i . Id NEW^OF THE WEEK. Monnioulh and Vicinity. The College building has been under­ going some repairing during the holi­ days. Monmouth is determined to have u ~"TOKT~im' W U11 building. The Christmas tree in the chapel on Christmas evening was an enjoyable oc­ casion. The children were made happy and many beautiful and valuable pres- ehts were distribute!. • • 1 ■ >. •’ «< * The Editor has moved into the house just across TLe^treerfrom tfie’p’rTTFtfflp office. Tbo house has been repaired foy hia special benefit. His friends will now know where to find him—especially when they come very early in tiie morn- 1 — For the last few days we have had colder weather than any time during the past part of the winter. The gronnd is frozen some, with clear nights and frosty mornings. L ateb .—The first snow of the season Z3n Tnoo.Lv nipdit »bnnt two incLes of snow fell, but soon melted off. Pacific Coast. ■ to appear before the Jeannette board on behalf of Jerome J. Collins. i Appropriations of tho New York city government, for 1883 amount to $28,593, 535 against $27,412,831 in 1882. At Blake City,Utah, Dec., 29th three men were murdered on the railroad The'i'r throats were iriir snil WFf robbed. Charles Milkerin wua also mnr- dered-on Snake river and robbed of near ly §60(0. A boiler in the factory at Wison ex ploded oil tho 29th while the building was full of work people. A number of persons were killed. Three bodies have been extricated from the ruins. Henry Black was badly hurt and scalded : J. M. Holler and J. M. Kirk were severely injured. In a fight near Lloyds, Fla., between The Northern Pacific has six hundred and six miles of railroad on its western division. —T^.ia.inn.lmcQ is to have a broker's office opened there on the 1st of u^xt month. Olympia has a balance of $2001. 73 in k^e city treasury. There were 83 marraige licenses is- suih I by the clerk of TJilllU UUUTify fui One day week before last “Aunt 1882. Betsy” Murphy favored »oipe of her » _ * D. E. Stayton, .Tames Davie and L. frieDds with a birthday diuney. She Pitman have discovered a quartz ltdge sent ua oyer some of the cake aocomjia- about six miles above Meham.a, on tho nied by several bunches of different va­ Little North Fork o'f'the Santiam. rieties of nice grapes. Many tbuiks. Wheat is worth 87% cents per bushel Let o day. o'clock we were aroused from our slum­ Wm. Jennings, of Lake county, while bers by the voices of a company of attempting to cross a bridge over Silver young ladies and gentlemen near the creek, his wagon and team wpre thrown window of our bed room just outside off in the stream and two of them froze the house. We soon ascertained that it soon after they were got out. was a serenade. The songs were pretty On Wednesday of last week Mr. F. L. and the singing was extra well done. Bish, proprietor of the saw mill at tho Before we had time to get oar eyes fully LittteTalls of the Spokane, and John open and return our thanks for this de­ West, one of his employes, were carried lightful music, the company had disap­ Over the rapids and drowned. peared. Where these sweet singers of The schooner María E. Smith, which Israel came from or where they went to encountered a heavy gale on the coast wef suppose will ever bk a mystery to us. of Vancouver island, last week was dam - ■r— - • • • • f VrT _ W Eat thanks all the came. We under d to lhe extent of $1OCO. 1 l l alike fate. A _ stand ...... that others shared ' During 1882, about 170,000 tons of Santa Clans did net forget the Editor^ coal were mined back of Seattle, of during the holidays« Early Christmas which 161,418 were shipped to San morning we received two balf-gallon Francisco and Portland and the remain­ jars each of fine cherries and blackber­ der consumed at horns. ries, labeled “Merry Christmas*? yon, Eastern. M. B. Stanley, Katie Bristow.v Later Statistics of the wheat crop of the in the day came a nice wash bowl and world show the crop of 1882 is estimated pitcher from Bro. Kenedy, presented by at 1 762,488, (NX), while the average yield “ the brethren.” At night on the Christmas tree we received a beautiful is 1,748,746,000. Business failures for the past seven fruit dish accompanied by the following days were 193, against 197 last week. note: “ Mrs. D. T. Stanley, Mrs. Eastern states had 20, western 63, south­ Elizibeth Rowland and Miss Maggie ern 46, middle 28, Pacific statesand ter­ Butler.” Also a pair of beautiful vases -with- b o n am e . We learn they cume ritories 14, Canada 13, and New York ' ———— ----- -------------------- from Sister Percival, For all these to- TiTtyTIE The steamer Welcome struck a snag at kens of appreciation we tander our Bush Point, Texas, and sunk. No livej heartiest thanks. were lost. She was insured for §6000. : Pres. D. T. Stanley visit« d Turner The cargo of cotton and cotton seed was | w> hold a meeting, acccfrding.to' appointment; but as there wastbofiiffffh ~tn s in e d.—•— ------------------ —_• 'Ax. [ Christmas there for a successful meet-* The bank of Montreal has disposed, of ing j ant then, he only preached a few $5,000,000 of the Canadian Pacific rail­ sermons. He then visited the Teachers’ Institute held in Oregon City. He re- road bonds. >' Lieut. DwjeuhQffer will sovu be able 1 prat?» pleiwut Mid profitable YMit^ latter killed Long, after being himself fatally stabbed. An old fend uas the cause. In a miners’ riot in a saloon at Gold­ en, Dec., 28th, Henry Reese Uhot and killed Owen Gleason. One of the let­ ter’s friends shot at Reese and killed Allen Hsnry. On Dec., 28;h at Columbia, Texas, a son of Captain Stafford was 6hot bnt not killed. Friends of Stafford hanged the shooter. Foreign.' ........... Cardinal Newman has recovered. Adjutant Barou von Winterfield, aid de camp of the emperor of Germany^ has shot himself. The const: uction of a railway across Australia, from Brisbine to Port Dar win, is decided upon. The steamer New England was wreck; ed Tn-tbe Clarnncu riv^r. New South Wales, and 24 of the passengers and crew were lost. Gladstone has hud a light attack of lumbago. Lord Napier, of Magdala, has been appointed a field marshal. The grand duke of Mucklenburg, Scbmeixen, has >ung disease. The czar ordered those persons incar­ cerated in the fort at Petropauloski to be transferred to Schlusselburg, as the fort is unsafe for the imprisonment of political offenderà, _______________ The Hammel dy ke, on the Rhine, has burst, flooding the lower part of the town. Railway travel from Frankfort on tho Main to Weisbaden, is interrupt ed, owing t« inundation. The French minister to Switzerland has informed his government that a con sideruble quantity of dynamite has left Switzerland for France. There have been several fresh arrests of dynamite conspirators by the department. The Sa so Kansmergut district, is threatened with an inundation. The Danube river steam navigation company has notified owners of merchandise on the Praten quays to rcmovetheir goods, j The Linz quay iFnntier waler. ‘~ A panic prevails at Newreid. A train attempted to pass over the line from Appenweier to kirk, but the engine left the rails and one pbfsSn was killed and several others injured. TETe govern " ment at Haden announce the floods higher than iu November. C. Y. Walker, president of the poeie-1 » ty of telegraph engineers of London, is dead. TI ia Russian force concentrated along the Kira frontier consists of 70000 men and 80 guns. Dr. Maron; u well known London writer on, political economy, shot his Bini liess Locáis, Al,leu & Osborn« Independence. Manufacturers of and dealers in Furni­ ture, Spring Beds and Lounges, Pic­ tures, Frames, etc., always on band. These gentlemen have a full stock of «.wu f.'.nih,». u-t raUs >■ cau be found in the town. They are accomodating in their business, and we specially n-coiumetul them to the pub­ lic. Any one desiring any thing in their line of trade will do well tn call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. If you want to get a pictnTecopied dr enlarged or a lot of fine views of Oregon and Columbia river scenery or a dozen first-class photographs any size, go to I. G. Davidson, the busiest and most successful photographer in Portland. Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem Marble and Granite Works, Commer­ cial Street, south of the post office, manufactures all kinds, of monuments: Italian marble a speciality. Prices re­ duced one-half N ew M usic .—Send stamp to Wiley B. Alleo, most popular music dealer, Port- iand. Or., for complete catalogne and sample copy •’“Musical PaMriWr*'“Tttt orders "by mail filled promptly; • — •The Household Sewing Machine took the first premium at the great Man­ chester (England) Exposition for the best family Sewing Machine. John B Garrison, general, agent, 167 3rd St Portland, Oregon. Send for Circulars, Catalogues of Musió, Ao. ■cT am min j Orgf’t Co. Worcester, Mui., U.S.A* Sawing Made Easy r» — Th« H»w Lmyrorrd MONARCH LltHTMM Il the tMtapttl bad bMt A boy (titeen yean old can saw logs ftwrand _ ____ ________ Sent on IMI iriiL trial 8en4 po.tal for rtlnMrau-d <«Alo»ue conutnln«l‘£*( thr above Injok. iiHillcd at prlct-KiillucJied. I I Olir NEW CA.TAUKH’E fbr D*T. rif SEEDS■ AND-PLANTS, ready Jan. Ul, and mailed freeM* ' rm a|i|i!lr':rttr