Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, December 15, 1882, Page 7, Image 7

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Reported bv our correspondents and gleaned
from our exchanges.
S alem , Dec. 5—We have had 3 addi-
The following card explains itself:
We have received the December num­
ber of the Phrenoluqical Journal, New
York. It is a good journal, aud we are
pleased to place it on our exchange list.
F irst T wenty H ours in M usic by
R obert C halloneb .—This is a neat
little book of 44 pages prepared es
pecially for beginners npon the piano
forte. Any one beginning the study of
instrumental music wonld do well to
pr core a copy of this book. Geo. D.
Newhall A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, Pub-
A R oyal L ife .—Through the kind
ne88 of the publishers, Central Book
Concern, Chicago, we have received a
copy of the life of James A. Oatfield, by
F. M. Green This is a book of 452
pages, well printed,and neatly and sub­
stantially bound in a fine quality of
cloth. So the mechanical work is all
that co ild be desired. As to the mat
ter, we tliin-k it first class. Bro. Green
was not only a class-mate of Bro. Gar
field, but he says, “ The author’s ac­
quaintance and friendship with Mr.
Garfield began in 18y3, and. continued
without abatement or interiuptit n until
1 bis death in 1881.” Under these cir­
cumstances. coupled with the fact that
J. B. Davidson, M. D.
church, we think Bro. Green was pre­ T. J. Ix», M. D.
eminently l/te mail to write such a book.
JVe hare no hesitancy in saying, so far as
the religions phase of hist lifers concerned, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS,
it is the best and most trreshrorthy history
of James A. Garfield noir1 in print.
Diseases of women a specialty.
Those desiring his hfe need look no
further,-or wait any locger. Address
Central Book Concern, Chicago, III.
Price $2 00.
congregations are good and interest on !
- the increase.
Frak rnally,—J. W.
C enterville , Dec. G.—Our meeting
The Christmas TFif/e Atrttke, this
at Helix, field in Nov., resulted in 10
will bi an event in holiday maga
accessions to the church ; 7 by primary
; a mammoth number as
obedience and 3 by commendation.
---' ■ A-Wil nine»'« very -ItrFge-Hwri- flt+rnfrrP’Tmrf' ti«h SHteti.Mii*k>ta»»8w ewwot 'Miqwintte -
we hope for good results in the future „design in many colors, an almost end­
from the seed sown. Fraternally,—R. less picture-gallery of beautiful en­
H. Moss.
I graving, and representing in its serials,
D rain , Douglas Co., Dec. 4.—Editor stories, articles, music and poetry, the
Herald: We came here Saturday in people’s favorite authors at home and
company with Bro. I. N. Mulkey, who abroad : Mrs. Harriet , Beecher Stowe,
preached four discourses and 3 were ad­ Mrs^A. D. T. Whitney, Mrs. A. M.
ded—2 by confession and baptism and 1 Diaz, Susan Coolidge, Margaret Sidney,
by letter. Bro. M. is a z-ialous worker Nor» Perry, Elizabeth Stuart I’lielps,
for the Master, aud is doing a good “ H. H.,” Arthur Gilman, George Cary
' work for the Master here. The church Eggleeton, Edward Everett Hale, Dinah
numbers 29 here now. Some of the Muloch Craik, Christina Rossetti, Rose
brethren live 12 and 15 miles away, but Kingsley, A. Mary F. Robinson, Philip
«come M often m they Cail. Preaching Bonrke Marston, Eliot McCormick,
once a month. They have got promised Prof. Sargent, of Harvard College Gym-
about $1000 to build a meeting house, in nasim, eto., eto. D. Lothrop «t Co.,
-----tha spring. They have secured a nice Boston.----------------------------------- 1--------
lot to build op. Preaching brethren
passing will find it pleasant to call on
H eroes a I d H olidays .—Talks and
the brethren here. Yours fraternally. Stories about Heroes and Holidays; I
— Craigie Sharp.
or, Ten Minute S.rmons to Boys and
S ummerville , Dec. 4.—I am now Girls on tho Holidays and on the In­
holding a meeting in Grand Round val­ ternational Sunday-school Lessons of
ley, and have asked R. D. Ruckman to 1883. This book ought to be placed in
act as agent for the H erald . You can the bands *of every Sunday-school
safely trust him. His address is Sum­ scholar. Over 454 pages ; 12mo, Illus-
merville, Or. Yours in Christ,—C. J. tra ed. Price, cloth. $1.25 ; in paper,
two parts, for each, 30 centa; both. GO
cents. Fnnk A Wagnails, Publishers,
10 and 12 Dey St., New York.
[Under thi* head we will be pleatied to give
editorial review« of all book« and tract« of inter­
est that may lie sent to thi« office |
Our duty towards the world was beau­
tifully figured by Christ, when he said :
“ Behold a sower went forth to sow.”
Ever since this was said, it has been the
duty of every follower of Christ to bow
the seed. To this trast we are commit-
etk But are we doing so? Not as per­
sistently and effectively as we should.
Farm« tb 8‘udy and practice the most ap­
proved and effective way of sowing.
Shall God's people be less wise ar.d
diligent than the children of this world?
Can we not sow the good seed of the
kingdom more effectually f Yes. Then
let us be at it. 1 have just published a
small tract on "Do yoa want to be
saved,” suitable for general circulation.
Others will be published soon. Not be­
ing able to preach publicly, I take this
means of spreading the Gospel, and ask
my brethren and friends to assist me.
Terms : per dozen, 18 cents^; per hun­
dred, 75 cents. Fraternally, J. XV.
Caldwell, Lawrenceburg, Ind.
An attempt ¡»«-being made by the
Woman’s Christian Temperance
Union of New York City to estab1
iish a home for intemperate women
in New York. Twelve hundred
dollars have already been secured I
they were both members of the »Arne for this purpose.
The publisher« are gla<l to annonneo that this
long-exjMs'ted work by F. M. Green in now
ready. The publishers lielieve that in many of
its features this “Life of Garfield” is enpenor
to any similar work published. Its author has
well acquainted with Mr. Garfield for nearly
twenty-tight rears- -a time covering the entire
f r om ttTr s r a i nn viint n r ...
rrnn vr hb Yne w H i m bk
student, edneator, teacher, soldier, statesman,
and Christian. There are eighteen chapters.
Tliene chapters rtisenss in logical order the
various phases of the royal life which they
SI HUF. »N«)
represent. The following are the titles of the
I saccessive chapters:
The Western Ret>erve.—The Foundation.—
Suvrr Polk County, Oregon.
j Birth and Boyhood.—The Period of Change.—
The Canal and the Sea.—The Young Student —
« 'l’ue Ilirain 'Pearlier and Principal.—Tn.e Man-
i hood.- Home apd Fumilv Life- The Brightness
Dr M T. rx>la, Dia^ntu» nf
■ Dr. J. W. Cole,-Chronic Diseat-es.
Sun-Rising until Noon.- The Pillar of a
People’s Hope.—The Shot that
that, was Heard
Consultation free.
12-1-tf People's
¡•Round the World.—From Elberon to the
Grave.—Th9 World'« Sympathy and Sorrow.—
'l'he Present Estimate awd the filial Conclusion.
—A Tribute of Friendship.
While thesejchaptei's present the history in
, logical ciLilliue, veteacli chapter is complete iu_
iteelf. For instance, the student life of Garfield
is discussed in one chapter, and not in purls of
Title eflt-r iw by the
several chaplets. So of his educational life
and work. So of his religious faith and stand­
ing, etc., etc.
tho oldest and beat of die religious weeklies.
Cloth, plain edition, $1 50. Elegantly bound
Fur sixty years, Ihia undenominational, nnHee-
tarian and evangelical newspaper ba« been cir­ in bent English cloth, beveled boards, black
culating in the Lujted Slate« anfl in alnioatevery and gold, $2 00. Elegantly bound m half
foreign country. Its »nbHerilierH are counted Morocco, $2 50. Elegantly bound in full
by ten« of thon«and«. Each year its proprietors Morocco, S3 00. ■
C f . xtbai , B ook C oncern ,
hrve added to it« value, engaging fresh editors
AYTit trorrsspoirttentH an homo and abrnod, en­
larging and multiplying its department«, and
endoavoring to realise their high ideal of the
Best Religion« and Secular Family Newspaper.
They offer, thi« year, to every «ubweriber, new
or old, whose hudhc tip lion lHjiaidfor 1RR23, the
new lxMik ot Rev. S. Irenn-UH Prime, D. I)., en-
work, with eiRht iltunrratiniiM, !■ elm
form f jn*t im VGCHt for
> -BWW
tfrlM " P rayer and its answer ,“ a-bandsnme
|i—low»*t price ever
(nee Potter ■
volume of nearly 200 page*, bound in cloth, the
O.’« list •—*n<l THIHTY-NINR V.ltYB ( upi*« ‘
retail price of which is one dollar. Specimen
to dhtributewnt ruicr l«L postpaid)
thrillinR and forcible temp* rance book •»-
copies of the paper sent tree.
tm t. Cnau nothing to »cutter it on tnif
Address :
pla'. Thr Temprraare Kevola-
Ten Nights in a
. Bar Room., J»’
New Ytork.
lion. 46 AdameMtrect, Chicago.
[From the Boston (Note.)
of flowers, Much »« the sweet wild rose, the
twining honey-iucklo, the bashful pas«ion-flow-
er, the «potletia lilv, the timid daisy, the adored
pansy and the finer-delis, intertwined and
blooming amid ferns and ivies, and seeming Io
tho «yen an fresh and tempting as when plncksd
from Nature's garden, i« shown jn the new and
of the Illustrated Hymns a cd Songs, a striking
and artistic combination of the favorite fancies
of famous poets, and the charms of the most«
exqniyit« Christinas raids. The preparation of'
these lovely and siiDerb volumes has cost over
a year’s time and study ; nothing like them lias
ever before licen attempted ; and their ap]>ear-
an re now, marks a decided and unique improve­
ment in the art of The Neyiea
comprises EIGHT different volumes, each or­
namented with heavy silk fringe ami enclosed
iti a neat liox or envelope to protect its delicate
and rich garb.
Each volume is snperb[v illnstratod from de-
sigua by Alias L. B. Humphrey, engraved by
George T. Andrew.
The following is the list of titles ;
Klug Out, Wild Bells. H im k of Age«.
Oh, Why Shmilil I lie Npirlt »f Mortal be
Abide with Me.
Nearer, My
(•o<L io Thee.
The Blinking Waves»
Dashed High. Home, Sweet Home. Ho
Gtveth Hi* Keloveth Sleep.
The floral decorations on the covers of each of
these volumes are in natural colors, harmoni­
ously airanged upon a fret-work of old gold.
The I.tst judges protic nnce them a genuine
and unrivailed as a souvenir of CHRISTMAS
nines sold separately.
■ j
Price $1.75 per Volume.
Bohl by all Booksellers anil Stationer», or
sen/, postpaid, by mail l<> any uihl.rese mi re- |
eeipt of price.
Q& Illustrated Catalogues mailed free on ap­
LKK A 9HKPIIAKD. Publishers,
IT Franklin Street, Boston,
01 I OD II Teacher’s Bibles;
“Oxford” T«‘Hch<*r’s, Bibh-s, c n-
■ I* ■
V V rordance. eneydot ¿dm, diction«
■ ■ ary, table«, map«, etc.—-most completi
teacher«' B ide« extant : 1,4<M page«, plain
binding, gilt edge, for 11.30. DAVID C. CWt 44
Àdtuui óU Ctao.
Meurt. Xtlllort
The above I» • good Hkenem of Mr,. Lydia E. rtnk-
ham, of Lynn. Mass., who above all other human betnge
may be truthfully called the ‘'Dear Friend of Woman,”
as K>me of her correepondent» lové to call her. She
is sealounly devoted to her work, which la the outcome
of a life study, and la obliged to keep Mx lady
a-iiatantn. to help her aniwi-rt hr large rorc-apondenc.
which dally pour« in upon her, each bearing Its - portai
Ininlen of Mifferlug, or Joy at release from ft. Her
Vegetable Compound la a medicine for good and not
evil purpose«. I have pereonally investigated It and
am satisfied of the truth of thia.
On account of it.« proven mérita. If la recommended
and prescribed by thelr tt physicians in the country.
One nays: “It worka like a charm and aavea much
ladn. It will cure entirely the r orat form of falling
of Iho uterus, Leucorrhira, irregular and painful
Menstruation. all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and
Ulceration, Flooding«, all Iilspla-ements apd the coa-
■eqnent spinal weakness, and H especially adapted to
tho Change of Idle.”
It permeates every portion of the system, and gives
new life and vigor. It réméré» faintness, flatulency,
destroys all craving for stimulants, and roller« • weak-
w w of tho stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches,
Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleepleasness,
Depression ami Indigos» ion. That feeling of bearing
down, causing pain, weight and bss-karhe, Is always
permanently cured by its use. It will at all tImrs. and
under all circumstances, act In harmony with tho law
that governs the female system.
It costs only SI. per bottle or six for #8., and Is acid by
druggists. Any advice required as to special eases, and
tho names of many who bave been restored to perfect
health by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can he
obtained by atldresslng Mrs. P., with stamp for reply,
at lier home in Lynn, Mass.
For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compound is
unmirbaased as abundant testimonials show. •
"'Mrs. Pinkham* Liver Pills,” rays one writer,' “ are
the. be»t In the imrM for the cure of Constipation,
Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood
Purifier works wenders in Its special line and bids fair
to equal the Cot »pound in its popularity.
• ah must resp.-et her as an Angel oi Mercy whose sole
ambition is to do good to ot hew,
„ rUMeipU^ra,"