—----- Í WJ R"" ' H j J» I, h : í ! 2 A*-». ....■ • . .. . a . h >• ■ j . ' / * ItKTlAT.D, OHTllSTIAisr 13 t» > Golden Grains. ----- —An active and faithful memory doubles life; for it brings a man upon its stage with all those who have made their exits. —A truly good man had lather b e rather forego his own right than run the venture of d^ing even a hard thi^g. " —Law is like a sieve; you may ion» Out see through it, but you must lie *au& considerably reduced befornyoucan. j get through it. ____ > —Precept is instruction written IB O' Tig in the sand— the tide flows over it .......... -__________ and the record is gone. Example. | if eng raven on the rnck, “t he 1 cssurr is not soon lost. —Every man ought to act and speak with such Integrity that no one would have occasion to doubt Lis simple affirmation. —The virtue of prosperity Js uut; temperance; the virtue of adversity ar.<. fertitude, which, in morals, is the wok " more — heroic .....— virtue. !•* tf —(Give even an angeF a bad oFus”can see the evil expression in his face ’ an whether it is there or not. icai —Conscience is a coward, and those* faults it has not strength 15 ( M 6 enough to prevent it seldom has tO < justice enough to accuse. io r 6 C —The Scriptures are wonderful 2 0 '8 U wi^h respect to the matter which « ua ____ _ .- - 'V < » they contain, the manner in which „ ¿*thly are written, and the effect Tyhichithey produce.— Home. , —The stuff that martyrs are made of is to be found in many an —4 humble and yet unnoted child of God ; and only the occasion is need­ ed to bring this fact to light. hi- —Don’t live your life alone, ¡fe without forming friendships and love ; your nature needs love, you were made fur it, and other na­ B tures need you. You are robbing yourself, you are robbing other*, if you live like a hermit. Therefore, 0. i go out into God’s world and live I your life out for others. E PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. uSk. ROBERTS, • The readers of the H erald will please observe that no advertisement» arc inserted except those we believe to lie trustworthy. \dn writing to or call­ ing on our advertisers, please say you saw their advertisement in T he r cash. ■ T‘“ --- WILLIi OF OREGON, Seeing Machine Store, J. G. Glenn, ‘‘S XIXTGrTsJjFL r’ SEWING MACHINES THF S trongest , simplest , • EüCCEflßOR TO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, ...... PORTLAND, C&KtiOR. -............... -• Oüke—Plummer & I’.yerley’s Drug Store, Cor. First anil Main-bt. Resi.ioaee—32 Jufierson St., Cor. Second St. 12-1-ly "«sWorEsrp«s Norris R. Cox. GLENN & COX, jzjjHIRDST.PORIl-AND ' DENTIST, D. W. PRENTICE & CO. S. TV. Cor. First limi Yamhill Sts., A, „ PORTLAND, : : : : OREGON. Offico House—From 8 a . m . to 5 p. m . The Leading Music Dealers ll-3m Residence, 291 Second Street DR. E.0.SMITH, 107 HRsT ™ PORTLAND, OREGON. :o: 107 Flrat Street, Bet. Morrison Yamhill, Portland, Or. t and I» IAMO 8 HAINES BROS., J. B. NUGENT ¿5 12-8-ly CO., GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, I t mm ■ —y°u would persevere, set I often before your'eyes the noble examples of those who have per­ severed in religion. What a glori­ ous army of saints and martyrs have gone before ns I How con­ stant to the death was Paul! How persevering in the faith were Igna- I tins, Polycarp, Athanasius 1 These were stars in their orb, pillars in the tempje of God. Let us look on : *eir steal and courage, and be ¡mated. Seeing we are compassed 1 so great a cloud of wit- us run with patience. ESTEY & STERLING ORGANS. -Ö * X SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Send for Catalogue. 12-35-Gm. ° J. H. ROBBINS. B. F. ROBBINS. THE “NEW No. 8.” J. H . ROBBINS & SON Leading 229 First Street, Portland, Oregon, Are the Leading Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in McCAMMON PIANOS, WHITNEY & HOLMES’ OEGANS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, . ALBI PICTURES, FRAMES AND MOULDINGS CGT'The largest and best selected stock in the city. Boo auso T RUNS LIGHTER, FASTER, AND IS Moro Durable tlrnu any other machine made. We guarantee it to Out-woar any two shuttle machines. It will darn txjaetifully, lotter, make insertion and embroider wthoul any attachment. A f ill set of attachments given with each machine, leaving no extras to buy. It is the lightest running lock stitch machine in the ’>oi;ld, and ladies wishing to proserve their health should rnYestiggto its merits. All should give it a trial. Machines soldtm installment plan. Liberal ducount for jiarh. Repairing of all kinds of machines at reason- ab'o rates and work warranted. Wo also carry a full line of parts, needles, oil, »ilk cotton, 4i>. I Send your orders direct to ns. THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF ITS KIND ON THE COAST Where» young lady or gentleman can obtain a Thorough Business Etincation At a Cost in proportion! o time Engage«!.' WHEELEK