f * I t - ; s I £ t t . 5 DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY* J I— t 'Wy**»re written : The Annual Meeting of the all human creeds and confessions all the time^that the great temper­ 1. <><» one aide of tlie sheet only. ance work should take on a much 2. In a plain legible hand. 3. Let there be plenty of space Ixitween the ( 'hristian brotherhood of Western of faith and do like the Apostolic lines. Washington Territory, will convene churches, take the Bible alow as broader basis of operation, and thus 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, KO turn its lotteries against every­ that it maj not be d< faced in transit. at Sumner, W. T., on Friday before their creed and spend their time in thing of an intemperate nature. 5. Write brief articles. (». Exfieet no attention to articles, notices, or the third Lord's day in January, a study of it, they would I m - en I ,-»iles ’.nt sc-,m’win>e stealing A litany on tin- Kith of this month. that can be done is to set new re­ passage than on many others in the ami other crimes in order to get I Im exact place and the time of solutions that you will do better in New restament. Shall we, there the means to atisfy Ids fearful meeting an- not stated. We have a special ami rather pressing invi­ tin» future, and work continually to fore, reject them all ! We think cravings for tin* drug, W. N. Col- tation to attend this meeting. But some of these Doctors of Divinity tins, of the English Church Mission as this month and next are our tw’o that end. had better write a book of their at Peking, says : “ To supply his busiest months in the office we feel We were pained to learn of the own t i liii Tiri