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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
r I OHRISTÎAK TtLUALD. ............ .... :_ _ - • r ■X The old court house at Jacksonville ton, Tenn., Sept. 26. Mrs. Kempe out We are sorry to see our contemporary , The Itemizer, taking such a course in op was st>ld at public auction last week for Mrs. Wilson’s throat with a razor, kill Portland. position to the public school interests of $116. It has been removed to give ing her.* The murderess was arrested; The way train on the Pennsylvania About half-past nine o’clock last Frr the State, and Normal school work, as place to the new building. Rich strikes in copper have been win ma k e a xaproacl tj^ju^Mya, ulay morning a lire, brake in thfixafa idence of Geo. R. Smith, a laboring and bring on it the contempt of the made in Union connty. The ledge, City Sept. 26, was run ToFo al “a enrve man on Hooker street, near Fifth. friend* of popular education. which is about 40 miles from Union, jnst below East Newark station by a . Before water could be thrown, fire had We are waiting anxiously tolsee those was found by E. S. McComas, Jas. Lehigh valley train'and both trains reached the adjoining residence of John new sidewalks that were ordered to be Penneil and W. T. Wright.. The as completely wrecked. Passengers had Fisch, a street cleaner, and both build built before this time. Do the ordi says made give very favorable indica great difficulty in get'ing out of the cars. Some oT them were seriously hr-' ings, with nearly all their contents, were nances of our town mean anything? tions. jured. U_ destroyed. Mr. Smith’s house was Mrs. Louisa Judson died a few days The br.-ak in the sidewalk on Main St, Jolin, on ilia St. Pol*. Minne;, worth abont $.700, insured, for f~~ felQO, Btreet-mado try the ffWWW''"™ süm a.,,. at. .hp ,r „À Qm. e ^Q n..Jh)ah .. Train e. household furniture $1000, insured for should be closed up. Will the marshall Thurston connty, aged 75 years. She apolis and Manitoba railroad, seven $500. Mr. Fisch’s house and furniture please have it dope ? was one of the pioneer settlers of West miles from Willman, on the 27tb, a were worth about $900, no insurance. ern Washington, having resided there locomotive becoming unmanageable, When are we goiog to have that walk since 1854. . was abandoned by the engineer and s' The steamship Queen of the Pacific, crossing of the railroad on Main street Rev. F. 8. Kiddler of Winnetka, Ill., fireman. It made the rnn to Willman ..J$ï PJCL puiU’ .Tba bug. pimbar or .toUuU has bcefi 1 fiV it éd to GTTtlìo pfiTpf tofth6 at tremendous speed, there colliding while coming up tlw river'afier passing and other pedestrians that are on our Congregational Church in New Tacoma with a caboose occupied by three men. Kalama on Saturday evening. She had streets daily need good walks, nnd they completely wrecked it and killing Ed. at a salary of $1000 per annum. to drop her anchor and repair the dam should be repaired before the weather A boy named Ruby Peterson, aged 9 Brothers. The others were not serious age, which delayed her arrival hero. gets worse. years, fell over the cliff at Telegraph ly injured.. O. F. Redlicb, proprietor of the Pine Bro. and Sister Wolverton, parents of Hill, San Francisco, Oct. 1. He fell street Coffee House, died Oct. 1st, Foreign. the H erald editor, returned from a nearly 200 feet. His skull was fractured at Good Samaritan hospital aged 47 visit to Spokane Falls last Saturday. It is expected in Dublin that Edwin and th.e body badly mangled. The boy years. Gray will be released from prison. , When you have a few minutes to is still alive, but deuth is hourly ex Early Monday morning a lively blaze Henry Edmond Knight, aiderman of spare, drop into the College and see the pected. was discovered in a wooden structure on work that is going on the: e. Everybody Helmric & Hansen, exchange brokers Wipple Gate ward, has been elected thetcorner of North First and E streets, is invited at all honrs. lord mayor of London. at San Francisco, are reported to have known as theCalifornia saloon building. India troops in Egypt will retnrn to There.are nearly one hundred etu- failed on Sept. 28 for $150,000. - The alarm was promptly given, before India immediately after review by Gen- Eastern. assistance had reached the scene of the dents in the College in the vocal music Wolseley. f>re the flames had made considerable classes. The classes are free to stu W. H. Wyckerhall, U. 8. minister at Small pox is spreading at Capetown. “■Headway, having caught in three neigh dents. Portions of Illinois were visited by an Copenhagen, has resigned. _ Letters remaining uncalled for at the : earthquake on the 27»h. boring frame buildings, all of which 20 deaths from cholera were reported post office at Monmouth Oct. 1, 1882 ; • The damage by the storm at Plainfield, from Manilla on the 28th. were soon consumed. All suspects in. custody .at Dublin "* A lively warfare in rates is now in J. W. Armstrong ; Bingham X Co.-;-1 N; J.7is enormous. have been rtleased in view of the expi- Jesse Beck ; Senar F. N. Campbell ; Congressman F. C. Beaman, of the ration of the term of the correction act. progress between Seattle and Belling M ss Maggie Campbell : M. W. Orton ; 4 first district of Michigan, died at Adrian ham Bay and all intermediate points. There have been riots in several Mart Scrafford ; John D. Wilson. on the 27th. towns in upper Egypt, owing to efforts The O. 11. & N. Co. have recently made W. W aterhouse , P. M. John H. Purke, almshouse contractor of officials to enforce demonstration of the rate of fare fifty cents between these of Philadelphia, has been arrested on a loyalty to the khedive. points and the rate of freight fifty cents Pacific ('oast. charge of conspiracy to defraud the Business Locals. per ton. Coal is $13 per ton in Walla Walla. city. The Failing Public School opened When in Portland, don’t forget the Wood is selling at $8 per cord in All exhibits to the Garfield Mémorial Pacific Boot and Shoe House. The Monday. Five teachers are employed, Pendleton. Fair at Washington must7be on hand leading Boot and Shoe dealers are and 176 children reported themselves. Hop picking has been finished in before November. Cardwell, Bennett & Co., 109 First St. There are quite a number more in the Puyallup valley. At Heathville, Va., a mill-dam was 12 23-6m district. A farm of 160 acres on Lackamas carried away by a flood on the 27th, and Jno. A. MacDonald, ot the Salem WorkSvill commence in a few days on lake, Clarke county, sold last week for Marble and Granite Works, Commer the water swept down upon the house of the dikes and other improvements at $1,100. cial Street, south of the post office, Mr. Bush, drowning his wife and live manufactures all kinds of monuments: the mouth of the Willamette. Stephen Hodgen, a resident of Thurs children. Italian marble a speciality. Prices re The lighthouse tender, Shubrick, is ton county for 31 years, died on the 26th The yellow fever is subsiding at duced one-half lying at Flanders’ Dock, where she will of September, aged about’76 years. Matamoras, Brownsville, Pensacola and N ew M usic .—Send stamp to Wiley B. remain for three weeks receiving a nec Not less than 500 barrels of lime will Point Isabel. * Allen, most popular music dealer, Port essary overhauling. be used in the construction of the Robt. Lincoln, Secretary of War, has land, Or., for complete catalogue and Mr. Z. J. Hatch has sold the new Yesier-Leary block at Seattle. been appointed administrator of his sample copy ** Musical Pastime.” All steamship Yaquina to the Pacific Coast Two little sons of Mr. and Mrs. mother’s estate, which is valued at $18,- orders by mail filled promptly. Steamship Company and made the for Nathaniel Hammond, of Meacham’s 000. The Household Sewing Machine took (he first preminm at the great Man mal transfer. The price paid was $35,- station, died of croup last week. 500 hands were thrown out of employ chester (England) Exposition for the 000. It is nnderstood that the steamer Mrs. Mary Cornutt, a former resident ment at Dundas, Sept. 25, by the burn best family Sewing Machine. John B. will be taken to San Francisco and run of Multbomsh county, but for 10 years ing of drying mills. Garrison, general agent, J67 3rd St., in the coasting trade. A shock of earthquake was felt at Portland, Oregon. past a resident of Douglas county died Visitors at the Pavillion continue in recently, aged 72 years. She was the Vincennes, Sept. 28, rattling windows F. E. Beach & Co., 103 First unabated numbers, and people from mother of 14 children, 10 of whom sur perceptibly. It lasted three minutes Street, Portland, carry a complete line every section of the State are seen vive her. of painter’s stock, window glass, ready and was more distinct further west. nightly in the halls and galleries. The Robert 8. Furgeson, journalist, died mixed paints, lubricating oils, brushes, The thresher run by Wallace Bishop, hotels of the city are crowded, and this in Jacksoi^ county, during the past sea Sept. 28. Hé was for a time an officer doors, glazed windows, etc. Catalogue and Price list furnished on application. years’ fair is already demonstrated to be son, threshed in 42 days 187,233 bushels in the 14th U. S. infantry, but resigned 12-21-3m the greatest success of any yet held. of wheat, 9528 of oats and 8513 of l»ar- his commission npon the loss of his wife and child in the burning of the officers’ ley. ’ ■ — Monmouth and Vicinity. A printer named George A. Hyde, quarters at u post in Wyoming, The College has received a lot of new committed suicide at Stockton on tiie Jacob Roosky, a fanner near Bay’s [Notices in this column, ten cents per line each insertion. ) stoves. Reform School at Lancaster, while 27 th. The prayer-meeting has been etarted About 500 cans of salmon have been plowing in a field, fell on his face in an again. It meets Wednesday evenings. put up this- season -at the cannery of epileptic fit, got his month full of earth ONE TWO SEATED, FOUR SPRING hack, nearly us good as new. Will-,- We learn that the misunderstanding Reed & Co. below Gardiner, and the and smothered to death. bo sold reasonable. Apply at this office. $12,000 worth of diamonds and valua about the warehouse business has been work still goes on at the rate of 150 cases ble jewelry were stolen at the exposition A DWELLING~HOUSE AND LOTS, per day. adjusted in a satisfactory manner and in Monmouth. Pleasant, retired Prof. George Van Belt, of Blooming- building, Cinainnati, Sept. 28. business will not be interupted. Mr. J. location. Price low. Apply in person Mrs. Wiley Wilson and Lizzie Kempe or by letter to the office of the H erald B. Stump made several trips to Portland ton, Ill., has been engaged as principal fought about their children nt Coving- for further information, , i of Blue Mountain University, to get the matter arranged. NEWS OF THE WEEK À 1 •- I 1 » # I f