DEVOTED TO PURE CHRISTIANITY, TEMPERANCE, EDUCATION AND GENERAL NEWS •» ’ I 4 VOL. XII. PORTLAND AND MONMOUTH, OREGON-; FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1882. C hristian H erald . A German.minister, in speaking of the security of God’s people and D. T. STANLEY, the precious promises, of the Bible, Publisher and Proprietor, Monmouth, Or. ’ said : “ Hnw-often the words ‘ Fear • • - not ’ occur in the sacred volume! Subscription Price i I have counted up into the seven- Cne Copy, one year..................... ....$2 00 One Copy, six mouths-------- - „ ... 1 (X) - ami I tbmtght t- ‘¿A11, ADVERTISEMENTS. I need not look for any more.” to you will turn sometimes coldly blasted ; but, gentlemen, when you lay your dear- ones away, when disappointment comes to you on the right hand and on the left, there is one source for a trftff and Prices will bo given on application. , i | Entered at th>-Post-office at Monmouth, as second class mail matter. | Please Notice. We are not responsible for the opinions and sentiments expressed by otir contributors, lint for onr oyvn writing alone. HenctToñi reader« Must judge for themselves. We intend to give space for the free expression of opinion, within ~ toe limits of sound discretion, and the good of the cause ; but not be hold as indorsing what - others may write, • ' ■ ______matter> int«nMfy •'rent once. Wo are very anxious that the paper should reach every Snbacriber regularly. t what frame of mind a sermon is heard. If the heart is not right, A poor, converted woman of the sermon seems dry and uninter­ India said : “ I have no -money to esting, while if a proper spirit is give to missions, but I am able to possessed, it will be drunk in speuk of-my Savior to my. neigh eagerly. Many a pastor is con­ bors.” Could a volume tell more sidered a poor preacher, when the of the duty of the people of this fnrrft ”nr~7int—hisy-4Ttrt^hnt---nf--thn- ~ "country who live in so much light ? listener.—AV. -.Said a young .man in a prayer­ T he NO. 42 B attle .—Life often is to death it is one prolonged struggle for existence. We are in the main conscious of this most fully when disease attacks us and suffering ■ensues.- -Mmt-physical ills of life are due' to our thoughtless- ness. We do not sufficiently ap­ preciate the strength of the enemy. We somehow think that we shall escape the penalties of wrong­ doing. So, too, of the business ventures we undertake, We can not ignore the difficulties, but j^e are prone to think them chained, like the lions in the way of Blip* yan’s pilgrim"!It is noTrig^That” we_,should over-iate possible diffi­ culties in the way of success. To orers for an on­ “ I hear men sometimes say, make it appear that’ the churches the present moment, thankful to let ward movement. Let others do so. when a man writes his name ujton are cold, and hav<* no cordial wel­ him do all who has made all, and to Let every community in this State the records of a visible church, that come for those who drop into their leave our will immovable within know that there are some defenders he had better let other things meetings. The result is that the his will. How happy it is to abide of the faith. On ! right on. alone, especially public affairs. 1 saloons have gained, and thechurch- in this (ondition! How satisfied am not a believer in that Christi­ es lost, many a promising, warm- is the heart, even though it may There are sixty Methodist anity which hides itself away. I hearted, socially inclined young lack all else. Ex churches in New York city. ltelieve in that robust Christianity man. A warm grasp of tin* hand “ As thy »lays, thy strength shal£ -might—Lev**—ndained—tl+mm—T4+e that goe s right out i n 4 h» dh wor l d ■ ’’be.’**' It is first ¿Tie promise for In the Unite"«! States there is one cordial feeling is in the churches. and works. If there ever was a regularly ordained minister to strength according ’ to our need. There is more real warmth in them There are days of darkness, and it time in our country, that time is every 700 inhabitants, while in than in the saloons, but the mem* is the promise for light in India, China, Japan, and Africa, now, when young men of this them, liers have not been trained to show There are < there is only one missionary to country should reflect and act ac­ lays of weakness, and it cording to the teachings of God’s it. Let it be manifested. Organize is the promise for strength. every 2,000,000 people. . There holy Word, and attempt to purify, a hand-shaking brigade, if necessa­ are days of what we call prosperity, More than 30,00!) converts have lift up and carry our country for­ ry, of every member of the church. been gathered by Moravian mission ward, so that it shall be in practice Stop after the prayer-meeting a and we need a strong hand to hold work in their foreign fields within what it is in theory,—the great little, for practice. Don’t shoot for us calm and steady and true. For oftentimes the most dangerous trial the last fifty years. leading Christian nation of the the door as if you were glad to get is when we seem not to be tried at I rest the happiness of my soul glol>e.—You will lie disappoint«] out of such a place. But don’t all. But in them all the anchor of on no one book, except the Holy in nlany of your hopes and aspira­ shake hands as a mere formality— the promise still holds—“ As thy tions. The friends near and dear put your heart into it.—& S’. Times. days, thy strength shall be.r’— Ex, Scriptures.— Sedden.