Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, December 15, 1882, Page 16, Image 16

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C Ü H t H T IAN Ü E k A t i ).
Pacific ('oast.
Eugene City is to have a new depot.
The Brownsville woolen mills are
Mr. A. Brumlt baa erected a bone running day and n'ght.
1 crusher in East Portland, just south of
Nearly 100 car loads of wheat, flour
the machine shops.
and oats have been shipped from Reba-
of Washington county
bdo :
... contributed 300 ducks to the Portland
The new Odd Fellows' hall at Harris­
markets in one week of this season.
burg was dedicated on Friday last with
There are now 48 prisoners confined appropriate ceremonies.
"II. P. Locke, an olii pioneer of Polk
in the county jail.
died on the 28th ult.,, aged 70
The mother of Judge Stott, of this
Deceased came to Oregon in
city, died Saturday at her home in
Washington county, where she has lived 1845. -
if, O» «nir» tioa an far rii gap
m a ny "’years1.1.1 '■ *■
peared as to justify the reopeniug of the
Mons. A. Labbe, the French consul,
is to commence the erection of a four public school.
Judge Fenton, of Yamhill, has 200
story brick and stone building on the
northeast corner of Second and Wash­ acres of fall grain sown.
8. 8. Mastick, one of the principal
ington streets, in about one month.
owners of Port Discovery. W. T., died
The engines to be used in pumping recently.
out the dry dock below Albina, are
There were 18 divorce cases on the
about completed at Smith Bros. & Wat- docket at the late term of the circuit
ron’s foundry, They are powerful and court for Umatilla county.
handsome specimens of machinery, and
There have been many cases of typhoid
are probably tho first compound con fever in Weston lately.
densing engine built north of San Fran-
The people of Moscow, I. T., want a
direct mail route-to Colfax.
Jas. Bartley, an old man who lives
Property at Waitsburg is pn a boom.
about two miles below the city, on the Lots Bell as high as $1000 very readily.
Springville rosd, was robbed Wednes­
Prineville has 116 students attending
day night by three men of $34, which public school.
he had drown that day from the Belgian
The population^» Astoria is steadily
Paving Co.’s office in this city. The increasing.
men entered his house, bucked and
Extensive improvements are contem­
gigged him, and with pistols pointed to plated at Lafayette next summer.
his head relieved him of the money.
The report that there is a case of
small-pox at Dayton, W. T., is emphat­
' P
ically denied.
Monmouth and Vicinity«
The Northern Pacific lnve about 100
Who will bring us a few cords of drj men at work near Hell Gate, Klickitat
wood to this office. We are needing county, W. T., grading through a very
heavy cut. <
Bro. Baughman, from Pleasant Hill,
There are 200 saloons at the eastern
dropped into our office and subscribeo terminus of the Northern Pacific in
for a friend in the East. This is the Missoula connty.
way to make the H erald a success.
Mr. D. D. Prettyman, of Salem, has
Will not others do likewise ?
received the gold medal awarded by the
The entertainment given by the Band Portland Mechanic's Fair, fcr the best
of Hope last week in the College chape) exhibit of cereals.
The wife of Sheriff Holbrook, of
was a success. We were highly pleased
and particularly impressed with two Lewiston died very suddenly last week,
features: 1. It was tvident that the supposed to have been from the effects
children had been thoioughly imbued of taking an overdose of medicine, pre­
with the true temperance idea. This it scribed by the physician.
Large quantities of iron rails and ties
our estimation, is the way to do per/aa
piled at Palouse Junction for the
nent temperance work. 2. Their pledg«
branch road and the company in­
not only includes total abstinence from
commence active operations
all alcoholic drinks, but from the use oi
tobacco and profauity. This looks like early in the spring.
The Northern Pacific Company have
temperance in earnest. We have long
the price of their town lots in
since declared an eternal warfare against
per cent., and in Spokane
the use of tobacco a3 a beverage and we
are truly glad to know that in Oregon, Falls and Sprague 20 per cent.
at least, its work is taking this broad
idea of temperance.
Two guards killed each other at the
The 'elocutionary reading of Miss convict farm at Memphis, Tenn., on the
Luse, of Salem, in the College chapel od 7th, daring t quarrel.
Saturday evening of last week was well
At Orange, Muss., Kiibourn & Co.’s
attended, and all seemed to bo both chair shops burned on the 9tli ; loss,
highly entertained and benefitted. W< $50,000 ; insurance $20,000.
hope she will come again.
Dr. Trank Hamilton, one of Garfield's
in his late illness, has been
Bro. Henry Shadle, of Portland,
hemorrhage of the lungs
preached two very acceptable discour­
ses in Corvallis last week. He also and prostrated. He is confident, how­ by Mopfuouth and gave us q g<>od ever, that he will recover._______
James Cavanaugh, of Phil ade1p b ia,
serman, on -Thursday evening. As il
by a dog a year ago, died Monday
was mailing daJ with us he cams in and
took a peep at our pasting machine. He of hydrophobia.
A portion of tho wurdrobe of the
expressed himself as highly pleased.
Princess Louise has been forwarded
from Ottawa to San Francisco, from
which fact the rumor has grown that she
will speud tbe winter in Florida.
Montreal boot and shoe factories pro
pose to introduce machinery and employ
girlstodo lasting.
A heavy snow storm is prevailing
throughout Kansas and southern Ne­
At Baltimore, M. D., John M. Dor­
sey, a.young man widely known social­
ly, having snnk a large fortune in gruiu,
committed suicide on the 11th.
The Nilsson concert at Chicago on the
6th, was crowded beyond the capacity
of tho building.
Capt. W. C. Hite, injured in the fall
of an elevator in a carpet house, Nov.
16th, died on the 7th as the result. He
a large number of leading commercial
enterprises in Louisville, Ky.
Charles H. Boyer, a counterfeiter,
was arrested at Davenport, Iowa, on the
The Lackawanna machine shops in
New Jersey burned*; loss, $70,000.
On the 7tb. the weather was extreme­
ly cold at Chicago, 15 degrdes below
Gen. Grant has sold his residence on
58th street, N. Y., to D. G. Ambler, of
The new cotton factory at Charleston,
S.G, will commence-operations next
week. It has a capacity of 30,000 spin­
■ - _
Judge Sam’l T. Worcester, brother of
the lexicographer, ex-member of Con­
gress from Ohio, and a member of the
judiciary of that State, died in Nashua,
N. H., on the 7th, aged 78 years. .. . .......
Joseph Ross, the negro who murdered
F. N. McDowell, on Thanksgiving day,
was killed at Ives county mill, 8. C., by
a ferryman named A. Huntly, while
trying to arrest him. Pursuers were
close behind. Before dying the negro
confessed murdering McDowell, and
Bob Hennington in Mecklenburg Co.,
two years ago.
There was a severe snow storm
throughout Ontario, on the 8th, with a
gale and extremely cold weather.
Henry Waterman’s large cheese fac-
tory east of Elgin, Ill., burned on the
8th ; loss, $10,000 ; partly insured.
Navigation was suspended on the 8th,
on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers abovt-
Cai re.
The tog Geo. IF, CMde and the steam
yacht Idle Hour foundered off Hatteras
in the storm of Nov. 22d. All oh board
Anthony Trollope is dead.
Louis Blanc’s funeral will be at the
expense of the State.
The British ship Flon was lost at sea
with all on board.
prevailing In Scotland, and railroad
communication is interrupted.
Sir Hugh Allen died suddenly on the
9th at Edinburg.
Hie remains of Anthony Trollope
were buried ¡Saturday at Kensel Green
— Tho trial of
has began >t
The czar has assumed the title of
Lord of Turkestan.
By a railway accident near Melbourne,
Australia, one person waB killed and
fifty injured.
.......... ’ ""
It is rumored the Bishop of Winches­
ter will succeed to the archbishopric of
Five Russian dragoons have been
condemned to 45 years in the mines for
engaging in riots against the Jews.
T <e prisoners sentenced to death at
Cairo have had their sentence commuted
to exile for life. It is rumored that
Europeans will attempt to lynch the -
Business Locals.
If you want to get a picture copied" or
enlarged or a lot of fine vigws.of Oregon
and Columbia river scenery or a dozen
first-class photographs any size, go to
I. G. Davidson, the busiest and most
successful photographer in Portland.
Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem
Marble and Granite Works, Commer­
cial Street, south of the post office,
manufactures all kinds of monuments:
Italian marble a speciality. Prices re­
duced on^half
N ew M usic .—Send stamp to Wiley B.
Alien, most popular music dealer, Port­
land, Or., for complete catalogue and
sample copy “ Musical Pastime." All
orders by mail filled promptly.
The Household Sewing Machine took
the first premium at the great Man­
chester (England) Exposition for the
best family Sewing Machine. John B.
Garrison, general agent, J67 3rd St.,
Portland, Oregon.
"DOHVNH’ SOME CLRE"» no • cauh-
MNMBJft but in thunder tones speaks through it»
Seven t/ thousand certificates of Curea, to
the sufferer from Catarrh. Neuralgic and
Nervous Headache.
We say emphatically
use*4 Dobyne’ dure Cure," and if not sat­
isfied with result, we will refund your
money. W* can't sav more.
“ My wife used your “Sure Cure ” for neuralgia,
and it acted like a charm. My son and daughter
ha<l Catarrh of eight and nine years standing. It
has cured them. I am recommending it every­
where. (Elder>Joel T. Helmsee.Green field, Mo.
We have Tt),ooo others of the same kind. Only
o 1
Ask your Druggist, or address all orders to
Dobyns & Mitchell,
. mountings
•r. entirely now c<x><l«.the mo.t p.rr-c* Imlt.tlouui th« diamond ever prodn.»d. *nd th« paly on« that -»tot— tte teflllaaey
fliaor th« yonnlno diamond. Time ha. no «Bert upon th« I u»tre of the«« rood«, «nd nt will t uai ai. Hn Hill «■ ««i Ift ■■yir*-
****** **-ll then* from gemrtnn aiarnoads. In order to Introdnr« our Jew.lry Oataloirua to th« notice of now enaton«'«
for the fall and winter trade, we will offer three yoode for the neat M day. at •«.Q* «.rh. Take yoer jh«1«r wt
wither nieg. atwI.Kar-rfropeor Bosom PI- for »1.00. AborelllnetralfM»« were madefrom U m ro..da and areaiart
«presentation«. Wo will
the mowey ia •'very Iwatawee Henn are net note than Mtlallod. Barnier retail erica
of« rood« 1« from »3 to »3 each, and yon con »11 htmdrede M that price. Ar nd money by rer Irterod letter or Port Office order,
ft f? 11*1 tirtlij<tTlif;