of sufferers by the recent flood. Some Two hundred cases are reported. A severe electric storm, accompanied $500 have been collected so far, and ar­ Monmouth and Vicinity. rangements are in progrtss for anenter- by high wind, at Denver, Co)., on the Pres. Stanley »has sold his job press to tainment, the proceeds of which will be 12th, did much damage to buildings. The circuit court has granted, Mrs. Arrangements are about completed at Mrs. Foulkea has the thanks of the Seattle for a mammoth wharf, soon to her husband. editors and printers for some nice birth­ At Moberly, Mo., a shanty belonging be constructed on the water front pro­ day cake sent to this office last week. to James Davenport, a negro, was burn­ We are having a cold snap just now. perty recently purchased by tbeColum­ ed last night, together With two yonng Considerable enow can be seen on thé bia and Puget Sound railroad company. children. The parents were absent. Tbe amount of freight received and surrounding mountains. Smallpox is raging at Shiloh, Ken­ shipped by the O. R. N. Co. at Ore- We are sorry to learn of the death of tucky. Whole families are stricken and1 -go» -Cityd uri n g .lhaxuaal...IkCfifiUUflJrtht. Bister Williams of Amity. Bro. Wil- 7nl7zlna~gY6~ ftHBl ng f iu rn th e p la ce - —- averages over 250 tons daily. liams has our sympathy in his bereave­ Smallpox is raging at Salem, Roan Soarlet fever has made its ap pear an oe ment. oke county. Thirty cases are already at Aablaod. The District Teachers’ Institute for Oregon has 324 pensioners, who re- reported. The town of Roanake and Wythorville are quarrantined against the third Judicial District composed of eeive $36,221 annually. Salem, and other south western towns Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook and Hon. R. B. Cochran, of Lane county, Yamhill counties will be held at Inde- is reported seriously ill at his residence will do likewise, ltoanoke college is suspended, and the students have gone pendence, Polk county, on the 27th, in Eugene City.. 28th, 29th, and perhaps 30th of March Tbe school at Centerville, Umatilla home. The progress of removing the debris 1883. The Institute will be conducted oounty, has been closed owiDg to tbe of the Newhall disaster is progressing by the State Superintendent of Publio prevalence of scarlet fever. rapidly. So' far the remains of Instruction, E. B. McElroy of Salem. Joe Miller, son of Joaquin Miller, five persons have been found in addition Able teachers and prominent educators died at the residence of his grandfather, to those already reported. from all parts of the State will be pres­ H Miller, on the 4th of this month. . At St. Louis on tbe 14th a fl e ent. On Saturday night at New Tacoma, broke out shortly after 4 a . m . the store of Daniel McCaskell. on Pa­ Pacific Coast. in the kitchen of the Planter’s House, A $6000 hotel is to be built at Puyal- cific avenue, was burglariously entered occupying the block on Fourth street, L n pisooa<..... .... .. ............................................... and over 3000 cigars, valued at $200, U between Pine .and^ShefitpuLand ex- It is expected that 3500 tons of coal were stolen. tended to the pantry, storeroom and ser- A case of smallpox has been discover­ can be loaded from the ooal bunkers now | vants* quarters. These are all in a building at Tacoma when completed. _ ed at Walla Walla, Tbe man’s name is building in the rear ’ and detached from Charley Bryan was drowned in Myr­ Thompson, who recently came from San | the hotel, which was not injured. One Franciaoo. He has been Bent to tbe tle creek, last week. of the servants was smothered to death, On the 30th three inches of snow pest house. one was burned, and two others have Scarlet fever is prevailing in Klamath 1 ■ wm on the ground at Lakeview, Lake broken limbs. county. The indications were favorable county, and several deaths have occur­ Chicago is to have a new $3,000,000 red from it. for more. bank. Kalloch’s church is to be sold at San A promising bank of superior bitumin- At New Orleans the German relief Francisco. ^n^-coal is being developed near Boze­ fund amounts to $5000. Eastern. man. A stem of the Northern Pacific A barrel of beDziue exploded in tbe Lot M. Merrill is dead. He suffered paint works of Sendam & Co., Pittsburg,, railroad will tap this fuel deposit early very little, and bis last momenta were ■ fatally burning Joseph Inglesby, aged next year. The building of tne Northern Pacific painless. 22, and slightly burning two ot|ier (Ar­ Many mills in New England are clos­ sons. branch to connect Seattle with the main At Neenah, WTis., a number of busi­ line of that company's road, goes on ing down on account of no supply of water. ness houses burned on Sunday ; loss slowly. The Knox woolen and other mills abont $100,000. A rich b dy of ore has been struck in At Cohoes, New York, three coasting the Atlanta mine, Glendale, which for along the river at Camden, Me., are richness surpasses anything hereto­ compelled to commence running on boys run down by a train received fatal injuries. fore discovered. The new find is a sort half time for lack of water. Heavy snow storms prevailed in the Vanderbilt’s trip to California takes of cavern with probably $100 00 in East on the 10th. place the latter part of this month. sight. A boiler of an engine io the tobacco The date indefinite. The tug Pioneer, while crossing off Gottlief Bosk, of New Haven, Conn., the bar, was struck by a heavy sea on shed of Wm. Siller, at Newmantown, the lOtb, which carried away windows, Pa., exploded. Four workmen were a baker was fatally shot by Wm. Ro- banns, accidentally, in his store. doors in the pilothouse and gallery, etc, badly scalded. Smallpox has broken out in the up­ At Stoughton, Wis.’, A. G. Mandt’s -Pilot Campbell had his arm broken. Ebeu W. Tailant, aged 50 years, shot per Ottawa lumber sbantier, in tbe Mat- carriage and wagon works burned. Los, $100,000 ; insured for $70,000. himself through tbe head on the Sih, at takan district. Dispatches from the southern pirt of Ban Gabriel, Cal. dans?, temporary in­ Foreign. Illinois say an earthquake shock was sanity. During the year past 175,000 persons At Astoria on the 10th, the jury re­ felt over the State on the 12th. It ex arrived in Canada, 77, COO of whom went turned a verdict of guilty against G. P. tended into Kentucky. Ou the 5th, at Chicago, the weather on to the United States. Smith, with attempt to murder Wm. The remains of Gen. ChaDZ^y-^ere Robertson, and sentenced to five years was yery oold. Tbe reports that tbe Springfield iron interred at Bazancy. The archbishop in the penitentiary. J. C. Cooper lias been appointed sur­ company would cease the manufacture of Rbeims spoke at the grave. of steel rails is incorrect. The Baden ministry appeals to the veyor of Yamhill County. a generosity of the British publio in be­ Joseph L. Wifey died at Newberg, ply suspend that branch half of the 20,000,000 persons rendered Yamhill county, on January 5th, aged dull season. Tbe Newhall bouse iu Milwaukee, homeless by the flood. * 72. He came to Oregon in 1860 from Wie., was burned on the morning of The extent of the flooded country in California, and was born in St. Law- renpe eeuntyNew York.. __ _____ Jhe_lQch w»th 75 peopje, middlo Rhine districts, exclusive of this A cave occurred in the Indian Spring guests. tributaries oFthat river, are computed mine, near Magnolia Cal., on the 10th, Owing to tbe smallpox epidemio in to be 700 kilometres, or Dearly half as whereby two men, named Wm. Perkins Baltimore tbe health inspectors have large again as lake Constance. The and Frim were cr’Oshed to death. been plaoed in tbe depots and passen­ king of Bayaria has given a second 10,- German citizens of San Francisco gers are closely examined, and eaoh 000 marks /or the relief of the distressed have started a subscription for the relief turn-pike i«. watched by policemen. subject«. I A portion of the city of Gran, on the Danube, is flooded. Eleven houses are demolished. Business Locals If you wantTo get a picture copied or enlarged or a lot of fine views of Oregon and Columbia river soenery or a dozen first-clans photographs any size, go to I. G. Davidson, the busiest and most successful photographer in Portland. Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem Marble and Granite Works, Commer­ cial Street, south of the post office, manufactures all kinds icTmonnmeHtBI Italian marble a speciality. Prices re­ duced one-half N ew M usic .—Seud stamp to Wiley B. Allen, most popular music dealer, Port­ land, Or., for complete catalogue and sample copy •• Musical Pastime.** All orders by mail filled promptly. The Household Sewing Machine took the first premium at the great Man­ chester (England) Exposition for the best family Hewing Machine. John B. Garrison, general agent, )67 3rd St., Portland, Oregon. Sawing Made Easy. The Mew Improves C\ ft* W MU.XAEtH LltHTMSfi D. Langeli’s Asthma and Catarrh Remedy. l-Vra. W. T2 Brown, Monroe, Texas, jdgy writes : “ I suffered with Asthma 30 ffiSMn years. Your Great Remedy coin- P*ete'.v cured me. I wish all A»tb- made sufferers to send their address and get a trisl package Free of Charge. It relieves instantly so die patient can rest a d sleep comfort- ably, ,Full else box by mail $1. Bold by drag- gists generally. Addreas D. Langell, Wooster, O.. Pmnrislor. 89-4tsw TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. This offer is made by th* NEW YORK OBSERVER, the oldest and beet of the religious weeklies. For sixty years, ibi* uudenuminational unaec- tai -an and evangelical newap«|>cr him been cir­ culating in the United Staten and in almoatevery foreign country. Its «iilmcribera are counted by tens of tbeuaanda. Each year its proprietors hrve added to ite value, engaging fresh editors and eorrewpondenta at home and abroad, en­ larging and multiplying its departments, and endeavoring to realise their high ideal of the Rent Religious and Secular Family Newspaper. 'I hey offer, this year, to every subscriber, naw or old. whose subectiptiou is paid for 18828, the new book ol Rev. 8. Irenwus Prime, D. D., en­ titled?“ PsaYER AND ITS ANBWEM,” a baudSOmO volume of nearly 200 pages, bound in cloth. tbe retail price of which to one dollar. Specimen oopies of the paper sent tree. Address: NKW YORK OBSERVER, Niw Yoik. ». POWELP IMf