Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, November 24, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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to consider" what was his duty in
the case. It was very possible iihat
Hr. Cayler, in tbe New York
Bro. Stanley:
any advice from him would not I m -,
—lines jp
I^Y. dR N q MU, JWg
IWpLiJ Juul illicht .not Independent, on the subject of
, OTJTT-,- —--- ......
Bra. D. T. Stanley :
respect to our advance and prospect prove of any real benefit to the per7^
On Saturday last 1 returned here in Petaluma once more of son to whom it was, addressed. Bui pointed channel ‘to convey the
from attending the State Sunday having a Christian church estab- yet it was important to keep hii- blessings to give.’ I sometimes
School Convention, held in Port- lished. It so happened on the 5th own conscience clear of any neglect think there are no equal number of
— land, and while it was a grand sue.-, of August last, we ha«l a visit from of duty. After deli!«crating u short utterances by reputable people in
cess in delegate representatin and Elder S. P. Johnsoil, frOttl Vallejo, time, the right course seemed clear ; which so inanyTatsebOods are told
1 as in public prayer. Loving words
work, I was impressed with a few ing for us for one month. On his tiori, he spoke to the man and re­ -ire often spoken by people whose
facts as Connected with the Sun­ first meeting, on. Lord’s day, with quested his attention. He willingly hearts rankle with mean spites and
the brethren, Hie Lord’s table was -stepped aside, and listened to th« malicious grudges. Sins are glibly
day-school work.
1. That the work before us is, prepare«!, and a goodly number of advice givcii him to avoid using tlx confessed in prayer which, if any-
How can we most effectively teach brethren united in partaking dfthe sacred name unnecessarily. Then Ixxly else should eharge upon the
Christ and the principles of Chris­ loaf and the wine, in memory of was no irritation, but a kind re- «peaker, lie would grow red in the
tianity to the youth of our State I our risen Savior. From that time, spouse to tbe remarks made, and a face with wjatli. Words of solemn
2. That the Sunday sch«x)l should up to the present, we have not repeated and hearty thanking o' «elf-consecration are fluently uttei-
lx; under the direction and control failed to meet on every Lord’s day the one who had thus shown ait in­ • m ! by persons who are living to
themselves, and not to Jesus Christ.
to remember his death and his terest iu his welfare.
of the church.
Such prayers are a mockery. They
3. The church should be respon­ resurrection, and all his' require­
The friend passed on, not onh
sible for its maintenance and growth ments enjoined on us as faithful releived of the concern that had cut-no channels for God’s blessings,
just as it is for the maintenance of followers of our risen Lord and pressed upon him, but with a sweel But genuine prayer—born of con­
trition and soul thirst, poured out
the prayer-meeting.
sense of tcndenies's and spiritual re-
with faith an«l wrestling oppor-
flic.ers pg, the Sum la v- _ We have had a visit also from
school should be elected just as a Ehler G. ll(). BuriTetiC Fro'ni" Santa what was said many years ago ol
pastor, elder or deacon is. This Rosa. He preached for us 'one Samuel Einlen—that he earned hi.1 throue of infinite love. Such
uraver always blings a revival;
puts behind the Sunday-school Lord’s day, ami gave the brethren <la iIy bread by jobbing.
authority, remands it to its proper great encouragement, and promised ‘Simple ami common place as th it nay, it is itself a revival.”— Ex.
place, among church activities, and to visit us again soon. As we lit tie inci<T« * utTbT, it illustrates th <
It is affirmed that tlie young­
will prepare the way for a reform have no local preacher here with us, way in which Christians are led ruffian perio«l in New York has
sj much needed. The germ of the we are. trying to go ahead with Their perservation and growth ii
passed away. Time was, and tint
Sunday-school is in the Church of what strength and help we have., grace largely depend on their watch
not so Very long • ago, when, in
—— Christ. Winnower aud- wherever . The most.jLf-.oiir. bretliren here are I fnlnrss to the pointings of duty, oiI ;Onrv wants -trf■ that city, the daw-
one has been planted, its origin ami old people,, and we hope, if they ten in very little matters, and or
less boys were a dangerous elc.
motive has been found in the heart continue in union and love, they the honest faithfulness with wide!
inent. They congregated on ivacar b
of a disciple of Christ. The Sun­ will reach, at last, to that everlast­ they obey the commands of tlx
lots, and in the public squares,
day-school is only a modern phase ing home in heaven, where there Lord of the vineyard and perform «pending their time in brutal sport«
of church enterprise, a part of its will lx! no sickness, pain or «loath. the work which lie assigns them
in wanton attack's ' oh more decer.t
Please, dear brother, to remember Such will experience the fulfillment
normal growth.
lads, or even upon unoffending men,
5. That a cheerful Sunday school us all to the brethren in Oregon. of the Scripture promise—“ If ye iml in concocting mischief and
room, excelent singing, and attrac­ Now may peace and joy and love be willing and olxslient, ye shall planning crime. It was ascertained
tive an«I instructive prayers ami go with us all to our final home in eat the good of the land. ’— Th< that organizations existed among
books are necessary as helps ; but heaven. With all due regaids for Friend.
thpm, the leaders of which, if
any Sunday-school will be a fail your wellfare and advancement, I
There are a few Abrahams; not course, were the worst and most
ure, that stops with these and other I remain,
a large number of Isaacs; but a hiring of the crowd. How has this
F. B. Y oung
__ pleasing features. Helps must re
it I . 1 Lawlessness been stopped / Not by
■gTeat lirany Jacoby — to-vriTmu i_
main helps, and the substance, viz .
A Word in Season.
most comforting to know that how­ the strong hand of the law. T1 e
the Bible, must be first ami last,
ever poor stuff we are made of by police officers never could or would
and always- the text-book of the
As a friend was walking along
nature, Go«l can make use of us, if have suppressed it It is the testi­
Sunday school.
*— the streets~of~ Philadelphia about
only we will yield ourselves to him mony of those who (Might to know,
We had a precious meeting here the middle of the day, he passed the “ vessels unto honor, sanctified ami that the reform has been achieved
yesterday (Sunday) morning and corner of Second mid Wainjit streets meet for the Master’s use, ami pre­ by the moral agencies that have
evening. The evening audience where at thut hour may generally pared unto every good work.”— J. been brought to bear ujam the
was the largest that 1 have had be found a group of loungers. His
children,—the Sunday-schools, the
Munroe Gibson.
here in months. May the Lord attention was arrested by hearing,
Children’s Ai«l Society, ami other
There is an old saying that love benevolent organized efforts in
guide and still bless us with his behind him, the name of the Su
promt; Being uttered in a careless begins to die when- it becomes their behalf. And this is only one
dumb'. There is no doubt that true
I hope that each Christian tone. Looking around, he noticed love al ways seeks to express itself of many illustrations that show
church in Oregon and Washington that it came from a stout built, in some way, nor is its possessor how much more potent is love than
Territory will send to the H erald weather-beaten man, perhaps past usually content with showing it by law. 5. A Times.
office for from ten to twenty extra the meridian of life, who had just act alone ; he seeks to express it in
Pleasuic u the meie accident of
copies of the “Missionary H erald ,' joined one of the small knots of men words, and the very expression of
and distribute them among the who were lounging about; and that not the young Christian, or the old our being, and work its naturafand
people. Thus we can “ preach the it seemed to lie a mere salutation to one either, lose right of this. Give most holy necessity.
his friends, and not the res lit of expression to the love you feel; do
Gosjicl ” and do great good.
Who follow not virtue in youth,
any feeling of anger.
it often, do it earnestly, aud so teed
, •
fully enjoy old age.
Our frier. 1 paused a few moments, the flame and increase its power. * cannot
S. M. H ubbard ,
* -
». .
State Sunday School Conven­
From Petaluma.