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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1883)
t cnnisTiÀN llKRAî.n 11 T was, "You will have to get another watch, or I another Secretary.’’ Napoleon used to say to his marsh- -.. a I s , “ Y qil may askanythiii^uzf. but time.” And of «föhn Quincy Adams it is said that in his long service in Congress, be was never known to be late, and one day when the clock struck, and a Member said to the speaker “ It is time to call the House to order,” the reply was, "No, Mr. Adams is not in his seat yet.” And while they were speaking, Mr. Adams came in, being punctual, while the clock was three minutes fast.— Hural Home. — — 1 • ♦ • ----------- To-Morrow. At the great Centennial exibition, a statue stood in Memorial Hall that the sculptor hail made to seem an almost sentient thing. Every Btroke of the chisel had helped to bring out the idea embodied in the question, " what is in the future for The statue attracted a large share . of attention, and each day, as I was drawn irresistibly to the spot, I found a crowd looking upon the earnest, asking face. I decided to visit very early, in order to avoid this crowd, and, one morning, I found to my satisfaction that I was among its first visitors. A gentleman stood close to it, and, as he turned to his catalogue, he 1 i said, half to himself, and half to those around him, “ And to-mor- i row ?” At his elbow there was a clear-eyed. buxom..*woman, intent upon what was a business form ot' pleasure. She, also, was looking at the statue, and when the man who, trying to see to the farthest limit and get at the fullest meaning, re peated the name of the statue, she answered as if she had been person ally addressed, “ Why ’ borrerin’ trouble, like I” Her positive, practical tones rang out loudly, and were *in harmony with her face and. manner; and all * was in such contrast to the statue and refinement of the gentleman, that it became to me one of the im pressions of the exTbition. This little memory has held to me a strange touch of humor and pathos, and I have treasured it also as a symbol—and in the presence ; of our dying year I bring it forth. The statue is the great -question, I—_ Ll____ x.- _ _ t r» . '% • v the world is standing and waiting. The man and the Woman are the representives of the two classes who ponder it.. One, earnestly, anxious ly 1 «kingly. The other, practically unquestionilly. ■ The great questions with the mass are, “ Shall I be fe<l ? ShalL I Monmouth, Oregon. ^jd£>-tJied-i^And „their „hopes for . T'' '"' ' ‘ • ~-:o:—7- [ " " ' ' ; the future are based upon the ex perience of the days that are gone. FACULTY: But to others, life is not the full D. T. STANLEY, A. M., P resident , ness of physical being, not bodily Professor Mental and Moral Sciences, English and Biblical Literature. comfort, but it holds a deep and sa W. E. YATES, A. M., cred meaning,stretchingout to lim Professor Greek, Latin and German Languages. itless jHiswibUitiea, with defeats and ‘ ‘ 7,' M. T O W ELL, A: «4 ----- failures commensurate to its own Professor Mathematics and Physical Sciences. past significance. M rs . M. B. STANLEY, The New Year, over the land, to Principal Primary Department. separate homes, to separate lives— Miss RETTA RASH,~ f what will it bring of joy ? What of Teacher of Instrumental Music. sorrow ? What to wrestling souls' Miss E. M c FADDEN, may it bring defeat? what of tri Teacher of Painting and Drawing. umph ? Miss CASSIE STUMP, B. S., We stand stretching our hands to Teacher of French. the future, and while we peer forth, W. E. YATES, A. M, the light breaks upon us—the light Secretary of the Faculty. ____ of the new year, and we step for Such Assistants as are needed will be engaged as the session advances. ward into this to-morrow, repeating LOCATION. the inspiring words of the poet: CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, « X > < L^> “ To-morrow ! the mysterious, unknown guest - —7 . Who cries to me. Remember Barme- cido ' And tremble to be happy with the rest/ And I make answer : I am satisfied, I dare not ask, 1 know not what is best: God hath already said what shall be tide.” —M ary B. B aldwin , in .Church Home. What Shall We do with Our ' Sons ? Give them a good education. Teach them to be brave, strong, true I Teach them to respect women and treat them as their equals. Teach them to be pure in thought, deed, and action, to despise meanness and falsehood. Teach them to be self-supporting and ashamed of idleness. Show them the way to love natuie, to love the sunshine, exercise in the fresh air and honorable work. Teach .them to hate tobacco, rum, all strong drinks, and to love ftuit and simple foods. Teach them to spend their evenings at home or in good society. Teach them all the virtues, none of the vices, and they will, when you are old anil ready to depart, rise up and call you blessed.—A’z. CATARRH! E, " is “ BOH Y JD»’ SURE Ct’RE i» no •• caecn- cMch- ¿peaks through its penny." but in thtinrter tones sj>e.k: ... . . ■■ ate» of Cures, to jS* Seventy thousand certificates and B the sufferer from Catarrh, Neuyalgio F’ Nirvoua Headache. We say cinpiiatically " use ■’Dobyne’ Sure Cure,” and ana if 11 not eat- aar- o O * IV y a ’’V. J , “ My wife used your “Sure Cure ’’ for neuralgia, and it acted like a charm. My »on and rt^ighter had Catarrh of eight and nine years staftlnng. It has cured them. I am recommending it every where. (Elder)Joel T. ^elmsee.Grecnftcld.Mo. We have 70,000 others of the same kind. Only ONE DOIXAR Per BOX. Ask your Druggist, or addres» all orders to DobynsA Mitchell, Monmouth, the Bent of Christian College, w a village of about 400 inhabitant«, noted for their inoralitv^and devotion to education.^ The Oregonian Railway pasiiM through Ihs niiddte ufttrtrknfn,“glvln< <lstly mnrf&fftfOiY witUPorlland, an/1 ‘ affording rIES nieaii? Jof eSiSy... travel and rapid freight«, lu addition to a passenger depot in the middle of town, the O, <1 C. • R. R. passes through Independence, two miles away, and the steamers plyiug the Willamette land there also ; making Monmontli one of the most easy towns of access in the Btate. Parents who desire to place tliqir children under good educational advantages, where tliev shall be freo from the intemperance and immorality p-evalent in the larger towns, will find in Monmouth just what they aesire in these respects. It is a school town, built up tor this purpose, and all other interests center in this one. Hence its superiority for educational purposes. ADVANTAGES. Tha Faculty is the moat important element to the successful working of anv institution of learning. The Btard of Trus'ees have sought to put in the various chairs of Christian College men of marked ability, of established success in tneir respective department»., and who are juBt in the maturity of life. At the hands of these meu they expect to see Christian College among the most honored institutions of the land. B uilding ,—Only one wing of the new brick College building has lieen completed, and this is being remdd®Ied"SIRrgreatly improved this year. It Contains three working siories of .large, airy and well lighted rooms, used lor study and recitation. The old College, building adjoining has been thoroughly overhauled and converted into a pleasant and commodious chapel. Apparatus sufficient for ordinary- purposes of Illustration, is now provided, and additions will be made from time to time. The Library contains a few volumes ot interest, and new vqlumes of value will be added as fast as the means at our command will allow. * 3» DISTINCTIVE FEATURES. The features of Christian College to which we especially invite attention, as distinctive of our work are as follows: C hristian M orai . itw —The Bible is read every day and lectures calculated to impress its morality are given, and with the Bible as a basis, ’ the effort to impress the highest Christian morality as thekuiding principle in the lives of our students. Dogmatism and Hect*rianism are carefully avoided. We ignore all religious or political divisions, and eucourage great freedom of thought, and aim to stand on that high plane where Protestant or Catholic, Democrat or Re publican, can meet on one common level. P racticai . E ducation —The great demand of the times is for men of action. An institution of learning to meet the needs of the people, should not only impart instruction, but along with the knowledge gsined, give students the power to use it to advantage for themselves and others. The idea of Christian College is, that the finest mental culture and the greatest benefit may be obtained by the study of those things that will fit young men and women to at ouce enter some pursuit or business, and carry it forward siuwessfully. Instead of those branches that are simply ornamental, we prefer those that are useful, and we invite comparison and criticism on our work. Our aim is to graduate young men and women so that they may at once enter upon the pursuits of life. DEPARTMENTS. -M athematics .—The Course of Study in this department is very full. The various branches are taught from a practical standpoint, with a view to the application of each principal to such affairs as people meet with in life and desire to understand. E nolihh language and L iterature .—A ready command of our own tongue, with an ac curate knowledge of its history and authors, is one ot the most important acquisitions. No other accomplishment can supply the want of this. It can only be acquired by a thorough study of English. In Christian College the course of English extends through four years and we consider this one of our most valuable features"™----- --------- --------------- ~~~ B ciknoes .—The rapid advance made in the various departments of Science and the rapid succession of discoveries of new principles and applications, constitute one of the wonders of the age. No man can claim to be educated who is not conversant with the present advanced stage of Science. Very thorough work is made of all these, assisted by the use of the apparatus at our command. Sufficient time is allowed tor a comprehensive understanding of the great principles of each science. , . A ncient L anguages .—By pursuing the best methods, the progress in acquiring a knowledge of the Geeek and Latin languages, is rapid. We have dropped several authors that are frequent ly read in Colleges, with a view to doing better work iu those that are road, and to give more time for the pursuit of the course in English and the tciences. Experience has demonstrated tliat both better linguists and scientists result from this comae. B iblical L iterature and E xegesis .— This department was organized in Christian College for the first time with the opening of the present session The object is to study the Sacred Scriptures analytically and critically, with contemporaneous profane history, and evidences of Christianity. Methods of sermonizing, pulpit oratory, methods in revival meetings and the care of churches, are all carefully.investigated. It is this department that the Christian brotherhood, as a body, are particularly Interested in,. Tlfe interfat of the church is carefully considered in .Uiw,.wbjlo.aU4it^ Kholb.-,lxee.Itam auy.CTligioiia dwqastotrt, —■■■■ formly recognized priniiiples of Christian morality. ,, *■' " * COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. *' Every facility is her« affordod for fitting young persons to successfully carry on any kind < f business. The best authors are studied on the various subjects, and such practical testa aie —» made as will insure tlioroughneas on the part of the student. Qy For Course of Btudy and other information, send for Catalogue. Address D. T, STANLEY, A. /J • •*. .