12 CHRISTIANT HERALD -------------------- 4, i , 1 ------------- —--------- Children’s Rights. gtnt persons who are not educated Mrs. Kate Hornby says that for can so often arrive at more correct years she has heard much of conclusions than many who are woman’s rights, negroes’ rights, the educated? Simply because they rights of the Indians and Chinese, have insight. Children, then, have of dumb beasts and creeping things, a right to expect from their parents I and little of children’s rights. The 1 the Very best opportunities that FIERCE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE • I ----- FOR----- * MJLLES AND FEMÀLÊS. ■ , - • • *- he next session of this prosperous ANI) growing institution will open on MONDAY, September 4, 1882, and clcse on THURSDAY, April 26, 1883» T OBJKCTft. so suggestive that we condense light to expect from teachers-the kind of instruction that will best Thia College was founded in 1874, for thb cb-’ei!ucation of both sexes, upon equal condition« them, for teachers : of entrance and graduation, and has bad a healthy and shady growth from the beginning. Our a gortl, solid education in the various branches of a College course, upon a 1. Every child has a right to the fit them for the peculiar work to aim is to give vrMS, and U iub to prepare students for i he piactival und Jleautiiul pursuits ot lite, and which they are adapted. Both fol hvhorsble citizenship. ■best food, the most comfortable LOCATION. parents and teachers owe them clothing, an 1 the best home that The College Buildings, consisting of two brick edifices, stand upon* campus of his parents can afford him. When plenty of time for their develop- ten acres in tht pleasant village of CollcRC Cit substantial .......... rart *t of Colusa Coin«» County. The y,gn tl t southern ’ealtliivl oT - a — moral, 'TO‘WnTS"’pTe3SKfiuj~r<58afeilTi 1 fteaTf’iTtiT7refire*an|>».», in m the midst «. ----- , ’ Tm ’ Trr^TTTt.ûk a century Erntu he is old enough he lias a right to cultivated and enterprising community, and is easily accessible from any. direction. It is three miles east of Arbuckle, a town on the. Northern Railway, with which it is connected by a daily such employment and amusements half to complete St. Betel’s church stage-line. The. scenery aiouud is inspiring. 'To the north rise (Til* stately form of Mount at Koine ; and to complete a beau ­ Nhasta, the snowy peaks of Lassen, and the picturesque Buttes ; on the east wind ti e blue as will keep him from idleness and of the Sacramento, and stretch away in the distance the pine-daxl walls and snowy domes tiful symmetrical human structure oi waters vice. the Sierras ; while on tlie west lie Snow" Mountain undjhe purple bills of the Coast Range. tot IlSE OF STI DV. __ ...... .XJrL&AdûidJuMLJL .right to the will require years and years of Two complete Courses of Study, the CJa.-Mcal and the Scientific, have been arranged, em­ companionship of the pure and in­ patient toil.— Journal of Educa­ bracing together Mathematics, Ancient and Mo del n Languages, English, Sciehee, Art, Music, Bible, Book-keeping. Theory and Practice of Teaching, History, etc.. and students, bv the ad-, nocent of his own age, but above all tion. vice and consent of the Faculty, eau pu’sue these studies shown to l>e most advantageous to* . .... . • • • . — them. After tlio close of the regular Session, a Normal class will be formed and taught by two to that of his father and mother. of the Professors lcr the I cnefit of these who ilcUre to pats examination before some County Linking of Proverbs. Board for Teachers certificates. 3. The child’s right of property INDVCKMKNTS. ' S » should be respected, Let him feel “ Look always upon life and use To those who have sens, daughters or wiifda to educate, wo can offer rare advantages aLfl that whatever he has is his very inducements to send to tins school, viz.: it as a thing that is- lent you,” for strong 1. A quiet and orderly College Town,.with no Saloon, Drinking-plate or Gambling-house own ; not in name only, and that within three inilerof jNfylsiiklin'gs. Your apiis are here lice lr IM) “ labor is *. the •Recollect that to such attention from the teacher Modern Languages, per tmm. . ............... 10 < <> 4 00 ns shall prevent his stay in school mothi r of health," and “ industry is Board, per week........ . . ... .■....................................................... All tuition must be paid iu advance. Penmanship at teacher ’ s price. No janitor ’ s fees or a man’s right hand and frugality extra charges. from being a physical calamity. __ For Catalogue or fqil.ljir purtolhus. and %ery subtantjaIl lxHind. find among school children ! Half journey,” we must not expect our Keffulur Cloth« or Flexible Cloth ohidkis. red edecn. *!ngle copy« 6Ov. Pci* doz, A 6.00. path to be always smooth and Cheaper Edition, bound in Ixiards and printed otti he per paper, “ 155 c. ” 15.60. the time they study and recite bright ; yet often “ the darkest JXTZETW dTRISTIAKTIIYMMBOOEi. their lessons without giving a ... C loth lllndlmn alntfle ca[»y, . I ivcn» whiffle copy, lioe., per doz., ijUl.-XO. «kmd-has a.silver lining, ” aud what though t to their in caning. “Ttrelr~ ' si-:?«»» foh hamim . h core. ../. mt essays are sketches taken from some are called misfortunes are “blessings Examine honestly, Jndice rlffliteoinily. »nd then semi your order, to JOHN Bt'IiXS for whatever tmok may want, and - make n Jtryfrrt tmtsr rmtu ttir t;od of i.'irs.itration “ ~t»n irttttitnirs without mur­ history, or extracts from the cyclo­ in disguise,” yea, “ Crosses are lad­ von muring» and disputing», that ye may be blauitelessand liiinnleM}, the am- of God.” Address I •* ders that lead up to heaven; ” JOHN BURNS, Publisher, St., I.ouis, Mo, pedia. 7. The child lias a right to its while on the other baud, “ The CHRISTI AN 'CHURCH3. °f tK* worst of losses is never to have had o .vn individuality. A bright little > grl was put Into one of our model ' ___ KIDNEY-WORT c tv schools. After attending the A colored minister onee preached ■ he great cure school a few weeks, she was asked Do not ne- FOB. liow she liked it. “ Well,” said in a Methodist church to a white she, “ I suppose it is very nice, but congregation where the feathers —RHEUMATISM— by purchasing A m it U for all tho painful diseases of the until you have .1 w sb there were gpfne Marys and and flywers end ribbons were pretty KIDNEYS,LIVER AND BOWELS. received our It olean.es the system of the acrid poison finely illustrat­ •I nnies and Toms and Dicks and numerous.* Leaning over the stand» that causes the dreadful suffering which ed $o page cata­ only the victims of RUoumatism can realise. logue. Sent free j I mys there.” he said:- “This is a Mefodis’ THOUSANDS OF CASES to any address. H of the worst fcrina of this tcrriblo disease I have been quickly relieved, and in short time 8 Development of insight is THE COLUMBUS BUGGY CO..' c PERFECTLY CURED. Columbus, Ohio, is the largest factory in the world PTIICE, *1. I.IQt ID OK Din, HOLD BY DBLCUISTS. r v hat the child most needs, and |SbH for first-class Buggies, Phatons, Surreys and Cary "It- Dn» can be Sent by mail. riflgcs, and do give more real value for the money WELLS, BICIIABDSON * Co., Burlington Vt. liere we have the whole thing in a than any other manufacturers. Dealers sell our everywhere. Name of nearest will be I KIDNEY-WORTj vehicles nut-shell. Why is it that intelli- lent with prices. .......... . ■■'■Trtu I 6 ,1- I* . --T-j a riT17tiJla»T i gMIJ^^ ..................... ,n ■■■» Home Life of A. Campbell,^’ z HEADQUARTERS F°r T I