Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, October 20, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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C hristian H erald .
The Old Story.
The old Gospel story dpes. not
grow old to those who want to live
D. T. S tanley , B ruce W olverton , beyond this life.. Those who seek
a better country love to hgar of
FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1882.
Jesus and his wondrous love,
a power for good when it is pre­
sented in faith and humility. They
study mor^'about how they are to
appear than what they are to
preach. They may succeed in
gathering many persons into the
versally loved, But, as to being
despised, that is another thing. If
we ai e, in a good degree and in gen­
eral, what we; should be, and with­
out any prominent folly or vice, we
shall not be likely to be despised
by any whose respect is of much
account. Èow coui<ï Timothy tth<T -e!S!
Titus escape being despised ? //y
living so that none could despise
them. This inspired teaching,
though it may l>e primarily appli­
cable to ministers, applies scarcely
not permit, men to despise them. .
But, how prevent it ? By a right
character and a wise and consistent
mode of*life.
they canndt¿bring 4hem into the
cross is listened to over and over
lxxly of Christ by such a means.
Primitive Christianity has a again. Who liecomes weary of it
bright future. There is a general and wants to turn away from such The Gospel is the power of God to
awakening upon the subjects held a Savior ? Only those who tire of save sinners, and when this power,
in controversy by religionists for sunshine, truth and righteousness. in which is the wisdom of God
so many years. The sandy foun­ There are those in almost every also, is not used, sinners cannot be
dations of the ipse dixits of church community who have* no interest in -savedJ ’rear It or s m a y -Lu—over -su
worthies are being washed away the Gospel of Christ, who are un­ honest, ever so intelligent and ever
and men are learning the only true willing to do what is. right. Such so energetic, but if they use not the
foundation, the word of God. Fos- will not, cannot follow the Savior, power God has given them how can
they do God’s work ? They neg-
sil ize»l forms 4xf rel igious expression nn.l
Wg-.foi.. jh.y.
are giving place to Bible names, Gospel of Christ. They are in love lect to use lbe means GutT TiiLS "hr
dained for the salvation of tl^e ligious ! not half-way Christians;
Bible thoughts and Bible themes.
with the world, its pomp, its great-
As an instance of this, note the ness-and wealth, and cannot be in­ world, and their preaching is iii^ not merely church members, seldom
vain. No man can come to Christ or never recognized as. such, except
ft change of position by many in late love with Christ.
unless heJearns of God and trusts as seen at the communion table.
years regarding the necessary
We are often, made to wonder
Sensible, worldly men are not, usu­
qualifications for admission into why there are those in Gospel com­ the Savior.
Preachers preach too many ally, impressed so much in favor of
the church.-Fossilized religion had munities, who turn_sway .from the
nut religion by bond professions iirthe
piled up question after question, Christ and follow in the way of <• things~öut of the Bibw and
too prayer meeting, or remarkable ex­
many of which would require a ruin' and death ' What has the enough in it. They present
periences, perhaps ostentatiously
metaphysician to answer under- meek and lowly Christ done to much law and philosophy and
little Gospel.
Paul was
and .repetitiously recited, as by a
----stnnding+y, and some -et’-which no.«turn. them away. from —light,
o F"CT j nst. ■Vffown “consistently rel Igious life
sane man would answer according shine, joy and gladness ? He came
to the prescribed formula. Now, into this world and gave himself a He was willing to declare the whole out of the prayer meeting, aiyl dur­
faith in Christ, leading the person ransom for them. He died that counsel of God to a dying world. ing the six seen liar days of the
to a reformation of life fits them they might live, and yet they re­ When a preacher l>ecomes ashamed week. A dishonest, sordid, neglect­
for the initiative rite of baptism. ject his love and turn away from of the simple Gospel of Christ he ful professor may, easily enough, be
True it is many who are still joined him into outer darkness. But we ought to cease bis pulpit ministra despised by wise men and by fools.
to their idols laugh at the often see men running counter to tions and enter some other' work. We must be what we profess to be,
’__ -
“ cm pt guess” as they would style their own interests and happiness The oM Gospel, the pure Gospel of ’ in a reasonable degree.
2. Common sense is also needful,
it, of wlutt COTistitates the nnderly-|4n this life. They do that-which is- Christ is the only hope of the
in order to ward off contempt. If
ing basis of all holy living,—an degrading and often ruinous to
we are really religious, but pay no
Seemingly . they, prefer Christians Should
acknowledgement of the Savior and them.
attention to the fitness of things ;
darkness to light, misery to happi­
his claims upon mankind.
to Respect Th
if we grossly offend against inno­
Other instances could l>e cited ness and death to life. What can
cent usages of society ; if we are
without number to show the radical it mean ? The devil has control of
It was a direction of inspired busy-bodies and gossips, bolting in
change of thought and action in them, and leads them on to ruin.
The simple Gospel of Christ is Paul to Timothy, “ Let no man des- upon cultured families at unreason­
Christianity. The cause is deep-
seated and the influence exerted is ■notjenown by all church members. pise thy youth;” and to Titus, able hours, or on day s understood
silently yet powerfully being felt Some are yet ignorant of this power “ Let no man despise thee.” He did to lie specially busy days, and when
among men. And this monument of God. Some persons have never not say, let no man hate thee.” A company is undesirable, if we are
is wide-spread. It is not confined learned to preach the pure, simple thorough, manly, outspoken Chris- unconsciously hangers on, even on
to our own country. In Catholic Gospel of Christ,* the old story of i tian, though as lovable as John, the point of going, and yet spinning
countries, in heathen lands and in the cross. They have no clear con­ whom Jesus loved, scripture and out our fatiguing stay ; if we are
the isles of the sea the same causes ception of the first principles oF the T Factsteacli us, wilt not escape apt to argue with an irascible or—
A timid disciple who drunken man ; if we readily get in­
arc moving mightily to the pulling Gospel. They know how to ser­ hatred
down of these strongholds of di­ monise, but do not know how to never denounces rum-selling, fraud, to disputes, political or leligious, in
vision among the people of God. preach the Gospel. They can, and oppression, gambling in all its stores or shops, with a scoffing crew
Now is the time, however, for re- do, say many good things, many branches, and things of the kind, around ; if we are wont to interupt
newed <IiIigencer~~While “men are witty rmtert,Hiiiing thing-^Ln-L the^ may—sail rather smoothly .through and hinder men of business, amidst
thinking, while the world is moving is a great difference between these life, and when he dies, it may I ms their pressing affairs in business
in the right direction, let not things and the Gospel of Christ. said of him that he never had an hours; if we expect men of sense
lethargy and indifference on the Their eyes have never been opened enemy. A doubtful compliment! to accept our unproved assertions,
part of those who' aforetime have to the beauty and power of the This could not have been truly said it i^ not easy to perceive how we
been faithfully’ pleading for the Gospel of Christ. They want to of Paul, nor of John himself; no, can thus secure the respect of tho
truth, hinder or discourage the zeal appear well before the people, and nor of the Lord Jesus. It is not discerning and really candid men of
of the thousands who would em­ please those who hear them preach. well to make enemies by a pugna the world.
In tho choice of an occupation, in
They view preaching from the com­ cions way of saying things, or by
brace the simple faith of Jesus.
style of doing business, in our
mon stand-point of a pleasant en­
but it is certain that he who openly practical estimate of ourselves and
There is no place where weeds do tertainment. 0, that men could
not grow, ami there are no hearts understand that they are the ser­ and faithfully sets himself against of mankind, there is room for the
vants of God, and that His word is man’s darling sins, will not be uni- exercise that is profitable to secure
where errors arc not to be found.
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