1 was black and dirty. “ Why,” said bright faces passed and re-passed ; he, “ my ol I bar-keeper docs my joyous laughter chimed in wi r Are We Ready To Be Helped. enlisting the service of those who 7 -CTÔ'Us been shadow- IMHUH«»" »B flW m from the evil, then truly has the by the rum curse.: “ All through Now, this statement created much my window upon the passing^ ed the agitation of the temperance »“tfering of thousands been a pre- hard feeling among the men that crowd, I could not help comparing paration for the battle. ~ frequented the same sifloon he had it with the snow, pure«and fresh in question at this time, I seem to But God did not intend that the been in the habit of visiting. So the morning, but trodden under hear the words of my mother, nation should wander in this wil­ some of them concluded to ascertain foot, ere night-fall. I thought, ‘ There seems to be no help for it, derness of pain and sin for these tnnvm z 4’ 4-1. I__ . ch i 1 d ren!’” the reason why one customer should i( Then 8he went on to gi ve, in bro­ long years ; it was for the hardness be favored more than another. They will be smothered in drink, and ken sentences, portions of the his­ of the heart of the nation. It was soon found out that their fellow­ what a heart-burden there will be tory of that home life. I caught not ready to go up and possess the workmen had joined the “ Sons of carried to many a poor father and by snatches, glimpses of the dark land. | Temperance,” and had, as he said, mother ! It makes one shudder to picture that ‘could never leave her This question of allowing the “concluded to spend his money for think of the sin committed at the sight. J saw the watching faces, as plague spot within our borders’ washing, and not for whisky./ beginning of the New Year—the the Lour for the father’s home com­ should have been settled long ago Money is of value to us only as time fur gjod resolutions, and the ing approached. I seemed then to but our self-indulgence, our half­ it procures good for us ; hence eveiy day to put them into practice. hear the answer, “ There seems to heartedness, our cowardice, have cent paid for ardent spirits is wast­ How freely the wine Hows, and kept us from the promised land. be no he’p for it. children I” ed, for that which it buys is harm­ how few young men resist the Today I believe, as temperance But I will give the words of the ful in every particular. Men will tempter in the form of a handsome one w 11Q.had thus suffered;---- - people we .have. this, question .to-ask- confront you with the argument lady, w h o , with bright sfniles and' “ My mother’s words carried to —candidly and seriously, each one that they do not desire to be called coaxing eyes, says, “ Just one glass me the fateful truth that there were for himself, “ Am I ready for the niggards, as they will be, if they in my honor” And fast on to that some things that God could not, or help of the Lord ?” And then it is refuse to spend their money like glass follows many glasses, until wuuld^aotkt4h.-T4 ir -thïrt TTTjr dho-dut y of e a eh e nl is t ed o ne to aec ■■■'■wi h e r ■ —— * ibughjrfmH N6w Year'Wecom^s^V mother prayed, and one day when that the soldier by his side, is x I deny this ! No man will be ca’l- blank to them. I had stolen in from my play, 1 ready. Oh let it not be left to us ed penurious because he does not -Oh. why is woman soAiften the. heard her voice in such an agony of to say of this evil “ There iB no buy that which he fails to use .But tempter! She who was made lor pleading,‘ OK, Lord save us from help for it!”-M ary R. B aldwin if you frequent saloons and find man’s helpmeet, but who, too often, the dreadful rum curse.” in Church and Home. companionship with men that drink proves his curse. Oh ' you temp­ ------------ ♦ ------------— “ I remember how anxiously 1 ters, think of the end; think of and you partake of their hospitali­ The Queen of Madagascar has watched and waited for signs of what you are doing against your ty, then you must respond in the change in my father, and when I ordered that a prohibitory law shall same manner, or they will class you God, yourself, and the world ; think gave up in despair of seeing any, I be framed, prohibiting the manu­ of the homes you are helping to «rittngyTellow. “ said to my mother in a desperate facture of brandy or its importation O re of the law< of nature is that blight, and henceforth be a bless­ way, I wonder why the Lord will into her territories. The penalty of reciprocation. This law causts ing to your eex, and never curse is the forfeiture of ten oxen and a not help'us.’ all things to respond in its own your high position of womanhood, “ I seem to see my mother’s sor­ tine of $10. way for kindness shown. If we by using it to he’p the devil in his T hear a kind word spoken to us, the woik. Either help every one to rowful face as she answered, ‘ Per­ Senator Anthony says that the haps he Joes not find us ready to practice of placing drunken, naval tone swells in reciprocation, and we keep good resolutions made on the be helped ! ’ ‘ Why mother how can officers on the retired list, instead of feel kindly toward the person coming of the New-'Year, and let that be when we want it so much ’ ? dismissing them in dishonor from shaking it. If we receive from a your merry voice an>l bright eyes I asked. After a short silence, she aud happy, encouraging words, be the service, has rendered that list neighbor a favor, we desire to re­ answered, ’We may want a bless­ the only stimulants offered bv you almost an inebriate asylum. turn it. Therefore, as it is natural ing, and yet not really be ready for on New Year ’ s Dty. — Ex. for us to with to spend our money f it, my child.’ ” with the men from whom we have Have these words any meaning How to Get New Boots. received favors, let us then resolve This question was answered that we can apply to the country’s | «BORTNW SURE CUKE • it no “catch- that we will not he tempted we r. lat ion to the coming struggle Knny,” but in thunder tunes speaks through its satisfactorily bj ’ a man at an ex ­ venty thousand certificates of Cures, to will not place out selves in a posi the sufferer front Catarrh, Neuralgic and against intemperance. In the de­ Nervous H-adaohe. We say emphatically perience meeting, held at a coffee- uae“Dobyus' Sure Cure,“ and if not aat- tion to necessitate reciprocity—by sire of the friends of temperance, is tailed with result, we will refund your money. We can’t say more. forming a determination to "Touch room, when several capital speeches any element wanting that thall pre­ My wife used your “Sure Cure ” for neuralgia, and it acted like a charm. My son and tighter had Catarrh of eight Ind nfne yean sfaWnag" Tt not, handle not.” Do not pause to were made, A huge Hibernian, vent the player for help from be­ has cured them. I am recommending it every­ where. (Elder>Jo«l T. HelmMetGreenfcld.Mo. consider what your »eighlstr will who bad. on a pair of new boots, coming the force that shall move We have 70.000 others of the same kind. Only whh , however, acknowledged to be ONE DOLLAR Per BOX. • say, don’t stop to think what the Ask your Druggist, or address all orders to the Land that points the way to the chief speaker. In the course of Dobyns & Mitchell,tricky" world will say, but think what his remaiks, which were giveu in victory ? Has a God-inspired zeal your cash account says, consult reached that culminating point that true Irish brogue, he said : CR fn COfipwd»? «t bom«. Sample* worth 16 free. your bank-roll, and enumerate the IU Address Srisaos * Co., Portlaud. Me. ‘“Them’s a tine pair of boots ye it will answer fur true achieve­ many useful and ornamental things have on ye,’ says me neighbor to ment? Is it ready to consecrate its that can be had with the money KIDNEY-WORT me a week afeer me takin’ the tem­ young men, its strong men, its mtn now spent for strung drink.— Ex of talent and promise ? Is a right ­ he great cure perance pledge. *0B ' I eous principle so recognized that " ‘ They are,’ says I,' and be the A New Year’s Thought. I A — RHEUMATISM—k sameto k r.’n’t was’ tiro rum sMTer gave 4ht*ecairdrrbnttle ag&iristaVtJbttrge' b It is fair all the painful diseases of the -o that has never despoiled them as BY AUNT HOPE, them to me.’ KIDNEYS,LIVCR AND BOWELS. It e’enn-ne the system of the aarid poison individuals ? that causae the dreadful suflbring which “ ‘ That Utts generous of him,’ only the victims of Rheumatism oan realise It was New Year’s morning, and says he. If the prayers of the solitary suf­ THOUSANDS OF CASKS of the worst forma of thia terrible disease | the snow that bad Iteen falling fast ferer, tho blighted homes of the have been quickly relieved, and in short time *“ ’Twa«,’ says I ; ‘ but 1 made a PERFECTLY CURED. all night lay thick and white on bargain wid him ; he was to keep slaves of strong drink, the throttled muck , $i. uqnn on » by , sold by »ktcarsTa. it- Dry can be sent by maiL the streets. Merry sleigh belis rang hia drink and J was to keep me manhood of the thousand victims WILL*, MCHABD8ON Co, Burlington Vt. out their "Happy New Year;” money.’ ”—Sehr of rum have been instrumental in .’KIDNEY-WORTi CATARRH ! I t* r I T ! I ■Mi -------- i apan i h i au in nui i .