Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, December 15, 1882, Page 9, Image 9

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includes the narrower ¿me of wo­
man’s temperance vote.
• 11. In questions where the de­
cision is so easy as that between
license and no license, woman’s
then we have only begun to reckon
the real damages. Whp can com­
pute the loss from sickness, from
squandered time and paralyzed
energies, from property destroyed,
, -«
1 /»’ T1 •
• 11
gent, and so would not add to the
ignorant suffrage.
12. In questions so important to
the home as those relating to tem­
perance laws, women’s vote would
not often*be unused, and so would
not add essentially to the danger of
absenteeism at the polls, and of un­
exercised suffrage.
y — Ex.
bill for indirect damages and put
it on the losing iide, and you have
uvv«**) viv
’ f ,v* ■ •
gate of not less than $2,00,000,000
a yej>r loss to this nation bv this
iniquity*- licensed by government
and tokrateiLby puTdTCFSCWtimciTt:”
We read that righteousness ox-
alteth a nation, but sin is a re­
proach to any people,’’ and we ask
The Nation’s Curse,
hew-4ong *hall our -govenmient con­
The most carefully prepared tinue to license a business which
statistics show that there are not poisons the body and destroys the
less than three hundred thousand soul ? H«>w Ion;' shall a govern-
drunkards in these United States of inent, claiming to be Christian, pro­
America; and this statement is tect a business which lights the
probably much bilow the truth fire-- brands over property, that
-■OF these, thirty thousand die an­ brandishes the blade of the assassin,
nually; one hundred thousand men that tills our institution with pau­
and women are remanded, every perism and our pri.sobs with crime,
year to<* hundred thou­ that handicaps the entiie society
sand children arq annua Jiy “íéñT" Tñ"| r’t ' mt r Ittml h » ÌU r Ac o-.-toward ~prc>3-
the poorhouse; five hundred mur peiity nini-'liberty.-— Iìev. A. Tdc '
ders are caused by drink every Elroy. Wylie.
twelve-mouthy and • four hundred
suicides—/our deaths to one, as
Boys Out Nights.
proved both in England ami the
The boy who spends an hour of
United States—is the awful pro­
portion compared to the non-drink each evening lounging idly' on
ing population. Magistrates, chap­ street corners wastes in the course
lains and prison-keepers come for­ of the year three hundred and sixt^y
ward with their statistics and prove five precious hours, which, if ap­
that not less than four fifths of all plied to study, would familiarize
the crimes, have their origin in him with the rudiments of the fa­
o drink. On the same authori- miliar sciences. If, in addition to
ty it is proved that dealing in the wasting an hour each evening, lie
deadly draughts causes seven­ spends ten cents for cigars, which
eighths of all the pauperism that is usually the case, the amount thus
exists. It costs the United States worse than wasted would pay for
$00,000,000 a year to support pau ten of the leading periodicals in
perism and crime. At least two the country. Boys, think of these
Think t»f how much
hundred anti fifty million gallons 01 thing*.
fermented and brewed liquor* are time and money you are wasting,
made every year in the United and for what ? The gratification
States; of distilled liquors, eighty- afforded by a lounge on the corner
five million gallon«, and twenty or a cigar is not only" temporary,
million gallons are imported. Here but positively hurtful. You can
we have the fearful sun» t<>tal of not indulge in them without seri­
three hundred and fifty-five millions ously injuring yourself. You ac­
of gallons consumed in our country, quire idle and wasteful habits,
and at what direct cst ? At a which will cling to you with each
direct cost of $700,000.000, This succeeding year. You may in af­
on the debit side, and on the credit ter life shake them off, but the
side what does our government re­ probabilities are that the habits
ceive? A paltry sum of $50,420,- thus formed in early life will re­
• 815 in ex^ct figures. What, then, main with you till your dying
is the direct loss to the nation ? day. Be warned, then," in time,
Not less than ten dollars to every and resolve that as the hour spent
dollar received as revenue. Bv this in idleness is gone forever, you will
waste the national debt could be improve each passing one, and
paid in less than three years. But thereby tit yourself for usefulness
this is not all. But $700,000,000 and happiness.— The Youth’s Evan­
on the debit side—this is direct— gelist.
The Lager Beer and Brewers As­
Thp Macon, (Ga.) Telegraph
sociation defiantly offered a reward gives an account of a smoker and
of $1000 for the “detection of any drinker of that city who, when con­
poisonous or deletorious substance gratulated upon the appearance of
or any adulteration found in their a well-browned meerschaum which
heer.” Messrs, Hadley and Schar- he was using, replied that it had
man, of the Business Mens’ Modera- cosl Ki in # about fiveTtm^rcd'^T-
tion Society, analyzed’ their, beer lars to give it that color.” He bad
ana discovering glucose and other smoked in it about four hundred
substances, demanded the money. pounds of tobacco! He had kept
The bold Brewers refused to fork both a tobacco and a whisky
over, and contended that “ foreign account. For a period" covering
~-4wm4*diiltnraf inn Un-1 alumt Right years he 1 lad consumed
tier the pressure they make the fol­ about two thousand dollars' worth
lowing admission«, which all along of whisky—not less than sixteen
they have, and even now deny, in barrels in quantity—for much of
their advertisements and on their | which he had paid the high retail
signs :
This answers the question to fearful figures, indicating the enor­
those who know anything about mous drink and tobacco waste con­
glucose, its preparation and its ac­ tinually going on. The waste of
tion on the stomach, liver and kid­ material substance is appalling in
neys? The Gazette, Cincinnati, the aggregate'; the waste of health
and character is more appalling.—
(>hio, says :
If the Brewers want to “act ■fc-.. .
------------ - --- - -------
fair and square” in the light of
their admission, submit the ques­
The last report of the Pbiladel-
tion to a cilmpetent jury, whether phia Home for Inebriates says that
or not their “foreign eloihehTs”' the free lunch system is responsible" "
which they declare“ legitimate ma­ for more drunkards than almost
terials ” are “ deleterious ” and our anything else.
word for it their $1000 banter will
pass into another« hand. Why not
these Brewers give a definition of AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER 1
What does it
mean in their vocabulary ?— Old
Path Qaide.
If yon are out of Employment and want to
start iu business you can mako from $3 to $10
a day clear, and take no risk of loss, we will
seDd von on receipt of $11. goods that will seM
readily in a few days for $25. If the Agent failrf
to sell these goods in four days, they can return
all uusold to us, and we will ’roturn’ them their
money, can anything be fairer? We take all
risk o’t loss, and the Agent gets started in a bus­
iness that will be ]>ermanent, and pay from
$1 000 to $3,000 a year Ladies can do as well
as men. We want an Agent in every county.
Full particulars free. Address, U. 8. Manufact­
uring Co., No. 116 Smithfield Street. Pittsburg,
One day after election in a cer­
tain city a liquor dealer asked a
provision merchant who had voted
“No” to license, “Why did you
vote against iny business?. Haven’t
I always paid you for the meat I’ve
got?” “Yes,” replied the mer­
chant, “ but some of the men that
drink your rum, haven’t.”— Ex.
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