CITRISTl AÑ 14 Every error is a truth abused.-:—. Bossuet. -L.iiuUL jaUJ' uva-ry. i.-> to learn to undo what has been wrongly done. Skinny Men. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FRO1E? MONMOUTH, OREGON. ;e; «**-«*■ he iiekadd is t ?F eonly weekly on the Pacific coast published by Disciples of Christ, and is of special interest to all Who desire a paper devoted to pufe, primitive Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or traditions. As successor to the Pacijic Chris tum X.essi'itger it is iu its T Is on a permanent basis, with good building, REAPERS, yn wcv p e esKen a nd sieai n ]snm i-| an i h l llld ii lH- n of good material for running such a paper. ’ The H erald contains cat'll Week sixteen four-column img-es, stitched and trimmed, so as to turn liko the leaves of a Look, with only a limited amount of advertising, and that of the most select kind. All advertising not trust worthy is refused. As now published it is one of Lilli’____________________ ________ by our brethren. It is conducted by a editorial corps, assisted by th© contributions of the best writers among tis on this coast. We feel safe in saying it is one oi OUR BEST PAPERS. FOUR DEPARTMENTS. Devoted to such matters as will make it indis- passable in every Christian family. First <<o a*e*» th e— —_—__— M anufacturer of STEAM ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY THIRTEENTH VOLUME, Every Disciple on this coast should take it Every one in the East who de,ires to know all For a cough or cold there is no reme that ’takes flace of general'intereat oil this coast. dy equal to Ammens’s Cough Syrup. It contains When any druggist or dealer tries to sell you. or tells you that some other remedy is as good or better, when you aak fur Amman’s Syrup, look him inthe face, and you will see that God has stamped upon bis countenance iu tin-. mistakable characters the word cupidity, and by investigation you will find he is rtecomiiK-nding some decoction of bis 4wu costs him only a few ceuts to prepare, or some patent remedy upoD Udiieli lie makes a large profi*. Ask for Ammen’s Cough Syrup. Take no other. Buy a 15 eent or 50 cent bottle. Test it yourself. It stands upon its merits. The following' persons are agents for T he C hristian 11 ebald , and are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscriptions. If n'O agent is convenient, remit the an-ount diyect to the office by registered lhttfeV ok poswl wwt bb Muhffiotttli; - -5 “ Wells’ Health Rcnewer ” reetores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED potence, Sexual Debility. $1. With love the heart becomes a fair and futile garden, glowing with-sunshine and warm hues, and exhaling sweet odors? s THRESHERS, &c. r AUSO “ENTERPRISE" PLAhER) MATCHER. Brass and Iron Castings ftii« nished on Short Notice* Water,Wheel Governors of best pattern known, two sizes. Agent for Degroat's Patent Ornamental Iron Fence. New and second hand Engines <_» EDl’C AT1O.W A L DE PA 11TM E X T Of great interest and value to parents and teachers. Next comes the TEM PKIlA Vt K 11K1» A IIT M E N T, Devoted towdvam-ing the great cause of Tern- jierauce. iei>re>ciiting the thoughts of the greatest workers of this iuqiortuiit llcld. ,'1'he ---; .-a. . , ..-M.— McKERCHER & THOMPSON, STATIONERS It EDI GIO IS PEPAltTMENT Is the central thought of the paper and em braces Editorials, and cont-ibutions from our best writers.' The Spirit of the l'uligious Press representing the vinous religions todies, aud church hens from all ih<- Stute«- ifi the L'nion. . Bliiiik-'Book Manufacturers.- ¿0M3TERCIAL PR INTERS, The enetnieti uf teligion may cry against it, n> Fanaticism, until some enterprisiiig fanatic invents some thing -better.—Pr. Upham. every family, and especially every Christian family. Subscription SUPPLIES. Price $4.00 Per Year . In advance. Address HIE CHRISTIAN HERALD, M onmovtb , O r . THE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. ---------- T. J. Wilcox i J. W. Propst ----- I A. S. Powell ------ F. C. Williams ------- D. IT. rntman -------- Miss E. Davis ----- . . . . J. T. (hlfry A ----- ... EaP.iLvfch --------- N. P. Briggs ...;....... 8. B. Knox --------- Jas. Caldwell ■ ■■■ i H I Ge* king ----- - I G. W Ely f N. Garwood Dalla» • • iO. W. Crystal ....... D. H. Deardcrff Damascus....... .............. J ab . Harlan Drain’s Station .......... . . .A. L. Todd Elk Head........ .......... IL G. Callison Eugene............ ...... J. lia' I ch Smith' Tirs. Belte P. Walker Forest Grove.... ................. V. M. Ely Helix........... ....... H. Davidson Halsey.......... .......... 1) 8. Csfnefoh Hillsboro .-........ ............ John Harris Harrisburg. .... ......... W. L. Ibalgen Independence... ........ . .... .-V. 8. Bond Irving................. .... Martin Peterson Jacksonville....... ....... J A. Bushnell Junction...........t .........W. R. Menefee Kingsley... ..... ....i..W. D. Fenton Lafayette*......... ..............D. R. Lewis Lewisville.......... ......... ..J. H. Hawley" McCoy T ......... F. M. Gabbert Myrtle Creek.... v............... J... W. Cowls McMinnville.... 'A:............J. L. Wigle Monroe............ ,. ____ Miss Jennie Wright .Mil ton............ . ___________ E. Ground !M t Pleasant ..... ____ . . Joseph llobnett Neu Pino Creek j_____ L...Y. Kuykeiuhtll ..................... E. A Chase Oakland.. ....... W HHiiilaakir I‘iriln.Illt. Hill.-------------- —■■ u— Purvdale..................... , I ................. J- P. Frizzell renditrton.. ............................... If Jr - I N. J. Gerkmg Philouiatli...................... ...... Dmrv Davis Pfiot Rock......................................... J. W. Cox Roseburg.......... .................. ... A. F. Camplrell •»kiiigent ..................................... f.. D. Houck Shedd............. ............... ............ T H. Davidson St. Helens............ Mis. 8. Giltner Stayt n ... . .’............................... L. <'. J 'ai by Scio. ............................................... Juliu Shore Salem........... . ...................... H. A. Johnson sinii-teu ,. .......... T N .Fanleoiier .T|ie Dalles----------------- Miso licl-ecca Watkins Winatlu’-.d............ ........... . .......Will Scott West Clielialein.................... G. W. Hardwick „ Weston ‘................... U. Mosier Aumsville..... Albany....... . Anrttv.............. Brownsville... Bellevue......... Cross» < 11....... Crawfordsville Corvallis ..,... Collage Ciovt). Carlton.......... Centerville.... .0. He who dallies with the tempter is lust ; hr who. counts the cost of Tire AND SEC CD A It UKPAltTAKST honesty is already dishonest; he Editorials on the important secular who sets a price upon his integrity Includes topics <>f the clay, and news from all parts of DEALERS IN BOOKS, RERIOD- the world. It is, if short, lust the paper for has no integrity to sell. ICALS AND SCHOOL The subjoined opinion, we perceiv is by J. A. Daniels, Esq., of Messrs Sfogdill A Daniels, attorneys, La Crosse, Wis.. end appears in the La Cro.tse ''hidiide •. Sometime since, 1 was attacked with paiu in and below one of my kuee joints, A few applications of St. Saeobs Oil quieted the pain and relieved the infiamution. I regard it as a valuable medicine.—Elgin. (DI ) 1 >'ti!■/ t I Agents for The Christ inn Herald. THE CHRISTIAN HERALD - I Speaking of Governors suggest the mention of an item we received from Mr. lit my A. Kuu'U.FQreium at Waters & Co.’s Governor and Valve Woiks, Boston, Mass.; I have used St. Jacobs Oi.1 among our employees and find that it never fails to cure. 'I he men are delighted with the wonderful effects of the Oil, as it has cured them ol bruises, burns, etc.— Neto Albany Ledg er Standard. tìERALD, Also Headqnurters for publications of the Christian Church. So. 105 First Street. PUKTDANf), OH. WONDERFUL INSTRUMENTS'. {(EDITED BY E. W. HE11N DON, A. M., M. D. 1883 JMIE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW 1 lias completed its first volumj, and on the first day of January, JKS3, the first No. of Vol. IL wHi be_I. It w the purpose of its Editor to keep it up to the highest standard of excellence. It «ill be issuer iu Januaiy, April, * Lad les of all ages who suffer from J niy and tictol er ; wi.l lie printed on tine book Send for Circulars, Catalogues of Musió, &<J. each No will contain IGO pages of BeTammany Org’l Co. Worcester, Hass., L.S.A, 1-IS3 of appetite ; from imperfect àiges- pafier. and i»UUn ti>>m utir twsl writer*, aial Re tioh, low spirits and nervous debility views. I would t>e glad to receive the names of T. J. Lee, M. D. J. E. Davidson, M. D. as soon :is possible, so as to determ may have life and health renewed and subscribers ine the size of tl.e edition. Price $2.00 per year, in advance. Fifty cents indefinitely extended by the use of Mrs. foi a single niunlier. Address all communica Lydia E. Pinkham’s remedies for all tions to the Editor. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Dtt. E. W. H erndon , complaints incident to the female con Columbia, Boon<*Co., Missouri. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. stitution. We have not only a living T he C huisiian Q i ' artbuly R eview will be I furnished with tke t iirisiian H erald forSJ.GO faith iu Mrs. Pinkham, but we are as Disea oes of women a »¡wcialty. per j ear for both papers. 12 45-Gm. sn led that her medicines are at once Prescriptions filled at the oflice. most agreeable and efficacious. I5 ItuaineiM now before flu pub- -J» J A lie. You can make money faster I Olis. J. W. A MARY T. (OI.E, V1 There is no urging a|coward into at work for ns than at-any thing else ( spits] not ■ needed. We will start you. Si2 ‘ a day and up- j courage.” But even the coward may be wards made at home by the industrious. Men, i niYSlClANS A 8t'It<4E')NP. * . A* ‘ DAVIDSON &. LEE, B.-I WASHINO'rON TEI’BITOKY. Alpha .......... .... K. H. Wimply Brush I rairie ............ S. C. Harns Cedar Creek.. .........E. A. LaDow Castle Ruck... .. Win. H nntingtun Cain ........... .............J. M. Baker Dixie......... ......... W. T. Barnes Dayton.......... ......... R-UDashiel Farmington.. .......... F. Mt..Davis Golden Dale.. ............ R. IrxMosa I’ine City....... .......... James BnPty Lone l’nie.... .. ........ P. E. Fisher Lincoln... . , . .W. n. McClure I’aiouse....... .......... F. L. Bell Puyallup....... Dr. ( has. Spinning Pomeroy,-.,,, ....... . J ¡ans<in Long I’n i- ' i; - .......................... James Butler Sp.'ii;./"“.'............ ....... . W. A. Sundtrs Sumner...................... ....................... ..H. Bonney Seattle.... ....... .......... ,.J. W. <»sboiu VjuK-puver........ .................. .. . s C. Harris Uaiisbuig....................................... W. P. Bruce Walla Wall*....................... Mrs. A. 11. l.ejnolds CALIFORNIA. College City................ .......Prof. J. DurLam Elmira................................................ J. M. Oiler Monticello........................ “........... J. L. Smiltle Napa City............ ................. Mrs 8. E Inman Sanvtoga ............................. William Pollard Sai-lamento......................... Mrs. E. E. Hembree Santa Ros*.................................. ft. <». Burnett Hun Francisco... Mrs. H.H. Lose 14 Essex St Han Luis Iley,......................... Mi- nie J. Borden Vacaville.......... .......... . ........ w. W. Smith ' isalia.................. Lewis Van , Watson villo................................. 11. I) Connell woodland................................ Mrs. Sue E. Grant 1 MtbCELLAN'Eors. • Moscow, I. T.................................... G. W. P.»slay b-'tir Mile, I. T........................... T. L. Chihlers ^Iinae. 1« 1.11... ................................ J.C.Roller u icslow- P. O., Out., Cali....... Deavenisirt Caul' antichi, low*............................... g. j/. Hedrix Leavenworth. Kansas............... F. M. Rains ‘ Isruye rfter-fryrng— Ki d n ey» W cr t, t lj wt~t w o aie H, K ey s sta b- gt i J* wan to il.ev e ry w > h * w -- to 1 ---------——----------------- —------------ y ............... — ’ . . . _ . • wnWir' »»• na . i vf- i ■_ 't 1 in timo • work ft for im . N Now-L'th© time. Yf 1 »II i Tl H W < 11'k Su ver Polk County, Oreeron. medicine>»of wonderful .efficacy in all in spare time oh I v or give your whole-time AA luih» . tiiwn <«!*■. Io"! diseases of the liveY.and kidneys.. It is the business. Yon can live at home and <1., the.] ... SPECIALTIES : Noether business will pay yon nearly work. T" prepared in both dry and liquid form as well. Noone ean fail to make ehojmous pay i Dr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women. and can alwaysjie relied on as an effect by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and term« Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Disca -cs. True- Money made fast, easily and honorable. I • Coi imitati on free. ive cathartic and diuretic. Try it. Address T ri e A Co., Augusta, Maine. 12-1-tf i ,1 A ?