i i Kit À i./i >. havt lost sight of him for years Tire Cream of all Books of Adventure. KIDNEY-WORT now, hut 1 have no doubt lie is do­ r. o FOR THE PERMANENT CURE 01 TH ing well wherever he is. » The gentleman said a few wîhfds E No CONSTIPATION. ctlier diacftcc is so prevalent la thia coun­ try as Constipation, and no remedy has ever about the importance of getting the h equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wort as a £ aura. Whatever the «.use, however otafanate the case, thia remedy will overcome it. t3Rl KT ft THIS distressing oom- o • plaint is very apt to be r oomplicated with constipation. Kidney-Wort strengthens tho weakened parts uud quickly i cure, all kinds of Piles even when physiaiana and medicine« have before failed. 43* tjrif you have either of these trouble« PIONEER |g I DARING HEROES I' I DEEDS. BUSINESS COLLEGE . The thrilling adventures of nil the hero ex­ (Ord 11 NATIONAL,” Established I860.) plorers and frontier fighters with Indians, out­ laws and wild beasts, over our whole country, 128 Front St. bet. Washington from the earliest times to the present. Lives ----- ivrul Alder,---- — fin d fa mo u s e xp loits ti l’ Di^ nr n " LASiilio; BtamF ish. Boone. Kenton, Brady, Crockett, Bowie, PORTLAND, OR Houston. Carson, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill. Buffalo Bill, Gens. Miles and Crook, great - - Principal. Indian Chiefs and scores of others. GtOKGlE- A. P. ArmUrong, OVSGY iLLtrsTKATF.» with 175 fine en­ J. A. Wewo, - Penman and Secretary. gravings to the life. AGEMTS WANTEU. Low priced and beats anything to sell. J. An Institution designed fcr the practical busi« DEWING A CO., 426 Bush St., San Francisco. net» education of both sexes. 12-29-6ni large cities into the Sunday-school, and then sat down. In a moment a tall, good-looking gentleman, with I red hair, stood up in the meeting fci uaKiia USE and said: ft KIDNEY-WORT 1 “ Ladies and gentlemen, I am the T^red'-TiiturecTBeggar boy of "New 77/f CHRISTIAN SOWER BAPTISMAL ROBES. rnilE “LADIES AID SOCIETY” of the York, who ate the gentleman’s gin-, 1 Christian Church, Portland, is prepared to TRACT FUND. furnish “ Baptismal Robes ” V thow» desiring, gerbread. I have lived in the at price« from 85 to $7, according to kind of • . —:o:— ‘These will be sent by mail to any part West for years, and have prospered. flllJIS IS THE PIONEER FUND FOR THE cloth. 1 free distribution of tracto. Is well supplied of the coast. Address, H erald Office, 181 First 4.2 am jfow a rfah man. I own five wicHHieeienaerb N of thr ffnymptNow ,. J^rUamL LU. . will follow soon. These tracts are free to hundred acres of as good land as the kind« those who are not able to buy them, ard fifty AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER J per hundred to those who are able. sun shines on. My horses and car- ceuts Every cent received will be nsed to print tracts. TO AG gjiT». | riages are at the door, and when Weak churches will find these tracts nseftil. Evangelista should go well supplioi. Address the meeting is over, I shall be hap- GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED. J. W. HIGREE, Truatee, jpy |to take my old friend to my 12-35-tf Madisonville, Ky. If you are out of Employment and want to iome, where he will be welcome to start in business yon can mako from $3 to S'0 a day clear, and take no risk of loss, we will itay as long as he phases1. I am a send you on receipt of 81L goods that will «ell , member of the church and superin­ THE APOSTOLIC TIMES, readily in a tew days for«S25. If the Agent fails to self these goods in fonr days, they can return tendent of Sunday-school, and I owe HOUNDED FIFTEEN YEARS AGO BY all unsold to us, and we -will return tliem their can any+hing be furor* W«—take att • * di that I have in this world and all * McGarvey. . Wilkes, . Hopson, . . Lard . and Gra- money, risk ot loss, and*the Agent gets started in a bus­ Q 11 •XTr'r. • Admitted on any week-dav of ihn rear ” - ’VtfciuonH at any time, and no exam­ ination j»n entering, SCHOLARSHIP, k'or the T^ull , Course, $ MJ. Busintss PEN WORK Of all kinds executed to order at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' > ———J The College .Journ-J, containing information ■ of the course of study, when to enter, tin e required, cost of board, ote.. and cuts of orna­ mental penmanship, from the pen of Prof. Wasco, sent free. Address - ' * . A. P. ARMSTRONG; ► a . . ’ han'. It is Ktill holding forth the doctrine of iness That will he pui'iuaneiit, — ........ - ■ t*y frtdb Lock DOX 1QL . IrhAli I PnpQ tnr xxt t.ho. n«xt, to WftfiHr- f'hrwfr xrrrt”t^ i»anr^ 12 33-6m $1 000 to 83,000 a year Ladies can do *aa well nlfscriplion price $2.(Ml (Mt a vear. ve_. Address _____ , . . . . a j free. 8iil*crip»ion as men. We want an Agent in every eountv. war taught mo m the Sunday- L 1 - ----- 1 — APOSTOLIC TIME'S, J. E. Davidson, M. D. Full particulars free. Address, U. 8. Manufact­ T.J. Lee,M. D. L exinotox , K y . uring Co., No. 116 Smithfield Htroct, Pftteburg, cbobl.’--77wj Standard. Pa. 12-31-3m. READ I . 4 How to Build up a Place. 1). Langdl’üAsthma and Calarr’i Remedy. Mrs. W. T. Brown, Monroe, Texas, writes : “ I suffered with Asthma 30 vears. Your Groat Remedy com­ pletely cured me. I wish all Asth­ matic snflbrers to send their address .md get a *tri^l package Free of Charge. It relieves instantly so the [Mtlieut can rest a-d sleep comfort- abl v. Full *i»e box by-moil $1. Hold by drift* gists generally. Addroas D. Langell, Wooster, O., Proprietor. 39 4tew DAVIDSON & LEE, Z2J.TAT TA Great chance to make inoney. xj v/ljL/iThrHe who always »ake ad­ vantage of thegxKl chance« tor making money that are offerNl, generally become wealthy, while tbon* who do not improve sncli chances remain in pov rty. We want many men, wom­ en, boys and girls to work for ns right in tlieir localities. Any one can do the work properly from the fin-t s'art. Tha business will pay more than ten limes ordinary wages. Expensive' outfit fnrnisbed free. No* oue who engages fails to make mouey rapidly. You can devo-e your whole time to the work, or only yonr spare’mo­ ments. Full information and all tlyat is needed sent free. Address S tinsox & CoM Portland, Maine. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, , INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Speak well of the place where Diseases of women a specialty, i 'oti'live; if you don’t nobody else rroediriptions filled at the office. rill. Encourage all public enter- »KS. J. IV. & MARY T. COLE, r rises, and, if necessary, go down «4 • PHYSICIANS «Si SLUGE3X’, rfto your pocket-book to help foster Suver Polk County, Oregon * «•' * iem. Use your utmost endeavors i > have good schools but do not ex- S. S. BANNERS. ■PF.CIALTIK8 ! ____ ect them to come to you without All kinds st tie lowest prices. Rend descrip­ Dr. M. T. Cole, Distyue of Women. ] AND NOT tion of just what you want, and we will give grtwi-ui out . i n effort. Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases. estimate. Fine silk banner, fringe and pole Ty rhnil, 30 ci«. < lircularg soldä EET ii A CO.. 3« Dey Conndtation free. Patronize every man who is try- (plated tips), for $6: Lettering in gold. DAVID C. OuOK, 46 Adams St., Chicago i ig to build up a business in your i lidst for it is like bread cast upon DEALER IN tie waters. Consider the cost of improving j our town in appearance, as a pri- Do not ne- i ate investment, for if your town R • s ( >es not present the appearance of Ig unfit you have 1 irift you cannot expect capital and received our Executed in Italian and American marble. finely illustrate f iterprise to come - to you. Patron- — -r— — . ........ cd 50page cats, logue. gent free >rA18°’ ev.erj variet* of Cemetery and other 8tone work, Granite I 1 a your homo paper liberally, for ..... .............. _ . to any addres — •--------- address. Monuments, and enclosures to burial lots, furbished to order e rery cent well spent in printer’s THE COLUMBUS BUGGY CO., Opposite the Opera House, Salem. Also, Staiger Brothers Albany, Oregon, Ohio, is the largest factory in the world i k will come back to you, anil you Columbus, f r first-class Buggies, Phirtons, Surreys and Car- ..and-da-^lve m««.veal value (er the money- -4 ius tmikl up an enterpri'ie that has7«^s ........ any other manufacturers. Dealers sell our IHK LAJIGEST an » ONLY COMPLETE TYPE FOLNDBY AN» FKINTEBH* WABE- vehicles everywhere. Name of nearest Will 6$ t le general good at heart. Nothing sent IIOI SE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. with prices. I __ ______________ s leaks so well of the prosperity of Bp sutv, tHiP>rv buying, to examine tbo Name *D A T *D T’V” successors to miller & richard .to be found on the rear of every Buggy a place as the healthy appearance Plate Jr A.JulYAJCiJŒr Cv X v X j x 9 S cotch T ype F ounders , manU'Setured by us, for none are genuine unless tliey boar tho name of 0 your local paper.— /2c. 205 & 207 Loidesdorff, and 529 Commercial Streets, m . WM. STAIGER MONUMENTS, TABLETS, COLUMBUS BUSGY COMPANY, d] ?<>r a oongh or cold there is no renjo- eqnal to Ammon’s Gough Syrnp. COLUMBUS, OHIO. Many inferior goods are offered as Oolumbna Jhiggii's, and Caro should be used to distin­ Hany druggists recommend, and try guish between “ Columbus Buggies ” and Co tell what pays them the largest protit. lninbus Buggy Co.’s Buggies. - 12 37-3m i not he deceived. Ask tor Ammen’s ngh Syrup. Take ro other. The aedy stands on its own merits. You buy a sample bottle for 1& cents, and I it yourself. Larger bottles at 50 Its atid $1. Ask to see the larger *ize I read the wrapper, TEACHER’S LIBRARY. Nine books, including Bible Dictionary, Com­ mentary on Mark, Compedinru of Teaching, etc. ; books worth 75c. to 81.5(1 eaoh. Price lOo-etteh ¡whole nine, 80c. DAVID 0. COOK, 40 Adams St,, Chicago, I °HI° i 73< monroe ’ street . FRANCISCO, CAL. We keep en turi th® Wur&eat ftteck of Ainertcan Fancy Type «ver kept en thia Coast, tognthor with a c-æp’.eto stock of Millur Ct Richard's Scotch Type, and cun furnish at a saoxnent*« notice any thing in ths Frintora* line from a bodkin to a Ç y tin tier Press. Wo bp.vo a very largo stock of Now and flecond-hand Printing Presses of ail makes and sicee. Wo are sole agonts fcr, and keep in stock, CaAnpboil Cylinder Presses, CottreU «t Ssbcocic ditto, also Peertoss, Clipper, Jewel, Gordon and Washington Jobbers. Wasktugton llr.nd Presses, aovr Bnatnr Steam Bnginns (Just , the thing for printers), Tuark Water Molci-o, Gora Paper Cutters and a full line of Sanborn's Bookbinders’ Machlnecy. Onr Fidelity Boner Composition and Peerless Printing Inks are costnidorod tho tiest in use. Have you used our Perfection rlutasY They six i/o editorial work a ad composition, and therefore save money. Send for our Catalocno. _______________________ REMEMBEB—No noose on this Coast can compete with ns Is Qnality of Goods.