—------- —----- --------------- "V wards. One of her seaman, a young and B. H. Baber, of Albany,160 acres Io ken to Portland. A mainmast is being bowed for the man named Charles H. Powers, was the former and 250 to the latter, the Monmouth and Vicinity. ship Dashing IPore, at Tacoma. saved, but the othor members of the price paid for the whole being $11,000 Our cold weather has passed away crew of the lost vessel were all drowned. No less than four parti®'« of engineers Eastern. and a gentle rain has taken its place. The machine sli of the Great Wes- are known to be making preliminary venwo the 17th. which seriously impeded tra ­ were destroyed by fire ; loss, $'«5,000 have been considerably pressed with down Snake river canyon from Olds’ vel. ferry to Lewiston. our work this week, Foreign, Nearly a dozen business, houses were J. F. Valento, aged 29 years, and re The Monmouth Sunday School is Sik hundred houses in Mohees are growing in interest. The Superintend­ ceutly from Butte Montana, fell from burned on the 17th at St. Lawrence. floodeb and half have fallen in. It is believed that 8chiller, the sup ­ ent, Prof. W. E. Yates is growing en­ the roof of a new building in Seattle, on The steamship Helvetia, from New the 18th, a distance of 30 feet, striking posed Milwaukie incendiary, is in the thusiastic over the prospects. York, lost her fourth offioer overboard. on his head and receiving injuries that Lane county jail, at Madison. ^■2*rg«;JL..TA.^.tjlPlcj^G0mnlains of. ba., ,Lk l AV ' Oinaha on the Will 'the mercury *Xfi‘A'nTerican tSrt’TjaS" two men will undoubtedly result in his death'' ing unwell this week, but still keeps up washed away. Weather teirifio on the was 26 degrees below zero. A furious gale from the north Bwept his college work. Atlantic, There were 463 patients under treat­ over the Sound last Tuesday. Bro. Bently has the thanks of the odi- The railway strike in Scotland has ex- At Port Gamble a wharf was broken ment at Baltimore, last Saturday, with tor for a sack flour delivered at his down, two pile drivers wrecked, and the smallpox. stended to the Dundee. Employees at house. A fire on the 18th destroyed nearly Forfar and Perth will follow the exam­ the steamer Cyrus Walker sunk. ple to-night. Tho Ladies Missionary Society will At Tacoma was located the scene of two thirds of the town of Cisco, Texas. Cooper, Mall a Co., commission mer­ meet at the residence of Sister A, M. the greatest damage, the total loss there Two more bodies were found on the Bidwell on Friday, Feb, 2, 1883 at 2, being in the neighborhoed of $60,060, 18.h in the Milwaukee ruins, making 45 chants and bankers, London, failed for $2,000,000. The failure is due to large / M. . All interested in the principally to the ships Oriental, Han o’clock, p. m in all. McAuthor, Ohio, had a $50,000 fire lock-ups of capital and liabilities on Missionary work are specially invited to nah Dudley, Chalenger, Glendon, Elda- 18th inst. railway contracts in Brazil and Canada. attend these meetings, rado and Carrollton. A heavy snow storm raged all over The failure will not seriously effect Next week is examination week in the ExSenator W. W. Taylor died on the Nebraska on the 18th. London capitalists. college. We beg to be excused this 18th, at bis residence in San Francisco^ Thwroyat party left 'Richmondfor "Crown "Prince Rudolph has abandon­ time............... after a long and painful illness. He Charleston on the 18 th. ed his journey to the east, and has re­ We have had a number of callers at was one of the earliest pioneers in that The committee to collect funds in St. solved to devote a portion of the sum our office this week. We are always state and occupied various positions of Louis for the German fi xd sufferers the trip wonld cost for the relief of dis- public trust. » glad to see onr friends. S.xJSKKEÌSA.. <>9 MAM.. Pi U-r+M.uUl MA ...I distrlclsi Th® Wiihoitaawmill ha»bee«repair- the German parliament. A great land slide occnred in the val­ Friday evening Feb, 2d, by the “ Mon­ ed and is sawing lumber again. One workman was killed and one fa ­ ley of Faurges, The village of Mara, A ferry boat is about to be fitted up month Dramatic Association,” the pro­ tally hurt by the falling of a platform Switzerland, was completely destroyed ceeds to be applied towards the pay­ to run some four times a day between seventy feet at Freemont, Ohio. by an eno-mons amoant of earth, rocks ment of the Chapel Organ debt. Oswego, Milwaukie and intermediate The anthracite coal companies sue and trees, dislodged by the recent snow “ Above the Clouds ” is the Drama cho­ points. e pended production on tbo 18th, 19th, Storms. The last grand jury for Umatilla sen for the occasion; Performances be­ Guilliaume Geefs, the eminent Bel­ 20th of this month, in Pennsylvania. gin at 7:30. Music by the String Band. county found about 80 indictments. It A company is organizing in Portland. I gian sculptor, is dead. indicted all the saloon keepers who kept Admission 50 cents. The Cimbria was sunk Friday morn­ op:n on Sunday and also those who sold Me , with $200,000 dapital to bny Cash- L iteraby C ontest .— The Union Lit­ ing twelve miles southwest of Baakum inqr’s Island, Maine, and fix it up as a liquors to minors. erary Society of Oregon Normal School, by the British steamer Sultan. She summer resort. A pottery has been established at Monmouth, have received and accepted The losses of money and jewelry sus­ sunk in fifteen minutes after the collis­ a challenge from the Adelphian Liter­ Milwaukie and will manufacture glazed tained by guests of the Planter’s’ house ion. It is feared the loss of life has ware, tile and other articles. The clay been great. ary Society of the State College Corval­ St. Louis, during the fire Sunday morn­ lis, to meet them in a public Literary is procured about two miles from there. ing give color to a story that burglars The largest gasometer at Glasgow ex­ C. W. Fitch, county judge of Lane Contest to be held at Monmouth, Feb. ploded on the 21st. Eight persons were started the flames. 16, 1883, to consist of the following ex­ county, died at his residence in Eugene The brig Imlee Kirchsstag arrived au injured. cises. Discussion of the question, “ Re­ at two o’clock Sunday afternoon. Prince Frederick Charles Alexander, Brooklyn the 16th. She had on board six The Oregon Short Line is now within solved that ‘Protective Tariff’ should seamen who were so badly frozen as to brother of the Emperor of Germany, be abolished in the United States.” 120 miles of Boise City, and coming at necessitate their removal to the hospital. died on the 20;b, aged 82. In conse­ Also, onq^declamation and one recita­ the rate of one and threo-Bevenths miles It is thought the feet of two or three quence of the death of Prince Charles per day. tion from each society. Representa­ festivities in honor of the silver wed­ will have to be amputated. The Northern Pacific oould transfer tives from Adelphian Society : Debalors A fire on the 16th, burned the nail ding of crown Prince Frederick have —affirmative : W. H. Holman, W. G. only two coaches across the Snake river factory, one of the largest in the United been abandoned. Emery, S. S. Johnson and J. F. Yates. at Ainsworth on the Will, owing to the States, at Cumings’ Station, 25 miles The death of Prince Charles has oast t Declamation—Leo J. Stock ; recitation, ice running. a gloom over the city. Flags are every­ from Chicago. The factory and machi­ Wheat has gone up to 95 cents at Sa­ Miss C. Willard. Representatives from nery cost $200,000. In addition to this where at half must. The emperor is Union Literary Sooiety: Debaters— lem. was a stock of at least $15,000 kegs of very much affected. All the houses in Jacksonville are full negatives: E. H. Richardson, Allen nails, and probably much more, and a Business Locals. McQueen, B. L. Murphy and P. O. and more will be built in the spring to large and valuable collection of patterns. Powell. Declamation—W. C. Roberta. accomodate the demand. The cold was intense on the 10th in If you want to get a picture oopied or A terrible explosion of the Giant Pow* Recitation—Mias Allie Butler.—W. H. Nebraska, Kansas, Utah, and Colorado. enlarged or a lot of fine views of Oregon der Works at Berkley, Cal., ocoured H awley , Cor. Secretary. Lust Thursday night Harvey Taylor and Columbia river scenery, or a dozen last Sunday. It is not known how the first-olass photographe any size, go to 7 of Richfield springs killed his wife and I. G. Davidson, the buMieet and most * accident ocouied. From a partial ex Paciflc Coast. mother-in-law, aud then hanged him­ successful photographer in Portland. A telephone between Albany and Cor­ amination made, it is supposed that 40 self. Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem Chinamen and one white man were kill­ Of the 177 people in the Newhall ho­ Marble vallis is being agitated. and Granite Works, Commer­ ed. tel, 176 have been accounted for, as fol­ cial Street, south of the poet offioe, The public school buildings at Al­ A large number of improvements are lows : Identified, 28 ; not identified, 46; manufactures all kinds of monuments: bany are not sufficient for the demand. contemplated at Salem this Spring. saved, 102; still missing, 1 ; making a Italian marble a speciality, Prices re- Mr. John Barrett died at Brownsville duced one-half Father Wilbur has offered to donate total loss of life of 75. on Wednesday of last week at the ad­ N ew M u - ic .-Send stamp to Wiley B. An unclaimed trunk at the express of­ vanced age of 86, his birthday having $1,000 to the Willamette University. Ulen, most popular music dealer, Fort- John Bauer was acquited of the mur ­ fice in New York contains the body of been on Christmas day. and, Or., for complete axtalogue and The end of track on the Baker City der of Alexander st Astoria last Friday. a youpg girl about 14 years of age. It sample copy - Musical Pastime All Owen Henry, an employee of the is a mystery as to who she is'. division is out ten miles from Pendle­ by jnaij fldleA promptly. ™ U p^a __________ _______ GiptI5uviB,”of the steamship Canima, ton and the carj>enten are now working The Household Sewing Machine tuva . which arrived from Halifax, on the 2oth the first premium at the great Man­ on bridges five miles ahead of the track Friday. . The lumber business is being vigor- reports that whan off the end of Long chester (England) Exposition for the layers. W. A. Wells’ farm, at Wells station, ously prosecuted in Clarke county, moat Island, he was run into by the brigan- best family Sewing Machine. John B. Garrison, general agent, J67 8rdg St», was iobl this week to John Tomlinson of th® logs and timber rafted being ta- tine Mariposa, which sank shortly after- Portland^ Orogon. g NEWS OF THE WEEK I k