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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1883)
— '¿a5 ■ ■ »>*’. 14 > - —— - ..... . I „ i" ■' *—'■ There are more people who can forget themselves, than govern themselves.— Ruskin. PUBLISHED EVERY E BI DAY FWU ! P f desire a paper devoted to pure, primitive Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or traditions. As successor to the Pacific Chris- tian Aestrnger it is in its THIRTEENTH VOLUME, LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED by our brethren. It is conducted by a strong A sure Cure for Blind, Rleeding, Itching and editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of Ulcerated Piles has Ix-on discovered by Dr. Wil the best writers among us on this coast. We liam, (an Indi in Itoined.v,) called Dr. William’s feel safe in saying it is one of Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronio cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one need suffer five minutes "after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in Every Disciplo on this coast should take it struments and electuaries do more m than Every one in tho East who dosiros to know all good. William’s Ointment absorbs tlid tumors, that takes place of geneial interoat on thi» allaya the intense itching, (parncuiarryxiinght COttSK after getting warm in bed,) acts as a jioiiltice, It contains fives instant relief, and is prepared only for ‘lies', itching of the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. M. Coftiberry of Cleve Devoted to such matters as will make it indis land says about Dr, William’s Indian Pile Oint- pensable in every Christian family. First .Xuauli.i liaKe uaed soeresof Pile Onres, and it »i w— l b»——.———-—................ . _ Hffnrds nie pleunure to «ay that I hive" never EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT found anything which gave snch immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William’s Indian Oint Of great interest and value to parents and ment. teachers. Next comes the . For sale by all druggists or inailod on receipt TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT,' of price, $1.00 ---- HURT dk CO.. Prep’n. Devoted to advancing the great cause of Tem li-l-ly-------------------------------- CLEVELAND, O. perance, jeDrcsenting the thoughts of the greatest workers of this important field. The OUR BEST PAPERS. FOUR DEPARTMENTS, “The light of friendship, like phosphorus, js seen most plainly when all around is dark.” Skinny Men. ~ .1 "" RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT Is the central thought of the paper and em braces Editorials, and contributions from our best writers. The Spirit of tho Religious Press representing the vti rious rsJIgiQUs„ bodies, jmd cliurcli newsTfom all the HUtes in the Lnion. The - • “Wells’ Health Renewer” restores SECULAR DEPARTMENT — health and vigor, cores Dyspepsia, Im Includes Editorials on the important secular potence, Sexual Debility. $1. Character is higher than intel lect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as strong to think.— Emerson. I have a little girl, «aid Mr. Henry Bile, of tins city, io a eooTenation, who was troubled with a severe lame ness in her legs, pronounced by some Erysipelas, by others Rheumatism. 1 had tried several remedies without ef fect, when I was induced to apply St. ■Jacoos Oil and I am happy to say that the use of but one bottle cured her, and «he is now able to go to school again.— .Detroit Pont ami Tribune. Preservation is but the continua tion of cieation, the non-interrnp- tion of the first act of divine power and love. The strong spirit of the highest angel needs the active con currence of God every moment, lest it should fall back into its original nothingness.— F. W. Faber. ***** Evil dispositions are easily shownEvil tendencies in our systems . «re to be watched and guarded against. If you find yourself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes hollow, ;— kidneys disordered,- uymptdinxofpReff' tormenting you, take at ones a few doses of Kidney Wort. It is nature’s great ussistant. Us« it as an advance-guard— don’t wait to get down sick. Read iulv't. f f The following persona are vents for Tax C hristian B ebau », and are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscriptions. If no agent is convenient, remit the amount direct to he iirhald is the only weekly the Pacific coist published by Disciples T of on Christ, and is of special interest to all who Is on a permanent basis, with good building. - .¡Miwet piBiui < .ufd’wi’auj piwBF, ill mwm rrg- good material for running such a paper. in fact, of The H erald contains each weex sixteen pages, stitched and trimmed, so as employs four-oolumn to turn like the leaves of a Look, with only a limited amount of advertising, and that of the most select kind. All advertising not trust worthy is refused. As uow published it is one „ of lily»------------------------ *-------------- »- A Sure Cure Found at Last. No One Need SniTer! f Agent* for The Chritrtiun Herald. MONMOUTH, OREGON. Mr. JohnElzenperger,manufacturing Jeweler of Noith Attleboro’, Mass., lately communicated to us the follow ing : I suffered so much with pains in my arm, that at times I was completely helpless. I ustfT that incomparable ! remedy St. Jaoobs Oil and was com- pltiLeK cured by magio.— Attleboro Chronicle. _______ fa TUTT’S THE CHRISTIAN HERALD C arry the News. Feebleness of means is, the feebleness of him that them.— John Foster. ! ~ 'J topics of the day, and news from ail i>arts of tho world. It is, in short, just the paper for every family, and es]»ecially every Christian family. Subscription I Price $A.OO Per Year In advauco. Address ME CHRISTIAN i HERALD, M onmouth , O b . OREGON. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain the Head, with a dull sensation in the >aek part. Fain under the Shoulder blade, fuUnesa after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with e Heart, —^WJUCLULC AAUIMU, LUU uyco, XU11UW OK111, ts before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache general ly^ over jthe eye, generally the right eye Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly coloredUrine,and CONSTIPATION TUTT’S PILLSare especially adapted to , ■ uch cases, one dose^effecto suclut change TUTT’S HAIR DYE. MEDY RHEUMATISM. QUINSY, SWELLINGS AMP SPRAINS;" ■ROSTED FEET AMP EARS, (EDITED BY E. W. HEKNDOli, A. M TOOTH, EAR AYO HEADACHE, HE CHRISTIAN QUART ERLtT&VIEW has completed its first volume, and on the ajtd first day of January, 1833, the first No. of Vol. II will t>e issued. It is tlio purpose of its Editor to keep it up to the highoat staqdard of AMP excellence. It will be issue! in January, April, July aud October ; wil) be printed on fine book ACHES. paper, and each No. will eontaiu 160 pages of original matter from owr best writers, amt Re No Preparation on earth equate S t . J acom O il a« a Sara, views. 1 would be glad to receive the names of K kk , bimhac and cbkaf External Remedy. A that entaEe but eorofiaratirely trifling outlay of fiO Casts. and evary subscribers as soon as possible, so as to determ one the Buffering with pain can hare cheap as* poeitive proof cC ine the size of the edition. Uaolaihu DIB1CTI0M If XLXVKI LAK4UA8ES. Price $2.00 per year, in advanc«. Fifty cents SOLI BY ALL DDUOQtSTI AMD DEA'El$ IN MIIICINL fo> a single number. Address all communica tions to the Ediior. A. VOGELER & CO. Dn. E. W. H erndon , EoUimore, Jfd., V. t.JU Columbia, Boone Co., Missouri, T he C hristian Q uabterly R eview will be THAT WONDERFUL BOOK furnished with tke C hristian H erald for $3.60 per year for both papers. 12 4 5-6tn. T PIUS * APAIT*A''*n now srrii.p a fortune. Out. A N I V nt worth aio free, t <!<t r.-«h E G HULII I QRIDEOUT*CO., 10BarclayBt ,,M.Y furnish a means of Permanent and Pos itive Cure. A Home Treatment. No charge for consultation by mall. Valua ble Treatise Free. Certificates from Doc tors, Lawyers, Ministers. Business-men. Address Rev. T. P. CHILDS, Troy. Ohio. Dallas........... .. Damascus.------ Drain's Station Elk Head ...... Eugene............... Elkton................. Forest Grove.... Helix........... Halsey... < . Hillsboro........... Harrisburg......... Independence... G ray H air or Wim«™ chanend to a G lommt B lack by a singleapplicatlon of this D vk . Itlm- Irving... . ............ parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold Jacksonville........ by Druggists, or sent by expreß on receipt of *1. Junction.-.....-^ OfFKT.K HVBRAY NEW YOHJI. Kingsley....... .' ÍDr. TITT6 «AXIAL of V»ln»Me 11.«mall»« mix Lafavette........ Cwtlil Bawlyto will b» malted IKKK ■pi.UeaUva.y --------------------- .t-agg-t— Lewisville....... THE McCoy ......... Myrtle Creek.... EAT GERMAN McMinnville.... Monroe................ MllHlll . IT T .Tr Mt. Pleasant .... New Pine Creek. FOR North Yamhill... f Oakland........... . . Pleasant Hill.... Perry dale......... . . NEURALGIA, Pendleton........ '.. SCIATICA, Philomath....... Piiot Roek...... LUMBAGO, Roseburg........ Tangent............... BACKACHE, Shedd............. bt. Helen«,....., Stay ton................ Beto.-•.'.7. SORENESS ' Salens .... . . ......... or raa I Sheridan .... , CHEST, The Dalles....... Wheatland........... West Chehalem.. IUIIL I IIIIVM If Weston............... They Inrrraae the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nosrtehed. and by tbetr Tonie Action on the Digestive Organs, Regular hlixil» are pro duced. Price 25 cents. :ta Jlurinj 8M-, N. Y. - THE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. 1833. Aumsville.......... Albany............... Amity................. Brownsville.... Bellevue........... Creaswell.. ......... Crawfordsville.. Corvallis........... . Voltage trove.. Carlton.............. Centerville......... GUIDE g SUCCESS WITH FORM« FOR HUSINF.S8 AM) NOUIF.TV .................... T. J. Wilcox ............ it Ï; KS ................E.. C. Williams ................. D. Hr Putman • • ........... Miss E. Davis •••;..............J. T. Gilfry --------------- E..P. Large -------- g, Bri gg»----------------- --------------- 8. B. Knox -------------- Jas.. Caldwell i 8.1. Gerking ......... " I G-W Ely - 1 N. Garwood ............ÌG- W. Crystal ............. D. H. Deardcrff ......J« s. Harlan • ...... P. P. Underwood .................... A. L. Todd ... ... R. G. Callison ...........diarie« Smith ...Mrs. Belle P. Walker ...................... V. M. Ely ....... . H. Davidson* ............. . D. 8. CameronF' • ....*....... John Harris ..............W. I*. Hmlgen ............. . . . . V. 8. Bond ..........Martin Peterson ............. ¿A; Bushnell — ........... JWT it. Menefee ........... . . W. D. Fenton ................... D. II. Lewis ................. J. H. Hawley ........... F. M. Gabbert ................. J W. Cowls r I ti » f< u < ti at tl h r : ....................... E. Ground - ...... Joseph Robnett ........ AJ. V. Knvhendall ................... E. A Chase .....G. W. Haudsaker ................. J. P. Frizzell j F. Hannah, Jr____ I N. J. Gerking ............... Drurv Davis ...................... 3. W. Cox ........... A. F. Campbell . ..................... D. lionek ........T- B. Davidson .............. Mi».. 8. Giltner ................. T. C. Darby L- i LLA - John Shore ........... H. A. Johnson ........... T N Faulco ne r Mins Rebecca Watkins ..................... Wm Scott ......... G. W. Hardwick .T»\... O. Mosier In to at A Y gi tl ui bi ti h< WASHINGTON TEBBITOUI. Alpha.......................................... R. H. Wimply® Brush Prairie....... . . .......................... S. C. Harris Cedar Creek.................. ;.................E. A. LaDow Castle liock............................. Wm. Huntington Coin......... .*.................................. M. Baker Dixie......................... ..................... .W. T. Barnes Dayton............................................ R. I, Dashiel Elma....,......... Mrs. E. Himes Farmington......................................... F. M. Davis Golden Dale. ...................... IL H. Moes Piue City............................. .............James But'er Lone Pine.................. .P. E. Fisker Lincoln ........................................ W. H. McClure M Palouse............ ........................... F. L. Bell Puyallup./?......................... Dr. Chas. Spinning Pomeroy A'....'...............................Ranson Long Piue City.......................................... James Butler bpangle........................................ W. A. Bandera Humner................................................... N. Bonney Seattlo............................................... J. W. Osborn Vancouver....... . ...............................8. C. Harris Waitsburg. .................................. W. P. Bruce Walla Walla................... .. Mrs. A. H. Beyuolds De ag« I wil mo boi roc tor wil to i o CALIFORNIA. Colle«« City...............................’Prof. J. Durham Elmira............................................. ....J. M. Oiler,. Monticello........................................................ J. L. Bmittley foi Napa City....................... Mrs 8. E. Inman * Saratoga....................................... William Pollard Yn Sacramento..........................Mrs. E. E. Hembree Santa lloea....................................... G. O. Burnett yoi Ban Francisco... Mrs. H. II. Lnse, HEssex St ow Ban Luis Roy............... ;.......... Minnie J. Borden Vacaville.............. ..................... . .W. W. Smith Visalia......................................... Lewis Van Tassel Watsonville......................... H. D. Connell Woodland... .•.......................... Mrs. Sue E. Grant MI8CELLANEOV8. Moscow, I. 7...........:.... . ,G. W. Paslay T.~L. Childers Is selling by tens of thousands. It is the most Tour Mile, LT. Hnmac, Tenn.. ... J . C . Uollor uhiveraal'v useful book published, ufiiveraally - nwful i _ r.A-»xtr n.s-» ever jra . published, -- It ■ Un+irnr P. O„ tfiVt., C« leavenport Catil -toll* oomplriely-HOW W-I.Hi-BVEKTTTTÌNG • ‘. .8. H. Hedrix in the best wav. How to be Yopr Own Lawyer, Fail field, Iowa. .. F. M. Rain« How to Do Business Correctly and Stuaws- lænveu worth, Kan«a«.%. J. W. Caldwell fully, How to act in Society and everywhere. Lawr. nceborg, Indiana. A gold mino of varied information to all classes for constant reference. AGKNTs WANTBI) My New JIM -«»-A Fri «f.'.t itew-rUiln« for all or spare lime. To know why this lx»ok o-«r lOOGuSlend Mivu Wnl W»lcl-<A of REAL value ami attractions pells better than, »«nt for a 3c »tamp. It t -l.< te.w I j wn-ches ti nil p.Ttiiof L'.R.I'rbnevaniti. d anv other, apply for term« to J. DEWING & V fo • pnv»no »nr •T.Un.lonh ’ r.i . rw* I CO., San Francisco, Cal. 12-29-Cm z «'uta K.U.WuitepIvwsicr,*sws»»,&•>& ref • B I h aid a1. > 5 MJ.