...Marion, Iowa.
J. W. Caldwell........... .......... Collingswood, Cnt.
Jas. W. Lowber...................
Lancaster, Ky.
J. B. Beeves....................... :... Simpsonville, Ky.
Hon. P. H. Duncan..................... .Corinth, Ky.
H om . J. D. White.. ........ Washington, D. C.
A 24-Column Paper, neatly printed and red-
hot for Family, Church, State, National and
World-Wide Prohibition.
Address all contributions, subscriptions and
business communications to the Editor, Louis­
ville, Ky.
13 S tf
CCfi * week la yôur.own town. Term« «nd
free. Address H. H allkt A Co.. Portland, Me.
2. It is the only consistent posi­
tion. If no true Christian can sell
liquqr, no true Christian can license SEWING MAC HINES,
3. It is the only practicable po­
sition. The attempt to regulate Sewing Machine in the market. Hohl on easy
installments, or a liberal discount fur cash.
the sale of liquor is a farce.
The Singer Manufacturing Co.
WILLIS B. FRY, Manager,
4. Any other position is false.
......... ........... 94 Morrteii 1H>, PortiMd,... —
It makes the Government partake 12-35-tf
of the crime of selling.
<70 A WEEK, fill a day at home «aslly made. Costly
w/* Outfit free. Address Tat-a A Co., Augusta, Me.
5. Any other position makes the
Government a protector of the crim­
inal who sells.
G. Any other position makes ev­
ery citizen both a partaker of the
crime and a protector of the crimi­
7. The only way to regulate fire
in a conflagration, is to put it out ;
z c
the only way to regulate water in
a flood, is to turn, it off; the only
way to regulate the yellow fever, is
to quarantine it; the only way to
regulate liquor manufacture and li­ Readlugs and Recitations t
quor dealing, is to stop it. This is
our temperance creed.— Temperance
Th? whisky men complain that
tempctance men are “ mixing ¡boli­
des with temperance.” The real
trouble is that they, heretofore,
have been mixing whisky with pol­
itics without hindrance. Protected
by the strong arm of the law, they
derided the efforts of temperance
jbcople. Realizing the fruitleSsness
of such a contest and roused by the
fearful wo’cs resulting from the
rafiie, “ lovers of God, home and
native land ” with an awakened
conscience and the densest determi-
This number is uniform
■ a—uu J with the Scries, and coi>-
v tains
another Hvxnar.n splendid Dec-
bammmna ami
meel, Oraler), rath»«. Ilumor, Fun.
1 rne
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