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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1883)
A i * A i/ó Ob.tuarjr., Died, at Portland, Or., Dec. 19, 1882: Elizabeth C. Love, aged 29years. Sister Love was an earnest and- de- at eAjnjjmbe* ot «tk e di m rr„l i „a m UUuX.i u. the full assurance of faith. Sho leaven a husband ami two small children. H enry S iiadle . Mrs, Murtlia E. Gregg, wife of Mr. Napoleon Gregg, died, near Perrydale, Oregon, Deo. 17, 1882. Aged 28 years, 1 month.RIlll 23 iTuyn. Sister Gregg was tiro daughter of Bro. Enoch and Sister Jane Richardson, of Perrydale, and was a member of the Church of Chiist at Bethel. She be came & Christian at the annual meeting held at Dixie, in June, 1871, and from that time until her death maintained her faith in Christ and the blessed hope of an immortality beyond the grave. Her illness was of short duration; and she knew from the first that it was unto death, but, in Bpite of much physical suffering, she ceased not to speak oilier hope in the resurrection and of heaven ly things. At her request the hymn “ The angels that watched round the tomb ’’"which mu q grHat, favorite of hers during her life was sung at her, grave ; and when all that was mortal of a loving wife and mother had been deposited in the little grave yard at Bethel, we left her there): to await the time when “The Lord himself shall descend from lieaVen with a shout, with the voice of an archuDgel, and with the trnmp of God.” May we all be ready at his coming. W. E. R ichardson . I TUTT’S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels eftetive. Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the ’ack part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness alter eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering st the TtaitabHore the eves, Yellow Skin, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT’f- PILLS are especially adapted to Biicli case», one dose effect» nneli a change ol feeling ns to astonish the sufferer. XUiiX Increase tile Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, tfitw the system is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the IMgeative OrK’i”». Hegulnr Nloois are pro duced. Price 2> cents. 35 Murray St., N. Y. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. G ray H airob W iitskebs champ'd to a G lossy Bi. ack by it single nppluttion of this 1) vk . It im part" n natural < olor, acts Instantaneously.'' Sold by Druggist». oi seiit by exprt « on receipt of $1. OFFICE. 35 MURRAY ST.. NEW YORK. (Dr. Ti TT’S MANUAL cf Valuable faformatjon *ni|\ Useful will be tuailrd I REE on application.,# THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY " F or NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, GOUT, SORENESS ..... orxu CHEST, ¿^"Dresses, cloaks, coats, stockings and all garments can be colored success fully with the Diamond Dyes. Fash ionable colois. Only 10 cents. SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS ÀXD i SPRAINS, KIDNEY-WORT FROSTED FEET FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF AMD CONSTIPATION. EARS, No other dlaeaae is so prevalent in this coun try as Constipation, and no remedy has ever equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wort aa a cure. Whatever the cause, however obstinato the case, this remedy will overcome it. THIS distressing com- plaint is very apt to be complicated wlthconstipation. Kidney-Wort strengthens the weakened parts and quickly cure, all kinds of Pile, even when physician, and medicines have liefore failed. iTIf you have either of these troubles BURNS General Bodily Pains, ÍKIDNEY-WORT ILL OTHER PUNS AMD CC ■ Dll ILuOi TOOTH, EAR 1883. Harper’s Magazine. Harper’s Bazar.. I L LUST R a ' t E T)\ ILLUSTRATED. six tv-six th - ______ .sifeaE* * only the most jsipiiLif illustrated periodical in America and England, bnt also the largest in its scheme, the most beautiful in its appear ance, and the beat magaaine for the home. A - new novel, untitled “ For the Major,” by Con stance Fenimore Woolson. the author of “ Anne.” was begun in the Novomber Number. In literary and artistic excellence the Magazine improves "with each successive numls-r. Hjiecial efforts have be«n made for the lighter entertain ment ol its readers through humorous stories, ■vitrefr hi a? A*i" V HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Per Year! .S 4 00 HARPER’S MAGAZINE.......... A Y I» HARPERSWEEKLY............ . 4 00 HARPER’S BAZAR.................... .10 M The THK EE abova_publications. . 7 00 Any TWO above named............. HARPER’S MAGAZINE / 5 oo HAULER'S YOUNG PEOPLE i HARPER’S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, One Year (52 Numbers).\ ... ......... 10 50 Postage free to all subscribers in the United States and Canada. Tins popular journal is a rare combination of literature, art, and fashion. Its ktoiies, • Europe and America ; its engravings possess the highest artiatic excellence ; and in all mat ters pertaining to fashion it is uniyeytially acknowledged to lie the leading authority in tho land.- Th« new volnmo . will/contain many brilliant novidJies. HARPER'S PERIODI 0ALS. PirYear: "H’AUPEU'HBAZIH.. ........... - The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Numb r for January of each year. When no time is moutiontsi, it will be understood that- the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after-the receipt of order. The tart Fouf Annual Volt.mew of Hfn-peni»------- The volumes of the Magazine'begin with the Numbers for .June and Doceiaboi of each year. Bazar, iu neat cloth binding, will be sehl When no time is specified, it will be under mail, postage ptttil. or by expies», free or ex stood that the subscriber wishes to Login with pense (provided the freight dees not exceed one dollar per volume), for S7 00 jier volume. the current Number. ; Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for The last Eight Volumes of Harper's Magazine, iu iwucutiu m »eat cloth .landing. - uuiuiMK. .. »..ill ■ Ik . auEUi. “Jill*:. JÜ. binding, will ..X be sent / by mail, postpaid, on re- postpaid, OB-receipt of s>3 00 per volume. CjotTi ’ eiproT Wi wwenr.... R ttances ld -lxi.-mailo by Pust-Qiuca- Cáse 1!, for binding, 50 cents e<u li-^by mail p1 'i>t Alnniiu iic emi mitta nuM shou eiionld ■ i Irilnr zir Money Í Order or TYvulfr Draft, to avoid chance of loss. . paid. Newspajicrs are pot to copy , this advertise Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to CO, ment without the express order of H aupeii < fc Address inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1880, one B hothkhs HARPER .V BROTHERS, Now York. vol., 8vo, Cloth, $4 CO. If emittance^-should te made by Tost-Ofi'iee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. -A. GIFT Newspapers are not to copy this advertise nient w ithout the express order of H abvkb 4 TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. B kothebs . Address HARPER A BRO’l HERS, New York. This offer I» made by the 1883. NEW YORK OBSERVER, Harper’s Weekly. the oldest and best of "the religion» wceklie». For sixty yean, this undenominational unsec- tar-an and evangelical riawapapiT bus l>een cir ILLUSTRATED. culating in the United States amt in aluioatevei v foreign country-, its subw-riliers are couutel Harper'» Weekly stand» at the head of Ameri by tens of thousand». Each year its proprietors can ilhw rated weekly Journals. By its unpar - hrve added to its value, engaging fresh eilitors Haan position in politic», us admirable illustra and correspondent» at home and abroad, en tions, its carefully chosen aerials, short storiea, larging and multiplying iu departments, and »ketches, and poems, contributed by the tore- endeavoring to realize tlieic Ifigh ideal of tha most artists and authors of the day, it carries Best Religious and Secular Family Newspaper. instruction and entertainment to thousands of They offer, this year, to every »ubscriber, new nr old, whose »ubsetiption is paid for 18823, tha American homes. It will always bo the aim of tho publishers to new book ol Rev. S. iremeua Prime, D. D., en make Harper» Weekly the most |x,pular and titled “ P iuyicii a . nu rm answer ,” a handsoma voluinr of nearly 2'>u pages, bound in cloth, tha attractin’ family newspaper in the world. retail price of which is one dollar. Specimen ‘ copus of the pa(>er cent tree. Address-: HARPER’S PERIODICALS. NF.IV YORK VF.K, V. w I oik. Per Year: CATARRH ! r Sunday School SUPPLIES GUIDE g SUCCESS LLIX1U .... »4 it yn either b«M bead er bare fast Wil) ftvr-e a fell art Vllx W whiaherg in 4 te A vselre. »»1 nM wear beevf beard W.ll » """'T I UH HARPER’S MAGAZINE........... ... 4 co HARPER’S WEEKLY............ .. . 4 00 The THREE above publieatiouH. .... 10 00 Any TWO above named............ 7 D(1 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 50 . HA.B4*E«’»-MAG'AZ1NE.............................. HARPER’S TO . NG PEOPLE >............ w HARPER’S Fl ANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, One Year (52 Nntubcrs). ................... 10 0(1 Postage Free to all snliscribers in the United States or Canada.' AMD Per Cent, Off < 1883. i 4 00 HARPER’S WEEKLY........................ 4 co HARPER ’ S MAGAZINE ..................... HEADACHE. use ""oruggiatsTenj HARPER’S BAZAR............................. 4 00 AND 10 00 The THREE above publications......... Any TW'O alxive named........ ............. 7 00 AND HARPERS YOUNG PEOPLE.......... 1 50 I HARPER’S MAGAZINE » IkCHEXS. . 5 00 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE i No Preparation on earth equals S t . JACOBS O il at a sats , HARPER’S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, SVHK, and CHEAT External Remedy. A trial entai> One Year oW Num tiers >___________ 10 00 bnt the »••«mfiaratively trifling outlay of BilCiKTS, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and poeitice proof ox The Volumes of the Wet kly liegin with the Ueclaimt BfHICTIOhS lh ELFVI.l LANUVAGES. first hntnber for January of each year. Wi en no time is menfiohed, it will be understood SOLD Vt ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS Hi MEDICINE. that the subscriber 'w islies to cornu» m-e with A. VOGELER & CO. the Numlier next af'er the receipt of order. • Baltimore, 3f<l., V. B.JU «1 The last Four Annual Volumes of Hai-jter's ft jvforl Papers anil eroded Lesson Helps at prices far below all otlieis. On trlnl, for three months, 40 Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will lie »ent by per cent, off and if not found better, this is refunded that wonderful book mail, postage paid or by express, free of ex over five million circiilinion. Baud for samples pense provided the freight does not exceed and full particular». DAVID C. l^UOK, 41 Adams one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Hireel, tbieaao. Clcth Cases for each volume, -suitable for I WITH FORMS FOR BUSINESS bit ding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re A SI) SOCIETY ceipt of $1 00 each. - Remittances should I ms made by Post-Oflice Is selling by tens of thousands. It is the most universally useful book ever published. It MoneyfOrder or Draft, toavoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not tb copy this advertise tells completely HOW TO DO EVERYTHING iu the best wav. How to be Your Own Lawyer, ment without the express order of H ahpeit A- rTAv 'to Do BiiSineW CbllUL'Uy Mill Buterisi-. binding, gilt edge, for 11.30. ¿ÀVlì) Ú. COÖk, p. fully,'How to act in Society, and .eyefywllere. Adama bl.. Chicago. •* ' A gold mine of varied information to all classes for constant reference. AQKNTsi WANTED My NrtrTllnM at« d Pr’ e!’• t ■ ISTAIUK JMI nuisai.R.a. Viiri agASD over liXIGo. I «nd Siiv* i W h I i U hid W»ucl»ea for all or spare time. To know .why this book tent for a 3c Mump. It t-I'a buwrT eend of REAL value aud attraction/ fells better than watches to al 1 partaof U.S. to be examined before paying any tnnrey. Undoubted ref* any other, apply for terms to J. DEWING & WTJt I m wed 1 te 3 Pkgs. F-kff pmd.JNs 12-29-0m JleXhSMe- r »rr C.tWTi a tfu,r«ww,iu, uiaraetu tent »4A »pM i CO., bon Frauelsco, Cal. t 11 (Ü (0 O UMBVNS* SURE CURE”!. no •'ratch- penny,” but in thunder tones **|>e&lcs through its Seventy thoueand certificates of Cures, to the sufferer from Catarrh, Neuralgic and Nervous Headache. We say emphatically uae**Dobyns* Sure Cure,” and if not sat isfied with result, we will refund your money. We caiVt sav more. ” My wife used your “Sure Cure ” for neuralgia, And it acted like a charm. My son and daughter had Catarrh of eight and n!n< yeat fm . has cured them. I am recommending it every where. fElder)«Toel T. Hclmace/.reenfithLMo We have 70,000 others the same kind. Only ONR TIOf.EAR l>r BOX. Ask your Druggist, or address ail orders to Dobyns & Mitchell,^tucSy.' io any suneringwitn uai chitis who earnestly desire relie". I can furnish a means ol Permanent and Pos itive Cure. A Home Treatment. No charge for consultation by mail. Valua ble Treatise Free. Certificates from Doc tors, Lawyer?, Ministers. Business-men. Add^ asliev. T. P. CHILDS. Trpy. Ohio. ■■■ ■-■Wn . I.» ■ I II ^U RU ■’I'S'. I BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY Bella nt Pure Copper and Tin for Church» Schools, Fire A iaruis,Farms,’eic'.' TV LI WARRANTED. Catalogue.sent Free. VANDUZEN 4 TIFT, Cincinnati, Q.