ft Uintis'riA.N iikiiAtD 7 Wr California Letter. to honor, and others as slaves were ly, is painfully apparent. taifght to irespect their inasters, LATER. D owney C ity , C a L, who now Sympathise with them ih From Bro. T. F. Campbell. P arts , T enn ., Dec. 14, 188b. their dependent and needy condi - . ‘ Dec. 14, 1882. Bro. Floyd : L ouisville , K y ., ■Hion. The rising generation -will From Louisville, Ky., I went to Yours of the 5th inst. has just I Dec. 4, 1882. not have even these ties to bind Clarksville,' Tenn, where I re­ reached me. Perhaps the mail Raised in the South and familiar them together. An increasing an- mained two days at the Broadhurst will make letter speed when it with the Negro from my childhood. tagonism is everywhere apparent, Institute, a boarding school for learns the way Utter. It should fiav»-sympathy tor him In bls the white efiitmeh looking with voun" ladii-s. Bro. Broadhurst cojm<4froin Si on mouth here in four lowly estate and great desire lor contempt on the Negro, while the formerly had charge of the Midway orfive days, and in a short time, bis social elevation and financial I black children are learning to hate Orphan School, in Kentucky, and when the roads are completed, in prosperity. After an absence of the whites. Nor is the progress of more recently conducted the orphan three days, or less. eighteen years on the Pacific coast the colored people in education at school at Camden Point, Mo. He THE RIGHT KIND OF A-» PAPER. where the colored people constitute all satisfactory or hopeful. They has built up, against much opposi- ?tion of the popnla- A! 11V Having had some experience in lit.- np.niiro in rbildhood. the lion ; and during which time they elements of an education ; but they editing and publishing, ano nflVHlg tute in Clarksville. It is pleasant were emancipated, I return to Mis­ have, up to this time, developed no read most of our papers somewhat to find Christians taking the lead souri ami Kentucky anti find the “capacity for higher education. It in“ every educations} department carefully, I may very naturally study of their present condition an is difficult to find amongst them, feel interested in the kind of a and moral enterprise. They are lnmw . ^JTÍ¡preFWivcandsadlesson-“-— mpctwt to mnnag manifesting mucli zealaiid"pTftttng’ paper..Lobe. circulated among.. us. The first peculiarity that ar­ own common schools. 1 am compelled to fear that some forth great energy in the increase rested my attention was the Perhaps it ought not. to 1 >e of knowledge and in the spread of of our papers are not serving the separation of whites and blacks in thought strange that an illiterate ^Gospel cause. Some others may the Gospel. In every community’ the churches. In the Missouri con­ and needy race in the midst of have a small balance of good in I find them amongst the. most in­ gregations, composed, when 1 left abundance,”"fn ’the hands of those their favor. In wome cases this is telligent, wealthy and enterprising here, of one fourth, or perhaps, one- they hate, should have no very larger—in some I think it is very of the population. third Negroes, now -a dusky face high appreciation of personal Circumstances wi re not favor­ large. But 1 do not know a paper seldom appears. It may chance honor, and should regulate their that might not, as I think, be very able for lecturing or preaching in that some old man or woman, who morals, with reference almost en­ much improved, though I would tlie church in Clarksville. I made has not been willing, up 1 tirely CT ’ to give CT ( to the grand jury. I under­ only two lectures to the Institute not like to undertake the work. ~forirtcr church relationships, still - stand TTiaF many”ofW^fnEttfjr anTthen passed ~oii to this place, Our papers need more work. This —li ng e rs on a -lxwk se a t; lin t—the. theft on the pica that they wuirkcd '.is. a._snig.le_ branch of the subject. \theie I find more favorable pros1" mass of them have drawn off, and for the property they steal when If all the work was even for wiser peeks for evangelistic work. I am organized churches of their own and abler, still more work is e> - * ' ■ in slave) y. ■ now engaged preaching ' each even- This is,. I think, peculiarly unfor­ While the slavery question is inoth, may not now be apparent estimable Christian wife and might l>e an important improve­ travels, I have not seen a farm be­ It is not easy to see how" the sword pleasant family. 'fhe weather is fine; clear days ment. But there is the difficulty. longing to a Negro, nor have 1 could become a factor in solving Each of these hea»ls must be sup­ found one of them engaged as mer­ such a problem ; and yet, Christi­ and cool nights with frosty morn­ ported, and the main head and chant or clerk ; nor as mechanic or anity should do its whole duty in ings. The Christmas holidays are proprietor is not able to supply the manufacturer on his own capital »slucating ami elevating the weaker near at hand when we may expect demand—unless, some how, he has I understand that a few of them race, lest violence should fiml an again a season of revelry and dis­ a large and prompt paying list. who receive pensions from the excuse, where philanthropy ought sipation. What a pity we can not But government own lots ami houses to triumph. Some feeble efforts transfer all that is tolerable and ANOTHER WANT IS, in the outskirts of the towns and are put forth by the churches to pleasant of this period to the 4th 1 think, in our lack of faith. We tillages; and a few such keep propagate Christianity among th»- of July, where,divested of idolatry, may easily have too much -confi­ "Wrocery wrocery stores. But as a general i freeitmen, ‘ but the emergency ite- it might serve a good purpose by dence in ourselves; but we are not Tb te they are day Iahorrrs, ex­ mands__ increase»! effort, Ix-tter intensifying the spirit of patriot IikeTy~ To have tod much in a ceedingly improvident, and, except facilities, fin« I more men and money. ism. I expect to reach Memphis by Gracious Providence. If it is clear While we need not let our love in harvest, always destitute. In­ the 23rd. Whether I shall con­ that a paper is needed, and that a stead of assimulation and a ten- diminish nor our zeal relax in re­ tinue my journey thence south­ given place, ami one or more " *dency to social equality, present ference to foreign missions, pru­ ward, or turn to the north, I am brethren are the men for the work, conditions indicate unmistakably dence dictates that we prevent not yet decided. then we ought to venture much. greater alienation and less sym­ heathenism from springing up in Love to all who love our Lord, But one word to make sure.of these pathy between the races. Many our midst—that we strive to con-- T. F. C ampbell particulars. Then of the Negroes of the present vert those at our door. How this generation were brought up as i shill be »lone it is not my purpose People do not need to know THE LEADING PURPOSE OF THE PAPER to suggest. That something more about virtue, but rather to ——"Tlon i cst ic servants ipritefamilie*- - naw j to be done, and done prompt- practice what they already know, a isortliTuti^ cf the whites, whom they leurued ought ' Correspondence. • . • M-o . i * ■ 4 t * •