TUTT’S love and cherish^ heaven here, we shall never enter heaven itself hereafter. A Cough, Cold or Sero Throat Should be stopped. Neglect frequently results ill an InrnrsDle Lung UlHeaM-or Consump­ tion. lilluWX’S BRONCHI AL TROCHES does not disorder the stomach like cough syrups srrq L.dsiniu-, Uui uhi «11% 1 »ly ww two. imsm » <<1 parts, allaying irritation,' give relief in Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs. Catarrh, and the Throat Troubles which Singrrsuml Public Speakers are subject to. For thirty years Brown’s Bronchial Troches have beeil recommended* by physicians, and have always given perfect satisfaction. Jiaving been tested by U ide aa4 COIL, J UM.IVX -JMiodL-AV.. generation, they have attained well-merited rack among the few staple remedies of the age. Bold at 25 cents a box everywhere. 12-1-ly The heaven« declare the glory of God, but the Gospel makes known his love. MANUFACTURER OF SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. STEAM ENGINES Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the jack part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin­ clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of tomper, Low spirits, with -*a feeling of having neglected some duty, QitTi i; ft xp - UigainQsfh S^luLtsrixxiz at ttio Heart, Dots before the eyes, Y el low 8kin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with litful dreams, highly colored Urine, MILL MACHINERY CONSTIPATION. TUTT’S PILLS are especially adapted to auch cases, one dose cflects such a change of feeliug as to astonish the sufferer. - They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take cn >Te»h. thus the system Is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the Ditrealivc Orwaua, Regular Ntools are pro­ duced. Price 25 cents. 33 Murray Kt-. M. Y. Brass aud Iron Castings fui nished on Short Notice. Skinny .ttcu, “Wells’ Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, enres Dyspepsia, Im­ potence, Sexual Debility. $1. IS MAYS THE GREAT GERMAN Water Wheel Governors of bpst pattern known, two sixes. Agent for Degroat’s Patent Ornamental Iron Fence. New and second hand Engines TJunstaxrttjrxnHnM^„ —-- SCIATICA, - LUMBAGO, Mis. Dr. Augusta Smith—Author of “The New Process Cure Treatment.” BACKACHE, GOUT, As a Physician, M bs . D r . S mith has gained ■ national reputation. She has cured Women and Men, in all parte of the country. To-day Ebe has patients in every State in the Union. Hie tr» tits the si k at their homes , by letter. She gives references of many well-known per­ sons, whom she has treated, among them Mrs. Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, W. Va. For rcferciieuv, testimonials, question list etc., iucluse stamp, and address M bs . D r . A ugusta S mith , 12-2’-3m Springfield, Missouri. SORENESS OF TUB CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS AND KPRAIN3, The kindness which is bestowed on others is never lost. FROSTED FEET AND EARS, PILES! PILES! PILEg! J3TTRNa A Sure Cure Found at Last. So Ont Rfcert Huger! SCALDS, A sure Cure for Blind, Rleeding, Itching and Ulcerate«! Piles lias beeu discovered by Dr. Wil­ liam, (an Imlim Remedy,) called Dr. William’s J im IU i : Ointment. A single box has cored the No onaneod sutler five minutes* after applying this wonderful smithing iiiedwine. Lotions iu- srniiuen'H and eluctuariw» do more harm than good. William’s Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a ponltice. gives-in-’tant relief, ami is prepared only for l’iles, itching of the private parts, and fur nottnng else. ----- —--------- - I Read what.the Hon. ,1. M. Coftiberry of Cleve­ land says about Dr, William's Indian Pile Oint­ ment: I have used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to Bay that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint­ ment. For sale bv all druggists or mailod on receipt of price, <1-00 HENRY Ji CO., l’rop'r«. 12-1-ly CLEVELAND, O.. Mind the corner where life’s road turns. ' _________ *#*“It is a great art to do the right thing at the right time.” The person enbject to derangement of the kidneys or liver has a protective duty to perform in purchasing a package or Kidney- Wort. It invigorates these organs and by its cathartic and diuretic effect, cleanses the whole system of all bad humors. SAMUFL HILE, 634 Murket Ht., Sau Fratpcltico, Cui THE OLD-PATH GUID TOOTH, EAR F. G. A llen , Editor, G. W. Y ancey , Associate. his is a large eiqht - page weekly , devoted to the advocacy arid defence of T Apostolic teaching and practice. ‘ Ask for the Old-l’aths, and walk therein ” is its motto, its practice anil its teaching. Its matt» r is pure, safe, fresh and sparkling. Its »ale i.p is orderly, neat, attractive and on excrHetitjiaper. A sntv-inipn copy will satisfy all of the above, and will cost you but the time and p»>stal card on which the request is made. Address tlio Publisher*. Hee " Our Principles,” and “Our Rules.” Ol'K TEEMS. Single Subscription, One Year, $2 <♦<); Six Months, $1 CO ; Three Months, 50 cts. * THAT WONDERFUL BOOK GUI 151’3 g SUCCESS WITH FORM* FOR BU8IRESS AM) SOCIETY CLUB BATES. To any one sending a club of five anJIi>w to bo Your Own Lawyer, School Supplies, 810 Wes» Main St., H«w to Do Business Correctly atul Success­ 12-19 Gm . Louisville, Ky. fully, How to act in Society and qrervwbere. A gold mine of varied information to nil classes for constant .»tfuicnee. AQENT.s WANTED for all or spare time. To know why this book of REAL valno and attractions tells letter than any other, apply for terms tn J. DEWING ,t Ci)., San Francisco, Cal. 12-2*.H>iu