Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, November 24, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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) likq. diamond dust. I brought one
in to-day« that wds like a jewel case
full of jewels.
Since I became interested in
Miss Hallowell’s Botany lectures,
ics in dray’s Structure of Botany,
though but few of these questions
were asked at the . written lesson.
It finishe«! up leaves and the l«*c-
tnre on Thursday was on the posi-
! ^o^Te^esfa^e on tVie stem. *5 he
sufficed to convince me that it
would be neither pleasant nor pro­
New England Letters.
fitable for me to remain at Paris.
I went on to Cynthiana.. At this
.granted. ihe.
AI-i-ikL. Hi. 1882
charge, after put­
- Dear Friend» at Home ;
liegin to have a deeper meaning, class had a twig of linden and ting into my han«l bills ‘"Lecture
For the past week until yester-
and I often repeaLover Thoreau’s birch to sketch and «lescriln* after absolutely free. No collection will
day, the lake has beep like a silver
thought when lie first observed th«' the lecture. Miss Hallowell is one be taken.” I had a good hearing
mirror, reflecting the .brilliant fo­
beauty of the modest wayside of the sweetest an«l most unassum­ Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
liage that l>ends down and kisses
grass. How often have you spoken ing of little bodies, but her knowl- The-brethren expressed themselves
lightly its semblance in the water,
■well p l e as erfcr—f* vnjuy id, wliftg""!H.
a^ every passingdireezr-- Tlrenr+rwr,-
before, nor 'saw you, though you wonderful.
I don’t know lmw Cynthiana, th«* hospitalities of Wm.
all week lopg, the ripe brown
have brushed mv
tru<* it is, but they say instead of a Stanley, their preacher, a man of
leaves* have come drifting down,
inj as I passed. So I pluck the final examination she takes her more than ¡werage ability and
not in heaps but one by one, as
feathery grass for its own, as class over to the botanical garden much experience. He and 1 were
they liave ripened earlier than their
another do«—< for Thu »roa n's xa k ro -nt -Cairrhn«tge for a pit'W. “ Th e practicing law in Leavenworth
fellows ; the little siEiiped squirrels
Our Botany programme was put Botany lecture room and labratory City at the same time in 1857-9.
almost tame enough for one to
on the l»oar«l last week thus :
are the same and for 1st.year ar«* Our reminiscences of those t-roulJ-
reach out and catch, sat chippering
Thursday -Lecture by one the oyer the Stone Hall dining rooms, ous and exciting times were very
under the oak trees crunching
where we meet at 9 A. M. Tuesdays, 1 pleasant.
I have enjoyed no
acorns. Once in a while a gray class.. .Quiz on lecture.
squirrel shyer than the others
We< 1 nesday.—Written examina­ Wednesdays* an«l Thurs«lays for I similar perio«l in my travels more
two hours work. As we are oblig­ 1 fully and «lelightfully than the
wouTd-do scampering up the steep tion.
incline on the other • side of the
Miss ed to go from here to the colleg«* at ! throe days spent with Bro. Stanley,
8:20 for chapel service, it takes j His. very interesting family, com-
Longfellow pon«l from the roa«l we Hallowell and Labratory work.
take so many times daily, and far
Before we began the study all some vigorous exercise to get back 1 posed of Sister »Stanley, her thro«*
above the arching treetops the wer«* request«*«! to piirchase sketch here at 9 o’clock. I’ll not say any- I sons, an«l three daughters, ^ded all
hea\‘^TrT'5Cl‘ro'SiT-7teeply■btne'"H)at" Twioks, pencils, robbers, &c. Gray’s TtrhTg"al>tnffTHyA>wn sketches, only ' that courtesy and kin«Incas could
it seemed a storm could never ' New Structure of Botany for refer- I begin to see that they do look ■ contribute to the enjoyment of the
’ T
brew. How mistaken, for yester ence an«l note !>ook. Each student some like leaves and I hojieio be occasion.
«lay morning the rain was pouring is provided with a small tabh* cov­ able by. and by tq- write you some
Thursday morning I took the
without even asking, aby ,your ered with white oil doth, and a
train for Cincinnati, where I ar­
ri ve«l at 12 A. M. 1 called at the
leave, an«l before night if you couhl small tray to hol«l leaves for sketch­
have seen .the state of the road past ing. For th«* last five weeks we
Standard office, an« I learne«! that
the College of music, you woul«l have had nothing hut leaves and seen three girl in tears to «lav, Bro. Errett was absent in Atlanta,
were . ... so ... discouraged
and Georgia.»,...X.calkil.^
have asked no «¡uestions, why • every ev« ry«>ne is obliged to sketch « \ < , y they
- ---- n
gi. irl is requeste« 1 to bring
_ a pair of leaf in her sketch-1xmk and write a homesick. My own «yes ar«* al­ I ! of the Review, but thè editor was
rubber Imots. At-dinner ottc young lmtanical descriptionSvith it. That most out. I’ve got the toothache, out.
At 5 i>. m . I went al tonni of the
lady remarked, “ I got a p >int of is calle«l labratory work. The the sol«* is coming off of mv left
packet, an«l in twenty
water in my shoe down by Music Quiz is- «¡uestions from the teacher
Hall.’’ What large shoes you must (there ar«* two !»eside Prof. Hallow­ in the wind !> the buttons minutes was gliding over th«* placid
wear, came dryly from -her «oppo­ ell) conc«*rning ibrnicr work, on «*v ar«- lost I've broken my stylo­ waters of the beautiful Ohio; and
site. To see the inmates of Stone ery day except l«*cture days. The graph i<* pen, my cuffs are all dirty, in a few minutes thereafter some
Hall start to chapel on such a lecture by one of the class, was a I want to go to Boston and can’t, thief took my overcoat from my
morning is enough to provoke the' review of the work already «lone, localise 1 sent all the money I ha«l ’ state room, an«! I saw’ nothing more
mirth of the most serious; for a an«l the quiz was directe«l at her to Europ«* for pictures, and I’m of it even to this «lay. I immedi­
gossamer with the hooddrawn over by th«* whole class instead of the oblige«I to have a zouave gymnastic ately reporte«! to the clerk, saj’ing
the hea«l almost down to the nose, teacher. It was fine for the major- dress mad«* this week an«l there is it was then oii'tb«- l»oat, for we ha«l
is never a beautiful article of dress I itvjit dr<*a<Iful on , the girl tluit no use trying to number my troub- not landed -since it was taken. ■ He *
Tint 'a striking- an«T usefuT on«*. It i gave the lecture. She did it all in les for I shall worry through in , seemed by no means concerned
is funny to see half a hun«lre«l such, : a charming way but the quiz some AVaV an«l somehow. I never alifiut it, simply remarking, shouhl
within a hundred yards with no > frightened and embarrassed her saw a place so bar«! on shoes in it turn up on the l»oat he would
means of knowing whether they till 1 know she suffer«*«! from the all my Jifc; nor a place so lovely cause it to be left at the Maysville
envelop a frien«l or stranger, for be effect all day. M ss Hallowell said in the gorgeous coloring of au­ wharf on the return trip.
the one they cover tall or short, she was sorry every one could net tumnal leaves. I remember well I
“ Such things you know must he
In every famous victory.”
thin or stout the general contour have a chance but the lectures by tilt' autumn brightness of our own
1 landed at Maysville at 4 A. M.,
is the same an«l their appearance the class would not come more woods, but they do not equal these
to the Central Hotel, where I
something like monks of the middle than a dozen times during the which are said to !>e exceptionally
until 8 o clock, an«! after
ages in masquerade.
year and tlx* lecturers should l»e fine this season.
breakfast 1 set out in search of
M ary S tump .
To-day 1 las been fairer and I chosen by lot hereafter. She ap-
officers of the church. 1 soon found
elders and deacons, all of whom
have l«een with Reubena and a point«*«! them tliis time, one for
From, Bro. T. F. Campbell.
thought a few sermons and a lecture
new friend down the avenue and each division. In First Year Bo-
M aysville , K y ,
or two would ! h * most acceptable, if
out where the chestnut trees are, tony there two divisions each
Nov. 3, 1882. i they could b«> ha«l without money.
for an afternoon walk. We found numliering about fifty. The writ­
At Paris 1 called on Ehler John I shall remain here- over Sunday.
a very few nuts and a great many ten examination was not so bad Sweeney,
who was at that time 1 My health ha«l not liven good up
•7 '
burs, with their wi«le opened cups after all, but embraced a good «leal busy with Major Powers from to last Lord's «lay. Since then 1
.showing tlm brown velvety lining. in a few questions. We had Iteen Washington, I). ,C. •> working up a have l>een quite well. Remember
They arc lovlier in the morning giventhree papyrograph papers con contribution for the Garfiehl ' me kindly to the brethren
Yours in Christ,
when the dew sparkles upon them taining questions referring to top- Memorial Church, A few minutes |
T. F. C ampbell . .......
I. .