CîîHîsTI AV HRRAtO 3 1 ’ - ' Vv». ' ■ 1 I 1 b } valuable souls would be lost that might otherwise be saved. This determined him to make an effort to create a fund, the main object of which would be the free circula­ tion of tracts in destitute fields. In Dg c em h a r, 1 1 . an ap p a a l far.. thia. purpose was made through our papers, and in a short time money enough was raised to print 15,000 tracts. They Wfcte printed on card­ board, both sides, wete seven inches long and th fee and One-fourth ‘‘**iu c! TWnUlldi>, each one cr mta i ii i ug from one thousand to twelve hun­ dred words, or more than eDough to fill a column in either the Apostolic Times, Old l^ath Guide, Christian Standard or Review. He was thus forced to print new tracts, because the larger ones already in use were too expensive, the Fund being too weak to handle them, and the smaller ones not containing enough, and not being of the most desirable kinds. He also determined to use only card-board, as it presented ad­ vantages for a small tract over paper, because it was more attrac- V indestructible, and would thus be the cheapest. A card of the size indicated would contain about as much as a busy man would care to read, and yet enough to arrest the attention. The card-board being stiff, it would not double up in the pocket nor re­ quire to be unfolded, but would al­ ways be open, and thus ready for a talk with its possessor. A report of the success of his appeal, and of the supply of tracts obtained, was then made through the papers, in which an earnest request to the brethren to put them to work was made, those living in destitute fields and unable to buy being as­ sured that they' were free to them if they would only circulate them, and those able and willing to buy beiDg urged to send for what they wanted, as the purchasejwould not only distribute those sold, but would enable the Fund to print others. Such was the beginning of this, the pioneer Fund among us for the gratuitous distribution of tracts. RESULT OF THE YEAR’S WORK. Soon calls from poor and weak churches and Sunday-schools, from evangelists, and ethers not able to buy tracts, as welt as orders from those who were able,.came pouring in. Often those who bought were kind enough to add a contribution to fidp send tracts among the poor and needy. The work for the year hds been very encouraging. The total Systems of Theology. audience, can in ttis way preach the word. There have bcefi iliore errors sei (3.) By advertising the work,and forth in the name of religion, thafi pressing its value and its claims in any other name. The greatest upon the brethren. errors are theoretical. From the (4.) Many have the tact for cfis- time of the fathers, until now, men j Xdbiiliug ntra cto^ L uLaje, nnt. abl a J k. Jiave invented innumerable theories, Isaac Errett; the electrotyping of purchase them. The main object of ^r'^sRn^F^gi^“^;uKnew seven tracts, and the printing from this fund is to supply such gratui­ apostle claimed to have a system these plates of fifty thousand card tously. Evangelists and other that would meet all the theological tracts, about forty-one thousand of ministers should go well supplied. difficulties, that we meet with in which have been disposed of in Call their attention to the work, Bible investigation. Yet each one gifts and sales. Add to this four and urge them to send for them. in turfi is found wanting, and one •hun dre d and si steen about4ia4kfecti¥fcua.% anothi.fr>... rious kinds which have been put to they will use; Having been sup can invent no system that will work, and which are not included plied once is no reason why they meet the demands of the situation. in the foregoing statement. Some should not have more. In this the wisdom of God is mani­ of these were written by Benjamin These cardtractaj'iJl be fur­ fest. It would detract from the Franklin, late editor of the Review^ nished to those who wish to buy, glory of the redemptive plan, had some by F. M? Green, who kindly at the following rates: Less than it been left to the ingenuity of man donated one hundred copies of bis five hundred, by mail, fifty cents to systematize it. The floodgates excellent tract on the Gospel, two per hundred ; more than five hun­ of endless strife would be opened hundred were sent as a gift by dred and less than a thousand, by and each theorist would have Thos. Holman, of New York, who express, at purchaser’s expense, (seemingly) divine authority. But is known as an energetic distribu­ thirty centi per hundred; by mail in spite of any authority men have tor of tracts, and foremost in every in this quantity forty cents per committed this great error. From good work.. About nine thousand the days of John the Baptist until hundred. At this date, the Fund card tracts, and a few of the other owns seven kinds:—Names for now, religious teachers have theor­ kinds yet remain on hand. At God’s Children, Errors of. the ized, all to the detriment of spiritual least one half of all disposed of. Afixldus Seat, Salvatibn from Sin, growtKandXffiristian unity. Think­ have been given away to destitute What is Baptism ? Design of Bap­ ing men are just now learning to fields, or to evangelists and others, tism, Helps to Bible Sttfdy and Ad­ recognize the fact; hence the who, though being eager to work vantages of being a Christian. True general inquiry for Bible facts. thus, for the Lord, were unable to We have not escaped this detri­ there is a few cents profit made on buy them. Of this number one each hundred sold at these rates, mental influence. We could not be was blind, one had lost an arm, and but this is only because they are expected to wholly avoid such a one was disabled through some se­ pi inted from electrotype plates, and wide-spread error. affliction, though all were anx ­ vere Our Bible schools are falling in large quantities. Every cent re­ ious to do even a little work for the ceived will be used in this work. into the ruts of the old theological Master, and thus sow the good We say this not in But the profits will not keep the schools. seed of the kingdom. Applications fund up, because there is not near malice, but with due regard for, have been made from England, enough made to pay for those that and appreciation of our schools, and Scotland, Jamaica and Canada, and are given away. Unless sufflcient the work they are doing. The from nearly every State in the Contributions are received the work universal fact that every religious Union. This work will grow till movement, however simple, faithful will cease. it becomes a mighty power in the and correct in its incipiency, has It is but jast to say that the land. degenerated, and departed, to some services of the Trustee have been HOW YOU CAN HELP IN THIS GOOD extent, from the designs of its and will be given entirely free.* He WORK. originators, must dot be ignored by is sustained by the churches for us. We are liable to this human (I.) By making a contribution to which he labors regularly. An ac­ weakness, and will go fully into it. You are not asked for much. curate account is kept of all re­ this error. You may not feel able to give a ceived and disbursed, and this is “ Our plea,” so called, is as much dollar, a fraction of one will help. always open to inspection. Less a human system, as rnaiiy other re­ If gifts of thousands of dollars could than one dollar can be sent in ligious pleas. We here refer to be obtained, the sum could be postage stamps. This subject is the system, and not to the facts profitably spent in this work. The worth your immediate and earnest set forth therein. We do not wish secti spend hundreds of thousands attention, and it is confidently ex­ to be misunderstood in this. There every year through the American pected that this appeal will not is a wide difference between a sys­ and Foreign Tract Societies. have been made in vain. tem, or theory, and the facts of (2.) By buying these card tracts In the Lord, said system. To illustrate, our and seeing that they are distribut­ J. W. IIlGBEE, Trustee. Baptist brethren teach about the ed. They are easily carried about Madisonville, Ky., Deo., 1882. same facts that we do; but they with you, and can be given out on have a different system. Each boats and cars, and streets, or, Missionary Board. teach faith, baptism, repentance, around the fireside. They will < hiireh of Christ In Oregon. communion and godly life, tec., but help you much in your city mission Presidili W4H'k-, for they will -go and flatent­ -SL JL. Adwxuu. E irtinjiduMX«.«. Prnakteifti their system differs from ours. Henry Sliiille, I* >rtlau